Marvel NOW is flopping before it has even started!

Between the horrendous handling of Civil War II by Bendis (as well as its numerous tie-ins) and the fumbling of Marvel's new flagship title, Champions, by veteran writer Mark Waid, it looks like the company's relaunch is sinking before it has even set sail, with many comic book stores reporting low enthusiasm for upcoming Marvel titles.

It would appear that the clear winner of 2016 is DC Comics thanks to their efforts to restore what fans loved about their universe with Rebirth

How can Marvel even compete?

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Disney was a mistake

Bendis was a mistake

Fuck me, even a small press hobbyist would call that a flop.


Who wants to bet after Ike steps down, the publishing arm will be sold off, and the rest of Marvel will be moved to relevant parts of Disney? It happened to Marvel Studios.

Smart phones were a mistake

Can you even pin any of this on Disney? I don't think they give a shit about the comics, it's a legacy business to occasionally steal ideas from. Disney's never bothered much with the PC crowd, since they know damn we'll they'll never shake the 'Disney Princess' reputation no matter what and it sells gangbusters anyway.


It's not even Disney, they don't give a fuck about the comics, that's all Marvel. This is what they get for all the constant agenda pushing, tearing out everything the fans, the lifeblood of these things, gave a shit about and scaring away anybody new in the process.

Justice is being served, finally, either Marvel's comicbooks fold, or they make a change.

I'm just stunned it had to get this bad. I mean it's literal 24/7 with the social justice rallying, in literally every book, with every new character. It's astonishing.

Have you considered that, in fact, you may have a disorder which causes you to see patterns where none exist?

I'll admit that I made a slight exaggeration, but there's no denying that Marvel's 'progressive' agenda is everpresent throughout their entire line of production.

Every race-swap, every hashtag, from the 'ugh men!' to Trump Modok. It's a near constant assault, I'm sure there's a few books that aren't as bad on that particular front, but there's still no escaping the painfully bad writing, the agenda pushing is just the shit icing on the cake.




I find it funny how every fall Marvel decides to relaunch their titles to help their declining comic sales.

It didn't work back in 2012, 2014 and 2015 so why the fuck would they think it would work now?


Shut the fuck up shill

You forgot the best ones: [UNSOLICITED OPINIONS ON ISRAEL] and check 'em Deadpool.

This is why I hate Marvel as a company, they legit think that if they piss off their fans then they're gonna come in droves angrily buying the newest issue of Hydra Cap when that's not how it works.

Nobody is buying comics from the big two because they see through their bullshit, these comics only exist to piss people off and nothing else.

It's been two years since Jane Foster became Thor and that character has all but faded into obscurity now, same with Sam as Cap nobody gives a shit about that anymore because they know that despite the Hydra shit Steve is still the only Cap that fucking matters.

How can he even press the buttons with his massive digits and no stylus?

Wow. I mean, in retrospect, I guess I really shouldn't be surprised, but wow. Small wonder Marvel is in trouble if their fans are really this soft and sensitive.

nice art user. Sad to see what Carol has become.

If thats the case then thats just embarassing for comic book fans. I'm a casual and even I loved Cage, mostly for Tartakovsky's work.

Who are these folks who complained about Tartakovsky's art..but took a look at the art of Squirrel Girl and said that's OK? I need their names.

It didn't work the first time they tried it in 1999 either.

WUT? Apart from some of characters "extreme looking" necks how is it offensive? It's the first Marvel comic I'm brought since . . . er . . . um . . . Waid's Daredevil.

It's a good thing it's a limited series so it shouldn't be able to get cancelled.

That Carol picture is amazing. Says more in on image than all 5 ( was it 5?) issues of Civil War 2 have.

yes it's the 5th image. I do agree, especially with that dead stare in her eyes.

If that faggot Ike wasn't around, maybe they'll pick someone who doesn't have the mental capacity of a child to run things.

At first I thought Yellow meant "maybe" and thought "That's not so bad…"

Then I read the graph right with the number on the bottom. Why are they in a weird order?

They're arranged as Yes -> No -> Maybe on the graph. The list below has them in a different order because it's listing them by how much of the vote they've gotten.


I know you guys are hoping for a course correction, and that Marvel will improve, but… they're going to double down. At least one more time. They will go for the cheapest, stupidest event they can imagine, and kill even more characters to push a few more teen replacements.

So, take your bets now, who will be dead in a year? Ya know, besides ALL OF THE X-MEN. I think I see an illegitimate daughter for Dr. Strange in the future… probably Asian. Oh, and maybe Danny will be replaced by a spunky young black girl Iron Fist.

wait so would that be like Danny has a daughter with Misty Knight and she takes on the Iron Fist mantle?

They've broken up, so I'm betting that Misty Knight herself is going to become the new spunky young black girl Iron Fist.

Expect jokes about her fist actually being made of iron.

I guess the Punisher may die since his new Netflix show is coming up and they might replace him or something?

And that could actually be interesting, if it wasn't written by current Marvel.

Comics was a mistake

they can't
but Disney will make sure they come out on top anyway

Gravity Falls, Star vs, and other SJW garbage Disney is forcing on our children say hello

Disney is to blame

obvious SJW is obvious

why is it always black people that replace white heroes? They do realize there are more than white and black as races right? At leas we go Amadeus Cho.

if they are white and male, they are dead

Richard Rider is coming back in December, so I'm betting that he's going to heroically sacrifice himself again to give Sam Alexander another big push.

So, two fun facts I've just learned about Marvel's big push for Champions.

#1: Marvel got upwards of 400k in preorders for the first issue of Champions.

#2: The vast majority of those orders came from Scholastic.

I don't have the time at the moment to try and dig up what sort of sales numbers Scholastic saw for the book, though. I can't really imagine it being very popular with the young kids that Scholastic usually markets to, though.

because (only) BlackLivesMatter


It's gone now OP.
Things come and go and you have to accept it.

You are lucky to have seen the golden age of Marvel while the next generation are to be brown-pilled with all these kike agendas.

If you do not want to destroy your love for Marvel then stop watching or looking at the newer versions now before you drown in hatred.

Naruto and Bleach went through the same thing eventually making a number of haters although non-shippuden naruto is good and the first arc of bleach is really good.
When things get redundant it starts to wane.

Isn't that not a bad thing?
There will be an opportunity for new comic books to flourish.

Unfortunately schizophrenics do not recognize patterns to the point that optical illusions almost never work on them.

Have you considered that, in fact, you may have been a shill? When is your next payout so you can fuck off already?

Marvel isnt going anywhere anytime soon, Disney is milking all of its IP in toy-lines, video games and movies to the fullest. The comic department is just a fucking joke.

No one reads this shit, especially the 'next generation'. They don't even know comics are still printed.

Marvel leaving the Comic industry? We can only hope.

So at this point, is it at least safe to say we probably won't be seeing any signs of nuMarvel vs Capcom 4 in the near future?

Well, I don't have a lot of fears about that. I doubt Marvel will go outside the status quo of characters for something like that. They always seem to stick to the basic when it comes to video games like this. If anything, any nuMarvels will be alternate costumes no one will buy.

However, this was before Disney put the kibosh on everything, so I can't say for sure. They may use the opportunity as yet another marketing plot to get people interested in All-New Thor this time for sure. I'm pretty sure the game won't even be made considering how hard it'd be to get the licenses now.

I hope. If I see Squirrel Girl on the roster I swear I will drop the game.

The only way we can get an MVC4 is if Marvel somehow purge 90% of the writing and editorial staff and replace them with actual writers and not webcomic creators and tumblrites.

Their video games efforts are as much of a joke as comics. DC is doing better than Marvel in that area too.

DC is slowly gaining ground I suppose.

I was mainly talking about the games aimed at kids. Like those whatever weird ass toys that you have to buy to play some simple hack and slash game in the first place. That kind of shit.

I'd rather they go down and we'd be finally done wit hthem.
The raping has gone on long enopugh.
Every night needs an end.

I don't think DC will gain any more ground in gaming, though. Injustice is alright, but their cash cow Batman series ended. Seeing how most heroes are super OP in DC, I doubt they'll make anything good. Maybe a Shadow of Colossus type Wonder Woman thing, I don't know.

What really bothers me in the second image is how out of character that is for X-23.

Yeah, but who cares about unique character voice when you can just have your characters throw quips at each other like something out of a Joss Whedon TV show?

for fucks sake marvel


It's funny how Marvel have completely forgotten how to write super heroes.

the franchises will continue to exist, but the comics will be dead

Implying any of that weeboo crap was ever good

I'm sorry, what? I must have missed this.


man you picked a shitty clip to show off the game being fun.
a better example would be devil may cry.

The very first villain the "Champions" fight is a clown who is kidnapping teenage girls and selling them into sexual slavery. The "Champions" fight him, beat him to a pulp, and rescue most of the girls but not before one of the girls has died. Hulk and Nova prepare to fucking murder the clown before Ms. Marvel stops them and gives a speech about how heroes need to be better. That's when the OPs 4th image comes in, with the "Champions" checking social media as their hashtag blows up… all while a girl lies dead not ten feet away.

Mark Waid has truly fallen.

And the one where Iron Man apologizes on twitter for "mansplaining"

Danny is already training a new female Iron Fist in the upcoming series Iron Fists. She's not black though, that would cultural appropriation.

personally I think a black man as iron fist could be rad as hell if it was written in a really blacksploitation kind of way and he did basketball karate.

what is it with Marvel's recent art that makes me want to strangle a bundle of puppies



Is it the odd match of detailed shading where there is absolutely no line work to show you what the features "depicted" actually look like, if there even are any? cause that kid's whole no-nose deal looks weird as fuck.

you know whats worse?

women with rights.

If done internationally it would seem like something out of The Boys if it was made today.
Like one of them would go so far as to cradle the dead girl and take a selfy while frowning.

There's Luke Cage for that

Don't give them ideas user. Though an alternate universe with Luke and Danny race swapped might be a little fun if done right. But it wouldn't be.

The idea of Iron Fist training an apprentice after a decade of experience (or however the hell long he has been active with sliding time scale) fits perfectly with the genre he was designed for and allows for new things. His apprentice in MC2 (who became a movie star instead of carrying on his legacy, to Rand's disappointment) was actually a really nice story. Also more Asian loli is always good.

With modern Marvel though I'm sure the execution will be terrible even if the idea is good.

yeah, bring back the good days where you could buy 3 women for a horse

that actually sounds freaking hilarious

It certainly would be if Mark Waid was intentionally writing a black comedy.

But he wasn't, so it instead comes off as appalling.

You… how dare you remind me of this

I wonder if these people are genuine psychopaths

they believe in social justice

… Thank you for pointing that out user. The tone was so all over the place in that climax I missed that little tidbit entirely.

Yeah, I don't know why they chose SEX SLAVER as the first villain. Kind of sets a different tone than you'd expect.

Comic books were a mistake.

Gotta make people aware of rape culture any way they can


They put the "No" column in the middle so the graph would look like the fans were giving Marvel the finger.

If any of you faggots are ever dumb enough to ask "How do we save Marvel" the answer is "Don't."

Don't save Marvel. Let these faggots suffer. Let them come to understand how badly they've lost their way. Let them realize that their writers, their artists, their editors, their marketers, and their social media consultants are all wrong in every single possible way.

Their push for diversity is disastrous. Their obsession with feminism and "#humor" is fucking repulsive. Their desperate attempts to be edgy and topical are hamfisted at best and insultingly dumb at worst.

They have to die so everyone else can learn the lesson from their dessicated corpse.

It'll correct itself, eventually. The fate of Marvel shouldn't really effect us. Any of us that want to write or draw better should focus on making our own books. I'm working on my comic, I hope others are doing the same. Stuff you can own, and won't have to worry about another creator coming in and ruining all your shit.

I hate seeing a loved one die a slow, lingering death.

No matter how bad it crashes, it'll either be bought, sold, or their owners will start cutting the head off the fish.
Marvel is too big a property to die completely. Someone is always going to try squeezing something out of it, even now that idiots have weakened the brand by selling film rights.
Spider-Man will always sell underwear.
It's just that right now the industry is run by bourgeois, entitled SJW shills who AREN'T HUNGRY, and don't care if the ship goes down, as long as they get to push their agenda and turn ever hero into a stronk minority womyn with a potato for a head and noodles for arms who blogs about the author's, I mean her, shopping and hanging out with her friends and never has a fight except for when she straight-up murders people for being sexist online.

I'll never understand how the fedora wearing m'lady stereotype become the character against feminists. They have always been the one to race to their defense.
Was it just that sjws thought that something so sad and pathetic couldn't possibly be on their side? The MRA character is usually the neck-beard that shuns society.

The only thing that can save Marvel now is to make legacy characters but instead of diversity hire shmucks, they're all lewd lolis

They see that the fedora-wearing neckbeard archetype is made fun of and universally reviled as the sad and pathetic epitome of failed masculinity. It makes sense for them to try to smear any male opponent they come across with that foul, unwashed stench.

Of course, as you've pointed out, it stops making sense if you give it more than two seconds' thought, but since when has anyone who deserves to be called a social justice warrior ever bothered to go to that much effort?

The Marvel Loliverse, starring Cadet America, Mighty Thora, the Invincible Iron-chan, and the Adorable Hulk.

Their first big challenge: Battle Against the Bondage-Bots of Doctor Victoria von Doom! And in the back pages, the newest member of the X-Girls, Storm, undergoes a little friendly hazing…

That would be awesome.

maybe we can get the amazing spider chan in there as well.

Holy shit, I actually didn't notice how close together they were

how do you make people aware of something that does not exist?

they won't die
Disney won't let them

and they will learn absolutely nothing from it



Aside from one preachy episode and a lack of punishment for the female lead, the show's hardly SJW.

Is made by a crew that actively made fun of the SJWs at one point. That line about liking pink and fighting the patriarchy is meant to poke fun at the terminally offended.

Very specific

Disney is not to blame, they certainly aren't helping, but I doubt it's entirely their fault. Marvel was hemorrhaging talent long before the buyout, and have always been a source of 'progressive' ideals. The fucking X-Men are a literal allegory for every oppressed minority ever.

Asians don't fall under the oppressed minority category as far as SJWs are concerned. Complexion too pale.

I certainly wouldn't mind, don't get me wrong. I'm just stating the choices they have right now. Part of me is hoping they'll continue the push, just so they fold entirely and new heroes can take their place.

As far as videogames and accessory products are concerned, I highly doubt you'll ever see any of these minority swaps taking the place of the established heroes because the masses want to see them even less than we do.

Imagine the butthurt if the new Spiderman game starred anyone other than Peter Parker, gamers would have a collective shit, for good reason.

Even though I'd be totally cool with a Kaine game.

By continually peddling a narrative that it does in fact exist, and you just don't know about it because you're part of the problem.

It's how this whole movement works. I'm being forced to do research into fucking white privilege in my college speech class, for some god awful reason, another thing that doesn't exist. It's a constant bombardment of bullshit, tell a lie enough, and eventually people take it as truth.

sorry you have to go thru that white privillege bullshit user. Hopefully you can get out of college and be free from that crap.

It's open discussion at least, so I'm free to share my opinion about how it's complete horsecock. But I'm sure the pathetic nu-male cuck of a professor is just going to shout me down and tell me my arguments are wrong just 'cus.

Thanks though, it's appreciated.

Good luck user. I noticed it in one class I had in the summer. Thankfully it was quick and the teacher wasn't too overt with it.

why does fullchan even allow liberal cucks like this to post?

& its not like Holla Forums will make it big & even shit outside the big two isn't immune to SJW bullshit

We need to cut out this cancer here & now

I thought the iron fist only worked if you ate a dragons heart?

So, speaking of previews for Marvel Now, it looks like Marvel is doing at least a whole month of these books in an attempt at building hype. And this week's issue is…

Should I storytime it, anons?

sure, I wonder how they'll address squirrel girl not being one of them anymore.

Alright, then let's see what we're in for.

And just like that, it seems the Great Lakes Avengers are back in business.

So, is there anybody here who could give us a could idea of how Marvel Detroit compares to actual Detroit? Which one would you rather live in?

On the one hand,

On the other hand, the goth girl's kinda hot.

Oh, hey, there's Mr. Immortal. I wonder how he's going to get out of this one?

And that's the entire issue, anons. Thoughts?

Cool, I just checked this out a few hours ago. It's an interesting enough batch of characters, and I think it has some decent moments in it.

I find it interesting that the line comes from a woman who purposefully chooses to be fat at all times. There is some kinda commentary in all this, but I don't think I can 100% say what it is.

I do enjoy the "invisible line around the bad part of town" gag though.

And is adding a total furry artist to the team progressive, or just weird? I have to assume things are going to get weird.

I'm really liking this so far its actually pretty fun.

I think the furry was just for the sake of it and not to be progressive.


It was SJW Goons projecting. Yes, it's that simple.

Wasn't Justice League in Detroit for a bit? Why do comic writers think putting their team in Detroit is a good idea?

I hate to burst your bubble, but I don't think Marvel is dying anytime soon.

What happened here was a repeat of the DCYOU fiasco, though clearly less disastrous. After years of releasing sub-standard books, Marvel deluded themselves into the thinking the market was changing and jumped to embrace that change with Marvel NOW!. But the market isn't changing. The internet hipsters they're pandering to are just a fad that's dying off, unable to support the loss of the old neckbeards.

DC and Marvel are learning the hard way that they need to make quality product that appeals to everyone, not just niche audiences.

I'd buy it for a dollar

The GLA's are supposed to be a laughing stock, the furry is supposed to be dumb and silly, not progressive.

I thought you were referring to the actual comic artist for a sec. A lot of furry artists are probably way better than the people Marvel has.

Furry art probably pays more than mainstream comic work.

Marvel's comics aren't meant to make money, they're a calculated loss that allow them to test out progressive ideas and set precedents for them. Later, more talented creators will adapt Whor, gay black Captain America etc into films, with the justification that "that's how it was in the comics", and the films will be much more financially successful.

… the truth of what you just said is kinda killing me inside.

I also realized if Marvel ditched all their tumblr artists and traded them for furry artists, the quality would probably go way up.

That just made me wanna injected whiskey into my eyeball….

Iceman might live because he was retfagged as being a closeted homosexual all along.

Because this isn't your hugbox faggot, and nothing I said there was anywhere near 'liberal cuck' levels you colossal faggot.

Also more respectable.

I made myself sad.

Stop fooling aorund we all know why, SJW worship blacks, due to their genetic traits, body, big black cock and whatever.

If they were small and weak, they wont give 2 shits about them.

I didn't even know Marvel know started last week before a saw Champions being storytimed, and it was just what I expected from Mark Waid writing a teen team book who's two biggest names are Kamala and fucking Miles Morales.

There's no sign that Marvel has actually learned their lesson yet, what with upcoming titles like Occupy Avengers, or giving half of Deadpool's Mercs For Money crew (that nobody gives a shit about) their own solo titles.

You're right that low sales for Marvel Now2, Marvel Now-er are a sign that people are losing faith in Marvel, though, and also that they're following business practices that already didn't work out well for DC. It's just a question of how much money they're going to bleed before somebody pulls their heads out of their asses.

remember how malebusters ended?
yeah, Disney ain't risking that

I said it in the story time thread, but I could actually have been really interested in this "Champions" storyline. I like the idea of a team of newer superheroes with a focus on cleaning up collateral damage, while also not having the support net of the Avengers or anything. None of them even have full time jobs, let alone a corporation of funding.

Running baby's first superhero team with no actual experience of support seems like a fun story, but they basically did all that within the first issue.

It depends. It took DC eight months of DCYOU to decide they hated losing money and started work on Rebirth(which took another four months to finally implement).

I don't know how long it would take Marvel since they don't have an autist like Geoff Johns they can just unload everything onto.

that is mostly thanks to the fact that WB is in general allot stricter to DC than Disney is to Marvel

WB supposedly threatened DC with pulling the plug a few times in the past (the New 52 being the result of one such threat), while Disney just keeps treating Marvel like a golden calf due to their licenses

not to mention, they are inherently better parents than white people

I don't know about that user.

I'd say white people win by default on account of actually being present for the duration of the children's formative years.

I mean, when they're present they're better parents.

So, never?

The effects of all that great parenting sure don't show.

It's just that people (normalfags) who were abused/hit as kids like to see that happen to others so they don't feel as if something bad happened to them or that abuse is "good parenting"


Is this real?

It is
prevents you from growing-up a faggot

I suspect it's fanart, but would love to know what it's from if it's not.

I searxed it. Seems like it's real.

Oh, hey, it's a multi-part Civil War II tie-in. I wonder if it would be worth storytiming?

…No, I take it back. These issues are probably shit.

Well then, time to get that lobotomy I was putting off…

this is the poorest bait i've seen

Can confirm, it's shit.

aww i really liked Gwenpool

Chris Hastings talked in an interview once about how he had to learn to dial way back on the fourth wall jokes while writing Gwenpool, because they get old fast.

Unfortunately, it looks like fourth wall jokes are the only thing any of the other writers at Marvel are going to use Gwen for, so she's going to be annoying if anybody other than Hastings is writing her.

I figured that would happen once she started appearing in more books. Marvel only has a handful of good writers, and the rest are basically retarded.


I enjoyed Nicieza's, Kelly' and Duggan's run of Deadpool and Remender's Uncanny X-Force because they avoided making him a constant joke character.
His fourth wall jokes were sparse, every writer should read Kelly's run before even looking at anything Deadpool


It was good until the fourth page, when Gwenpool decides to promote the "rape culture" meme.

Believe it or not, the whole thing makes me have nostalgia for the terribad comics of 1990s.

I fucking hated Image Comics and the whole "EXTREME" Rob Liefeld bullshit that flooded most of the market with their bad artwork, generic characters and boring storylines but despite all that, they weren't created to shill political propaganda. They were meant to be just mindless entertainment and nothing else.

You know it's bad when you start to have nostalgia for shitty stuff!

I got it with a cutting board, a paddle with holes drilled into it, hotwheels race track, a leather belt, and a switch that i was forced to cut myself.

Oh, hey, look at that. Marvel actually made a new character to get a female minority in rather than sub out an existing one.

And she has her own motivation to be a hero a little bit of a personality and at least a unique profession for a superhero background.

And having a massive wolf form that people cant tell is female so will mistake her for a male because of size. It's actually a fun set up to make 'muh pronouns' jokes that make sense.

Well christ Marvel if you had been doing this from the beginning your comics wouldn't be absolute garbage.

Wait, are you saying they should… make the comics GOOD? I don't know, that sounds risky. Better to kill off a few heroes to garner a slight boost in sales.

Image stuff is cool regardless. It got a bad rap because of fedora neckbeards who want comic to be srs literature praised by the New York Times. You let those people's view of comics prevail and look where it got us.

That sounds good. But we can't actually let a character move on or progress. They should make sure every death or replacement is only temporary and completely abandon those characters when the original comes back.

Under no circumstance should they ever invest in creating actual new characters or take a chance with giving some of the lesser known teams a chance to have some fun.

Also, just to be safe, they should add a few more Gwen Stacy characters. You know, Gwenisher, Gwen Rider, the AGwengers, and the Gwenmazing Gwener-Gwen!

that is what we call a cuck

they were made in the 90s, so of course they are better

you had great parents, and therefore are a good person

This is officially Shit

Why they can't leave dead character dead?
I mean, how did peter took the news that she is alive and multiply?

Gwenpool is actually named Gwen Poole, not Gwen Stacy. Though I think that you're right in that there are at least two other actual Gwen Stacies out there now.

well gwenpool is a person named gwen poole not gwen stacy so its a different character.

You do understand that it's a joke, right? If the writer actually believed all of that he wouldn't have done that.

Writers don't need to agree with their characters. If anything, he's making fun of people who complain about rape culture.

Does that include Gwenom?

I honestly can't wait for them to realize the amount of incidental demolition they've done, stop whitewashing the facts, and begin repairing everything back to the good ol' days when Marvel wasn't pressured into doing dog tricks for Tumblr progressives to receive good demographic PR. Granted, it might take a while for the bad writers to pass or get their shit together, but it'll be worth it to have entertaining reads again and not be beaten over the head with political analogies (I'm getting my hopes to high, but what the hell).

I mean, the worst they could do is keep doubling down and whitewashing their status. That's predictable for sure.

This shit is retarded. You think if Marvel decides to ditch SJWs, they'll have some of these crappy feminist inserts murdered or raped to piss them off? That's what I'm hoping for, and the only thing that would really signal to anyone to come back.

Would that be the opposite of virtue signalling?
What would you call that anyway? Vice signalling?

It's inarguably a good immunisaton for faggotry, but the reality is that the psychological and medical results are immensely disproportionate (i.e. liver failure, depression, irregular internal clock patterns. However, this depends on how serious the psychological effects of the abuse is on the patient). The worst it could do if the patient survives growing up through that abuse would be conditioning them into natural pessimists (being conditioned into a chronic edgelord who spouts george carlin diatribes is still subjectively bad. Though, you'd probably relate to that, would you not?). A serious, non-straightforward and uncompromising "tough love" discipline is a lot more supplementary than the extreme you've just approved (I'm speaking from experience as a filipino chink growing up with a parent who's a night shift nurse). Why is there an lack of ethical understanding for psychology here, I do not know. If you're going to reply by simply reinforcing the extreme, don't bother. I've heard too much of that stupid shit that it gets me tired.

Keep your fly closed Garth Ennis, this isn't Holla Forums.

Is that why you're talking like you're on Reddit? Why would having characters like Whor killed off or raped be bad exactly? You fags keep telling me Marvel just does stupid SJW shit to piss people off to sell copies, so why not dish it out to the other side then?

I'm not familiar with how people talk on reddit. But yeah, that sounds like an obligatory Garth Ennis plot stunt regardless. It's much better to pull that shit in a DC comic (though you could do a shocking event like what you've said in an alternate timeline like the Cancerverse.

The regular Marvel Universe is pozzed as fuck. What fucking harm could it do? They already destroyed the entire company at this point. They would have to do something significant to show they're trying to push SJWs away. Just look at how fucking butt blasted they still are about the Killing Joke.

What do you suppose? Revive the MAX run in the mainstream timeline?

It would be still bad writing and shitty attempts of controversy.

You know people won't bother wasting their time pulling a pointless stunt like that. That's stupid.

It's exactly as equally stupid as the current progressive horseshit we're dealing with now.

And using the comics to bash Trump 24/7 is okay comparatively? Fight fire with fire. I want those people out. If you try to take the middle road, you're still going to be raped by SJWs and their non-stop virtue signalling as a default. Worry about whether or not it's hypocritical after the cancer leaves.

Whatever man. I'm still not onboard with this equally petty and senseless crap you're 100% suggesting.

Then explain me another way to get rid of SJWs from comics that doesn't require decades of rot until we're all dead?

Oh, sweet merciful god. You don't happen to be that same reactionary guy that produced that "comics aren't worth saving" thread, are you?

Is this board so gay that you're butt blasted about someone saying you shouldn't buy Marvel Comics after everything they've done to shit on you? You actually give these faggots money?

So Holla Forums now uses feminist terminology openly now? Explain to me how you're any different than cuck-chan Holla Forums because this is the same kind of shit that is posted there. This is what the definition of reactionary is, it's strictly used by SJWs:

(of a person or a set of views) opposing political or social liberalization or reform.
synonyms: right-wing, conservative, rightist, ultraconservative; More

The best possible thing to do is have a big well-written Marvel event where the Champions get killed in a tragedy fighting the Masters of Evil (the first Civil War ring any bells?), and then bring them back with the usual cosmic boogaloo along with the deceased mainstays in an obscure comic issue when the SJWs leave, without anyone being the wiser.

Hey, don't get mad. I was just asking.

Just get back to the old characters doing some actions. You don't need any other thing.

I don't care about politics, because I've got better things to do with my life. and no, I'm not interested in buying comics in this current year, nor do I have money to even want to, so stop with the fidgety attitude.

How does that make the SJWs leave and stop turning the comics into propaganda? It doesn't. This problem isn't going to solve itself.


Can we actually just go back to talking about how we could possibly fix Marvel? (Driving out the rabid progressives is already part of the task). I honestly don't want this decent thread to be derailed and downvoted, because it's good, and I'm personally too tired and apathetic to be worrying about politics. It really was a mistake to incidentally have it get political. Like I seriously do not care.

This is the funnest method of doing it. Nothing edgy, nothing stupid.

It actually does, the classic charaters just doing action and stuff is not SJW propaganda, so that solve the problem.

Well, it's not just the demographic they're getting bones from that's the issue. The whole business plan with the "regulated diversity" is actually what the problem is mainly originating from. Like stop making "diversity" a gimmick, and start having a stringent and obligatory political neutrality policy is what they should be doing, a policy that conditions people to stop fucking caring about anyone's political views. Y'know just have having employees of different backgrounds working at Marvel be about as normal as having coffee in the morning. This should preferably take process after . If you want the problem solved, you gotta do it from the inside. Let it dissipate with a whimper, not a bang. A lot more subtle.

It's not going to encourage the SJWs from pulling crap. In fact, it would discourage them from doing so altogether, because it will be seen as unprofessional in the behalf of the company. In able for such a policy to become reality, the editors (or whoever is running these comics) have to be coerced in a civilised and convincing approach.

So frankly, people should need to do more than just "fight fire with fire", because eventually it starts to get counter-productive sometime in the long-run. We need to bring professionalism back in the comics industry in able to make it better.

So ultimately, it's not about politics at all. it's about basic professionalism at the workplace. And professionalism leads to subtlety. There's nothing complicated behind it.

If we continue to have setbacks because of pessimistic worries, we'll just keep digging our own ditch.

Screaming down at the editors isn't going to convince them. In the real world, nice doesn't equal unintelligent, so you still gotta be firm with them and keep your foot down even when approaching them all civilised-like. You need to convince them, remember?

So tl:dr, here the plan in points

- Pull a plot stunt that doesn't look like you're deliberately screwing the company over, but is still fixable.

- Get the policy introduced gradually or otherwise, condition the workplace back to normal to the point where they won't accept unprofessionalism or political signalling of any wing.

- Either wait for the setback to happen to the industry, or send convincing and civilised complaints.

Oh, and by the way, don't make this fucking political. At all. Because you're just asking for it, and therefore screwing up the plan when it's running well.

In able to do this, we need someone who is able to be professional to get in there. That's the way to do this seriously. Damaging the industry is fine, but ya gotta break in there like a sleek madman for shit to happen.

You only learned about politics when gamergate happened, little basement dweller?


Isn't that the faggot who almost killed Daredevil?

I think it should be obvious at this point that SJWs react to demands of professionalism like vampires to crosses.

It's always one fuck who thinks that being a retarded edgelord is the "answer" to SJWs. No, being a NORMAL GOOD WRITER is the opposite. Why do you think everyone makes fun of Mark Millar or that stupid "Holla Forums's own comic!" when it's posted (even though my understanding is Holla Forums hates that shill as well)? Because no one wants a one trick pony or to replace this empty agenda pushing propaganda with DIFFERENT empty agenda pushing propaganda.

Now you want to language control people? Shit, nigga, have you ever considered that YOU'RE the one using feminist/SJW tactics? As far as I'm concerned, anyone who seriously starts ranting "cuck this"/"cuck that" might as well just be yelling about racism/sexism randomly, because it's all just an attempt to get opposing ideas dismissed and silenced. It's the tactic of someone with a weak argument.

The real answer isn't to save Marvel, not directly, anyway. It's to work on our own books, succeed, and Marvel will be forced to adapt as they lose more market share. But, if you tried to implement the idea of raping or killing feminist straw(wo)men, your product will fail. Because just producing more idiotic propaganda will never compete with Marvel's idiotic propaganda. You need good, solid comics, where a political message takes a back seat to fun and being actually interesting. If your only goal is to push politics, your writing will be empty and meaningless, which is the problem Marvel faces now.

Remember when Squirrel Girl was hot? Those were the good days.

Back when most of Marvel comics was just subpar, instead of really shitty? Yeah, those were pretty nice times.

Man, a few years ago I never would have thought I'd live to see people, even myself, get nostalgic for the mid-late 2000s. Back then I had no idea how far the rabbit hole went.

She started as the Gwen Stacy variant cover for Deadpool though, and then became her own character. Thing is she's not insane like Deadpool so her awareness of being in a comic book is because she's a fangirl from the real world who somehow managed to travel through dimensions into the comic book and just has a quirky kooky personality. So unlike Deadpool she shouldn't be able to fuck with the medium of comics (i.e. panel jumping or manipulating speech bubbles) right?

What? Disney is one of the earliest adopters of PC rubbish.

Used as a noun it sure the fuck is the language of elitist libshits. So yeah, fuck you, SJW.

It doesn't work very well either. GamerGate died soon as people started taking the "ethics only" meme seriously. You need to come out with guns ablazing or your going to be re-subverted by the SJWs almost instantaneously.

My solution isn't to have edgelord comics forever. It's to make SJWs leave so you can then rebuild. Have you ever seen how these people behave? They can't enjoy "problematic" things. They pretend like they give them PTSD and then cry on their blogs about how they can't like *insert thing* and anyone that does should go to prison. That's the kind of reaction you want from these people so the companies can use it as an excuse to go back to their original audiences and leave the political pandering in the past.

If you use feminist/SJW terminology that promote feminist/SJW concepts and ideas, you've been successfully co-opted or subverted by them. What is hard to understand about that?

This method is used in television sometimes. When a cable channel wants to change into a different format, they'll put on programming that drives the original audience away before they make the switch to something else. Also the comics won't be "failures" because the retarded collector market will buy them up because of the controversy. That won't last long of course, but it can be used a point of divergence that can be quickly abandoned for a new status quo that isn't afermitive action, SJW pandering.

Fucking battered housewives kek

I think it's a pretty shit "plan". Because it's mainly predicated on the fantasy of a new hire having/obtaining the kind of influence to implement that kind of change and the assumption that they even acknowledge criticism, polite or otherwise.

How about them changing their publishing practices? Even when you get rid of "SJWs" in Marvel, you might still deal with the event book concept, pricing, relaunches/season structure, and scheduling. All of which Marvel has abused. For the second year in a row, their big summer event went into overtime and was/will be finished after the relaunch push has begun. Every year, they relaunch books for no good reason. Every year, they have "never be the same again after this" event books that have lost all meaning. And they are all expensive compared to the content and repeated reads they are. Those problems need to be addressed as well since they are as much part of Marvel's problem as the shit writing/art and been there for longer.

they could try just making interesting comics where interesting things happ-
wait, that would never happen

Nah, the battered housewife thing isn't the reason you should be laughing, user. You should be laughing because they actually think that a couple of random faggots complaining anonymously on the internet are ever actually going to be in a position to have any major influence over Marvel Comics.

I want to see at least a Gwen Stacy character that has speed based superpowers. Why you may ask?

So we have a Gwen that can say she moves at neck-breaking speeds.

She doesn't need powers to do that, she already has.

I mean I'm not trying to be a dick but damn just let this industry crash and maybe something good will rise from the ashes.
MAYBE. But that about it. I no longer have hope for the big two and won't be buying anything from them again. They fucked up. They ran me off and chose the leftists over me and my money.
I understand wanting to hang to good memories of good comics but this desperate bullshit "m-maybe dc/marvel will change their ways and apologize" is just kinda pathetic.

The industry already crashed due to their retarded business decisions and look at how well they recovered from that.

That'd entail acknowledging faults in their approach.

People take issue with the "let the industry crash" stance because the real casualties of a hypothetical crash are the comic shops and the smaller publishers who don't happen to be subsidiaries of corporate conglomerates (ie, almost everybody except Marvel and DC). Nobody wants that because no good would come from it.

The smaller publishers have been infected by the same feminazi/SJW cunts.

And? Where do you think this resurgence in quality material will come from when the bottom drops out from the indie sector?


Still possible. DC did acknowledge the pricing structure in regards to Rebirth. Save for All-Star Batman at $5/issue (supposedly it has a higher page count and better print material), all the Rebirth titles are $2.99/issue. Even the first printing of the Rebirth special by Johns was $2.99. That and the fact that all of Rebirth was returnable (so that shops don't have to hold on unsold issues of duds) are what led to Rebirth getting a good push from retailers. Yes, good comics matter (of which a good bit of Rebirth is), but if each issue costs as much as a 5 Buck Lunch from Dairy Queen (like Civil War II and the first issue of Champions), people might not be excited for it.

Look, in December, Marvel will launch Inhumans vs X-Men (after a zero issue in November) and DC will start Justice League vs Suicide Squad. With IvX #0 and #1 going for $5 and $6 respectively, DC lowered the price of JLvSS #1 from a solicited $5 to $4. Then again, I am trusting that Fucklonzo and Queffsada to think for once.

And that is not full of sjw and stuff?

or make it resort to direct offensive methods that would result in having to 180 back to step 1.

Very well then. If "Marvel has got to fail" is an easier plan, so be it. That'll be the primary method. The logic in that is pretty straightforward. Marvel should finally get it through their heads about their undoing, the editors start getting a lot more serious about their story quality and stop being so mind-numbingly bias, and then go through an "SNK revival" sort of phase. This may take a while, considering Marvel's contemporary history of tripping on their own balls. A lot.

Certain characters do stay dead (IIRC, some Marvel writer created a character that would assassinate specific villains indubitably when they're no longer of worth, due to them sounding way too absurd to be taken seriously as a threat, etc.). But why the hell would you want to keep legitimately good characters or characters that have a lot of story potential dead? It's the only possible failsafe that doesn't screw the lore over entirely if done right. Think of comics kind of working like wrestling plots, and it becomes a little less shitty-sounding in practice, depending on which character in question you're resurrecting. We're talking about an entire fucking universe of usable characters here, and you're insisting that they should be permanently decomissioned. The logic is making my head spin. You sarcastically got Marvel's stupid decisions and practices well-listed, but then you manage to state something so skull-fucking retarded as an objective complaint to the point where I even turn around and question you. This is a comic-created universe, where suspension of disbelief is highly passable when handled right, not a realistic series of novels that has a definitely concluding plot, you boresome philistine. Not even words alone can express your sheer faggotry towards basic creativity in comic book storytelling.

Rape comics and the naive idea that some well meaning user is going infiltrate Marvel corporate are equally retarded.

There's one thing that is going to motivate the company to change course: money.

Why do think DC launched Rebirth and dropped the DCyou clusterfuck? Because Time Warner corporate actually started looking at the books and noticed they had a money losing entity that was being humiliated by their rival. Time Warner corporate cracked the whip and told the comic imprint to figure themselves out.

Up until now Marvel has stayed the SJW course because it's been "working" in the sense they've been market leaders, gotten good PR, etc. If sales continue to tank they might change their minds, but that's what its going to take. Anything else is circle jerking.

There's the meat of the problem. They don't acknowledge the faults in their approach. They fall back, whitewash their screw ups, and then keep telling people "oh, it's fiiiine, just fine!", and then they propose an even more stupid-sounding comic venture that would bury themselves lower, instead of looking at the faults with that venture along with past ventures. And Joe Quesada & Alonso have a bad habit track record of doing that plenty of times. It wouldn't hurt if someone actually advised them to think over their decisions for once. Fuck it, as retarded as it sounds, they should hire advisers that are knowledgeable about their material to foolproof their decisions. Particularly with an employment policy that's formally SJW-proof, like the one I proposed before.

And there's another problem, but with a practically vague solution. If not buying a single iota from them and anticipating a serious decrease arrow on their sales stock is the solution, then sure thing. Actually make that a reality instead of redundantly having people bitch about it constantly on the boards. I mean, look at the OP's chart and remember that the sales were only good back in 2015. The effect to cause that reality clearly working.

*is clearly.

The webcomic scene's best days are kinda behind it though. Most webcomics are still essentially passion projects subsidized by side-gigs, internet ads and crowdfunding (if they're lucky). And everybody's competing for attention on the internet amid changing trends, so quality and consistency often take a back seat to things like what will get more clicks and what not. Not an ideal platform for innovation.

It's possible, but unlikely. They're basically fighting a war on two fronts, by coming up with half-baked ways to bait attention with off-kilter books and dumb shake-ups events while also trying to maintain a stable line of ongoings that don't tank in sales after the first issue.

The Scourge of the Underworld?

Yep. Scourge of the Underworld.


Not my problem really. They should be forced to cater to their customers instead of suck up to blue haired land whales on Tumblr that don't buy anything. If they can't figure out how to do that, good riddance.

you know what's worse?

dumb, equally retarded faggots putting up superfluous bait.

I think it was a joke user

Gwen Poole is actually decent though (no surprise that it's written by someone outside Marvel/Comic alliance's shithole. Done by the Dr. McNinja guy IIRC ).

How has Rebirth done in consumer sales?

I've found articles from late August and early September with comic store owners talking about how Rebirth was selling well, both winning back old customers and enticing in new ones, but nothing more recent and no hard numbers. Sadly, the comic book industry has a distinct lack of transparency.

What's probably gonna happen if there is a crash.

The idea's above doesn't even count for the "quality" of the comics being sold. Could comic book publisher start reducing costs of things like paper/colour ink so the price of a individual comic goes down. Will they use less experienced staff so they can pay them less like Marvel. More ads/less ads per comic?

Those SJW's won't die when the publisher shuts down, they will get new jobs elsewhere in publishing (like books). Some of them might have to stop or change there SJW ways for them to get hired in the first place though.

pls no
Despite SJWs writing a lot of books, literature is the one of the last places that doesn't get lots of negative attention if something un-PC happens. Probably because no one reads books anymore.
I read a book with a nice rape scene the other week, I masturbated to it.

It's too late.

GRRM has been a leftist drone for a long time. I've never read any of his shit, but if anyone here liked his books before they'll probably like any more books he makes in the future.

well Preston Jacobs covered a lot of his older works.

Ok, let me walk you through my thought process and maybe that will make it easier to understand. I went kind of autismed with this one because I've been watching a lot of Mr. Plinkett so please bear with me. I promise you that it isn't worth it.

Part 1:

For any given narrative there are plenty of opportunities to have a particular character grow, change and sometimes even regress in ways that make for an interesting story telling experience. However, all of these potentially interesting stories have a reliance on one very important aspect. The narrative structure.

The narrative structure is the structural framework that underlies the order and manner in which a narrative is presented. Since you brought up wrestling I'll use an example from that. The Irish Whip. You see any person kind of just pulled in a direction would be able to take perhaps a step or two at most before coming to a stop, however in wrestling the Irish whip requires the person it's used on continue running for a bit or bounce off the ropes sometimes up to two times before coming to a stop. In comics this could be something like kryptonite affecting superman. It's a rule that you have to follow.

Now before I go further I need to stress that comics as they exist currently would need to massively retool in order to implement something like permanent death. The writers for both Marvel and DC play far to fast and loose with killing off characters. If you were just to take the way these universes currently work and suddenly just say everything is permanent, things would go to complete shit. In a matter of months you'd be down to just a single hero atop the corpses of his friends (Batman for DC and Hulk for Marvel). So I'm not saying that they should just activate 'hardcore mode' for writing and go forward.

The basic problem that both DC and Marvel face is that characters have come back from the dead so often that it has broken the narrative structure at a fundamental level most people take for granted. You see in addition to the rules set up in a narrative, there are certain inherent rules of a story that are accepted as true unless noted as otherwise. These things include things like gravity, the need to eat, drink and sleep, or various other things we accept in a transplanted reality. The writing for larger comics has gotten so egregious that it has actually violated the most basic principle of existence. Cause and Effect.

As a simple thought experiment, I'd like you to take a moment reading this to think of a single thing that could happen in comic books that you would 100% believe would be shown, and would stay cannon in the future without relying on information outside the universe. Such as knowledge of loss of rights to a character or editorial decree. I for one even using that kind of knowledge cant think of a single action that won't be walked back or forgotten about in more than two issues past the arc where it occurs.

Part 2:

You see when that kind of Narrative Structure breaks down, there aren't actually any more stories to tell. In wrestling they might only have a plot line where someone 'dies' once in a blue moon. Usually it's something like getting fired or injured, events that might remove someone from public view temporarily or permanently. The WWE is doing this kind of narrative well because they have actual performers that have actual physical limitations. There are certainly examples of fake injuries, but there are plenty of real injuries that take people out of commission for months on end, but they don't just say a person died. At least not back in the attitude era, there they were either just getting brainwashed or getting married to Stephanie McMahon.

Anyways, back to the inability to tell a story. This comes from the fact that absolutely anything can and will happen to a character and its lasting effect on that character is more or less completely ignored. A little bit of this is a good thing. I don't want to read comics where superheroes get PTSD after a month on the job and then quit to become homeless people peeing in the street. I get enough of that from our veterans. It doesn't matter if Peter Parker has had decades of character development and it would be thematically appropriate for Aunt May to die and for him to move on and grow as a person, all it takes is One More Day and suddenly he's back to the status quo. Sure, that might work once or twice, but if you do it enough you could turn Captain America into a Flying African-American Werewolf Nazi and people would only be mildly annoyed as they wondered how long they would have to deal with this before it all went back to normal.

I'm not surprised that someone would find the idea of characters in comic books permanently decommissioned as an idiotic idea. Under the current operating laws of the universe that new rule would be terrible and incongruous to how those stories are told. However, do you know what these modern stories all have in common? THEY'RE SHIT! This refusal to respect basic cause and effect has resulted in a universe where absolutely any science based hero could solve every problem in the world, forever, easily, and they just don't do it. Reed Richards could cure all disease in the time it takes for most men to take their morning dump. Tony Stark somehow created a phone app that transformed people into the most fit, healthy and capable person they could possibly be, and now that technology is just gone. Comic book universes have reached a point in which their narrative collapses in on themselves. A narrative wasteland where the comic book reader is to assume that these characters that have been operating for longer than they've been alive have only been on the job for a little more than a year. As such absolutely none of the character developments that occur can really be used because the writer can't mention the eight other times situations exactly like the one they're writing occurred or the five solutions previously devised that will now magically not work.

You see if comic books were to actually allow characters to be put out of commission for a few months with an injury, die in horrible accidents or retire like what happens in real life with the WWE the narrative would be fantastic. It would force the Narrative Structure to actually progress the stories of all of the characters in the universe as a cohesive whole. Just take a look at the Blue Beetle. The most interesting thing he ever did was die. And because aside from the occasional zombie cameo he had the good taste to stay dead. Because of this the mythos of the DC universe changed. We got to see how his death effected those closest to him, and even those who didn't know him very well, we got to see a new hero become inspired by his actions and were also able to appreciate the tragedy of just how quick and senseless the death was.

You see most writers in the industry just don't have the balls to actually say 'x happens to character' because they are inheriting long standing franchises and beloved characters that were made by someone else. In some ways its a sign of respect to the original creator to try and alter these characters as little as possible, but that doesn't stop the writing ending up like a grim dark fan fiction. Most of the stories coming out of these comics today read like a child attempting to write their own 'mature' version of a character but being to afraid to say that anything meaningful happens to the character so everything ends up ok at the end.

If the SJW shit has worn off and is only a detriment now then there are three ways.
1.Kill the race and sex lifts
That would be a biggest PR mistake they could make if they still want liberally minded readers.
2.Create an alternate universe called "The Legacy Universe".
Fill it with all the race and sex lifted characters.
But fiction based segregation wouldn't fly so well.
3. Give the race and sex lifts their own unique heroic personas.
To not have them all relegated to fiction based affirmative action characters.

Miles deserves a name like

I doubt that. Disney avoids that in the movies because it expects people watch those.

wasn't Ebon a villain from the static shock cartoon?

Just slowing down on all the legacy characters would be a huge improvement. None of them are even all that popular, and they're not being written well enough to get popular, yet they keep pouring more and more in. If your replacement Cap and Thor are not what people want, why do a replacement Iron Man??? They obviously don't know how to make these characters as interesting as the originals.

There is one thing about their teen diversity characters that really gets me. Amadeus, Miles, Kamala: they all were inspired by heroes who were white, and they saw past that color difference to see the heroic nature that made them heroes. That, taken directly, is beautiful. Why where they made though? Because Marvel thinks kids are too fucking stupid and petty to have a hero that isn't the same color as them. And that's fucking retarded. This is the real reason I feel all this identity politics is terrible, as I don't particularly care what race a character is. The focus on their race cheapens them, it cheapens the concept of a hero.

Honestly out of those 3 you mentioned Amadeus seems like the best of the bunch.

Yeah, pretty much. Miles is okay, but… he's just Peter-lite. Making him pretty pointless when there are book with Peter in them, and you can just read those instead. I don't actually mind Kamala, but her inspirational hero, Carol, was NEVER all that amazing. I like her basic character as a naive idealist, but it always feels like they never go far enough with it.

Amadeus isn't just the more interesting and thought out character of the bunch though. His taking on his mentors role feels more genuine because they really sell his love and respect for Banner. And not just in a fanboy sorta way, like the other two, their friendship was believable even with the very little I read. He feels like a much more natural continuation, instead of just a sudden, tacked on edition.

That's because Cho was made before Marvel went completely to shit. He actually had years of experience and story as a sidekick, rather than being created out of whole cloth to be a legacy character.

That's probably the biggest failing of Marvel. They aren't putting the work in to EARN these characters a place in the books. They mostly just come along, and suddenly "this is the new lead of a book!", when they're untested as fuck. I mean, shit, people don't read Iron Man because they want to see Riri or even Dr. Doom as Iron Man, whatever that means. They want to read about Tony Stark. Marvel things the name itself will sell a character, but all they're doing is devaluing their brand, instead of expanding it in a meaningful way.

All of those are because of their creators. Alex Hirsch is a fucking spoiled, entitled faggot. Disney gave him way too much. Now he thinks he's all mighty and shit.

I gotta be honest with you my dudes. I don't want Marvel to recover and go back to the "good ol' days" I just want them to die for good. It's all trash and garbage.

No, you liked the way good writers wrote her, and maybe her character design.

This is the biggest problem with having all of your characters being traded around like cheap whores. Different writers will write them worse than the people who made them likable in the first place.

Just stop reading shitty comics, fam.

I just want Peter Parker to be married to Mary Jane and have a daughter and do super hero stuff like in Renew Your Vows. And eventually the daughter grows up to become spider girl.

Exactly! That's the problem of American comic books. Why go trough the effort of getting invested in a series if said series is gonna have several writers, artists and editors all of who have a different direction on how it's gonna handle. And with ultimately all of that will just get scrapped when the run passes on to a new set of writers that will try to deage the characters and erase their progress so they can have a blank slate to write in what they want.

I fucking hate Mary Jean my dude. But that might just be because I hate an autistic like hate for redheads. Dunno why, I just feel like you Americans shove them in everything and overhype them.

agreed, I always felt it was only certain runs of characters that were ever good. Like the old days with Peter David's Hulk, Gruenwald's Captain America and Busiek's Avengers run.

Well, as an American I never thought they were that prevalent in our media. I thought it was mostly blondes and brunettes. Well, blonde's seem to be popular again.

Interestingly enough, from what I've seen in interviews about DC Rebirth, Didio and Lee seem to have actually learned this particular lesson. Rebirth wave 2 is only seeing three new launches, because they don't want to just toss out a whole bunch of different stuff at random and risk seriously devaluing their brands. JLA and Super Sons were pushed back from the first wave because they wanted to take the time to set those two titles up properly, and Batwoman gets a book because her portrayal in Detective Comics has been well-received so far.

sounds like DC is getting their shit together.

I love blondes my man. If anything they are underrated. But that's mostly because most american writers lust after the manic pixie dream girl (usually a redhead, goth or alt-chick) and tend to give the short end of the stick to blondes, usually because some blonde chick cucked them in highschool. Hell I don't remember the last blonde romantic interest that wasn't based on some old pre 90's stuff or that had some sort of twist to not make her problematic. Yeah I know must of what I typed must make no sense to you.

They've started to, but they've still got a ways to go. The Batwoman book is being written by Marguerite Bennet, the lady who gave us the New 52 Lobo, and one of those interviews I mentioned also had this lovely exchange in it:

I never viewed red heads as a manic pixie dream girl. I mean goths and alt-chicks I can get but not red heads. Though in the 30's, 40's and 50's I'd argue blonde's were popular.

That exchange scares me a bit. I get cleaning house but I don't think you need to reboot all the time. Just let the characters be and if you need to clean up some continuity problems then do it. I'm not a big fan of their one-upping all the time to stay relevant.

Wendy from Gravity Falls and Frankie from Fosters Home. Redheads usually fill the paper of cooler that you older chick that can be all chill and shit but inside they're fiery, anyway I hate that shit and I hated those characters.

With Frankie for me it was her personality that made her attractive and not so much the red hair. Though it did look nice on her. I guess I don't associate red heads with alt chicks since there aren't much red heads where I come from.

To each his own man. But i'm tellin' you, redheads are no good. At least the ones in media. Real life is whatever.

Fair enough user.

Leave it to someone like DiDio to take Julie Schwartz's simple advice and blow it all out of proportion.

He ain't making no more books

Cho was actually cool when his powers were "Smart" and not "ripoff of whatever Marvel thinks will sell this week".

The problem is that it's easier for stupid writers to tack on other superpowers because they can't exactly figure out how to do a smart hero.

That was literally Heroes Reborn, and it bombed hard.

Untrue. Lee's Heroes Reborn did very well. So well in fact that Marvel wanted Lee to come on and do Fantastic Four and Iron Man for another year, but Lee declined.

Liefeld's Heroes Reborns were so bad he had to be replaced by Lee.

So, monthly preorder numbers for the month of September have finally been released.


September this year only has 4 weeks for shipping compared to 5 weeks in August, so numbers overall are down about 20% as a result, but on the DC vs Marvel front, DC is winning big again, with Batman titles taking all three of the top three spots in September.

The only Marvel title to break into the top 10 is Civil War II #5, sitting at number four. Thanks to that book being priced at $4.99, Marvel also gained a few points back in their dollar share of the market compared to last month, but they dropped even farther in overall unit share, giving DC a 13-point lead.

Or in other words, Marvel made a little more money in September than they did in August by conning comic book shops into buying lots of one particularly big, expensive book, but overall order numbers for the rest of their line are slipping. And given that the OP for this thread was about Champions tanking, I can't help but wonder how well Civil War II is actually selling.

In a concerning move for DC, though, they're no longer allowing issues of Batman to be returned. Presumably this is because the book itself is selling so well that comic store owners weren't returning much in the way of unsold stock anyway, but it is still DC showing signs of greed again.


theres something inherently jewish about them. at least the way that so many jews and shabbos guys are all obssesed with them.

I thought red heads were Irish though?

Have you ever noticed how many jews are redheads? Or how jews fetishe the fuck outta them?

Nope. Never noticed that at all. Frankly, it sounds made up.


Is that his fucking wife?

tumblr pls



I like this

How will this make the SJWs leave though?


You total dumbass. His argument is not "Don't ever revive characters," it is "don't trivialize death." Killing someone should be a meaningful and serious, and revivals should be infrequent and just as meaningful. Nowadays if you kill someone, we just start taking bets on how long until they come back. There should be genuine mystery and tension to these things, and the current environment has completely destroyed that.

Worse. It's Zoe Quinn.

It's going to be hilarious to see how Marvel balances Stronk Independant Womyn vs mainstream tastes. Especially with filler characters.

How can a person's weight fluctuate so widely between different photos?