The problems with society today

What do you think are some of the problems with society today? One of the problems, in my mind, is that the glorification of youth is pushed to the extreme. No longer is it a goal to become a man, instead now we've got guys aged 30+ still acting and dressing like children. What do you think?

i think its none of your business how i dress/behave.

That the increase of specialization will lead to the downfall of mankind.

the fact I can't go somewhere, and take gene therapy to myself a 13th tall, 13in dicked, Olympian with an IQ of 400+
that is what is a problem with society today

I think that until society and laws change to stop fucking over married men, more and more men will choose not to sign the contract that is marriage.


These People Taught Me HOW to Dress and Behave like a Man, and ALL the Attitude and Confidence to Go With it…
I'm Mexican btw so that White Supremacist shit Doesn't Apply to Me…

i think the real problem is over-population. we should kill anyone by the following formula
if age(p) > x*weight(p) then kill p
we should start with x = 2.5

Weakening of Christianity with the rise of atheism

oh no, its wrong. i mean
if x*weight(p) > age(p) then kill p

we should start with x = 2.5

I don't know how you fucked up a basic equation twice, but you should consider suicide.


ok i fucked it up twice.
if weight(p) > age(p)*x then kill p

also people who aren't into math

the only problem is that people can't mind their own fucking business, but instead go whining for the government to intervene in everything

Overpopulation in cities, Inflation of the dollar rising faster than the benefits of the standard living wage, Starving Hindus surrounded by cows, Obesity in first world countries, Muslim Jihad by way of integrating into non-Muslim communities and out-breeding the natives until they control the majority rule, Religious consultants to prime ministers and presidents, recent influx of children living with their grandparents due to financial hardship on both generation X and the millenials from the economy-raping that the baby boomers have done, etc.

I think there have always been people who have clung onto their "glory days". How many 50+ year old alcoholics are there in the world who still wear their hair long, jam out to some pink floyd, air-guitar stumble through the house and break their coffee table? I just think it's more apparent now due to global communication.

I think it's all a question of technology and progress. We make things better to make things easier, and the easier we make things the weaker we become; on one hand, the amish have the right idea or staying simple and staying sturdy, but, of course, on the other hand, the amish aren't moving forward. There is, of course, the advances we had during WW2 when we had a sincerely threatening war hanging over our heads to give us pressure to be overall tougher and better people as well as focusing on technology advancement to give us a cutting edge in warfare. Clearly, the only possible solution to keep advancing while also struggling as a civilization is to improve space travel and get into a space war of some sort.

This. If people didn't cry to daddy gubmint then we wouldn't have the ridiculous number of snowflakes running around everywhere making life miserable for everyone else because they know nobody can touch them without the full force of the law shitting down their throats.

Hedonism, lack of caring.
The problem is obvious, people don't want to work for their government or the benefit of their people anymore. They want to work because its a necessity. This causes socio-economic stagnation.

Both right-wingers and leftist have their own solutions to the problem. Leftists think they need to completely reform the socio-political order to create a stateless system where workers own the rights to their product. Right-wingers believe the answer lies in Nationalism. By promoting a nation of a like-minded race, religion, or creed, people would be more likely to have faith in their leaders and actually give a fuck. It works for East Asian countries and its not completely batshit insane and unrealistic like the lefty solution.


The major problem of society today is people depending too much on phones and tech like their lifes depended on it.

What are you a fucking commie?

The problem is that a lot people are left in a permanent stage of adolescence, they're never forced to grow up because through social media, or goverment programms like or mentioned, or just the general illusion that modern media and marketing creates, someone will always give into their childish victim mindset. Without adults the fabric of society crumbels because these 30 year old teenager minds can't keep a family together, have zero political competence and economical forsight which leads to debt ridden housholds, the corruption of the public life, decay and decadenze in the private life and finally to another generation of dysfunctional adults. Probably all begann with the boomers, but literally most people who are now in their late30s and above are fucking incompetent human beings, it's laughable. We'll just slide further down the road until there's a generation fucked up enough to bring the whole thing tumbeling down. And don't kid yourself, each new generation seems to become more violent, more and more kids are raised with serious anger issues, the situation is ought to fire off some day


Because all those autists who were supposed to blow shit up, kill politicans, bankers and marketing fucks are now stuck at imageboard echochambers 24/7.