Anyone notice how Black Cat's beginning to act as ruthlessly two dimensional as your typical part 3 JoJo villain? (don't get salty about me mentioning JoJo, anons). I know it has everything to do with Slott's Superior run, and Felicia's background is kind of a factor, but this characterization of Nu Black Cat just feels… off. There was this thread archived from Comic Book Resources (read:
Something's up with Black Cat
It was Doc Oc's fault for punching the Pussy and dennying the Pussy the supperior spider cock.
I don't care what everyone says, Doctor Spiderman was a faggot.
I don't think its a mind swap since that would be too stupid to do. I just think they took a completely different direction with Black Cat that betrays her character.
Of course he's a faggot. He could've been railing a redhead..or Pussy..or both at the same time but no..SpOck just had to be the asshole.
Yeah, I get that (Slott still turned Spiderman into a male whore, which I found distracting, even when he wasn't Octavius).
Doc Ock's basically a middle-aged Eliezer Yudkowsky (that guy who runs Lesswrong. Read this Kiwifarms thread, and you'll get what I mean:
Wish they did a better job (by the way, anyone who's about to say "ugh, the comic industry is dying/already dead" shut the fuck up and do your research, biased fags).
She's probably a skrull.
It's just so unusual. They made her go from "pragmatic and competitive burglar anti-hero that used to have a crush on Parker and has serious personal issues " to "look everyone! I'm the new replacement for the Hood! Look at me prove it by getting out of character and killing people left and right like a stereotypical action movie villain! I have deep-seated issues and I'm just doing this because my ex-boyfriend wasn't himself and he broke my nose!" at a snap of a finger. It's so inconsistent, it's irritating.
Anyway, what is the context of the image? not that it would help.
What did they blow up and why should Deadpool care about any of it?
The guy's middle name is Schlomo?
Deadpool vs Hawkeye (though neither of them are fighting each other, and are just tracking down a criminal). By the way, she almost burnt M.J. and Aunt May to make a point, so yeah… Nu Felicia's a sociopathic, moody bitch.
Yep. Jewish and slow.
I miss when she was just kind of a cunt, instead of some over the top villain.
me too user me too.
And insane? Reading through some of the stuff..dude should've been locked up in a mental asylum.
He's a real fruitloop, that's for sure.
Wish they'd go back to old-fashioned Black Cat too. The original characterisation was more subtle.
I can't even bring myself to give a shit anymore. I'm just gonna play Spiderman 2.
mah nigga.
How about we storytime some old black cat stories to remember the good old days?
This. Hell yeah.
Where do you think we are, user?
Marvel are shit?
Aside from that.
Just shut up and play Spiderman 2 with the rest of us. That shit was glorious.