Why is Trump sucking Paul Ryan's dick when he knows that Paul Ryan hates him? What does he gain by doing that?

Why is Trump sucking Paul Ryan's dick when he knows that Paul Ryan hates him? What does he gain by doing that?


I tried to archive the link, but the site just gives me a blank screen.

maybe ryan is a plant
but its more likely donald just doesnt know about him

Isn't ryan the speaker of the house or some shit?
It's probably not the worst idea to at least pretend to play nice a little bit with him, even if he is a fucking useless cuck weasel.

He said in one of his speeches Pence likes him

He's still the speaker.
The nomine does no attack the speaker of the fucking congress.
It's not worth it and can backfire.

Then wouldn't it be more safe to not mention Paul Ryan at all then? What is the point in bringing him up?

well maybe hes trying to make his opponents think hes a plant when he actually isn't

He's going to have to 'work' with him for a while if he keeps his seat. He's already given Nehlen a big nod on twitter.


It's sound strategy.

Trump needs to win this election first, he has 4 years to dismantle the GOP structure before his reelection.

Paul Manafort's strategy of pitting party leaders against each other to weaken them is working, but with a hiccup in the biased polls (which normies follow like scripture) is hurting his campaign.

It's probably wise to back off a little into a tactical retreat.

Besides, he may have made a pact to support Ryan in his time of need in exchange for him supporting Trump.

Have you ever watched a Trump rally before?
He also called Jeb Bush a "good guy". It's a common way to get the crowd to heckle the target without Trump himself overtly flinging shit.

Because it makes Paul look like a traitor who is stabbing their leader in the back. It will come back to bite him in the ass and destroy him.

You've gotta go back.


The God Emperor wants Paul Ryan dead, but shitting on him would hurt party unity so he's letting others do the heavy lifting.


As Ryan did to Trump, he will not outright refuse to endorse, but Ryan's late (((non)))endorsement helped Trump in no way. Why reciprocate?

Paul Ryan has done absolutely nothing but be a whiny bitch to Trump outside of his endorsement and during the convention. Trump owes him absolutely nothing and there is no reason why he should try to steer the elections within the party. He's got his own election to worry about and if Paul Ryan can't even win the primary with a party that's supposedly (((abandoning))) the nominee, that's his own fault.

I'm not going to cross my fingers, but this extra coverage on Ryan and his place in Trump's shadow is really doing a lot to lift Nehlen's chances. We might very well observe Paul Ryan, John McCain and other cuckservative paragons lose their relevance in american politics (it already happened to 'heavyweight' Ten Cruz).

I think Ryan is mad that Scott Walker is not the nominee. Think about it two Wisconsin politicians in the highest offices in the country and that "mean old Trump" had to ruin it. This is why Ryan hates Trump.

Ryan is a globalist cuck larping as some ultra intelligent mason.

FUCKING TRUMP WTF ARE YOU DOING? One fucking thing after another.

Uh, Hillary is un-fucking likeable, corrupt, and a worthless human bean. All he has to do is shut the fuck up and walk into the white house.


He's doing to Ryan the same thing he did to Cruz. He is giving Ryan enough rope to hang himself when he inevitably does by doing what Obama tells him to do and bash Trump. After the Ted Cruz thing, it amazes me that people don't realize what is going on or how damaging it is for a republican to stab Trump in the back after he has done them a favor.

Why are you bumping this non-story thread?

Megan Kelly didn't hang herself. She's doing just fine. There is a difference between a guy who is running and a guy who has already won. And Ryan has already been given cry baby Bayner's position (aka: won).

He's a fucking tick embedded into the system and it's deadly important that if we REALLY WANT A WALL, he has to be fucking axed

If Don Jr and Stephen Miller had a buttbaby it would look like Goebbels.

Maybe the fact he knows what he's doing and you don't is why he's going to be the first non-puppet president in 50 years and you're not.

Babies don't work like that you 3rd grader.

No shit, that's the joke.

Hes playing 88D chess who the hell knows what hes doing.