French cops storm barricaded church so it can be turned into parking lot

They appear to be using tear gas and make a point of aiming their guns at people who film. Happened the day after the funeral for the priest that got killed by islamis in Normandy.

Other urls found in this thread:

I was just reading this story and it saddens me.

t. Catholic

This picture isn't the same french church (in fact 2400 are scheduled for destruction) and I'm not christian but it gave me the feels.

Not a christcuck but churches and the artful skills which were needed to build them are part of european culture.

This is awful.

Who needs racist Gothic architecture? Gotta make room for those Mosques, goy.

I'm sure a mosque will be built on the same plot.

I love seeing destruction of Kikestianity in the evening.

Its like all those protestants were right about the antichrist being european.

Remember to always defend cops when niggers blast them in their face. Cops are not freemasons and zionists who enforce jewish order on the White race – they are your friends and compatriots who see society exactly as you do.

Europeans are pathetic.

Your history is being erased, your people are dying, and what do you do?

Do you organize, take up arms, and defend your lands?


You cry on the internet as your nations die, your women are raped, and your cultured is abolished.

If you will not, can not, save your past, you don't deserve a future.

Fight back, you cowards.


good, less catholic degeneracy ruining romance countries

Tell me what i a simple man can do and i do it, instead of being a keyboard warrior, you are being a patethic coward too.
If i am a faggot so are you.

Thanks for participating in the demise of the west, faggot

Holy fucking shit, is there a better picture to illustrate modern Europe. Traditional beautiful European architecture must make way for post-modernist atrocities and parking-lots, it's current year.

All I can say is thank God it was at least a 19th century building and not medieval, still the images give me shivers, I've had nightmares about Europe tearing down it's magnificent medieval churches …

current year calamity

Churches have some of the most impressive architecture in the world.

I gaurantee they're doing this bullshit to prepare the cities for mosques.

Church name is Sainte-Rita.
Sainte-Rita is the patron of lost and impossible causes
t. French Mad Man.

I know you are probably an JIDF, but you can't seriously look at that architecture and history and just still just throw an one liner.

I hope you understand better than that.

T. pagan


Christian or not, those gothic edifices are part of our culture , destryoing it is Absolutely Disgusting.

This guy always been a badass, the jew fears him.

I'm nominal and too depressed to get motivated for any kind of sin so I think I'm in a good position vs the lesbian islamcucks and somali village importers making up modern christian clergy.

at this stage we're so hopelessly outgunned and at risk for being stuck in a muslim rape cage for doing anything and the asleep people don't fucking help. the media grip in europe is too far gone. a time to fight has to come but when? I do not know, it's beyond immiserating.

People who are anti-Christian are on the side of the secularists and islamophiles in this story. What a surprise. Does anyone have that "anti-Christians are the epitome of Jewish controlled opposition" pasta?

stop being such a faggy edgelord, this is history and a beautiful building, not to mention this is happening to fucking churchgoers of all people

shoulda link the tweet too

I don't want these beautiful ancient halls of worship to be torn down. I want to convert them into temples for frog worship.

Serious question, is this real? arent this part of a movie or something like that?

I would at least want these churches repurposed.

Destroying them is a god damn crime, if there's one thing in this world that can be considered art, it's church architecture in Europe.


Fuck off cathokike, orthodox will inherit the earth

At least you goyim have your pagan "traditions".

An assault on the church is an assault on Europe.

The French deserve everything they're getting.

Buy a gun, organize men, stand your ground and oppose the state via force.

That is what you can do.

Its not about me.

Defend your lands, your people, your past, or you don't deserve - and will not have - a future.

Its not hard to figure out what you have to do, you're just too comfy to do it.

That will change in time, but you act now or by then it will be too little too late.

The time to fight was 20-30 years ago. What you're living through right now are the mop up operations and you're being mopped up.


After the barrage of constant terrorist attacks they go after churches instead of mosques.

Le easy bait

This is muslims tier

You risk the rape cage now, or face your nation having become one big Muslim rape cage.


You have no future otherwise, so what are you afraid of?

The gun is at your head - fight back and potentially die a hero, or die on your knees, a coward.

There is no alternative.

Holy shit this.

"If we worship frogs our culture will never die."

I'm an orthodox serb

Why wouldn't they? Every single sector of the French economy and military industrial complex is owned by foreign Muslims and Jews. They own the country. It is theirs. The police and the military work for them.

English motherfucker do you speak it

Then kill them and take it back, you coward.

Are you French?

Yeah, exactly. The problem is that conservatives don't fight – if they were willing to fight, they wouldn't be conservatives.
I don't live in France. I'm not French.

Doesn't matter.

Just tell me.
don't be a coward

They could just ban funding from abroad

Most pagans in my country rejoice after they burn down a church.

I'm French. I'm preparing for my family to live through some major SHTF. I won't fight for traitors who will turn on me. I'll let them starve to death then purge the land from the traitors who have survived.
The military is with us.
The police is with us.
The strong men are with us.
The women will follow the victorious.
Fuck everything by large until SHTF. I won't put myself in jail or get shot for some shitskin who'll eventually be honored as martyrs while my family has to live without me.

Most pagans are larping morons, though

I'm not a cuckolic but this rustles my jimmies. That temple was built by our ancestors, and was built by master craftsmen.

Its also symbolic for the destruction of western civilization.

prevent muslims from building mosques everywhere is islamaphobic goy

Do you and tour family attend church?


Let me know if you find better articles/pics for this contrast pic.

Many people are really riled up about this and we shouldn't waste an opportunity.

Not meant at you specifically, rather, at the myriad Europeans reading this and in similar straits.

Too much crying, too much whining.

Europeans have forgotten the golden rule: The strong consume the weak.

There is nothing more to that peimciple, and it will never change, for it is the foundational core of the Death World that is Earth, Holy Terra.

Your enemies wish to defeat you?
They've subverted your systems?
Traitors abound?
"Oh woes is me! What can we do!?"

Gather forces, ride out and meet them.

To whatever end, its better do die fighting while you still have a chance, than to die on your knees, afraid of the consequences of trying to attack those holding a gun to your head.

Who I am doesn't matter.
My words are truth.

Europeans, heed these words:
If you will not fight. you will die, and be remembered only as cowards.
If you fight, aye, you may die, or face prison.
If you don't, if you bitch online, you may live - for awhile.

But what would you give on your deathbed, in Muslim nations ruled by Outsiders and the Jews who welcomed them, to come back and take action?
What threat could be levied against you, facing such future, that ought pose any matter of concern?
What could possibly be worse than the future you and your people face?


Fight now, or die as cowards.
You have no alternative.

That, but I don't think Varg is a larper- his kind is usually the one that acts on their arsonist urges. And alas, Europe burns. Hellenist pagans seem to be of different sort (examples in the Golden Dawn group).

This world is a nightmare

aka people who donate to Africa

Sadly, no. Except last Sunday.

Roman catholic is in full inclusive and tolerance mode. Been like that for centuries, but now it is more fucked up than ever. I even believe Christianism became perverted as soon as Jesus died.
So while the universal message was good, it was soon corrupted by ideologies from the Levant (like Ancient Greece and Rome) and then, with the catholic absolutism (incarnated by the pope), it became a powerful political movement, totally disconnected with the notion of racial consciousness, pride and soul.
I may have been a Vaudois, or a Lutherian, but modern christianism doesn't match with the necessity of standing up to fight against our genocide.

But it's just my opinion.

This is just fucking sickening

These pictures look so iconic, they're a perfect metaphor for what's going on now. If we save ourselves from this bullshit, future generations will look back on these pictures for historical reference.

You have to pick sides, lad.

If you refuse to participate, the most organised group will win

that's what you get for your Pope being a marxist jewsuit kike
t. europe

French civil war when?

This is absolutely absurd. It seems like it is a show of power, a message to provoke a reaction rather than just demolishing it for the sake of a parking lot.

Are you talking about niggers ? Kebabs ? Or our government ?

Just as a reminder :
The military is with us.

L'Empire is coming.

A french guy on halfchan said media is calling the church "a nest of far righters" or something to that effect. Basically the right wing has been campaigning to keep it open and that means it must be closed in the most derogatory way possible.

year or two, expect the guillotines

Eversince the revolution the french have been steadily destroying their churches, nothing new about this.

It's 1918 all over again.

When will it just fucking end?

I thought the frogs were going to have enough after Nice with their culture being destroyed.

Nah just bulldoze more churches and make way for parking lots (mosques)

France needs another reign of terror.


frogs are sick of it ye, but they don't have the balls to do anything about it like germoney or britian

Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

The French military is heavily kebab and niggers.


rip in pease. western culture

Same as any Christian who attends LARP sessions (mass).

Why would I want to be associated with a religion full of cucks?

That's antisemitic goy!

I bet you do, Moishe

Seriously France this is going too far.

why exactly it happened?

Unfortunately it's not just in France or in the EU. It's happening in Canada and the US as well. Mosques are being built everywhere while churches are demolished or converted for (((other uses))).

When officials at the local level attempt to stop it from taking place it usually turns into expensive legal battles.

HOLY SHIT (French)
The church is owned by the association des chapelles catholiques et apostoliques (pic rel 2), who paid €150.000 to the so-called gallican archpriest, Mgr. Dominique Philippe, to not block the destruction of the church. (french)
This association is not catholic, not even religious. They are the ones destroying our culture to build more shekel-grabbing soulless parkings. They are merchants.

Forgot to add pics




The hardest part about all this is that nobody wants to be the guy that fires the first shot. Everyone wants to react against something but not act for something. Its a problem all over the western world, even in the US.

At some point, somebody will have to bite the bullet, give up their possessions and lives and eliminate some enemies to get the ball rolling.


t. christian

European Cathedrals are the wonders of the world. Imagine if niggers or native Americans (as if) built something so amazing, we'd never hear the end of it.

Destroying one of these is like blowing up the statue of liberty, the pyramids or what ISIS are doing. In fact destroying these Churches is what ISIS are doing - cultural genocide.

yeah, its RT.
only vid I could find.

I don't even know where to begin with the bullshit that is that image



There have already been lone wolves like Brevik who have done so, hasn't accomplished anything except to turn immigrants and leftists into martyrs and to demonize the cause further. There is absolutely no guarantee it will "get the ball rolling" to chimp out or to kill people, there has to be the willingness to die and kill among many people to turn a single incident into a flashpoint for Deus Vult.

When am I going to wake up? This nightmare has been going on for a while now… Aren't dreams usually pretty short?

This is some sort of reverse dream fam. You sleep and enter the real world. You wake up into a nightmare that you can't sleep away.

Who else than Breivik has done anything in the last 20 years? You can bet your ass that if the MSM had anyone else than Breivik to talk about, they would.

Shit, Breivik is getting more attention right now for what he did five years ago than the Nice trucktard who killed as many people two weeks ago. This is how desperate they are to find a nationalist terrorist.

That's because true nationalists don't need terrorism. It's like saying the man who's right needs to lie.

I don't know if we will wake up, or if we'll have to jolt ourselves awake with something drastic

what a stupid image
please, fuck off weeb

We might as well have some fun with bullets till we wake up. I mean at least we have some interesting gadgets and people to take down.

Those are some of the most painful images I've ever seen. Unless they were about to collapse on their own or something dire, there's no good reason to destroy those buildings.

Scrolled down further before posting and saw this:


I think I need a break from Holla Forums. This shit is getting too depressing to handle all at once.

t. athiest

t. atheist


Just brought this up with some libtard I knew and his first reaction was "Good there are too many of them just taking up space being useless"

don't you and your newfound Christian brothers have to worship a certain someone over at /r/commonfilth?

Wait a few days for him to forget about it, then start an innocent discussion with him where you talk about how they should bulldoze mosques and synagogues. When he opposes it, confront him for being a hypocrite.

This is one of those friends that I was in the middle of breaking contact with because everytime I talk to him he mindlessly spews everything in favor of democrats no matter what it is.

So that's what the guns for pigs were for.
A very clear display oh power against the natives. It happened there it will happen here.

France is an occupied nation.

Of note, when I brought up the rotherham rapes, he instantly started defending muslims saying the girls probably deserved it in some way.

Sweet, here are some of mine

The french were always contrarians
This brought them glory, and these days failure
Church demolition, especially romanic/gothic ones, is ISIS-tier, these churches were literally the top of its heyday in terms of technology and craftmanship
A shameful display by the cuckold french population

shoulda hit him at that point user

Friendly reminder that many of these Churches took decades, and in some cases centuries to construct.

And they're being ripped down for fucking parking lots and Mosques.

Even if you aren't a Christian, if you value the West, and you value history. This should make your fucking blood boil.

Were I a Frenchman some local Mosques would be seeing improvised destruction today.

The tides of public sentiment are turning, the right is on the march in Europe.

When we do take power, don't forget the names of the traitors who ordered and were complacent in shit like this.

They have a grim future before them and it's up to us to ensure they're subjected to it.

…you would be a muslim

I fear for the great buildings in Norway and Sweden

Hail brother.

triple dubs check also


Who let you out of the oven Moshe?

Same. inb4 JIDF or whatever else, better a parking lot then a rapist encampment


Obama keeps fucking us but we have guns so we can revolt whenever we want ! we just don't want to ! Just wait for Trump to do all the job !
t. americans

The west is literally being torn down in front of your eyes. Payback for murdering your king perhaps.


Holla Forums what the fuck do I do? We're literally watching the barbarians tear down our monuments at this point. Whose head do I go for if I want to make a difference?

You snipe them out, one by one, like a cat
If you get away with it, more people will follow

Nice sources here Moshe.
Military is like 25% non-white and it still the ones that love France the most and are ready to die for her.



They have figuratively destroyed all you built; and now they literally destroy it!

Come to think of it, the pope kind of looks like a jew

Do we have a list or somewhere or should I just follow my own discretion?

His parents were commies

Well, as i am a law-abiding citizen who break no law under FBI inspection, i can say you should read previous attempts
Cases like the ones we are talking about have been perpetrated and hidden from the public, you just need extreme levels of planning, patience and contacts to provide you with really good stuff (supressors, long range subsonic stuff)
It's pretty hard but it can be done, even dindus did

Other details i dont know, im no terrorist but there's basic knowledge books around (Paladin ones) and /k/ knows a thing or 2
But that's all speculation, nothing based on the truth tho :^)

And Christianity isn't??

What you're suggesting is fucking dangerous and illegal, you're practically a monster.

Check out how to build this sweet solvent trap instead.

explains why he's such a shit-tier christian then

The truth is truth. Calling it 'bullshit' doesn't change that.

There isn't even a fedora in that image you sperg.

Just 2400?
Destroy them all.
We don't need monuments to Jewsus and Yahweh.

been telling you niggas for years we were living in the end of times or w/e you want to call it. Everyone wants to play it off though, "oh prophecy was only for the immediate future back then, if even that, its all bullshit anyway.. hur dur no one is that powerful, pff people always think its the end when bad things happen… how many times has it been predicted that the world would end? christcuck" etc etc

If you give it some time though, you start to realize that revelation wasnt talking about a man, but rather either a nation or collective nation, or an ideology of nations. That the heads/horns/etc all that symbology was talking about empires that were the seat of satans power on earth, and all the confusing shit about morning star terminology is translational shit thats meant to confuse and subvert people understanding any of this shit or seeing jesus nd satan as the same or w/e the fuck else.

But yeah, end of times bro. Doesnt mean go fuck around and screw yourself into damnation or just stop living. Just means this earths days are numbered and we're about to live through the greatest shitstorm the earth has ever known, the happening to end all happenings.

Gonna be fun to watch. Just built a new pc to upgrade my battle station so I can enjoy watching the world erupt in flames with more quality to the streams and horror

The Cardinals need to mount an insurrection! I've seen reports that many are very displeased with the Pope. It's time for them to act.

The Church is owned and run by marxists, the time to act was a few decades ago
You really don't want to know how bad the seminary system is right now

t. Another pagan

Burned/bombed by govs
Also there's plenty of them (ruins) in New Mexico/Utah/Mississipi and Arizona
Now that doesn't excuse why they aren't doing them now, but they literally couldn't from 1500 to 1800
Read some more, and chinks (all of them) did too, the only ones who couldn't were nigguhs, and desert/dense jungles are no excuse because arabs and indians did it

I feel like I can't breath. These structures are so beautiful it can't be put into words.

Those pyramids were there before the aztec savages. A long time before them.

That looks like a funky trap for solvents m8

But that wouldn't explain Palenque nor Chichen Itza

This. Resistance is actually quite a simple matter, it's just so foreign to us as cosseted modern people.



You get to be the change to the true ways.

Lad, they already gave the guns up willingly when their countries were still White and safe. Bet they wish they still had them now!

True. Have another symbolic image of Modern England.
(a Jew & Muslim embrace)

I don't what to be needlessly antagonistic here, butChristians, this is your fault for ending the inquisition.

You should have never stopped burning people.

That's horrible. That's basically the same percentage as the United States [though I'd imagine it isn't falling as rapidly as the US], which is already shitskinned enough as to induce functional paralysis on all matters except bilking the taxpayer and haphazardly engaging in strange foreign excursions for purely jewish motivations.


This is an extremely provocative demonstration of White cultural genocide to be coincidental.

Who ordered this shit?


I don't think it's needlessly antagonistic. The Bible preaches constant warfare with the forces of evil, whether it be by peace through the Word (preferably), or by the sword if there are literally no other options to stop the spread of Satan. Most modern Christians do neither, therefore God is not with them, therefore the only one left who could be with them is Satan. It is a just punishment.

Anyone who says this is confirmed for never reading the Bible. The Bible doesn't sugarcoat the Christian life despite all of the benefits coming with it. Because as was said, the Bible preaches constant warfare against Satan, who is also the Father of all deception and death and current ruler of Earth. Of course bad shit is going to happen to or around you! What the Bible 'does' say about protection from evil through the power of God is protection from fearing evil.

Just another reminder of how important it is to defend European culture from the invaders and the cuck enablers.

You mean burning Europeans who didn't want to worship their Jew God?

And the first step towards that is killing Catholics, who are traitors. We will only know that nationalists have won when the pope's head is lying in a bucket under the guillotine.


anti-cop = anti-white

fucking leftists trying to d&c by making us hate cops

i knew a cop once and he was an alright guy who didnt afraid of anything


Burn the fucking church to the ground. It's anti-European Semitic mud worship!

That's a good think, genius. Mosques are redpilling whites to the mud hordes while Churches are bluepilling whites

your pic shows the moral decay of atheism.
in your hate you are actually defending that behavior, sad.

op is promoting pisstianity
pisstianity = cuck = more immigrants
pisstianity = jewish religion rejecting the jews, still its jewish

chrsitians ruined europe and dragged it into the dark age
they also made it possible for jews to spread across europe.

christianity is not white

You don't get it, dude.This is about lefties destroying anything western and anything tied to our histories.

Reminds me of Kosovo.

Fuk all we did there was protecting Serbs, and churches from beeing snackbared. (after we bombed em)

Capitalism = Judaism



That user was pointing out correctly there is a huge rate of Freemason membership among American police

Nice, fuck christkikery

go tip your fedora elsewhere, faggot.
Regardless of what you think about it, France has been Catholic for pretty much as long as France has existed. The old ways are gone, but this is destruction of genuine French tradition in real time.

daily reminder kikes want to destroy christianity.

You don't see much shitskin among the officers though.


the excuse is they have no money to fix them up

meanwhile how much money do they piss away on niggercamps?

You must be one of those problematic white christcucks goy, why do you hate Europe? Clearly Christianity is to blame for the shitskin invasion and not the Jews.

Stop using the nigger king meme to delegitimize the research to this matter. Although your moronic memes wont matter, many are seeing what is hidden.

Source for the destrction plans? I could find dozens of examples but is there a compilation? Is it a directive?


I'm a kek-worshipper, but this is FUCKING ENRAGING. I don't know when the last time I've seen an image so vile.

Yeah but protslimes predict the end of the world every 50 years. Hardly an achievement to eventually get one right.

wtf why are they destroying them? Here in Estonia we aren't even very religious and most churches are empty, but it would never happen here, all churches are under heritage protection and can't be demolished.

because a parking lot can go there
and eventually a mosque can be attached to that parking lot

Kek doesn't want "worship"; his cult consists of checking repeating digits, making good posts and creating liberating misschief. He is a primordial being, "worship" is meaningless to him.

And The same goes for canadian police. There's even a lodge in vancouver with a crowned skull over crossbones near the city limits.

Who are you to interpret the will of Kek? I have a personal relationship with the frog god. He feeds my autistic rage with carnal memetics, and decorates my dreams with wet corpses of juden. I worship out of respect and fear, for He is one of the last wells of power remaining in this godless world our father's left for us.

It is true that He cares little for my reverence, and that His chaotic energy may consume those who stare too long at His smug visage – but our hour is late. For a chance of preserving our crumbling world I would sell my soul and compact with forgotten primordial forces.

Yes, Mark Passio speaks quite a bit about the connection between the police and the Masons. There are more than 30 PDs in the US with very explicit masonic imagery.

Don't fret, fellow traveller. Many ways lead to the abode of the Green One.

I just saw this. From 2013