What happens after you die?

what happens after you die?

you go to trap heaven

You finally get some peace and quiet.

You spend a brief time in limbo where they remove your memory and recycle your soul. Then you are born again so they can continue to harvest your emotions. Each time this happens your soul gets a little weaker. At one point you become just a joyless indifferent NPC like human. When your soul energy is used up and they can't recycle you anymore you are discarded. What little is left of your soul will continue to slumber in a nightmare state for all eternity.

you go to loli heaven

wtf I want to die now

big if true

Life, like, goes on, dude.

You ever consider the harmonizing notes between melodies in a musical piece that YOU create, like when you play along to a song and play the wrong notes but you still hear some kind of new and improvised tune, right on the spot? And think that maybe along the never-ending, universal reference of time, that you live among a harmonized frame of bliss that is the afterlife, like your soul becomes the improvised notes to every song that ever was, ever will be, and will never be.

the body dies, the soul lives on

not sure how it lives on yet, ill let you know when i get there

I hope you go to wherever you want, like some of those CYOA things you see on here sometimes, then forget about, then do it all over again


You know when you go to sleep and don't dream? It's like that but forever.


Out of, simple, curiosity. How exactly do you go about finding yourself a perfectly, full-shaven cute trap like this?

Fuck off fag

And where do you think you're going, fag?

Coooome oooooooooooooooooon. Don't get me wrong, I'd fucking love some nice pussy, but I don't really care for a bit of cum and cute cocks. A mature but cute cock, gotta know what they're in for and what they're doing of course. Gotta be able to chill with me. Hard to explain, but yeah.

1. Nobody fucking knows.
2. Somebody fucking knows.

Well, let's hope you are extra comfy with mystery or you're going to go insane from anxiety. (It's all right to chill.) You better get used to bullshitters telling you they know anyways though.

Unless that somebody is you, you may as well treat it as 1. because if somebody was able to prove what happens after death and they wanted to share that proof, don't you think they would have told people about it already?

There is also a chance scientific experimenting might shed some light on what happens, but where do you start looking while avoiding the bullshitters? I didn't mean to say it is hopeless to try to figure it out, but don't fret in the meantime I guess unless you just want to.

You stay dead and cannot do shit.

Reality scares people. That's why they prefer to believe in these completely baseless, ludicrous claims like

and others like them.

The fact of the matter is; The neurons in your brain stop interacting, which causes your entire self, your consciousness, personality, memories and whatnot to simply vanish. You can like it, you can dislike it, but that won't change a thing.

always found it odd that people like you take a kind of pleasure in telling people about something that ultimately doesn't matter


I'm doing people a favor. I want you to live life to the fullest, not waste it hoping for a better life after death

If I can just get a single person to look in the mirror, consider the reality of life, in a rational and critical way, I'll be happy.

How's that fedora feel, matey?

Truth bro

Why don't you start with yourself first? :^)

I already have except for the being happy part. But go ahead, explain yourself.

Sure, buddy.

neuroscience may not know it all but it is not useless

Neuroscience doesn't disprove the afterlife, friendo. There's absolutely nothing that proves your mind can't be backed up in your soul or some shit and transferred to a new plane of existence. Unless you've actually been dead, you can't prove shit. All you did is imply out your ass. :^)

happiness is a byproduct of accomplishment. If someone feels a sense of accomplishment by living in accordance to what they think will get them rewarded after death, then you're depriving them of happiness by trying to convince them otherwise. Honestly, as long as they aren't being taken advantage of, they aren't zealots, and they aren't trying inject their fantasy into something that has the potential to provide a tangible benefit, then there isn't any reason to try to deprive them of their fantasy.
the nihilistic mindset isn't for everyone

Logical deductions are not implications. Rhetorically, the atheist standpoint always wins.

Put your -magical- explanation (whichever it may be), against the one I presented, (the one which wasn't pulled out of my ass)

the one which is widely acknowledged by many great intellectuals much smarter than you, me, and the entire board indeed, it is clear which one is more feasible.

That's actually a good point, and you're right. Ignorance is bliss, and I suppose I forgot about that. I'll tone it down from now on.

Also, good luck trying to prove a negative.

Seconding this answer

One plus about religion is way to meet new people and do stuff together.
I don't believe in anything myself, but the gaping void doesn't offer much if unless you start a lame ass club about it.

world keeps rolling without me

I forgot "one plus" isn't a phrase in english, so think of it as "a benefit"

we understood it

Yeah I've heard about people joining church just for the community. I admit it has something reaffirming and calming about socialising with your community every sunday.


Usually there's an autopsy then a funeral

you get greeted by this

Your information travels to another plane of existence temporarily then returns to this one and is reborn as someone or something vaguely related to your past life.

you rot


What makes you think that?

you go back to the way you existed before you were born

You get to fug Laura B.

You cease to exist, like going into a dreamless sleep never to wake again.

On the plus side, right before you die DMT spikes in your brain so you probably get to trip the fuck out for your last few seconds. Pic related.

if you're reading this board the only correct answer is hell.

Hell doesn't exist, you gullible retard.

It's actually less than a second if I'm not mistaken


Holy shit, is that her? How old is she now?


when you die and satan is cauterizing your asshole with a hot poker, don't tell me i did not warn you. repent now, faggot.

Satin doesn't exist, you gullible retard.

she's 17 now I think



This is libel.

Fuck me, look at that ass

She even has a boyfriend you know?


anal rape


i'd imagine you will all be incredibly, incredibly sad. there will be mass suicides and earth won't be the same without me.

I'm sad already just thinking about you dying brah. Don't leave us homie.

i won't if you won't.



only not yours

lol, disproved

data and processes can no longer be accessed and function ceases

you're dead

fucking pleb

What if life is actually infinite, and you have lived many, many times before your current life?
I don't think it could be by some random coincidence that you exist in a universe that exists where time is infinite.
You aren't self-existent. Something created what animates you currently.

What makes you think you would be special and inteligent enough to have uncovered the mystery of life?

We don't die. Dataminers keep us alive forever.

What makes you suck so many cocks?


pure autism

lord have mercy upon us all