That cover looks like absolute ass
Good ol' Frank.
So, what am I even looking at? Like, dual backflips or something?
That's the real tragedy here.
Better Miller than Millar, I always say.
Who honestly defends Miller?
Jesus fuck, that's bad art.
What the fuck am I even looking at?
Anyone else think of puppet mouths?
I know there's a few people I've seen on this board that defend him over the stupidest shit.
Are Wonder Woman and Supergirl circus midgets now?
Hey, I like Frank… but, yeah, that is one ugly cover.
i love it when frank fucks up, cause when he does, he does it spectacularly
there no hopes.
Frank Miller's the least faggy person in comics, but his art's really deteriorated. It was never all that great (obviously peaked with Sin City), but it used to have a really boxy, rough quality to it that was kind of unique. Nowadays it's just bad.
This tbh. If only he could improve his art he could be the savior of comics.
Wow, that cover is so shit I skipped right past the disgust and busted a gut.
Not really. Just because he's not ultra liberal doesn't mean that he's not retarded in his own unique way
His art's the least of his problems
It really hasn't deteriorated that much. The Dark Knight Returns books had a problem with anyone that was over 30 looking like zombies or zombies with a serious myostatin deficiency.
How many fucking spin offs is Miller's Batman universe gonna get? There's already a goddamn PREQUEL to The Dark Knight Returns and DKR 3 has been extended for a few more issues.
I know the old fart is sick and all but c'mon, enough is fucking enough.
Starting to see your point
Jesus what happened to you Frank? You used to be cool? Even the black and white on the 2nd pic can't save that artwork which sucks. Since the use of black and white is one of Frank's strengths.
Not really. Miller did one black and white story that was pretty good, in Bizarre Adventures #28. The vast majority of his Sin City work is just like that Holy Terror example. It's not as bad, but by-and-large Sin City is overinked, overexposed. His figures are the ugliest they ever were previously. Miller's got this obsession with doing blood spatter which, in black and white, just looks like he spilled his ink bottle all over the page.
Sin City really was the beginning of Frank's downfall. That series is more garbage than gold.
oh ok then. i was mostly referring to his Sin City stuff and his use of negative space. But yeah I can see it now. He really did go down hill.
This is depressing. Can we storytime some of his good work, like Ronin? Or, um… Ronin?
Not defending the art but I recall seeing a post on Tumblr ugh tumblr fagy gay fag where someone compared Miller's art when it was colored the way this person did it, and the way DC does it.
Essentially, from what I remember, the post argued that colorists are just as important to the style of the artist as is the linework, which is fair to a degree. Further, he showed examples of his coloring vs DC, in which his coloring had more flat and abstract colors, compared to DC, who use the traditional colors for their characters, with the soft shading and highlighting that you see in the OP and
Like I say, I'm not trying to defend Miller's artwork. I think that post was trying to argue that MIller's artwork is actually pretty good, which may have been true at another point in history, but I think his stagnation as an artist is pretty apparent on this newest cover. Wonder Woman especially got beat with an ugly stick, even though I appreciate a nice muscly amazon. Her face looks puckered like she sucked on a lemon. Her musculature, however, looks.. okay.
Really the worst part of the images outside of the faces is their asses, obviously. This is a really awkward cover just to showcase their butts, but there were many better ways to showcase some glutes than this awkward doggy style/flipping pose he went with.
He used to be colored by his ex-wife, Lynn Varley. And while there are examples in DK2 (which I consider the "Frank went insane" point) of weird and off putting colors, there are also a lot of flat colors that work very well. Miller's style has become more and more unhinged over the last decade, I'd be curious to see the interiors of these books. Because, he KNOWS all this stuff, I'd argue with anyone who said he wasn't a master of the medium. But he either gives no fucks, is experimenting without stopping, or some combination of those along with being a crazy person.
I get why people wouldn't like him, or his recent work (All Star Batman & Robin might be the worst written shit Jim Lee has ever drawn, and that's saying a lot) but he'll always be a fascinating creator. I'm glad he's still doing his thing, his way. Even if his way is getting weirder by the day.
I see. I really like that third image with Superman and Lara, because ti's a great use of contrasting colors. On the flipside, that Elongated Man one looks really bad, as it has some weird gradient on his eye and on that girl's hair. Something fake about it doesn't look entirely intentional.
His linework on those pages might also play a part, because that Superman one works in tandem with the color work, while the Elongated Man one looks poorly drawn, even by Miller's standards, and it highlights how shoddy the linework is.
Those 300 pages as well are really striking and a the colors all stay in a similar range to help really accentuate the striking red.
I'm impressed with how much the coloring really compliments his work, which makes it even worse when both he and the colorists he's working with aren't on their A-game like the OP. Ideally, it seems, you want it to be to a point where the coloring and the linework work so well together, you can't imagine the two being separated.