Why is it that the libs are behind every socially destructive move that we have ever experienced as human beings?

Why is it that the libs are behind every socially destructive move that we have ever experienced as human beings?

They are the ones who start everything, and then blame cons when it all turns to shit. If it weren't for libs, porn wouldn't be full of niggers, our economy wouldn't be full of welfare leeches draining the system, and our cities would not be anywhere near as violent and ugly.

Fuck these black bunnies, they stand for the death of America.

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it's the jews

stay mad wagecuck, and don't forget to file for your tax return!


WTF does that even mean?
Why would my own job status affect how I feel about our economy being siphoned off to support lazy niggers?


Laugh all you want…but OP is right.

without liberals you'd wear a suit and tie to school, have no access to porn or contraception, be censored on-line and be living in a one-way, hive mind society composed of reactionaries glued to an illusiory past they never knew.

conservative: tending towards conserving the status quo
liberal: tending towards liberating society from the past

That would be better than what we have now, where schools don't teach anyone shit because they have to cater to the dumbest nigger in the class.

It means you get to enjoy busting your ass at a horrible 9-5 whilst I get to laze around like a nigger all day on my NEETbux

That's cute, did you get that from reddit?
Try again with a little more reality next time.

Conservatives are trying to conserve the rights established in the Constitution for the people the Constitution established them for.
Libs want to give those rights to the entire world.

diversity is our strength!

I don't have a horrible 9-5.
I don't have a 9-5 at all.
Typical assuming lib mindset…

Why have conservatives stood on the wrong side of every expansion of human rights ever?

1788, was it? 250 yrs ago, ffs. an ambiguous cattle contract written by toothless syphlitics who carried a sabre into battle. and you lay it down as a model. this is why the us is on the wane. look forward, you fool, it's always possible to make shit better than in the past.

So you're saying conservatism as a concept didn't exist prior to the Constitution of the United States of America?

You're a dumbass. The guy you're replying to gave a much better definition.


Uh, faggot, we've survived this long BECAUSE we're true to our past. Changing the formula too much could be fatal.

You're posting here so I assume you're in a first world country. What right don't you have? Where do you require expansion?

without blacks destroying the world i could fuck little white girls


Improve your reading comprehension. I never said anything about wanting more rights. I asked why conservatives have consistently opposed expansions of rights.

Yeah, but what rights? Name some.

poll taxes, literacy tests, birth control, women's suffrage, military conscription, public education, all kinds of worker's rights like the 40 hour work week, the right to a safe workplace where you won't be maimed or poisoned, and the right to organized labor, the freedom of, and from, religion.

Is this the Holla Forums containment thread?

Conservatives are just as bad as liberals, they are just bad in a different sort of way. Take the redpill.

Moore's Law, dumbass. Your statement is logically invalid. And as it happens, it doesn't even apply.

u got it half right user.

It's the jews.

The libs are funded by the jews and receive support from them.

But the root of it all always comes back to.. the jews.

The final solution is the only solution.

Because the rights we have were established for a specific subset of humanity. Apart from life, liberty, and the pursuit of (not attainment) happiness (all of which are available outside the borders of the US), every single right we have is restricted by design and has been established in the Constitution as such. If you start chippin away at one part of it saying "Well, this really doesn't apply", or "We can make an exception here", then the entire document loses its power and credibility, and the social structure crumbles…exactly what is happening right now, and exactly why it got so much worse under Obama.

Those aren't rights. Those are privileges. The exception is religious freedom, which you completely mischaracterize. What we are free from in that regard is the government institutionalizing a specific religion as official. The right the Constitution grants the people, by which it means *citizens of the USA only*, is the "free expression" of whatever religion the individual chooses to adopt. THAT is a right.


Jews ARE niggers.

i feel you
