I felt very skeptical about this book. I have admired Adam Hughes art for probably two decades now, and I was pleased to learn that he would be drawing the relaunch of this title. He would also be writing it though. Having never encountered an Adam Hughes *written* story before this, I couldn't get excited about it. I decided to buy the first issue and give it a try anyway, not expecting much of a story.
I was wrong. I was wrong, and I admit it.
Adam Hughes can write.
Cons: Some of the slapstick humor falls flat (no pun intended). Perhaps that's because it involves a female violently beating a male. If that scenario had been reversed, it would be considered barbaric. Also, the initial plot is recycled from dozens (or maybe hundreds) of old Archie stories.
Pros: It feels fresh because of compelling characters. It displays a healthy respect for its readers by not dumbing down anything. The coloring by Jose Villarrubia is subtly gorgeous.
This funny book is hilarious. I'll probably read it again two or three more times while power is out in my state for the next few days.
Sample dialog – Archie: You look really nice in that outfit, Ronnie. Veronica: It's the visible light spectrum. It does wonders for my face, my hair and my body!
Nathan Peterson
Yeah, I also enjoyed the first issue, and will keep up with it. I honestly THOUGHT I subscribed to it, but then it never came in the mail. And there was no charge for it, so I guess I just went insane for a bit.
Nicholas Cook
When are Betty and Veronica going to just fuck already
Jose Davis
I'm surprised that hasn't been a story in the same vein as the Archie Marries Veronica/Betty ones. If it was done right, it could be decent.
Jordan Martinez
Current Archie Comics is cancer. I'm not giving them any money for their SJW creative teams they brought into replace the people that were there for 30 years. Also "realistic" looking Archie without the house style is stupid.
Brody Carter
They probably would do it, given their propensity to put out CURRENT YEAR garbage.
Of course, they'd probably get the Squirrel Girl artist or someone of that calibre to draw it, thus killing all appeal for red-blooded heterosexual males.
Jackson Scott
Ummm, that already happened, user. She was the artist for the first few issues of Jughead.
Xavier Brown
Do you expect us to buy it or something?
Daniel Jenkins
I still think the Archie/Predator crossover was the best thing in the history of history itself.
So Adam Hughes is good for writing? Huh. Mark Farmer turned out to be a pretty good writer, too. Funny how some artistslashwriters seem to be able to pull it off when the Image guys just sharted all over themselves.
I could never get why Todd MacFarlane was so bad as a writer, he worked with Peter David and David Micheline for the longest time, you'd think a little of the magic would rub off, but I now believe he's just naturally dense as a goddamn rock. He mentioned once, that he doesn't read books.
Josiah Young
This thread seems like shilling honestly. I think Archie Comics is dying. They decided to abandon their original audiences for the 30 year old neckbeards that shop in comic book stores.
Cameron Campbell
Get a load of this faggot. Make your own board only for comics you hate, but this isn't your gay hugbox where people can't discuss comics that trigger you.
OP probably should storytime the issue though.
Luke Bell
Looks like I might have another title to pick up.
Chase Barnes
Michelinie's a shit writer, at least as far Spider-Man is concerned
Isaac Fisher
You seem to be the one triggered by my comments, retard. The consensus from Archie fans was this version of B&V wasn't good. Also the only people that like Archie Comics currently are shills working at the Comics Alliance and other media outlets that praise any shit they do while taking a piss on their own fans and comic talent that held the company together for so long.
Ethan Nelson
You know, most people also think racism is bad..
Daniel Garcia
Nigger, post the fucking comic. Post it, mother fucker. Get the fucking comic and storytime that shit.
Cause if you just praise a comic without backing that shit up, that makes you sound an awful lot like a fucking shill, SO POST THAT COMIC NIGGER! DO IT! DO IT YOU LITTLE BITCH!
Bentley Flores
Jonathan Williams
Shilling, really? A positive mention of a comic, on a comics board, is shilling?
Nolan Peterson
He gave no story-time, leaving us purely at his word that it was a "good comic".
Now, if this comic was so good, he'd story-time it so the rest of the board can judge if it's a good comic or if OP's taste is shit. The same if it was a terrible comic, you fucking story-time that shit. Since no story-time was provided, it must be assumed that OP intends us to buy it, a completely loathsome proposition for anyone who's been in comics for an extended period of time.
You see how this works yet, newfag? He's called a shill because he clearly wants us to buy a comic we haven't read yet. HOW CLEARER CAN WE MAKE THIS?
Jack Robinson
Oh shit, you called me a newfag! You must be right! Wow, how could I not have seen it?
You're the kind of worthless poster who actually makes boards worse. Not only do you not post anything of value, you try to discourage people from talking about comics.
Juan Bennett
Anthony Torres
Seriously, all you can do is pretend that I'm the one being a whiny bitch?
We all know where to read comics for free, this is not a hard thing for us to read. You're pushing some bullshit about "a consensus" with nothing back it up. YOU should be storytime if you have this strong an opinion on it, but you're clearly a cuck. Please, got back to halfchan until you learn to post. Because all you're posting here is "I have an opinion and everyone should agree with it!". That's not how it works, you have to give a reasons for your opinion, or it's shitty.
All you've done so far is throw around "shilling" and "SJW" buzzwords without meaning. It's pathetic, the posting level of a child.
And I know you're going to reply because I called you cuck. It's a meaningless fucking meme insult you retard, don't get triggered by it.
Mason Scott
Welcome to hatechan, newfag. If you don't like it, you can always crawl back to Tumbles.
David Harris
Yeah, nah, you're just a troll. You've learned some buzzwords and thought you'd just shut down a thread about something you don't like. Nope.
Carson Edwards
Yeah, shut your trap, bitch. Also Archie Comics are the jewiest jews in the history of jews in comics. If you think anyone here is going to buy your crap comic, go fuck yourself. I hope Archie Comics burns to the ground honestly. They deserve it for what they did to Dan DeCarlo, Stan Goldberg and scores of others they screwed over for breaking their backs building their company.
I know other people that read it, retard. I have other friends that are fans of Archie Comics. They all shit on this comic, also the Archie reboot went to crap recently as well.
I'm not buying your comic, Shekkel Shillenstein. Nice try.
At least I'm not posting like I'm on Reddit with the insecurities of Tumblrina.
John Clark
You came baring trips, so I guess that warrants a response. I just wanted to throw out a quick review in case anyone here was on the fence about this book. I would story time if my scanner hadn't stopped working. I will see if maybe I can find a screen cap or something.
I've given your comment some thought. I have read every issue of rebooted books so far, and I can't think of any particular scene that I screamed SJW to me. The new creators are a revolving door of talent with Mark Waid on Archie basically being the only consistent name in either writing or art. The only element which seems SJW-like to me would be Jughead Jones stating that he doesn't particularly want to screw anybody. That's really the only part which comes anywhere close.
Regarding the old crew, most of those guys are still around. They are still producing new material in the old art style (with the waffle-haired Archie) for the supermarket books. Dan Parent who has been writing for the company since 1990 just this summer launched his web-exclusive book, Life with Kevin.
I am looking at these books, and I am just not seeing whatever it is that you are seeing. With all of the revolving talent and the alternate covers, it seems to me that what might be happening is that a lot of creators are going to the company and asking to contribute, and the editorial staff is letting them.
Give this beautiful bastard a comic to write. His dialog is on point.
Dude, I work for the Comics Alliance! I didn't even know!
Jacob Gutierrez
There's multiple people calling you out, stupid.
Kevin Reed
I'll assume you're "shitposting ironically", but failing.
Luke King
This passes as a good argument somewhere?
James Thompson
Now I know you're a shill. Most of the people at Archie were let go recently to pave the way for the new people they brought in. Some of those people worked there for 20 to 30 years. Fuck you for defending these assholes or paid ten cents to try to promote this crap.
Luis Bennett
As long as you know of a guy with an opinion, you don't have to explain it yourself. Maybe user should have his friend post for him.
Colton Harris
NAME SOME NAMES! Fuck, this is called bad posting. You're just keeping things as vague as possible, when you should be giving us detailed examples.
Daniel Wright
Yes, I have friends that read comics and we talk bout comics. I know it's shocking.
Hunter Butler
Get a load of this guy. He throws around works he doesn't understand like "shill" and picks fights with every other user on this board and thinks he has friends.
I'm done with his trolling. It might be worth my time if he was better or at least a little more creative with it. I hope he enjoys getting in his last word. I'll be elsewhere reading and enjoying my funny books.
Michael Johnson
Fernando Ruiz worked there for probably 20 years, let go like nothing. Jeff Schultz who was there for 25 years was also let go this year I think. And some years before that, they canned Stan Goldberg after he had worked there tirelessly for 50 years without even telling him and he died that year.
Lucas Ramirez
Enjoy that 25 cents you were paid for viral marketing or whatever the fuck they call it, you lolcow. You don't want to post scans because you're not allowed to. At least I'm not a sell-out whore trying to shill these horrendous reboots for Jewchie Comics.
Nolan Hill
See, that's the kinda stuff people need to see if you want to make a point. Being informative is always better than using buzzwords.
Bentley Morgan
Connor Bell
All this lazy mexicans in this thread
Austin Cruz
Jeremiah Garcia
Kayden Wright
Justin Powell
Easton Perez
Dominic Baker
Angel Hill
Elijah Miller
That was really fun
Jose Evans
and done, was that so hard anons ?
Lucas Scott
Someone storytime Archie v.s. Predator. They dress Jughead up as a woman and use him as bait.
Jordan Gomez
Oh, I've gotta see this.
Zachary Green
I've never read any Archie. Is this a good place to start? Is it faithful to the characters or is this some kind of experiment. Is there a timeline to follow. Or it has… "else verses"?
Chase Roberts
Let's be glad that it was ONLY Jughead.
James Walker
Maybe the real lolcows are within us?
Owen Moore
You don't think they do this or this isn't a common practice? They're all over Tumblr and shit with phony accounts trying to promote their shit. They did it especially hard with Kevin Keller and the Riverdale show when it's obvious no one really gave a shit about either.
Andrew Green
This shit actually feels more like classic Archie than the actual faggot train of a comic.
Someone should storytime #4 some day.
Elijah Flores
But he was the only decent character left outside of Betty and Veronica. Squirrel Girl's writer/artist can go kill herself.
Alexander Cooper
I have read Archie and honestly you can pick any of the older ones up and still get the gist of them since its mostly about the characters anyway and timelines aren't much of an issue. Have only seen a few pages of the comic in this thread and it seems decent enough, dealing with modern things affecting the Archie crew.
Daniel Jones
Thanks for that, it was a good read. That salty user really didn't know what he was talking about; the most degenerate thing in the comic was the use of "WTF."
Asher Harris
Dan DeCarlo had the reputation of never drawing clothes on Betty or Veronica, leaving that up to the inkers. He said it kept their attention…
Kayden Davis
Good man.
Carson Evans
It's like she was highly-trained in drawing her characters as if their faces were shoved into a butter churner.