Why do Amerigay spoil their dogs but will neglect their own children? (If they have any at all)

Post a picture of a dead dog and they'll start crying and threatening you. Post a picture of a dead kid and they'll cheer enthusiastically for more. What kind of nation is that? Sharing their beds with dogs and tongue kissing them, smdh fam

maybe you should watch less tv and go out and play a little with your friends, kiddo

Dogfucker detected

do you wanna talk about your problems?


does that mean you don't wanna talk about your problems? i think you should deal with all that anger. maybe talking about it helps.

Your the one butthurt over some user correctly asserting that americans are suffering from latent collective beastiality/sodomy. So maybe you'd like to talk about your problems?

Only subhumans dislike dogs.

im fine, thanks. and i'm not butthurt at all, but op is projecting all his anger towards americans. i think he has a massive problem.

Sure, try to rationalize it away like a woman.


i do that, thanks.

so, op, what did america do to you? are you some sort of mexican?

Just your average Euro shaking my damn head at childless, lgbt-celebrating dogfuckers tbh

and what exactly has that to do with america?

It's how we see you

And how you present yourself to the world.

So are they neglecting their children by not having them? And if I may, I'm pretty sure europe is where all of this faggotry originated, or is Berlin not the gay capital of the world anymore?

maybe its time for some glasses then. maybe you should watch less movies or wait until you understand that not everything that happens in movies must be real.


It's the essence of america.

says who?

They are neglecting their children by treating them like inanimate objects while showering their dogs with affection and going to bed with them.

Try harder faggot, if it wasn't for US media and SJW culture we wouldn't even know about binary/cis-gender bs.

Why do you care?

Doesn't matter. Whoever says it doesn't change the facts.

'they' as in all americans or as in most americans? have you ever been to america and observed that behaviour or are we talking about something you saw in a movie?

Why not?

Yeah, sure.

oh, then it must be true.

Yeah, sure what?

At reading.
There were some key words you missed there like STARTED, and CHILDLESS
Nice try though, it wass probably those super elite socialist euro schools that gave you such a wonderful education.

Not the guy you're replying to but I've been to america multiple times have known and interacted with americans enough to confirm that movies don't even even begin to cover how fucked up americans really are.

The US created furries and is currently #1 furfag central. You think that's just a coincidence? Fucking animals is in their blood.

wut? koeln is the german gay capital. how can berlin be the gay capital of the world then.

I've been there and you guys live up to every clichee that exists about you.

Backed by the eternal anglo and his jewish overlords

i'm not even american and couldn't care less about dogs. i just hate ops oversimplifications. op is an idiot as usual.

Cry moar you whiny faggot

i'll do that, thanks

Dogs eat their shit and sniff their anuses as way to say hello. Shit plays a central role in canine behavior. It's not that hard to dislike.

It's not about hating dogs, it's the putting them above human status that's doing my fucking head in. How can you tongue kiss a dog or sleep in the same bed with thim and not think of that as creepy for one minute. That's pure American culture.


it must be true, op saw it in a movie.