Evolution Debunked!

If evolution is true, why arent we as small as possible? We should infact, be micro-sized

Because if you are small then the bigger things can kill you easier too, so you have to have a balance.

my parents were right all along

If evolution is true, why do we eliminate waste through the same hole we're supposed to reproduce with?

Who the fuck gives birth from the asshole.

why do those bigger things exist then? How did they become bigger?

Is piss waste, user?
where does it come out?
How about cum? Where does that come out?

Because being bigger gives them the advantage of being able to obtain and consume resources before the smaller things and even kill the smaller things so the bigger things have an uncontested life.

so the more mcdonalds i eat the more i will go uncontested? sounds neat


so why havent giant dinosaurs made a comeback?

Because the climate of the earth was much better adapted for that specific lifeform when they existed and has changed a lot now since they were all killed off.

We are small nigga, we are insects compared to the planets and stars. Checkmate.

Where did you hear this? Curious if that's true.


He's basically saying that the bigger you are, the more you need to eat and anything you eat can carry disease.




its common sense

You have more musles, fat, anything that makes you bigger is another target for cancers and other things





If evolution is true then why does a retard like OP exist?




According to what? DO you have evidence showing that elephants have a greater chance of dying from disease than Hummingbirds? I've never heard of any scientific studies showing that larger animals are more prone to disease.

So you aren't basing it on anything apart from that it "sounds true". Cancers aren't generally a problem until you start getting elderly and you start having more problems with your DNA transcription; it's not something that could send a species extinct. There are so many more factors that come into play regarding a species' evolution than simply whether it will get cancer or not. Being bigger might mean you are faster, which makes it easier to run away and avoid predators, which will mean you are more likely to pass on your genes to the next generation.

The most important part of evolution is passing on your genes; if your adaption gives you a slight advantage of passing on your genes, even if it might hurt your long-term survival aspects, then it will still be useful. So, even if I agree that being larger does make you more likely of getting cancer (which you still haven't proven), that doesn't necessarily mean it those bigger animals are still not more successful compared to smaller members of their species.

HERE comes the "show me the papers" "Gimme evidence" guy

I see you also took my cancer thing literally. It could be anything. More mass = more chance to be hit by a rock

Diminishing returns.

I can't say evolution isn't true, but it has yet to be proven to be true.

his response shat all over ur idea and u reply with that… u havent provided a rational arguement so far so ive dismissed everything uv written as false. the ''gimme evidence' guy'? fkn lol n1 retard

Of course, we are all forgetting the basic premise of this whole discussion, which is: Jesus Christ, as Lord and Saviour, is the Creator of all things.

I asked for evidence because I knew you were full of shit and couldn't provide any. Let's try throwing a rock at an elephant, it should be really easy to hit it and kill it with the rock since it is so big and can't dodge it, right? Or maybe there is more there is more to that fits into the survival of a species than just their body size, and you're a fucking retard that doesn't understand how evolution works.