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Superman #8
Superdad telling dad jokes is too comfy.
Batman #8
OK, Dinosaur Island, that tank Superman found might be the Haunted Tank…and Superman telling Dad-Jokes (the age of Super Dad Jokes is here). Loving this series more and more.
And wait…what's this? Story of the Losers? John Cloud in a T-Rex? With the tank, I'd assume that this is from that story "The War That Time Forgot" or…this is the Dinosaur Island from DC: The New Frontier, which means that the Dinosaurs might not be dinosaurs at all.
I am not familiar with Dinosaur Island but this haunted take intrigues me
Nightwing #6
Haunted Tank is one of the many forgotten WWII Heroes. Sure, you got Sgt Rock and Easy Company but you also got your G.I Robot and Creature Commandoes. Anyways, the Haunted Tank's backstory is that a ghost of a Confederate general was sent to protect his descendant..and the tank named after said general.
This sounds cool user, what comics is this in? I googled the losers and I got a couple of different comics but which ones are good?
Aquaman #8
Look up Our Fighting Forces, All-American Men of War, GI. Combat. The Losers Special is their last mission (technically they died in Crisis on Infinite Earths) and you can also read up DC: The New Frontier.
will look it up
And for Haunted Tank, you just get G.I Combat issue 87. It's one of those old war comics.
Green Arrow #8
Green Lanterns #8
>We had a heart-to-heart conversation
Clark's dad jokes everyone
The mudslime rangers are so shit
Justice League #6
And they brought back the Dominators? What's next, DC? The Khund?..Maybe bringing back the JLI?
Upon further reading (and the For Darwyn Cooke dedication),'s possibly a nod to the Losers' fate in New Frontier, down to the wooden leg.
wow I did not read justice league before I posted it but just seeing the last panel vindicates me 100% in dropping it.
You know..say what you will about Baz (and knowing where I am right now, you already have), I must say, at least he's one of the few GL's that covers his secret identity. I mean, Hal and Alan had that dinky domino mask, Kyle's mask is pretty cool but Guy, John and that lady there didn't even attempt to hide their identity.
Harley Quinn #5
Also..what the fuck happened? We went from "Invite Batman to dinner" to "I'm going to kill Batman". Seriously, who's the writer..and why the hell didn't the writer discuss this with the other Superman writer?
Superman is the only really really great book DC has right now. They really shouldn't ruin it in this Justice League series. But they probably will. This is why I don't buy big two comics.
It's definitely the best but I dont think its the only, Trinity and Titans are pretty good.
I would kill if they brought the JLI back, would love a team with Booster, Guy and Blue beetle, Elongated Man etc all working together again. Also it would not be too much of a stretch since they will most likely bring back the JSA
Cyborg #2
Though I rather not let it be like the Super Buddies. Sure it's fun..and then you realized how everyone is a joke there.
Ok so that is all the rebirth issues, after a 15 mins break I'll post mini series stuff and Young Animal
wew lad, this is dumb.
Ok I am back with a beer so lets get back to posting.
Shade, The Changing Girl #1
Death of Hawkman #1
Question, is it Egyptian God Hawkman or Thanagar Cop Hawkman?
It would not mean much if the other died because he would just come back lol.
This is oddly hard to follow at first, and then it comes together.. I'm not sure how I feel about it, but it's interesting. More interesting than most comics.
Yeah, I was going to say that if it's Hawk-God Hawkman, he'll just come back.
Same I was really debating weather to pick it up while I was picking up my other comics today, Ill give it another issue or two before I make a decision but, I am glad it came out because I never heard of Shade the Changing Man and I used exclusively read non-cape shit and most vertigo books are right up my alley, for the most part, I heard good things about it recently so I got it downloaded and ready to red it, Also on a completely unrelated note Is there anything good of Hellblazer after Warren Ellis' run, I feel that Hellblazer started off good very early then really became mediocre then convoluted then started being good again then rinse repeat till there was only the latter.
Deadman Dark Mansion of Forbidden Love Book One
Midnighter and Apollo #1
I would not usually post this but someone was looking forward to it so here we go
He-Man/Thundercats #1
I got a question. Why does DC need another Superman/Batman team?
Because this one is gay
He-Man/Thundercats? You have my interest, DC.
Gay as in butt buddies or gay as in how a 12 year old use the word gay?
take a look at this user and you tell me
Ok thats all DC's stuff this week hope to see you next week
Also Jon>Conner
OK, butt buddies, gotcha.
The simple answer is because they awkwardly went through the effort of folding the Wildstorm line into the main DC universe and then do jackshit with the characters after most of their books were cancelled. Midnighter and Apollo are only getting a mini because, aside from the former's recent ongoing, they're apparently going to headline the new Justice League of America ongoing, which will also be written by Orlando.
Funny thing though: the Wildstorm imprint is being resurrected in the same fashion as Young Animal, headlined and overseen by Warren Ellis. Take that for what you will
Warren Ellis? least even Millar can write something that's not edgy as fuck. Just read Superman Adventures for that.
Oh fuck off, you were doing so well too not making an issue of the bisexuality.
I did not even realise Sam was a girl until that line, also I was really debating picking it up in the store today even though I have already read it,
I think the plot is supposed to be that some weird effect is causing the various members of the Justice League to become overly emotional and aggressive. You're right that the writer is doing a shit job of portraying it, though.
Has Bryan Hitch written anything before? Maybe if we take a look at some of his previous work, we'll know whether this is likely to get better or worse.
According to what I can find, he's mostly an artist. Though he had been writing for JLA books since late last year and he also did two Showcase books in 1993. And on the Marvel side of things..he's credited as a writer for the two Ultimate Avengers movie. But mostly artist work.
Of course, my info could be wrong..what with information can be edited around and such.
I want to fuck him so bad.
Rule 34 when?
I checked just to see surprised that there is nothing yet.
Oh sweet salty crackers.
It is a pretty over the top title but I like it, not so much for the book for the most part.
I wouldn't quite say it's political bullshit, but the speech definitely does suddenly become very stilted and unnatural when explaining the pronouns in that panel. If the author had just made Sam a regular ol' butch lesbian, that dialogue would probably have been replaced by something that flowed a lot better.
That's exactly what I mean though, the comic suddenly stops to talk about diversity and how great it is. Meanwhile, just a few pages before they did the past girlfriend thing right, it actually added to the story without you bludgeoning you with it.
And this fucking "they" crap triggers the shit out of me. The proper pronoun for someone that isn't a woman is he, men technically don't even have specific pronouns, only women do.
Noooo, the hair! It was the perfect excuse. It doesn't even make any sense, hair is dead, there's no reason for it to retract.
Look at all that reaction image bait in the 3rd pic.
I love when her anxiety creates comic relief. Probably because I'm a horrible misogynist :^)
Clearly looking at the DVD of Batman v Superman gave her brain damage. Also this comic is stupid but they draw a lot of hot ladies so I am okay with it.
Well, it is a villain trying to be emotionally manipulative, but since he thinks Cyborg is more machine, that just makes it even dumber.
It's pretty clear they're being influenced by whatever they were fighting at the beginning. It's probably harder to tell because the character you're focused on is known for freaking out, so it just looks like she's freaking out to a larger degree.
The simple answer is to tell "what if" stories about gay Batman and Superman without hurting the brand. Everybody who cares about a gay B&S story knows that that's what these two are, so it can be satisfying for the core audience, while taking zero risks with the real deal.
SJWs hate this comic. They think the gay couple is too violent and despise the fact a gay guy went to Hell.
Would love to see that rage
Why is there a giant erect penis behind Prince Adam?
Looks like Tomsai will write Supersons which I cannot be more happy about.
What the fuck's wrong with you? Keep your corruption shit away from this purechild, you greasy fuckfreak degenerates.
Dude I just checked because I was surprised there was nothing yet, Also the purity makes it hot ;)
So, what do you think the odds are that they'll bring in a not shit version of the Joker's Daughter to be a Super-Sons villain? She seems like one of the obvious choices for an antagonist, especially considering her overall gimmick.
I am not familiar with Duela, but hopefully they bring in the not shit version but I was thinking there could be some potential for a mxyzptlk story.
Duela Dent is the Joker's Daughter. Her origin varies, in some versions she's the daughter of Harvey Dent. In other versions she's the Daughter of the Jokester from Earth 3. She's a trickster who's gimmick was dressing up and pretending to be the daughter of famous Batman villains whenever she fought the teen titans. I liked her before the New 52 when they fucked her up by having her wear Jokers face.
You can have Damian Wayne, but not Super Boyo. You freak-o-nature.
The Earth 3 origin was basically an attempt at bringing together and reconciling a whole bunch of different backstory elements that she picked up over the years. She started out being Two-Face's daughter, even though she was at least 10 years too old for that to make any sense at the time, and she chose to dress up as the Joker's Daughter in order to spite her father, who had always hated her because he wanted twins, rather than a single child. Then a later writer by the name of Marv Wolfmann used that little inconsistency with her age to retcon in that she'd been lying about her backstory the entire time.
Her appearances overall have been few and far between, and most of the times she's shown up, whoever was writing her at the time tended to take their cue from that first retcon. Pics related were basically her go-to origin story for quite a while.
And then she got murdered in Countdown, was revealed to have been from Earth 3, the Earth 3 version of the Joker was her dad, her mom was Three-Face, the Earth 3 Riddler was her step-dad, she spent most of her childhood and teenage years hopping around randomly between different parallel Earths, leading to a lot of instability and confusion about her history… It was just a big clusterfuck that was trying to account for and explain everything, basically.
And then we got the New 52, and when they decided to reintroduce the Joker's Daughter, they handed it off to Ann Nocenti and a writer by the name of Marguerite Bennet, who got hired because she was a student in a college writing class being taught by Scott Snyder. And Nocenti and Bennet took their cues from Snyder's maximum edge take on the Joker. And Bennet was also a crazy college hipster liberal feminist.
Eventually, Duela was kicked over to Red Hood and Arsenal, where a much better writer tried to salvage the character, but then said writer got taken off the book and the new guy coming in took one look at Duela and decided to have her killed off.
Which brings us to the present day, where the edgy serial killer Joker's Daughter is dead, leaving room for a rebirth… Or so I dare to dream, anyway.
No wonder even 4/co/ hates this place
SSSSHH, don't say that, they'll get suspicious because they'll think you're from halfchan. The censorship debacle's made them… Tense.
Oh man. Ann Nocenti? As in "that writer that created Blackheart, Spiral and the Mojoverse" Nocenti? Sheesh man, I like her work. Don't lump her with that Tumblrite Bennet.
i know right, he's prime shota bait, like dick and bart
Yeah, Ann Nocenti was a real post-modern feminist, capable of critical thought, unlike the pink hair and hornrim glasses Tumblr trigger hordes of today.
I mean, can you even call them feminists if half of them have penises and want to cut them off and the other half don't have penises and want to get them sewn on? They exist in a constant state of sexual flux and moral outrage, and must continually invent both new genders and new insults to be outraged by.
Why is Jon so adorable?
He is the only good thing that came out of dc in years
Oh God I want to see how they react to Daken then.
Ain't Daken the guy who can be whatever the hell he wants?
I thought he was bi?
Heres some new Jon
Why do I get the feeling that the girl in that pic is actually Damian in disguise.
Because Damian is a freak bastard.
Well he's not the first Robin to crossdress.
Compared to Jimmy Olsen, he's merely a gifted amateur.
I saw that demon thing in the teen titans comic. Where did Damien get that thing from?
I have no idea I am trying to figure that out, also does anyone know where I can Torrent Robin son of batman cant find it on piratesbay or Worldwide torrents
well these are not torrent sites but you can read comics on them for free.
shit forgot about that website, somehow, thanks friendo
your welcome.
That's from Superman #10, right? From what I've been able to find, that book is getting a story arc in November where Batman, Superman, and their two sons team up, as a sort of teaser/prologue for Super-Sons.
I've also read that the only new books coming out in the second wave of Rebirth are Batwoman, Super-Sons, and Justice League America. Apparently DC is trying to take a quality over quantity approach this time.
I like that a whole lot cannot wait, there is a chance that supersons may come out on my birthday which would be a nice gift because I cannot wait for this book.
I like this, but why Batwoman, surly JSA would have been a better choice also sad that Shazam nor Booster are anywhere to be found yet.
It's fucking beautiful.
that's some good shit
too bad some of the art is squirrel girl tier
Super-Sons is confirmed rescheduled to February 2017, with one of the writers for the current Superdad book, Tomasi, at the helm. DC's story for why they delayed the book now has changed from 'we wanted to really polish it and make it good' to 'we were waiting for Tomasi to have more free time in his schedule, because we have that much trust in him to do the book right'.
They apparently had more books planned initially, but seeing how successful they've been so far, they've decided to take things a little slower. Batwoman's portrayal in Detective Comics has been well-received, so she gets her own book to see how well she does on her own.
If this is the strategy they're taking on going forward, you might see Booster Gold showing up in the pages of Blue Beetle first, before seeing him anywhere else.
Do you think he'll try to kidnap Jon into his Teen Titans like he did the others?
Or do you think Superdad ain't gonna stand for that bullshit?
Most likely because it looks like Goliath is stealing Jon here lol
According to the solicitation:
So I wouldn't say he's looking to recruit, but we might get to see a little Robin vs Superboy action before their dads step in to break things up.
Normally I hate all of these cliches but I am very excited.
That actually has me really fucking excited.
Superboy, one without the edge and with the innocence of being raised by Superman and Lois, vs Edge-incarnate.
so pretty much like father like son.
Good news.
My condolences.
He is currently tagged as "Jonathan_Samuel_Kent" on Paheal. Only one pic, but he is receiving, if that's any consolation.
It's Wednesday again, anons. Let's see what Rebirth-user will be showing us this week.
Also, is anyone reading any of these?
I know they probably mostly suck, and they definitely wouldn't fit for storytiming in this thread, I'm just a bit curious about them.
Hmm…Action Comics looks interesting. Wanted to see where the Clark Kent plot is going. And Scooby is in issue 6? That shit should've been shit canned since issue 1. What happened to the Jonny Quest/Space Ghost one?
Future Quest #5 came out last week, I believe. As for Scooby Apocalypse…
Which means it's probably not going to get canceled any time soon… But also means that, so long as sales of DC's core books remain good, we should be seeing more Flintstones and other actually good stuff, too.
Flintstones and Future Quest are decent, so I'm okay with this.
Is the Scooby Doo Apocalypse any good? I was turned off by Shaggy's hipster mustache and Velma being a loli. Would you recommend it to a Scooby Doo fan?
I don't know, since I haven't read it myself. I'll probably try downloading all the issues out so far and storytiming them some time tomorrow, just so Holla Forums can have a better idea of what to complain about if it turns out to be even worse than it looks.
thanks user, I'll be looking forward to it.
New Thread within and hour boys, also posting may be sporadic because not all issues are up right now.
saving all the images now, new thread real soon