Ever notice how Common Core's chief designers and financiers are all…

Ever notice how Common Core's chief designers and financiers are all…
Something familiar going on here. Can't quite figure it out.


Also, all the neo-cons GOP faggots like Jeb and McCain are 100% for CC.

I am so sorry I let you brothers down.

There is literally no good arguments in support of common core. Why do people still want it?

Nice video OP, 14 mins in and I'm hooked.

That part where the life time teacher introduces the guy that will be giving teachers their marching orders by describing in detail how he has no experience or credentials in education or teaching. Then he left that organization to run colleges in to the ground. What the fuck.

He must be from marketing.

hes obviously jewish.

common core is part of the marxisms end game. communism failed because people were not equal. they need to bring everyone down to the same level. any excellence threatens a marxists world view. they have to rid our children of their genetic capabilities to apply their gifts by perverting the education system to stunt them. its devolution but in (((their))) minds, its for the common good.


Obviously there will be special jewish schools with a non-CC curriculum goy.

Government subsidies.

David Coleman is also a homosexual

That's so infuriating that a repulsive creature like that has so much influence on the minds of millions of our children.

Nobody wants it.
Students and parents alike are mostly against it.
Small protests were held, complaints filed, but nothing was done. It's just the government forcing it on all school districts.

Also, being a former student of common core, I don't know if it was like this before it was implemented. But, every single year, we read books about the holocaust. I also talked to youngers concerning this, and they agree. Elementary school, Junior High, High school, every year, the holocaust is forced into the curriculum. Can any pre-CC student answer if it was like this before?


No way, every year? What kind of pretext could they even have for that? That almost sounds too blatant to be real.

I graduated pre-CC. I only remember going over Anne Frank in 7th grade, and then about the jew sufferings in high school's world history. I vaguely remember some video they showed us in elementary school of evil nazis braining babies on walls and dropping them from balconies to splat on the streets below. That's all I can recall.

Canuck here, I learned of holocaust, from Jewish teacher, and mentioned once or twice in history thats it.

When I bluepilled I was shocked people didn't know much about muh holohoax.

my Senior year in HS was '06. We read Night by Elie Wiesel about a concentration camp in 8th grade and in my freshmen year my kike English teacher had us watch Life is Beautiful about a concentration camp.

I also remember reading a book in school about Japanese Americans getting interned in my home state California but I couldn't care less.

No, only when we did world history, which was maybe a two years of gradeschool along with one year of high school
History during gradeschool was focused on the local level and the state level, we did have a lot on slavery though, along with learning the evils of the ever present Ohioans

had to read anne franks diary, and we covered it in history.

Now, black history we covered every fucking year.

We interned many german and italian americans too, little known fact.

Yea i don't doubt it, a good policy if you ask me. I vividly remember thinking it was manipulation to force these sympathetic stories on us about "poor innocent people" when we were involved in a world fucking war.
Same with the vilification of Germans when anyone with a brain could understand they were just citizens of a nation that had historical grievances.

Public education never had anything to say about Bolshevism, Mao, Pol Pot, Palestine, or shit, even Stalin. Nothing. little ol me was reading real history books while muh 6 gorrillion was the only thing important in school.


Daily reminder that GG was cucked enough to refuse to acknowledge Common Core as a threat

Hmmm… Polish, or (((Polish)))? Remember that many, many Polish Jews emigrated to the US in the 30s and 40s.