Bad goy @ Russia Insider - "Alt-Right Is Antidote to Neocon Warmongering Against Russia"

"[…] I am referring of course, to the Neo-Conservatives.

Their school of thought came to the limelight during the run up to the Iraq war, and the Bush administration, but really the Neo-Cons have been an influential tribal voice in American politics for quite some time now, working through lobbies, think- tanks and talking heads on Television.
Exhibit A

The name (((Neo-Con))) suggest an affinity with conservatism, but that is a misnomer at best. Few know that the Neo-Cons are in fact, predominantly ex-Soviets, who fled after Stalin came to power and came to the United States. This school of thought was in fact founded by former Trotskyites, purged by Stalin who managed to quickly incorporate themselves into American political life."

Bowden, Radix and Occidental Dissent quotes in there as well.

Looks like a based Holla Forumsack is writing for the Ruskis.

Other urls found in this thread: nazi parade 2013


another shitpost with jewtin and russia.
most russian are christians and muslims.

i will not forget

anglin get out, eesti is besti and will crush vodkaniggers with the help of suomi

who the fuck would go to fight against russia?

Why do people keep pretending the Dickster matters?




Nice article OP but you should archive the link.

Butthurt belt baltniggers disrupting the thread again. Shame Stalin didn't eliminate all of them.

kill yourself anglin

Do you guys remember when the Russians were shilling for libertarians? Then the BLM? I do.

I'm so tired of the neo soviet vodka niggers it's a shame Hitler didn't exterminate you

when did this meme that you have to archive everything start.

It's stupid, we should be fucking hyping shit like this.

bump because of all the shills spamming about jewtin.

they know that we got their back.

I would fight for russia any day of the week

Some day the baltics are going to annex russia and reclaim rightful clay

thatnks for the cuckservitude israel lover

Kill yourself, mouthbreather.

yup, you're a shill

nah i'd rather it be balkanized between the finns, us balts, the mongols, Kazakhstan and Georgia

Babies first shill post.

I swear even cuckpol doesnt have this many shills whenever the topic of Russia or Putin comes up.

What are the mods doing?

Everyone that unironically posts Jewtin ought to be permabanned on the spot and then ovened for good measure for being a kike shill.

is divide and conquer.

no one believes that dumb "nadzis were trying to conquer the world" bullshit unless low info leftists.

it's all anglin, he's the one who's doing it


fuck you faggot. I meant that anyone that pushes the meme that Putin is a jew should be ovened.

Like you.

What happens if I think Vladmir Putin is a gangster and a nasty son of a bitch but I simply have no desire for the west to do anything about Putin other than wait out the clock.

You can dislike Putin, and I do, but my dislike for Putin is not even a distant second place to my not wanting the west to do anything to try to oust him that'll quite likely result in a nuclear exchange of some sort.

*is relevant


putin is kosher, face it shlomo

Nice argument you got there, shill.


If Putin isn't a White Nationalist, then why does he:
* Support and fund NatSoc/WN groups across Europe?
* Ban anti-White NGOs?
* Remove kebab?
* Jail or kick out (((oligarchs))) and (((journalists)))?
* Support Middle Eastern countries that fight (((Israel)))?
* Allow citizens to own and carry guns, unlike any other country in Europe?
* Fight faggotry, alcoholism, smoking, drug abuse, atheism, feminism and other forms of degeneracy?
* Promote traditional gender roles, non-pozzed Christianity and healthy White families?
* Give free land and housing to Whites seeking to escape the pozzed hellhole that is the (((EU)))?
* Wish to re-unite illegitimate Eastern European "nations" with Russia, their rightful ruler and create a pan-European WN superstate?
* Frequently call out (((a certain tribe))) and speak the truth about them?



cue pic of Putin at the wailing wall.

S-s-see I told you Putin was working with the kikes!

Never mind that ZOG is pushing for war with Russia in the (((media))) 24/7…


You shills use the most transparent tactics.

if putin is pro-white, then why is holohoax denial illegal in Russia?

picture has a jew in the background

are you retarded

Literally took me 5 seconds.


Russian Times is a government funded news organization.

They have MANY journos and YT channels dedicated to outing the neocohen control of the US.

putin is ZOG east, he's just as kosher as NATO

That's just a strategic chess move, much like all those pictures of Putin standing next to echobergs and donning a yarmulke.
Not that I'd expect a retarded do-it-for-free like you to understand Realpolitik.

its not government funded.

And if those channels exist, pls link them.


Also, I don't really think Vladmir Putin cares a whit whether a westerner like myself likes or dislikes him just so long as I take whatever he says dead seriously, and I do, which is far more than I can say about most western leaders these days.

yeah sure thing ivan

holy shit this anti-white shill is on overdrive

Why do you think he is a gangster?

say Vatnik next, you fucking hebe

You fucking moron






tell me, if putin and the Russian government is so pro-white then why do they still use communist imagery instead of czar era imagery? hmmm?

not an argument

remember that parade on 2013?

I remember. I still have the pics.

He uses his position for personal gain and can pretty much silence his opponents with impunity.

Putin's a nasty piece of work but not nearly nasty enough to go to World War III over.

I'd say that's a fair position, desiring non-intervention to avoid a catastrophic event doesn't mean you have to approve of the parties involved.

My key interest in a warmer relationship between U.S and Russia is exactly that, minimizing the risk of all-out nuclear war.

I wasn't on Holla Forums then, can you elaborate please?

they use both. Both are considered vast russian empires. Under Stalin the kikes were cleaned out and the USSR russified. See Trotsky with an icepick in his brain in Mexico.

What parade?

He doesn't silence his opponents with impunity. I lived in Russia for 2 years. The liberast media shills against him all the time.

The Russian flag is the white army flag, there was talk of bringing back the czar as well.

People remember the Soviet Union both for its bad aspects and good ones. But you're right, they should go all the way and level Communism as it leveled the legacy of the Russia that preceded it.

Ryan Dawson is one I ran across just this morning.

He's with Anti-NeoCon Report, which appears to be affiliated with RT.

The kikes don't seem to like him much.

only problem is that one of the lines married a Jew and is now literally Jewish. Its the woman, forget her name.

She's also shilling the most for restoring her side of the clan to power.

Nationalism and fascism are illegal in russia.

Jewtin has been pushing for international holohoax laws.

meant for

back on 2013 there was some polack who went on the parade, took some pics, shared anothers and made an 5 star thread.

I never seen that kind of shit outside of russia, not on that scale.

There were, monarchist groups, anti slam groups, NAZI groups. the police volunteered to make the security and there was no trouble whatsoever.

bullshit, Russia has a massive far-right.

Putin bans the obvious CIA backed ones that destabilize the country.

can confirm about the far right scene. Post more pics pls.

Neither was it intended to be. It was an observation.

Jawohl, bro. it was a good thread.

who are these guys? they fly imperial colors


cossacks, paratroopers those guys I get.

But are they monarchists or something?

Every single link reports the Kremlin funds RT except the Moscow Times, which claims the Kremlin cut off funding in Oct. 2015.

All the links claiming current Kremlin funding are run by kikes, one way or the other, so there's that.

exactly that, they are monarchists.

Except I never said anything about RT. Was talking about Russia Insider, what OP made this thread about.

Yes, Russia Segoniy gets funding.

But its american branch is seperate.

do they want to put a Romanov back on the throne?


Are you Russian user? Can you confirm this?

I've lived in Russia,

But the CIA has backed far-right nationalist groups in multi-ethnic empires as a destabilizing force.

Like the Croats in Yugoslavia, so they'd fuck up the country and turn it into irrelevant little states constantly at each others throats.

Or in Ukraine, where they funded the "nazis" of the azov and praviy sector to launch a coup and put a kike in power.

I did. You responded to my post:

Keep up.

was referring to RI not RT, you keep up.

He supports those groups in europe to destabilize the EU and bans those groups in Russia because he likes the way black dick tastes

ok good times. I'll stop the dump now.

hell if I know bro, I just like the russians. a lot.

Surely there is a proper line to the throne.

Russian women are beautiful.

if you've got more, dont stop

That doesn't change the fact the KGB agent is not a nationalist CIA wouldn't be funding nationalist groups in opposition to putin if he was not in opposition to nationalism

The mods are either incompetent or complicit, however you wish to see it.
Shitposter uprising soon, fellow user.


I don't think you know any russians or been to russia

so sick of the putin shills, there was even a thread yesterday with anglin I presume shitting on Estonians for honoring their fallen SS soldiers, absolutely disgusting

Putin has less Jewish ties than Trump.

get new pics next time

The last Russian "nationalist" was Boris Yeltsin who destroyed the USSR because he wanted to make "Russia for Russians"

Russia is an empire. If they went WN they would lose all those oil and gas rich territories. Thats why Putin clamps down on them.

The anti-White slur "Vatnik" (intended to belittle the brave men who wish to make Europe White again) should be wordfiltered to something else.


Yeah this thread is definitely not getting shilled

Fuck off CTR

You're the shill here.

All the Balts are part of the butthurt belt.

This butthurt is encouraged and used to stoke anti-Russian sentiment and turn them into America's street-walkers.

Nationalism can be used to further the interests of the jews as well.

No more brother's wars. No more white d &c

I loaded up the catalog, went to finish making a sandwich for maybe half a minute, and this thread had 17 replies. I come back, load up the thread, and shortly after loading it was at like 50.

I can smell the fucking vodka from here, they must not be paying you much ivan

and just like that….silence.

That's what happened to my country and imagined was something similar in Russia.

well nothing as good.
like this guys horsing around and these qt chicks with the colors of russia

The text that I wrote above is an example of white D&C.
Now the new type of D&C is the jewish tactic of making users on this board believe that there's no D&C occuring.
Another tactic of D&C is to exhibit an impression of intellectualism on the posters, such as writing an overtly verbose response, then belittling the intelligence of the opposition by claiming that they are threatened by excessive use of vocabulary.

At what point did the rest of you realize putin had these people put in jail

don't east Russians look Asian though?

where you from, bro?


Southwest Americans look Mexican.

Then stop invading other people's countries

Exactly this.

Glad to see the Imperialists out in force. Need more of those the Russian Empire needs a Tsar.

Putin hasn't saved russia he has sacrificed it's long term future for short term survival. Russians as an ethnic group are dying out and musliums are exploding under his watch. Russia is to weak to be an empire and suppress it's minorities so putin is allowing Russia's minorities to destroy Russia you checnen cocksucker

Italy.This happened with the MSI,or "Movimento Sociale Italiano". It was a neo-fascist movement, but behind them there was the CIA.It was that period in Italy where there were terrorist attacks everywhere, then blamed on fascists.The all Operation Gladio. the scandal with the Vatican Bank,P2 masons,etc.

God fucking dammit i hate summer.

We must have war on all muslims…everywhere.

If we do not rid our lands of them…WE WILL DIE.

This is simple existentialism.

They will behead our children if they do not convert…and possibly even if they do convert.

I will not live under them.





It's not summer it's Andrew Anglin and his autistic daily stomer fanbase

Those are central asians you fucking idiot

RIDF too

you need to live less inside your head and more on the real world, you anti white JIDF

Dicky Spencer shills also are in this thread see


anti-russian is a codeword for anti-white

Where in the article does it say that, Schlomo? Or is it just because you say so?

What are you referring to genius? Some article?

anti-russian is a codeword for anti-Communist

Alex Jones=Alt-Right

Kill yourself.

neo Holla Forums everybody

years of lead

Curious how all the anti-putin shills arrive a the same time?

It does and you know it.

got your paycheck from the ivans, anglin?

The amount of stupid in this post is impossible to even begin unpacking.

hang in there, empire bro. WN's are so short-sighted..

We need a bingo score card for russia threads.

Says the fag that pops up in every thread that even slightly mentions russia to shill the same old narrative.

it amazes me that you retards think that Russia is like a fucking 100% white nationalist superstate, I doubt you've ever even been to russia at all or have anything beyond a middle school knowledge of the country

The US and EU are multi ethnic empires why do you have a problem with them?

US and EU are being force diversified.

Russia always had those "minorities" and always knew how to deal with them. Harshly. I don't worry about the Russians.

Russia's far east and far south are like colonies. You wouldn't be suprised if french africa were black would you?

nigger you base that batshit talk on what? their media is the last manly media, and their genepool is the cleanest one.

they are also the whitest country on BRICS so the only hope for a future for white children.

what are YOU basing your post on?


aren't the anglosphere just a single jewish empire?

Then shut your cunt mouth Alt-Kike

Exactly.What a fucking mess that was.

Russia is being force diversified none of the ethnic russians want the muzzies

Pick one

These threads always go the same with "muh Putin is a jew, but Trump's jewish connections are fine"
Then an ironic shitposter does the "Russia is a white nationalist nation" that everyone bites for
Usually followed by Poles and Balts who are willing to cut off their own nose simply to spite Russia

I am out of shape, I didn't see this many shills on 8/pol/ for a good while.

but this particular thread is being JIDF'd through the roof. "Putin is one of us goyim, pls engage war with him". fucking hell.



still is literally the best we have.

says a lot about our current world doesn't?

expect a second winter war, ivan

Russia supports le pen.

The mosque is related to Chechnia and the fact that Putin roasted about a million muslim roaches over there. Had to make a gesture. Don't agree with it though. Still, there was massive patriotic resistance to it.

Kill yourself, chink

I cant wait to kill you fucking russian subhumans with my finnish brothers you communist cocksucker

interacting wth jews =/= anti white

seriously these tactics are wearing thin

lurk moar

changing the goal posts now are we?

Kek, pretty much.

You must be a kike. Nobody can be this retarded as to actually want to get nuked by Russia.

May your mother be raped by immigrants while you shitpost against white people schlomo.


fucking Russian shills

You know those Dugin quotes are from the early 2000s right?

I was a liberal until 2008.

Nah, you're a kike because you are advocating for a war in which your people would be completely anihilated, wiped from the face of the earth within minutes. Only the mentally challanged and the Jew could possibly want such a thing.

i want to kill russkies with finns, is that anti-white?

so you are an anarchist? why don't you drive that jewish energy towards EU or the anglosphere or china?

make shalom with russia you hook nosed subhuman vermin. leave us goyim in peace and go fight for israel.

is killing white people anti-white? asks the FINN

i'm Estonian ivan

you're a butthurt faggot, thats what you are.

the guy in that pick fled Russia because they put a warrant out for his arrest

you're a vodka nigger is what you are

Russians are not white they are a multiethnic super state

Do it yourself after all you are a useless NEET with nothing to lose

and you're retarded for thinking that every European can be "white brothers", protip: it can't happen

24 posts of butthurt from you and you're still going strong.

tell me anglin, why don't you go ask for a Serbian and a Croatian to be friends? or how about a Romanian and a Hungarian to be friends? or how about a finn and a swede to be friends? there is no such thing as "white unity" that you fuckers go on and on about, Europeans hate each other, there is no "unity"

Georgia, apparently.

No because russians aren't white.

Their half breed eurasians. nazi parade 2013

You know the Finns lost the winter war right?

The yellow bastards did more than the poles did.

So the jew finally shows his face.

Get off my Holla Forums

[citation needed]

He's not wrong.

Krauts and bongs hate each other more than they hate niggers

No surprise here, amirite?

read my comment again ivan, do you think that us balts want to team up with Russians after what they did to us with the (((USSR)))? hell, the folks over at deutsch/pol/ shit on poles and brits all the time, are they anti-white?

continue to gobble on that putin cock anglin

I rather get into an war with Israel. how do you feel about that idea?

Don't respond to communists.

They don't follow logic, they simply shill and collect their kremlin pay check.

more communist drivel, have fun trying to team up poles and germans ivan, it'll totally happen

Oh, you are so obvious that is just an source of entertainment by now

So even without the jewish influence infesting European countries, they would all be fighting tooth and nail either way?


go look at europe throughout history and ask yourself that


what? is that not what you retards say? you think that a swede is equal to a greek?

I have a question for you, it'll sound like a loaded question, because it might as well be one.

Would you rather have another white country occupying the white country you live in and are a proud nationalist of?, Or have jewish controlled Arab hordes occupy your country?

the former if they're not subhuman russians

Everyone who doesn't support Putin/Russia is either:
* A bored shitposter who does it for free
* A self-hating white cuck who gets a kick out of slandering the only WN state on the planet
* A commie jew fuck
* A jew-loving neocon shabbos goy
* A jew-funded D&C shill
* A jew-controlled "nationalist" from a fictional European state sitting on rightful Russian territory
* A loathsome homosexual poz pig butthurt over Russia's anti-degeneracy laws
* Some ungodly amalgamation of two or more of the above


need I remind you that hitler thought that the Russians were subhumans?

So I'll go deeper with another loaded question.
Would you rather have Arabs occupy your country such was what is currently happening in France and Germany?, Or have Russians occupy your country? Also is your Anti-Russian sentiment in regards to a USSR occupation of your Country?

I would rather have neither, now fuck off ivan

Can you answer my loaded question?

deutsch/pol/ calls Russians, poles, brits, etc. subhumans, does that make them anti-white?

any sauce?

go into deutsch/pol/ right now in the catalog

Gregory Hood writes for Radix. I think he is literally the only reason anyone reads Radix.

As an Englishman I'd favour Russians in an "Either this or that" situation as you dictated.

Ideally I'd want my country to be ruled as it has been for the past 1000 years.

Jason Mewes?

Can you answer my question first?

Arabs or Russians?

Finns and nordics

Arabs or Russians?

Just answer the question.

Only weak pussycucks hate imperialism, because they know they couldn't stand up against a greater power

Both are subhuman scum, I don't like either

Fucking kill yourself, my man

Iberian here. I would prefer modern Russians.

I can tell you from my country's experience, Arabs and Muslims are shit.

Arabs or Russians?

It's a simple question.

non-jewtin czar era russia

I guess I'll go more specific with my loaded question.

The Arabs that are currently occupying many European countries and committing terrorist attacks or The modern day Russian Federation?

I don't want to be ruled by putin and his faggot ogliarches or sandniggers, I would rather be under czar Nicholas had the USSR never come into existence

I am not talking about the czar era Russians.

I want an answer from you regarding a choice of Arabs that are currently invading many European countries or the Russian Federation.
Please stop pussyfooting and just answer the question.

russkies, I guess


I still don't like putin though

we should ban all these pro-putin shills who say building mosques, outlawing holocaust denial and arresting skinheads is pro white

nu-Holla Forums sure is cucked

That was epic.

learn reading comp you faggot.

I will never understand how russian shills made their way here, didn't putin ban memes and Holla Forums over there in squatland?

..maybe its because of all the pedo porn on 8ch?

wew lad

(44) still shilling aren't we?

apparently hating a jewish puppet makes me a shill

Hitler had a personal grudge. A lot of our veterans had/have grudges against the Japanese, Koreans and Vietnamese.

More people need to stand up to the NeoCohens

I remember when Holla Forums used to actually make agitprop of stuff like this.

Instead of just devolving into threads about is X white.



holy kikes, batman. even doing an picture dump I couldn't reach this number of posts, you get your shekels per post schlomo??


yes we all know you love to gag on putin's cock anglin, you just love that eurasian mongrel meat don't you


You dumb goy don't understand; Russia is just another one of our slaves! That's why they are happy with Trump and optimistic about you guys taking over!


Russia has more terrorist attacks then europe you dipshit, it's has more musliums then the rest of europe. I would take europe.

Without overreproduction and targeted extinction of that other ethnicity, this isn't something that happens, nigger. Just because the kikes don't do it doesn't mean you can't have multiple ethnicities continuously exist in the same nation.


Fuck yeah