Do you agree with Wonder Woman, Holla Forums?
Do you agree with Wonder Woman, Holla Forums?
Well… do they fuck or not?
What do you think?
I love how Bruce doesn't want none of that and doesn't humor her at all.
She pretty much called him a fucking boytoy.
only way he could have handled it better is calling out how she was "romantically attracted" to both of them, though lord knows that would cause every geek site and their mothers to freak out over batmans slut shaming.
Would a threeway between them even work?
Well it's not gay if it's a threeway
Are you asking if Batman can use preptime to survive?
He's not just going to attempt to fuck either Superman or Wonder Woman, but both of time. Double the danger, double the prep-time.
Can he pull it off?
This looks like it's from that Trinity weekly from 2008
i wonder if batman has bat-whore repellant in his belt.
If he did, he wouldn't have to put up with Catwoman's bullshit.
Wait sooooo is this a threewheel relationship?
>WW is the whore strong grill
superman confirmed Cuck
The golden rule.
Shit, that brings bad memories. I had a threeway with a friend and this chick he knew, but since we did with the light off he took the opportunity to make out with me. I didn't knew.
Nor would he be raped by Talia, which poses another question: we know for a fact that Batman never uses condom.
So what's little Wonder Woman plan there? Batman likes to do it raw.
It is. Weird little book.
She just closes her wonder cervix.
Fucking magical powers, man.
As far it goes, sure. Looks to me like she's angling for a threesome.
I reject the Talia rape. The way that story was originally told was as a doomed romance.
They've all had a thing before. Might as well go all the way.
Batman: Son of the Demon unfortunately isn't canon anymore.
Earth 2 Bats in New52 has a lasting relationship.
But I think that version of bats had to make compromises to be more of a husband and father than a more mainline bat would.
Batman has techniques and vast wealth, but the one thing he can never do is make the compromises necessary to grow a happy healthy household.
The pre-CoIE one from the Earth-Two universe also had to promise Selina Kyle, Catwoman, to retire his cowl in order for her to also give up her criminal activities as Catwoman, this after they had realized that she was expecting his child. He had to give up being Batman in order to become a husband and father. He still kept protecting Gotham as the city police commissioner, following Jim Gordon's footsteps.
The Nu52 one from the Earth-2 universe just had more time to devote himself to his wife and daughter since all the villains were frozen Judge Dredd style, some even for life like the Joker. So there was fewer villains around.
anyone else find it a bit strange that they all coincidentally have black hair and blue eyes?
Do you agree with Wonder Woman?
She's completely wrong. Standing in the dark corner makes you look cool.
They're narcissistic as fuck and find it hot that they're pretty much alike physically. They all see each other in their mind when fucking one another.
or is the drawing guy just so shitty that he can't into different faces
that's probably what would happen with bruce and clark too
well Bruce has a widows peak while Clark has a traditional combed look.
ok Holla Forums how would you recolor the DC Trinity's eyes/hair(/skin?) to better differentiate them?
make Wonder Woman a bit more tan. Make Bruce a bit pale and let him keep his widows peak. Also, give WW some curly hair like she did in the Perez days.
And later, when he comes home to Lois, he sadly tells her about how he had to help Bruce and Diana with their relationship again because Bruce is so fucked in the head.
Helped by doing a threesome?
fucking kek
dudes are real bro's
Saving people comes in many forms. Sometimes it's stopping a freight train with your bare hands, sometimes it's letting your friend feel powerful by participating in weird sex with him and his girlfriend.
Fuck i laughed
I think Superman has been spending too much time with Wonder Woman.
Next he'll try to rehabilitate Lex Luthor with power play and bondage.
Well, I think most of Lex's frustration and irritation would go away if he spent the night with a his kryptonite condomed dick up Superman's ass.