Face it Holla Forums, under Trump the education system would be irreversibly damaged...

face it Holla Forums, under Trump the education system would be irreversibly damaged. Trump wants to repeal common core even though it will significantly improve the quality of public education, and also wants to allow creationism to be taught. This is what the average test would look like under Trump.

This is why we need Hillary, she will provide a free standardized public education to all, and will give every child an equal chance to succeed

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Common core was invented by a homosexual Jew. Its main purpose is to elevate niggers at the expense of whites and accelerate the destruction of white christian society.

Sage for troll thread.

Common core is trash.

Sage. Reported and filtered.

'91 here, was under common core and it was fucking trash
fuck you OP

BTFO in one reply. A new record.

Don't forget to sage and report!

Common core was explicitly designed to make kids dumber.

Good god, they paid you for this pathetic attempt?

Holla Forums isn't your fucking safe space

kill yourself

Commoncore is utter garbage and it is not applicable in every day life. I'm not going to wait on an employee to fucking sit there and figure out every numbers connection. Just get to it and share the numbers across while doing the math, that or use a calculator.

but he got question 14 wrong…

I don't care about education. Schools are worthless. Intelligent kids learn regardless of schooling, and retards fail regardless of schooling. Schools are ultimately a waste of time and money. Give kids a library card and drop them off at the library for eight hours a day and they will end up with a better education than sending them to public school.



Freedom, good.

No this is what common core has done.

To go to prison. Which is good.

Your boss is going to jail and there's nothing you can do about it.

Who the fuck are are you and where do you think you are?
Oh no the leftist brainwashing camps will be damaged!

I know a high school teacher he says Common Core is a good idea as it helps put students at the same level as to what is expected to be learned nationwide at each grade but he says it's a complete cluster fuck because they don't know how to implement it and are teaching kids things in a backwards and stupid way.

Common core is making kids dumber, not smarter. Fuck you, retard.

the education system is already irreversibly damaged it has been so bad a whole generation has been stunted

Creationism is pretty retarded and the Murrican kneejerk love of silly Judaic fairy tales is contemptible. Religious nutcases.

However, none of this has absolutely anything to do with the repulsive commie Common Core bullshit.

who is that?

raid/shillbot spam confirmed.

This particular page actually looks like an improvement. Learning shit is so much easier when you understand what you're doing. This is showing kids that they're just taking what they know one step further, instead of taking something entirely unrelated. It might seem stupid to an adult, but you have to realize that children are a lot slower.

Rote memorization is one of the biggest things that puts one off when it comes to school. If you don't realize this, you've probably never put much thought in what you're doing in math. Being able to solve an algebra problem through memorized shortcuts, as opposed to understanding the steps, is the difference between "forgetting math" in 2 years, and remembering it for life.

As a former teacher I feel comfortable saying common core is the worst thing to happen to education in a few decades.

the kike creator literally said he wanted to stop white privilege but of course you don't care about that do you chaim

Yeah there was no common core when I was in school and it was filled with creationism pffffffft get the fuck back to mohumad swede.

So, as opposed to learning that by exactly following a given formula you will get the correct answer- you learn to over complicate and give credence to methods which favor no capacity for understanding more complicated math.

Holy shit how new are you? Even for a shill you should be able to do better than this. Pathetic.

Daily reminder that Thomas Edison never made it past the 3rd grade

OP is once again an industrial-sized dick receptacle

As I said, this particular example will seem stupid to adults, because you know multiplication by heart. But it teaches the correct approach to dealing with novel problems, which is breaking the problem down so it can be solved.

Learning from exact formulae only teaches you how to repeat shit, it hamstrings any ability to use math creatively. "Overcomplicating" things? If that's how you call "solving problems you don't have memorized solutions for", then yes, I do think it should be done. I am an engineering student, and half the people in my class don't understand what a derivative is. They can solve any calculus problem you throw at them, so long as they remember the formula or have a formula sheet on hand, but they are completely unable to apply this shit on their own. Granted, most engineers don't need to do that in their daily work duties - it's all plug and play math. But being able to do something is always better than the opposite in my book. High school is an even bigger example of this - the finals require you to solve trigonometry problems. As a rule, everyone passes the algebraic ones with flying colors, but as soon as they're given a geometry problem to solve by applying the shit they "know", they fail. They are taught what to do with sines and cosines when they see them in a problem, but they don't know what a sine or cosine actually is.

What is that gif a clip from?

How many teachers would respond like above pic to this curriculum vs using it correctly. And when do the mental training wheels come off, is the kid going to be stuck drawing an array in high school.


That's just one of the many reasons I'll have an erection when I cast my ballot for him in November.

Tell your handlers that your thread failed :^)

Looks a lot better than today's average test.

Never "educate" me or my sons ever again.

By high school they will have memorized this shit. I'm not saying do away with the multiplication table. But introducing 2nd graders to the concept of multiplication by doing this will let them patch any holes in their memory with ease. Same goes for any new problem - instead of coming in fast and hard with a bunch of abstract formulae, start off by explaining the concept.

user, you probably aren't aware of how dominated the teaching industry is with young retarded women that will do anything they're told to do

fuck off kike

If you want your sons to be stuck in lower end deisgn work, as opposed to being able to compete in R&D departments or other positions that require creative application of math, sure. If you are vehemently opposed to them learning to think logically and solve any problem, not just math problem, sure.

Not that I'd educate anyone anyway.


the holocaust never happened, but it will


I'm a teacher and have seen my students suffer under CC. It needs to be repealed.

common core has been discussed so so much on Holla Forums
im not sure if Holla Forums wants to seriously do it yet again

sage since its a shilling thread

What is reading comprehension? Maybe you do need CC after all.


It's all so tiresome


You don't understand the difference between way of thinking, and intelligence. Essentially, your point is:

and none of us want to go there again, cia-nigger user.

Redpill your students, user. Shape them into the SS of tomorrow.

OP is such a shitty shill his thread actually deserves the oathbreaker.

You just rationalized 5x3 not equating to 5+5+5. Gas yourself.

he really didn't try.
must be a bad day at CTR.

you stupid faggots, common core brings everyone down to the level of the dumbest nigger in the class

correct the record on these nuts you fucking cucks, you're all gonna hang

I just laughed so hard I got hiccups.

You should get into stand up comedy.

With slapstick shit like that you would make millions.

I am not shilling for common core, btw, because I am not American. It does seem ass-backwards to have a federally mandated education model across 50 states with a total population of 300 million, besides maybe some common standard for the end result.

All I am arguing about is the specific math method one user brought up - which shows an attempt to teach through explanation rather than memorization.

Look faggot its all well and good to have multiple ways to solve something but if you're forced through the most obtuse way that's going to inconvenience 90% of kid then you're retarded
Not everyone needs to learn the same way

No, you don't understand. Making someone do commonly understood functions in the most complicated way just because you can is literally the opposite of efficiency. I hope you're not a computer engineer, because, if your are, you should be fired for such incompetence.


Look at the picture again, you stupid nigger. The task is specifically explaining HOW 5+5+5 = 5 X 3.

If our schools were still whites only, I bet the kids would be intelligent enough to see that CC was dogshit and we'd have 4th graders re-writing the curriculum

You can't teach high quality breeding stock

don't give your 3rd world opinion on what american education should be like of course a dumb nigger such as yourself could see the appeal behind the implementation of marxist theory upon the academic model and thus subsequently, generations of american youth.

equality doesn't exist outside the realm of "sociology"


2013 ←– what the gell does this have to do with current year?

I lived overseas and went to a british school when I was young and then moved back to the US

I was 2 years ahead in math and science

Bong system > US system

(it's mainly because bongers tend to be much more meritocratic because of less niggers)

It's not about solving the particular problem retard, it's about teaching the approach. Tie everything together, formal a mental model, understand what you are doing. Multiplication should eventually be committed to memory, but
you should explain to kids what the fuck it is they are doing. If this is the only thing they do all semester then yes, it is wrong. But to me it seems like they're teaching what multiplication is to begin with and how it relates to addition.

The irony is common core will fuck niggers over the hardest.

Can you imagine a nog trying to comprehend a problem involving repeated addition strategy or arrays? Their brains will catch on fire.


Here's a question for faggot OP:

why isn't CC a mandated curriculum in jewish schools?



That's literally how math works, though.

Are you a shill to make Holla Forums look stupid? I literally just explained that I am not discussing the merits of the policy, I am only discussing the one method of teaching.

It's not about them solving the problems this way. It's about MAKING THEM UNDERSTAND what the fuck they're doing first. Multiplication is an early example. When it comes to shit like trigonometry and calculus, math education tends to be severely lacking, and you get retards who think they can math but can't apply any of it in practice.

Common Core teaches students to be unable to do more than the most basic multiplication. Its method breaks down pretty much immediately when dealing with double digit numbers.

It'll create adults who need to write down vast arrays of 1's to solve 20 x 30.


You have no idea what you're even talking about. The teacher marked off the student for–correctly– adding three fives instead of five threes like an idiot. When manually multiply in such a way you should ALWAYS add the greater number to itself a number of times equal to the lesser. This is the more efficient and CORRECT way of doing things, as it decreases workload.

No, it asks to use a specific method, except that specific method is being jewishly anal-retentive about which digit gets multiplied to the other, even though it doesn't fucking matter. 3x5 = 5x3, except when the kid is white and understands the interchangeability intuitively, in which case they get marked wrong so Shayquanda, Pedro, and Dequarius don't feel bad about being legally retarded.

Six million, bro

Gold star me

[citation needed]

This touches on a point I haven't mentioned yet - a bottom up, building on what you know, understanding-based approach will generally benefit boys the most, as they tend to lack attention spans, and are usually worse at rote memorization than girls. I've helped a lot of friends by simply breaking the problems they don't understand down, after which they learn to do them themselves. Girls generally don't have this problem, they suffer the opposite - an understanding-based approach falls flat, because they can't make connections and prefer to just regurgitate ready-made solutions.

The group most benefitted by this 'convoluted' approach would likely be males in the 100-130 range; they're not smart enough to break down the problem from the mess of formulae themselves, but smart enough to grasp the connection when approaching it inductively.


Nice job not addressing any of what I said.