Atheist books

I'm an atheist trying to get more into Philosophy. I have read the 4 horsemen, CARL sagan, Nietzsche, and a fair amount of counter-apologetics material, but now I want to learn more about the secrets atheist genuises realize.

Do you know any websites or philosophy books written by atheists that I should read?

No Christian stuff or philosophy of religion fanfiction please, Christians are brainwashed and moronic, and I know the difference because I used to be one. I want profound philosophical material that challenges me to rethink my assumptions and change my political views

*tips fedora at the speed of light*



It's too much to expect an inferior mind to recognize genius. That is why I want books by atheists.

Just get a copy of the bible with the word 'God' crossed out


Your breed has held back science a thousand years.

Be Pious and Religious, O my Son; for he that doth so, is the best and highest Philosopher, and without Philosophy it is impossible ever to attain to the height and exactness of Piety and Religion.

how euphoric! you must be one of the enlightened few.

Read The Ego and Its Own, take the egoism pill.

The Ego is a spook

Thank you for my daily cancer

A spook is a concept which you hold to have intrinsic value and subordinate your own desires to. Stirner's "ego" is a purely referential phrase, it points towards your own existence without expressing anything about you. It is not only not prescriptive, it isn't even descriptive. The ego is not formally capable of being a spook.


you exist, therefore it isn't.

Atheism is so senseless & odious to mankind that it never had many professors.
– Isaac Newton

You won't find many atheist philosophers until you get to the 1960s.

then my existence is a spook.

no, a spook is just a categorical term to classify fixed ideas that you subordinate yourself to.

I did, it was an excellent book where he kicked the asses of all then existing Christian philosophy and ideologies. I want more books of that caliber.

self is a spook

Read it again, and browse Holla Forums to be introduced to socialism, which is the real goal in the union of egoists.

if by self you mean identity, then yes.

self is a ego spoook

individualism is a spook. there is no you/me. we are collective nothingness, which is a spook in a spook

I am already a Democratic socialist because thr Nordic model is scientifically proven to be better, and would have voted Sanders. There is a lot of Marxist thought I am suspicious of because of the failure of the USSR, and though I have read only a little Marx, I don't know where to go to safely become a Marxist without becoming a regressive Muslim-enabling liberal.

I know this is bait but whats the point of reading the counter-apologetics if you're not reading the apologetics?

you are a retarded kid who needs to grow up

You're cool

Not possible. But I can see you're already too far into your Marxist phase so there's probably no convincing you.

Sure, but capitalism is still capitalism. Every moment is a complete cuckening of you from the means of production.
Also USSR was not socialist, just capitalist with another face.



How tough is it for you to do all of this mental gymnastics?

did the workers own the means of production democratically?

nope, because it was a vanguard acting as dictator of a state. not socialism.

Pretty coincidental how the most fucked up countries in the world claim they are socialists

because those were NAZBOL ALL ALONG.

Disregard the inevitable naysayers and read this. Commies gonna hate.

"Money is the barometer of a society’s virtue. When you see that trading is done, not by consent, but by compulsion–when you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing–when you see that money is flowing to those who deal, not in goods, but in favors–when you see that men get richer by graft and by pull than by work, and your laws don’t protect you against them, but protect them against you–when you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming a self-sacrifice–you may know that your society is doomed. Money is so noble a medium that does not compete with guns and it does not make terms with brutality. It will not permit a country to survive as half-property, half-loot."

Pffthahaha! Spooked harder than christfags.

And the inevitable naysayer shows up.

Man I don't even have to read Ayn Rand to know you're spooked. Private property? Hierarchy? Keep off bud.

Collectivism? Fuck off, commie.

I've read some apologetics including CS Lewis and they were trash, so now I don't bother.

I read a bit of Atlas Shrugged and it was some of the spookiest and most idealistic libertarianism I've ever read. She was a spoiled Russian brat and had no empathy for others because the poor just needed to stop being lazy. She had no serious solution for solving the tragedy of the commons other than to claim rich would voluntarily solve it, and when that was refuted she'd just say she didn't care. No, voluntarism leads to the tragedy of the commons and inequality from sociopaths under game theory, and therefore the solution is the opposite: to make rules for any capitalistic games that affect all of us and enforce them for all, which is why I am closest to a democratic socialism.

Yeah, that makes her a spoiled brat. Totally.

So because the USSR failed her she uncritically decided the opposite extreme must be true and rejected all Marxist thought. Then she needed to retire on welfare to make ends meet, welp, enjoy your meme philosophy.

wowee, you should get that anal rupture checked out

the joke is atheism is just a position on god. Atheism proposes no philosophy.
Pick any book and just ignore any parts about god. If the philosophy breaks there, throw it away.

alternatively pick up an actual science book. Thats as atheistic, as it fuckin gets and isnt some vague-ass "what if" philosophical bullshit


Don't let "church of the creator" put you off, the name was trademarked by a Christian group after Ben Klassen wrote this book and formed his group. The court ruled in the Christian group's favour despite this.

Not that guy.

This kid is high on cultural marxism, ok, for tards, you have God and gods, gods can be made with science so atheism is pure retardation or just a position, like saying that womyn dont exists because they dont like you. Now for God, that user already talked about it and no, its not bullshit, is just a position or retardation, pro tip, autism is retardation.



no - u explain

Philosophy is boring. But if I had to recommend related stuff…
Read these:

* The Prince by Niccolò Machiavelli
* The Art of War by Niccolò Machiavelli
* The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham
* Economics in One Lesson by Henry Hazlitt
* Anarchy, State, and Utopia by Robert Nozick
* A History of the World by Andrew Marr
* The Road to Serfdom by F. A. Hayek
* Human Action by Ludwig von Mises
and some other stuff I guess

I'm currently reading Neuromancer.

also don't read marx
he's boring

real boring

This pic is you
I agree. I read the Manifesto and thought it was awesome, but Das Kapital was too incredibly slow and boring. I get it already Marx, Capitalism sucks, just explain how you're going to make your system work better and sustain itself without more violence and significantly less freedoms than we have today, and I would be there, otherwise I'll stay a pacifist Social Democrat.

I read the Prince and it sums up the puppet show of politics nicely. Not familiar with the rest, and I'm not planning to become an army general.

Ussr is a true Scotsman for leftypol

Only one is vaguely about military politics. and even then it isn't. You're what, 17/18? Just read the damn books

They're by Christcucks. See Michiaveli

If it is in a book, it isn't much of a secret, is it? And why is it that history's most noted geniuses have largely been men who believe in God?

Your problem, OP, is that you are trying to put a larger box into a smaller one. Read Heidegger's Being and Time. It will explain to you that given the type of beings we are there are limitations to our ability to know things that may exist outside the realm of our perception. Kant's work was largely based on Heidegger, but Heidegger spells out the "why" end of it in much more detail. Essentially it is pure logic pointing out that there are things which we can not know, and that it is at least possible therefore that something like what we describe as "God" could exist in that realm, and could exert influence on this world (and by extension on us).

While many philosophers disagree with that assertion, none have been able to refute it, which is why it is still one of the most studied books in all of Philosophy.

Have at it, and see what you think. Warning: Even the English translation will require you to have at least some ability to read German, Greek, Latin, and French, or to invest in some companion texts (which I would recommend anyway).

It is probably one of the most important books of metaphysics in all of modern Philosophy though, so you should read it.

Esoteric Christian bullshit, all style and no substance.

And you can't prove invisible pink unicorns don't exist. No thanks, Christard, this thread is for atheists and their books and superior logic only.