The future of the Europe

This thread is for discussion about different future scenarios for the Europe.

I think that most of us euroanons can agree that the EU has to go. The question is what happens next if the various populist movements succeed in dismantling the EU. Is some kind of free trade and free movement between European nations necessary for the Europe to prosper economically? If so, how do we implement it without having the shitskins cause too much damage? Is it possible to exclude non-whites from the right to move freely between European nations?

We must also take into account the possibility that the federalization of the EU continues and it eventually becomes impossible to abolish the EU. At this time the EU seems to be pretty hostile to any kind of pro white, pro native European movements. If the EU is to stay this must change. We better start building an intellectual, cultural and political movements to make the EU more friendly to the idea of preserving the cultures, traditions and peoples of the European nations. Practically it would mean the EU embracing European identity and preferably the national identities of the various nations it consists of. Also the problem of declining population should be solved by boosting native birth rates rather than importing third worlders.

Some ideas for the betterment of the Europe (inside or outside of the EU):
In my opinion this should be aimed particulary to upper class people and high skilled professionals to get them good genes spread.

I think this is important. We should find and connect capable people who are sympathetic to our ideas. There probably are already some in positions where they have proper knowledge of how society functions. We must find these people and connect with them in order to create a concrete and feasible political agenda.

I'm good at dreaming but not so much when it comes to finding practical solutions to our problems. I would be very greatful if some anons could compensate for this flaw.

Other urls found in this thread:

In this post I will try to articulate the Europe of my dreams.

There would be no centralized power dictating the policies of the nations. Europe would consist of independent nation states who co-operate in economy and foreign policy based on mutual interest. Industries would be built so that it reduces the competition on exports between European nations thus making the whole continent more globally competitive in exports. Academic freedom and co-operation would be improved. There would be an international law for European nations that regulates how the nations of the Europe would interact with each other. There would be a pan-European identity on top of a strong national identity.

The European nations could fund cultural and scientific etc. projects on a voluntary basis. No one would be forced to pay for anything that they don't want to. Projects such as monetary unions between two or more of the nations wouldn't be ruled out either as long as it is on voluntary basis.

When it comes to the shitskin problem, genocide should be out of question. Deportations should be used as much as possible without pissing off the international community too bad. Self-deportation should be made a more appealing choise to those who can not be forcibly deported. With the remaining shitskins, we should just recognize our differences and make peace with them while making sure that they become/remain loyal to their host nation. Measures should be taken in order to regulate their birth rates i.e. penalizing having too many children.

Please contribute your ideas and give constructive criticism to me and others.

t. OP

There is no future for Europe.

I`m so glad that you did not get > quads.

Then Europe will die the same death that's occurring to it right now
It's too late for deportations, genocide is the only way this story is going to end, either them or you

I don't think you know what you are talking about. If and only IF the shitskins weren't so dependent on the work of the native populations that might be the case but it's not. Simply cutting benefits would do wonders. Also it is a studied fact that the shitskin birthrates eventually drop closer to the levels of the native populations' as the time passes. We are relatively well off if we just get the native birthrates to surpass the shitskins' birthrates.

Why would you want the goodest of goys spreading their seed? Explain.

They are always going to follow blindly the political and moral concensus. Once we replace the jewish hegemony, they will become good goys for us. The purpos is to spread the seed of the talented people.

Possible 4th Reich or if not then at least a precursor.

Really? You think after 40 years of brainwashing they'll simply switch sides?

1 - Civil war
2 - Civil war
3 - Civil war
4 - Civil war
5 - Civil war
6 - Civil war
7 - Civil war
8 - Civil war
9 - Civil war
10 - Slow death, and the eventual violent mas rape of our women and machete genocide of the men.


I think there's still time to fix things without a civil war. Look at how the NSDAP rose to power. An almost bloodless revolution.

At least the ones who have been more concentrated on their personal career than politics. Of course you can not change the minds of the ones who have invested too much to the current political direction.

Good scenario
I don't know how feasible this is but after some brainstorming I think this is one of the better scenarios

Germany in that time almost had no foreigners in it.

Question is, do we want a bloodless revolution?

Pretty sure that the vast majority of the people and I would prefer bloodless revolution over a bloody revolution.

even if trump isnt that kikelover he seems to be, but a sekret white nationalist, i see no way that US invades Europa. I think whats gonna happen if Trump goes full WN is civil war in the US and during the chaos, Mexico will declare war on you and all the fifth colum mestizos will start killing whites on sight. You wont have any time over to "invade" us.

I like how burgers totally forget their own problems whenever Europe is discussed. I mean, you have 45 (?) million illegal spics, many who fucking hates your guts. And let us not forget the negros, the jews (more jews in burgerland than Israel) etc etc

Bad scenario

Hmm, but shit is too deep for a bloodless revolution. Even if "we" come in peace, (((they))) wont give up power without a huge fight.

all that needs to happen is for Merkel to be publicly lynched and the same with her brussels masters, and then trump can pull out NATO so Europe can build a strong army

They've already established themselves as coherent communities in your nations and they've already armed themselves to resist any attempts to force them out
This isn't just some economic migration, that's only one aspect of it, it's a Jihad
When the infrastructure attacks start beginning, probably before the year is out, the invaders are going to be the only organized groups left, they still retain a religious and ethnic cohesion in comparison to the atomized Europeans

Are nothing more than lemmings and rarely know what's best for them

I like your optimism. There's just a lot of if's in that scenario.

What do you think guys, what would make up a positive vision that we can get the currently angry and frustrated people to strive towards to.

A race war in america is likely. My scenario basically postponed it until later. But if you are right then Europe will have to fix its problems by itself. I think in that scenario maybe some nations can uncuck themselves while others may be lost

As for America if any spics get uppity you'll see them get put down. It is the whites that have most of the guns and spics can't fight even if they do have illegal weapons. The whites would win a race war but the only question is how damaging would it be

pretty damaging, it wouldn't be a proper "war" per say, but more along the lines of the conflicts in Syria, Lebanon, and Iraq

So cucked.

There should be voluntary deportation, with large sums of money (€100,000 say) printed and offered to each head that permanently left. This way, they can turn around and spend it back into Europe on goods which will bolster European manufacturing infrastructure.

Do not allow shitskins/foreigners to acquire new lands, new shares, and new titles within Europe to prevent the use of that money from taking ownership stakes in European assets. That money is for consumer goods and exported capital goods (capital goods at a tariffed price).

Hit reply too early.

This pay-to-leave offering should go on for 5 years. The next 3 years sees a 10% payment instead of the original amount when they leave. After that (so total of 8 years), then deportations will be forced, assets if high value could be liquidated to pay for the mass deportations, and any refusal or re-entry gets temporary labor camp membership.

There will be pure white splinter diaspora colonies.

Something interesting may happen: if nationalists of other races also take notice, nationalists may all band together into a confederation of common interests to oppose the new hegemony.

Evolution has a way of dissolving monopolistic systems through fitter competition.

Communities that aren't self relient though.
The only businesses in Kebab hand are, well …. places that sell Kebab.

You couldn't shut off the gibs overnight anyway.

Slowly but steadily lowering gibs to non ethnic europeans will leave them the choice between self deporting and relying even more on organized crime to sustain themselfs.

In the latter case you have pretext to deport them forcefully.

We win.
They lose.
No race war needed.

1: Kill cucks
2: Kill Nignogs/Sandniggers
3: Conquer the Galaxy

The dream. Let's make it reality



Thread makes me think of pic related. Europe is probably going the way of South Africa. We're going the way of the Boers.

Cucks will either leave or die off, nigs will scrape by, whites will survive in enclaves armed to the teeth.

Fast forward five hundred years. Superpowers imploded. World will have retarded back to pre-19th century levels of technology. Whites rediscover the machine gun. Colonial era all over again.

I'm okay with this.

This guy absolutely gets it. Thanks my man.

I love that pic and I've heard about similar results in studies. In America the self identifying conservatives are the only group with the birth rate over the replacement levels. For example the hispanic numbers are only rising due to immigration, not births. We have plenty of hope left if this trend is to happen also in the Europe. Never lose hope.


Wow that's impressive. There's something I've been studying for awhile now, something counter intuitive to normal deduction but a recurring theme - paradoxical government. The creation of context to lead, as opposed to expecting substance to be enough that people will lead themselves. It necessitates you formulate a goal in relation to events at hand, many of us know the concept as looking for motive, and it's at its most interesting, lately.

So, I'm going to present a motive, one we can all agree on, and I'm going to show you how politics is actually in our favor, paradoxically.
So, in the clusterfuck of a melting pot that is Europe or the USA, we need to single out these genes. That takes two things, a filter, and a destructive force to select by, and, down the line, a political force to expel undesirables.

To start, humans and all subspecies therein, niggers or otherwise, are racist
This is genetic. It is a trait that can be selected for or against. Now, in the last 5000 years of empires and miscegenation, think of a time in history where this gene, this natural distrust of outsiders, has been useful. Think of how much it saves lives alongside the rule of law, an abstract concept to the last 20,000 years of tribal, racist warfare. Almost not at all, because the rule of law has protected us where that trust, or lack thereof, was the only thing protecting us before.
In the absence of selection, mutation will run rampant, this is not an if. It's not questionable. It's a physically observable, naturally occurring rule of life on earth, and it's what makes white people better then others. Cherish it.
This weak gene has mutated, in different ways and in differing amounts among different people, the selection hasn't been necessary. It will flicker and, if it goes uncorrected, may become obsolete, as the mutations turn a once stable 'block' of DNA into an unreadable piece that the next generation will simply lack, for better or for worse(That unused block will then mutate more until the body thinks it can read it right, will try to do so, and blam, a new genetic expression in only 100 years, ~5 generations).
So, what I'm telling you is that some white people are broken. Lacking this gene, they have no sense of tribe. They do not belong because they have no sense of belonging, like how a deaf man has no sense of sound. Sounds like the women on TV, doesn't it?

The filter is Jungle Fever or whatever the kids are calling bestiality these days. The destructive force by which selection is taking place is miscegenation. The media has created the context that race mixing is fine, beneficial and beautiful, even, but the only whites who actually take this bait are the ones who lack the crucial gene described above. The broken ones.

By the virtue of the current establishment, whites are being eugenically purified, seeming in paradox with the narrative being presented.

Onto the political force and the expulsion of undesirables… Really now, what did you think would happen, importing millions of rabid niggers into white countries, against the will of the people? Video related. And this brings us full circle, to the true inspiration of revolution, where the legitimacy of paradoxical government can be fathomed:

How would you start an uprising of such a tribalist nature in 2016? Really, how do you cause any revolution? Do you give them substance?
Do you tell the people to stand up? You tell them they're losing freedom, each and every year is worse? The banks are cons and the politicians are bankers, it's as easy as billboards and figureheads, right?

No. You create the context, you make his life insufferable, that he'll stand up and take it back by force, far too willing to lose it on the way.

Just realized this link is ambiguous as fuck, there's a better source but google WILL NOT give me the results I'm looking for, big fucking surprise.

europe is dead get over it and die already white people

I'm starting to lose hope. Most normalfags aren't even open to the idea of putting a halt on immigration (despite everything that happened recently), let alone starting deporting people. Maybe we won't even get to fight a race war, rather we'll just slowly turn into South Africa and then retreat to die in an enclave surrounded by mudshits and niggers.