Cartoons with originals songs
Cartoons with originals songs
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I actually remember this episode.
sorry about that here is the full song.
thats oddly specific.
As long as theres a hot chick and something is fucking with her brain then I'm game. The more direct the better often times
fair enough.
you like brainfuck don't you, anon?
brb joining the navy
Fun Fact: This song was written by John Tesh
John K Peta is my hero, shame he doesn't make too much any more
I bet B12 could beat up the Party Posse.
I don't even like the show, I just like the song.
And the hips.
Is Disney movies, cheating? Cause I got a couple that I like.
if we're allowed to post from animated movies can I post the soundtrack from Road to El Dorado?
why is the goofy movie so damn good?
Go for it.
Powerline is a seriously underleveraged property
all right user.
here's some more.
This movie wasn't that good, but the music was decent.
I only saw the English dub but the French version sounds better.
Jem had 2-3 original glam rock songs per episode, with few repeats
pity about the movie just what would have been the problem with adapting the first 5 episodes anyway? You've got antagonistic rivals, high stakes money on the line, and a dastardly kidnapping. What more do you want?
The people making the movie just didn't care that much about Jem and probably thought by slapping the name onto a bad band movie they could make some extra cash from older people with nostalgia.
Jem > Stingers > Misfits.
I agree with your ranking. I just liked the opening animation in Let's Blow This Town
Jerrica's angst over how to tell Rio her secret identity could be handled by casually dismissing the hologram and letting the shock work its way through him. No harsh confession, no Rio getting calculatedly angry because he feels lied to. And when he questions her on it she could pretend to suddenly realize she never told him.
Only part of the movie I ever went back to watch a few times, very nice
For some reason, Jerrica's not smart enough to think of this herself, though.
I like to think Rio found out sometime around the beginning of the series and is just playing along with it because he wants her to tell him on her own.
'sfunny, Norman Spinrad's novel "Little Heroes" came out about the same time, and was basically the same thing.
I still cant believe Trey Parker actually speaks fluent Japanese
Yeah, when looking back at his work he's very knowledgable on Japanes language and culture. They even have Japanese in Cannibal the musical.
Fuck you all
It's amazing how such a shitty show could have kickass songs like this.
this episode was so good. The only song I thought was lame was Death Trap.
This song is kinda meh to be honest. Shame cuz you got Weird Al singing it.
thats a cheery way of looking at nihilism.
Last night I watched Coraline for the first time since it's release. was an amazing experience
I'm sort of bummed the final movie wasn't a full-on TMBG musical like originally planned
A cover of a song.
Not an original song.
really? I've only heard it on Spongebob before. Where did it come from then?
Seriously everything in this movie makes so much sense. It is a cliché teen movie, basically. But that all those characters get a backstory they never had makes it interesting.
And it all fits so well. Who the hell came up with that job for Goofy?!
I dunno but it can't possibly be from Spongebob exclusively… its just too perfect.
Actually the performer reminds me of the Goofy Goober guy.
In a sequel Goofy works in a factory and goes to college and ends up meeting Max in college.
Well, I just assumed they knew a musician to use.
didn't know they were originally involved with the movie.
song starts at 1:20
song starts at 40 seconds.
This episode was so god damn surreal.
Only one song they did ended up in the movie:
Can't fuckin believe they got GWAR on KND.
so did TMBG sing that or was that the actor that sang that?
huh, didn't know that. Sounds a bit different from TMBG's usual voice.
Sounds like John Linnell to me
oh ok then.
>Turns out it does have a happy ending although she is probably deaf by this point
And here I thought brainfucks couldn't end well.
There is some shit in there. And by shit, I mean literal shit. Just in one panel, though. Be advised.
Btw, it was easy enough to find with the two clues provided in the thread
but you said you had a link, so why bother
I actually had to explicitly search it for you since I already closed the window long ago. Be grateful, you little fuck
Not sure if My Little Pony is allowed on here but I like the song so whatever.
You know we could post all the songs from that show here. There's so much.
did you make those webms?
If you decreased the resolution you could save up a lot of space, maybe ever fit the entire song in 2 or 1 webms.
And the continuousness of the music is more important than the video quality.
I will work on re-encoding the video since I wasn't very happy with the output.
I also care about quality alot. since I re-encoded those webms from a lossless blu-ray rip. the original video file for that song was 994mb which is about 40mbps
shit mang, sure, go for it, I'm sure that if set it to 512 passes you'll fit it in one 1080p webm
where is the song with the cool bracket toplist thing, faggot
I remember that was the best song in the people movie
not original song but still good song and good animation.
aw hell fucking yeeah
songs starts at 0:53.
what have I done?
That was all me user. I just wanted to post whatever original cartoon songs I could find. Though I could find more MLP songs since they have so many songs out there.
I tried using vp9 instead of vp8 to re-encode that song and put it into 2 parts. it looked much better despite the lower bitrate. but then the filesize went slightly over and I can't fix it. when I tell ffmpeg to not go over a certain bitrate it still fucking does it anyway and now I can't post a webm that took me half an hour to encode. I really need to get a better laptop.
Fuck off.
dude, you missed a post.
shit I forgot about the Grinch. We should post more Grinch stuff.
One of the best things from that episode was Lt. Smash's hallucination about hippies fighting Soldiers with flowers
That's from an old musical
accept that his art is bad
You still fap to it dont you you wanker
It just occurred to me that the singer sounds like he could be Weird Al's son or something.
That episode always weirded me out, because both my grannies were great cooks. To this day, I haven't been to a restaurant or met anyone that can make a better lentil soup than my grandma's.
Get groovin'.
Goddamn it. The first two are ok, but the third one is pure shit.
You have to go back.
wait there's a new Peabody and Sherman cartoon? Damn I didn't know they made this. Is it any good?
I kinda like the artwork on this show.
Oh is that the one with Sia in it? I saw the episode but I never knew who did the singing for that pony in that episode.
Not sure, but Rara's VA is Lena Hall.
oh didn't know that user. Thanks.
It's pretty formulaic, so it depends on if you're into that or not.
That's the movie
Damn, that's smooth. I haven't paid any attention to The Brave and The Bold - is it worth watching?
Is that weird al?
I'd forgotten how good this one was, although I wish they hadn't made it so loud.
I love how "Diogee go home" is this show's "where's Perry"
How did the best South Park one not get posted already?