Leveling the field - Man and Woman

We've been pondering over how to correct and perfect the dance of social interactions and daily life between for men and women in the West for some time now; it is high time we stop shit-posting and forward some actual ideas. It is time to make a master list.

I don't care where you're from, who or what you identify as and even whatever bullshit voodoo magic you believe in.

If you were to level the playing field for men and women how would you do it? Don't banter on with stupid crap; provide reasoned arguments and sources if you can-we can go through and debate each point and potentially modify them for the best (theoretical) results. Maybe some of these ideas will be put into practice, we'll work that out as we go.

If you're serious about trying to change anything then we outta get to it, don't reply to shitposters.

I'll start:

If women are to retain control over parenthood (They won't give it up) they I suggest we do the following:

1) Make birth control free, fund research into safer birth control methods in the event of allergies or any such complications.

If they have access to free and effective BC then it removes the financial argument they have for not taking it.

2) Teach women (and men) about contraception+BC in school (potentially grades 7/8-12), how it works and how to take it safely and effectively. This will remove the argument that they were/are not informed about the effects of BC.

3) Give women the choice whether or not she has an abortion, this will also be free.

In return:

1) Men will not be held responsible for any pregnancies that occur, they can opt out of fatherhood.

3) If the father does choose to pay then child support payments will not be based on imputed income.

4) The government will not subsidize the mother's decision to have children if she chooses to have them out of wedlock or without agreement from the father. Be smart about your decisions.

5) Hopefully there will be much less spending over the epidemic of single mothers and fixing chaos that results from it; money that can be spent elsewhere. This will save far more money in the long run than the current system. If women want to start a family then they cannot simply entrap any man they wish and receive funding for her sole choice. If she wishes to do so then she is required to take responsibility by doing so on her own.

Women will have the freedom to handle their fertility however they like, they will also be completely responsible for it as well.

somehow allow traps to be perfectly passable and female.

or just stop women voting and take away feminism.

You forgot a 2) on your 'In return' section.

Here's mine.

1) Alimony outlawed in every part of the USA.

2) Cops must have evidence to arrest a man (or woman) when a someone accuses them of domestic violence or abuse - or the cop goes to prison for 25 years.

3) Courts can no longer convict men (or women) of abuse, sexual harassment, sexual abuse or rape if no evidence exists. Testimony alone is not enough. If a court does so, the judge will be imprisoned for 25 years.

4) When two people marry, their assets are recorded. When they divorce, their assets are split in a rough approximation of the ratios they brought into the marriage. Consideration can be given for adjustments, but nothing past 5-10% will be tolerated.

5) All divorces when children are involved now result in joint custody or the child being forcibly taken as a ward of the state or given up to adoption if both parents are unfit. Child support is eradicated. If one or both of the parents cannot afford to pay for the child when they have custody under the joint custody, they lose their portion of the joint custody. Costs such as schooling, clothes, food, etc can be paid from a shared pool of funds which must be contributed to at a 50/50 basis. Any evidence of a woman (or man) spending these funds on themselves results in 25 years imprisonment.

6) Gender quotas in employment carry an automatic 25 year prison term for HR and management up to and including 3 layers of management above the person responsible.

7) Universities who expel students for sexual abuse, sexual harassment or rape when there is no conviction in court of law immediately lose all public funding for a period of 10 years. The university can apply for re-instatement of funding after an investigation into policies.

There is a simple solution, but due to the prisoner's dilemma, men will never adopt it:

Men as a whole resolve to treat women as a whole equally… for example, women artificially inflate the price of vagina through cartel tactics.

We need Organisation of Penis Exporting Men

that's why taking away the vote needs to happen.

wow retard the judge doesn't decide whether there's a conviction. so the judge can get locked up if the jury want him to be?

and who even decides what counts as evidence? this makes 2 retarded too.

so the guy still gets cucked because he's the one earning money post-wedding.

bye bye female-only brothels.

so expelling someone and ignoring due process carries a lesser sentence than giving the wrong person a job? retardeder and retardeder.

and universities without public funding get no penalty.

so 10 years becomes 10 days if they say "sorry won't happen again"

reddit is down the hall and to the left

so and prostitutes. problem solved.

Fuck you. I’m not paying for this.
Fuck you. Abstinence is the only morally acceptable option regarding female psychology.
Fuck you. Reported for supporting genocide.

>pointing out that your ideas are retarded and fail to uncuck men is reddit
stop cucking yourself and be grateful i gave you the chance to save yourself from the embarrassment thinking your ideas were good.

We need to start treating women like nigs and muds do. They never seem to have problems with women or natality whatsoever.

Sure, if (((you))) dont care about reproduction…

wrong again retard!

sorry, i thought you were

you can reproduce when you want to instead of being cucked into marriage because you're a horny beta male like the feminists want.

1. Outlaw birth control with strict punishments

2. Outlaw abortion with strict punishments

3. Deport all minorities

4. Make stricter punishments for rape

5. Make sex outside of marriage illegal

Everyone will fall into place

Tripfagging so people know it's me

This should already be the case, minus the 25 years on the judge part

Remove the cop goes to jail for 25 years part and it's fine

Can you give an example?

I'm almost gonna start calling you 25-user, that's insane mate. Fine them equal + 1-2% of whatever they spent sure, don't need to overkill this

Relax, 25-user

You'll be paying less in taxes overall due to less people in prison due to single mother homes and broken communities. This process would lighten your taxes, don't be silly

Justify this, it's proven to be the least effective option thus far. This is apart of the teen-single parent problem in the southern US.

Keep doing what you're doing now and you will have a 'white genocide', stop being stupid.

You mean namefagging?

Yea, my bad.

Have any ideas?

I already posted them above your last post

They're pretty straight forward, I can explain them in more detail if someone questions how it would work.

wow 4/5 of those are just "let's see how horrible we can make things for men" and the other is just common sense anyway never mind gender issues.

oh you're a retard too

that's literally a lie.

I put number 3 in there just to make sure that we all know I'm talking about a white only society so that they don't chimp out about "muh nigger abortions"

All the others will keep men and women from being degenerate, they will all think twice before they fall into sexual degeneracy.

Also, here's some more to add to fix more degeneracy

6. Outlaw porn

7. Allow for younger marriages when kids are hitting puberty so that they can start having healthy children and forming healthy relationships earlier

Explain how any of this makes for a better society; you claim degeneracy but all I've read is moralfagging sharia esque nonsense.

Assuming you're not trolling of course.

Someone make me an argument for why women shouldn't vote, a factual one.

the last 100 years.

They are solipsistic, prone to shortsighted thinking and base their decisions mainly on superficial emotions.

Evidence, anons

You could easily make the argument by showing what parties they vote for and what they've done. I currently don't have it on hand, though

t. namefag

1. Take responsibility away from women - equal rights too. They are basically property with life. Since we love them, we'll treat them better than ever - it's not oppressive to care for your wife.
2. Repeat 1 in times of crisis and NEVER go back on it.

Seriously, who actually says that anymore?

It's not sharia, as it applies to both genders with the rape so that guys don't interfere/cuck another guy's relationship, it's a perfected form of monogamy that will give every guy a chance and inspiration to work harder for the nation and build a strong family where all members depend on and love each other.

not property! :o some rights and freedom, just not the same as men.

You can treat your own wife however you want as long as she doesn't have a say in law, science, government, economics.

Are you a woman?








Show me then

We already have laws for that, unless you want a literal islamic style morality police going around to enforce it


Do you believe that we should live in a society where people can make their own choices, say yes or no on your next post. I personally do, I want you to clearly explain why what you're forwarding is better than any other system, not because it worked in the past; we're living in a different age.

she shouldn't have a say but she should still have freedoms, to leave a man if she thinks he's not a good master for example.

i just don't think it's right for a human being to be property even if they are lesser.

We're helping them make their own decisions as long as they're not detrimental to the nation. If you don't agree with this, you need to hop off Holla Forums and the NatSoc train because you won't like where it's going.

The difference between this and Islam is that people aren't fucking stoned and killed, they're just socially ostrisized based on the culture of the society and hindered by the law, like pre-war America.

Only in extreme cases - physical abuse, refuses to buy her food, refuses to spend money to buy her clothes etc.

This has been beaten to death

Women emulate the opinions of strong males in their lives. In the absense of strong males, or a strong male showing weakness, they are biologically programmed to poke and prod.. Be a bitch… Because a strong man would not put up with that shit and would put them in their place. They crave it on a level that they can not consciously recognize.

Now to define 'strong man' this doesn't necessarily mean a meathead that beats women into obedience. It is arguable that a physically strong man who also has the wisdom and mental capacity to keep women in line with more intellectual finesse (I.e. Jungian psychology) is far stronger than an alpha who is only an alpha for brawn alone.

The redpill the real redpill nowt that mgtow garbage is your friend.

don't forget this part
and the jury who wanted the man to be convicted also goes to prison for 25 years


…What? This is literally do what I tell you or else, no one is making decisions here. This is so vague that it could mean anything. Convince to me that porn and a lack arranged marriages are a determent to the nation.

Natsoc? You don't get to project your opinions onto that of the group, not everyone agrees with you. You've wandered into the twilight zone lost in your delusions, if you think I'm an idiot then convince me otherwise. You just typing vague statements means little like 'detrimental to the nation' means little and can be used to justify anything

no she should always be free to. that saves women from being with betas and means men have to have the good judgement to pick women who won't run of the moment they get emotional.

Do you feel in charge?

It has been beaten to death by shitposters

You saying strong men lead the way doesn't actually fix any of the problems we have nor is it a decision that is morally or legally justified unless you completely disregard the agency of women.

You invoking the redpill is a cop-out

Convince or show to me that what you're saying is true

5 would usually mean that they just get caught if the girl gets pregnant

4 doesn't include the necessary addition of "if it actually happened"

I'm with you here. Women need basic human rights or else some men will choose to abuse the power we have over them. Voting and what not is one thing. Denying women the ability to go to the hospital when theyre in a physical crisis is not something i want any man to be able to do.

I'm saving again because this has been beaten to death and we are getting slid like crazy.

But to add on to my last post in respect to yours….

Women should be free to leave a man if they can demonstrate that he is actively and willfully mistreating her.

Now. This part goes with my last post. If you are wise in the ways of the redpill it really is not that hard at all to keep your woman in line, using your wisdom and only resorting to aggression when you need to remedy a situation quickly and decisively, while also giving her a long enough leash to be happy. To be honest you gotta be sick in the head if you think a wife kept in line only because she fears you is preferable to a wife that respects your command while enjoying an amicable relationship.

Really.. The best analogy for a healthy relationship with a woman is to literally think of them as you would a dog. You can beat a dog into obedience… It will obey you but it will be a shit dog that acts out inappropriately and runs across the house pissing itself if you raise your voice. Or you can train your dog to respect your command with boundaries that are enforced sternly, but fairly, and positive reinforcement.

How does this translate to women? Like I've said you need wisdom. Its a delicate dance really.. You need the wisdom to be able to tactfully set boundaries and let it be known when you disapprove of something. After a while these situations should be few and far between, if they aren't either you are approaching the situation wrongly or your woman is shit and you need to find another, exhaust the possibility of you taking the wrong approach before giving up if you think the woman is worth it. And positive reinforcement? This is the easy part. Random gestures of affection (flowers if you must but I prefer to give my wife a new pistol or something of the sort as a gift). And give them the dick. When all else fails.. Give them the dick. Make her waddle like a penguin the next day and she will behave.


if you are wise in the ways of the redpill you won't need the law to stop her leaving you. so why do you want that? it's only useful for beta cucks who shouldn't have a woman.

I never said women have no agency. But their agency is that of a child. They don't know what they actually want. What they want is a man that deserves their respect.

And when I say respect I do not say respect as in "I respect you as a person" nu-age faggot shit. I mean respect as in you are walking in the woods and bam there before you, 500' away, is a 700# bear and you are unarmed. You would instantly respect that that bear is entirely superior to you at that moment.

And almost any woman, of course there are a bunch of absolutely hopeless femishits, can be broken of any and all notions of feminism. Depending on how exposed they are to the shit it may take some time. Took me about a year but I got my wife to the point where she admits that women should not be allowed to vote because they can not be counted on to make a decision not based on bullshit emotions. And she always defers to my judgement, because I have displayed to her time and again that no matter the subject any words that leave my mouth are always correct.

As for fixing the problem.. The whole problem.. As in the cancer that females have become. That's something that will take at leave a generation. I would say longer but Trump will accelerate the process just like Uncle Adi did.

A huge part of the problem though comes back to what I've been saying. Far, far too many men don't understand that women crave to be corrected on a biological level and when their behavioral outbursts go uncorrected they continue to act out worse and worse hoping, on an instinctual level, that eventually a man will correct them. It is simple animal psychology. So with men unwilling to correct the women we find ourselves with a stock of women that behave absolutely deplorably and a stock of men who, because of their unwillingness to correct the women, don't know what to do with themselves… Unable to find suitable mates they withdraw entirely. Its the 1970's rat experiments on a grand scale.

The only way that we can change that is to do what I've said, find yourself a woman and keep her in line the traditional way. The more men do this.. The more men that will realize that's how it should be done and eventually it will balance out.

But continue to shill with your demoralization /r/theredpill mgtow bullshit.

I agree if you aren't a retard it should never be a problem.

I'd want it for cases of women being idiots and saying 'oh I want a diverse here's the papers' with little thought put into it. Because such behavior has a deleterious effect on young offspring. Ya know what I'll amend my proposal. They should be allowed to leave, but if she has children with the man she wishes to leave she must be able to demonstrate with an abundance of evidence abusive, willing and egregious neglect, or adulterous behavior. If there are no children involved and the man is a beta bitch not able to keep his woman in line and happy then she can walk away.

OP once again confirms he's an enormous faggot by not knowing how that shit effects woman, and by extension the environment along with future children

guess you must be a retard then since you're all up in arms about it.

but you just admitted that's not a problem except for retards.

just let him find a new woman.

because somehow him getting sex is bad for his kids. retard.

Nah marriage is sanctimonius. If a guy wants to cheat? whatever. If he's dumb enough to get caught hes dumb enough to deserve a divorce

You mean the increased estrogen in the environment? Increased heart rates, tender tits, missing periods? So on?

Do you have a better option that isn't draconian in nature and limits everyone rights? It isn't mandatory, it's an option, smartass. Not everyone believes their opinion should be the be all end all

How so, explain it dont just claim it.

Do you believe that women can overcome their biology, if not, you don't believe in women's agency. That is the only way you can justify this argument. What you're suggesting is that men become completely authoritarian and everything will somehow be fine, as if human has not already moved away from this because it's insane.

women shouldn't have the right to choose who their husband sleeps with.

* Outlaw abortion.
* Erase No-fault divorce. If you want to break up your family you need a reason besides being bored and money hungry.
* No more alimony. (alternately, if the divorce is your fault you must pay some alimony for breaking the contract, but in this case a cap must be set to eliminate JUST)
* End affirmative action, gender requirements, and all anti-discrimination laws. This will truly level the playing field between men and women, so that the women won't be able to compete with the men. More men having more jobs = more families with financial support, and more women without the delusion that they're better than men in the workplace.

you guys are really determined to force male prostitutes into happening huh.