Inaction is ‘NAIVE’ - Catholic priest calls for Christians to fight ISIS


“To shrink from the moral duty to protect peace by not using force […] is not innocence — it is naiveté.”

He wrote: “The dormancy of Islam until recent times, however, has obscured the threat that this poses — especially to a Western civilisation that has grown flaccid in virtue and ignorant of its own moral foundations.

“On the first day of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, there were over 60 speeches, and yet not one of them mentioned ISIS.

It states: “Legitimate defence can be not only a right but a grave duty for one who is responsible for the lives of others.

“The defence of the common good requires that an unjust aggressor be rendered unable to cause harm. For this reason, those who legitimately hold authority also have the right to use arms to repel aggressors against the civil community entrusted to their responsibility.”

Father Rutler has argued this would not have been controversial in previous centuries.

He said: “Saint John Capistrano led an army against the Moors in 1456 to protect Belgrade. In 1601, Saint Lawrence of Brindisi did the same in defence of Hungary.

"As Franciscans, they carried no sword and charged on horseback into battle carrying a crucifix. They inspired the shrewd generals and soldiers, whom they had assembled through artful diplomacy, with their brave innocence.

“This is not obscure trivia: Were it not for Charles Martel at Tours in 732 and Jan Sobieskiat the gates of Vienna in 1683 — and most certainly had Pope Saint Pius V not enlistedAndrea Doria and Don Juan at Lepanto in 1571 — we would not be here now. No Western nations as we know them — no universities, no modern science, no human rights — would exist.”

Father Rutler said the West has grown complacent and has lost touch with its Christian roots.

He said: “The priest in Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvrary in Normandy, France, was not the first to die at the altar — and he will not be the last.

“In his old age, the priest embodied a civilisation that has been betrayed by a generation whose hymn was John Lennon’s ‘Imagine’ — that there was neither heaven nor hell but ‘above us only sky’ and ‘all the people living for today’.

"When reality intrudes, they can only leave teddy bears and balloons at the site of a carnage they call ‘inexplicable’.”

Other urls found in this thread:

A real pope has been found

Original piece:

A Christian Duty in the Face of Terror: As priest is slaughtered by ISIS at the altar, the West must wake up

good to know that there's at least one catholic church that isn't cucked to hell and back

Trump will crown an antipope.

Well, Malachy said that this pope was beyond the last one.

The English split from the papacy because, the King didn't like the church looking down on his cucking of his wife. Americans could split from the papacy because, we're upset by everything cucking pope Marxista.

Church of 'Murca


Does he mean its Greek and Roman roots, both of which were pagan? The notion that Western civilization began with Christianity is laughable at best.

I'm sure this priest simply loves the (((Chosen People))) as well.


ISIS is a US proxy they use to either disrupt countries or allow them to "intervene"

This guy is just falling into a trap.


Almost all of Americas foreign issues are false issues created by the Jews who run our Pro-Israeli policy, and the cucks that have sold out their own people and nation for profit to ascend along with them.

We don't have an Islamic problem or an immigration problem. We have a Jew problem and a traitor problem and it's time we start punishing people again for crimes as large as theirs. Everything else is a side effect that we all already know and understand.

Problem is that these same people created a slave army to stand in our way. I don't hate the slave that manifested itself to be an obstacle in my path, I pity them, but at the same time nonetheless we must get through that army to get to the ones who lead it from behind.


no, if that was even remotely how the process worked he'd be picking an actual Pope considering we have an imposter in the Holy See right now

there's been reports since Bergoliogogokike that the inner circle cardinals are furious with him

God sent us a clear sign that day.
The 'Peace' this imposer pope offers is nothing but death.

aye, brother

got to have ball if you're redpilled and inside satan's church of the nwo. or suicidal.

this is a powerful line that any honest, pious society would be taken to heart.

is there video of this?

Oy vey my lamb, we need to fight da ISIS.

What value is this faggotry?
'Shreds cucks'?
The fuck are you talking about?
Nigger is just pushing Zionist propaganda to support getting us into another war for Israeli Jews, and he's trying to use our history of conflict with the Mudslime to justify it.

If not for Jews, there would be little hostility between the Mudslimes and the West, and further, if not for Jews, there would be very few Mudslimes in the West to express hostility we would have any reason to care about.

Yet this pseudo-kike doesn't mention the Jews.


? America is already split from the pope for centuries. Majority isn't catholic.

I've heard rumors of a power struggle between two factions in the Church, one for Francis, and the other more traditional. Hopefully, the traditional side is gaining more ground.

man when i first saw that picture i was lucky to cap it because it got scrubbed hard

the pics that pop up now are because somebody kept it and reupped

There is.

It's really hard to say that this is so. Ratzinger stepped down after all…

The RCC was the true successor to Greek philosophy. No other philosophical tradition in the world incorporated Plato and Aristotle as completely as the Scholastics did.










oh yeah he's not full 1488 gas every kike by the end of the night so he's just a fucking pseudo kike cuck right?

jesus you faggots are insufferable

for one thing those "christian roots" he is talking about is the fact that people have gave up on going to church and decided to be degenerate consequences be damned types.
The word christian has evolved from the sandkike religion to become associated with white decency and only autistic spergs and shills flip out when they see someone use the word christian, because how dare someone imply that Western civilization isn't founded on paganism.

He's a manhattan christcuckold pushing for conflict with ISIS while saying nothing - NOTHING - about the Jew.

He's a pawn of the Jew, you cuckold for Christ, and so are you.

Kill yourself.
No, really, that's not a mere insult or a euphemism - kill. your. self.
Just do it.
The world will be better without you.

The "West" as distinct from the "East" derives from the Catholic/Orthodox schism in the church. Everything that we identify as "Western"—Greek and Latin literature, humanism, and social contract theory and it's derivates—comes out of the "Western" world unified through and cultivated by the RCC.

Great post, Trudeau. Shouldn't you be sucking some Imam's cock?

If you kill your enemies' enemies, they win.

Go eat a foreskin moishe, you fuckin Jew.

You never know, it's possible that francis' betrayal of Christian refugees in favor of kebabs and the brutal murder of the priest in Normandy are changing hearts

oh there is, what i would give to be privy to those conversations

which was real fucking mysterious
maybe Benedict, who is still the real pope, stepped had suspicions of his own

kek at this buttblast. Christians will always post on Holla Forums, we're not going anywhere.

idiot, virtually nobody knows about the ISIS/Mossad/Israel secret intelligence service backing outside of our little backwater

nobody is talking about killing isis in the Church after a man was fucking beheaded except for this man, how about you go fuck yourself you shill


Yeah, let's just ignore the constant attempts at invasion throughout our history, we only hate muds because the kikes told us to
This false dilemma shit needs to stop, kikes and muds both need removal

Look at how desperately these christcuckolds try to take your attention away from the fact that this is a Manhattan cuck for Christ, who decries Islam while saying nothing about the Jew.

Were it not for the Jew, there would be no Muslims problem - they wouldn't be here to cause us grief in our lands, and we wouldn't care what they do in their lands.

If not for the Jew, ISIS would not exist - it is merely a ploy, created by the Jew (with aid from the Jews' allies) to lure the West back into the Middle East via destabilizing the region, after which Israel hopes to steal more clay.

Christcuckolds are pathetic - the most Shabbos of Shabbos goyim.

Checked for cucked.

Be less of a cuckold and maybe people won't complain about you so much, ya know, instead of getting your Zionist benis all hardened up at the notion of sending Western troops into sandland to die for Zion.

Legit cuckoldry for Christ.

Too fucking late. They exist. We have to kill ISIS and the Jews that created them.

tone the autism down you idiot, we're all on Holla Forums of course WE fucking know

the normies however, don't, and you can't just come out " FUCKING JEWS OWN ISIS KIKES KILLING OUR HOMELANDS PURGE THEM ALL BURN THE JEWS" in national headlines.

If not for kikes, there would be no need for removal, because there would be no kebabs in our lands.

This attempt, mostly by christcucks, to hide behind Muslims so they don't have to attack the Jew?
Its pathetic. You're pathetic.

Muslims are our enemies - but if not for the Jew, they wouldn't be an issue.
They wouldn't be in our lands.
They wouldn't be organized, supplies and trained by Israeli/US factions as to be a threat.

Hell, if not for Israel, would the Muslims even be attempting to war upon us, or would they have gone back to their brotherwars in sandland?

The Jew is the greater threat, and the Jew employs the Mudslime. Here you have a Jew York Christcuckold trying to sound tough by pushing for US involvement against ISIS - which is exactly what Zionists want.
You have no comeback, so you keep dodging the issue.

Except your boy christcuckold doesn't mention the Jew.
At all.
Wonder why… Oh, right, because he's a Zionist pawn.
You imbecile.

If you aren't going to do something about Israel, there is absolutely no point in doing something about ISIS - Israel IS ISIS.
ISIS is merely the bait to lure the West into more Zionist sandland wars.
And you're just fucking itching to take that bait - which suggests you're either an imbecile, a Zionist, or a Jew, perhaps several of the above.

So where do I sign up to remove kebab apart from the US military and make Catholicism Redpilled Again?

Private Military Contractors exist. Surely there's a way.

So instead you cheer for some Zio-cuck pushing to send your country's troops in to die for Zion in sandland?

Get fucking real you disingenuous faggot.

You just got your christboner all hard, and now you're trying to cover your ass.

This guy is pushing Zionist propaganda, and you're lapping it up, and when called on it, you cry that you can't mention the Jew because normies will be upset.

Like I said: Legit cuckoldry for Christ.
You claim to want to fight the Jew, but instead, you let a Jew-analog convince you that you MUST go - or rather, send other people - to sandland to fight Muslims for Zion.

Meanwhile, other Jews demand that you let Mudslimes into your lands, lest you be a bigot.
And the Christcuckold Church largely supports this argument, from the Jewish side.

So, you want to send our people to go fight for nothing, for worse than nothing, for fucking Jews… While other Jews flood your homeland with mudfolk.

And you don't see the disconnect here… We're reaching hilarious levels of cuckoldry that shouldn't eve be possible.

seriously man chill out



we need more bishops like

This is nonsense. Muds have been trying to invade the west for far longer than the kikes have been in a position to let them in. Kikes aren't the reason the muds conquered Spain in the 8th century. Our mud problem would be different if the kikes weren't around, but it would still be a problem.
Yes. They've been our enemies since over a millenia before the modern state of Israel existed.

go back to /fringe/, smiley

I'm one of the biggest critics of cuckstians, but this is exactly what I was saying would never happen. I'm pleasantly surprised, but I'm not under and delusions that it'll gain any traction. One step in the right direction, a million miles left to go.

Who was it that opened the gates at Constantinople?

What is the origin of doenmeh jews?

no you stupid fucking faggot you can't you should know this not because you shouldn't but because THEY WONT FUCKING LET YOU ADVOCATE FOR WAR ON THEM AND THE PEOPLE ARE TOO BRAINWASHED TO THINK THATS ANYTHING BUT NAZI

jesus you are so fucking dense

you red pill in doses, you don't shove it up their ass

tbh if we stopped buying their oil and stopped selling them hardware they would still be riding around on camels achieving fuck all

The crusade calls.





we would be able to sustain on our own oil if not for all the politician lobbying against pipelines and domestic drilling. by the way these same politicians are in favor of middle eastern conflict nothing suspicious at all goy.

You're talking about shit that happened centuries later than what I'm talking about. Kikes cooperated with muds precisely because the muds were already the enemy of their enemy.

Yes. We could also simply have killed them all and taken the oil (this isn't neocohen bullshit, I'm not advocating spreading democracy and the American Way to shitskins incapable of comprehending either).

We need fewer christcucks is what we need.
Not all Christians are cucks for christ, mind you.

Not an argument chaim.


Get fucking real.
You keep trying to skirt the issue, keep trying to dodge it, but you cant get away from it: ISIS is designed specifically to lure the West into the Middle East, and here is a christcuckold, from Jew York, trying to use our historical conflict with the mudslimes to urge us into further conflict - this time totally worthless - in the middle east, to serve Zionist goals.
And Holla Forums's christcuck/Zionist contingent gets their dick all hard over it, until someone comes in to remind them that the Jew is the greatest enemy, and that such action would serve the Jew's interests well-above our own.

There is no redpilling going on here, you fruity Jewish faggot!

This is just a fucking Ziocuck pushing for more wars in the Middle East to serve Zion.

Look - Muslims are shit, okay? They are. And they are our enemies.
But they are also a minimal threat if not for Jewish activities such as to make them more of a threat.
So what is the real threat?
And why is a priest pushing for us to go to war against a group, but saying nothing about the group who created that group (to get us to go to war)?
Because he's a puppet of Zion.


a wild guess: the other catolics?

that would make awesome vidya


its mostly deus vult larping dude. yes we would all love a holy war but most Holla Forums christians arent stupid enough not to realize that this is the work of the jews and that the kebabs are just the useful idiots.

i agree with everything else you are saying

When was the last time Muds posed a real threat in this vein?
More than a hundred years ago?

Your go-to is the 8th fucking century?
Nigger, that was more than a thousand years ago.
They aren't a threat now - except for when the Jews get them all riled up, and/or convince us to let them into our lands.

Yes, exactly.
How would it be different?

1. We wouldn't have muds in our lands.
2. ISIS wouldn't exist.

Fucking. BOOM. Nigger.

As I said before, you worthless Ziocuck:
Hell, without inteference of the Jew, we might well just colonize the place and kill them all.
But, no, that'd have Jews crying in our lands about how racist we are (top kek) and that'd have Jews in sandland crying because our colonization of those areas would take away territory from greater israel.


That says nothing of the question asked: If not for Israel, would the Muslims even be attempting to war upon us?
How would they?
On what basis?

In the past, when great Muslims nations and powers existed, they were a threat.
Now they're pathetic, poor, stupid mudpeople.
We could easily defeat them - but wouldn't NEED TO, really, because if not for Israel, there is no ISIS.

There's just a bunch of sandmonkeys, divided across their own faith, warring with one another in sandland - and NOT being in our lands.

The Jews organize them, train them, supply them, motivate them, AND, the fucking cherry on top, argue that we must allow them into our lands - because, think of it goyim, if the mudfolk are only blowing up Jews, blowing up other mudfolk, doing it thousands of miles away from us… Why the fuck would we care?

We wouldn't.
And the Jew knows this.
So, they organize the mudfolk to make them seem a legitimate threat, and act to motivate the West to combat that threat.
The modern Muslim-West conflict is, in large part if not in whole, the product of Jewry.


I don't foresee the catholic church doing a god damn thing to a Jew York priest suggesting Israel is bad news/Jews.

Certainly no more than they'll do to him for claiming the same of ISIS/Islam.

That said, its not just larping faggots user - its also Jews.
This is the sort of article/thread a Jew would make, trying to use Christcucks as camouflage to weasel their rhetoric into the conversation.

And when I see people falling for it, it must be called out.

I seriously hope that you guys are aware that this a classic D&C soundbite?
Christians can and should be militant and they are capable of striking at both Muslims and the Jews. Westerners on the whole must unite or face destruction.

Then they should stop sperging out about kek , im tired of christcucks derailing thread because they cant stand KEK.

Hey, believe in cartoon frog all you want, but it only makes you look like an idiot.

im MAD AS HELL at how normies are falling for it.

i just cant see how we get out of this…

it will be police states at home and white men dying in an overseas niggerdesert.

we have to jew-wise as many people ASAP.

fighting ISIS in the middle east is not the solution. closing the borders and deporting all foreigners is; killing anyone who gets uppity.

Well … here's the happening you've been begging for over the last couple of years.


The answer is: NOW!

What are you going to do, Holla Forums?
What are you going to do?

we dont want to see anons go to hell because they worshipped a demon frog

With more of this I'll start practicing again

Well no. The majority of crusaders will be from Latin America. Large devoutly catholic populations of poor single males. The crusaders wil speak spanish this time, again. Also, hey are actually used to the fucking desert. They could actually live there and recivilize the middle east.

POL! We eed to redpill mexico for the crusades and end illegal immigration to the US forever.

Mexio! Go kill ome muzzies and steal some oi! It s finally your turn!

(((Knights Templars)))


not really scrubbed
pics and vids applenty if you google "dove crow pope"

lol trust me theres no way in hell spics will be crusading

they wont care until isis blows up a taco shop, and thats not going to happen, because the jews want whitey to fight.

the jews have south america on lock (except based chile)… no need to change that.

They created the concept of banks and they had no interest.

It was the Jews who invented interest and bastardized the banks.

As a Protestant I consider the fallacies of Pope and Mary worship nothing short of idolatry in the Catholic church tbh. However, I also had strong admiration for Pope John Paul II by and large I won't mention the current Pope heh, and this priest's words on this important and dangerous issue actually re-instill a measure of respect for the Catholic faith in me again.

Not calling for the slaying of Jews. SAGE

Myth. Even if Islam was dormant on the Western front for a while (due to being thoroughly cucklonialozed by Europe) they were still dinduing over on their Eastern front against Hindus/Buddhists/etc.

Daily reminder: there has never actually been a cessation of Islamic hostility and warfare against nonmuslims since the inception of Islam.


Nothing but total war can solve this problem.

the biggest strength and largest weakness of the catholic church has been, and always will be, the centralization of the church's organization.

strength, because they can coordinate at levels no other institution or organization. Should the pope somehow grow a spine, he could lead a worldwide offensive against ISIS in every country they've infected.

weakness, because it's given entryists a target to infiltrate and subvert, and once in power, to systematically destroy the church from within. right now I think we're seeing the consequences of their lack of vigilance against those who would seek to undermine them, but the power structure at the top means it would take just as many years as the entryists to return power to the true believers.

unless something really, really big happens, I don't see the masses of people (outside of hardcore catholic countries like poland) reacting much to a call from the pope himself to take action against ISIS. they're fine with the status quo, and doing anything outside the bare minimum acts to get into heaven is anathema, even though it might be Just to do so.

Say it with me now



idgi what are you trying to imply

It's the same anyway.

Good post.

th-thanks God

I don't give a shit, fuck the catholic pedophile faggot church. let the mudslimes, christ cucks, and jews all kill each other off. What a cancer upon european people these death cults have been.

to all these cunts who keep crying to focus on the jews and just ignore muslims i can only assume your burgers.
In europe they're already fucking here and attacking as is clearly fucking evident from recent attacks, that is not fucking ignorable.
at the very least we need to clear them out of our homeland, and should a great crusade come it doesn't benefit the kikes if we take the fucking land instead of them
People need to see the defeatist fucks for what they are when they act like the jews are some unbeatable entity.
i'd love to see somebody in person tell me to ignore muslims when the're home gets blown up and they're family shot and raped in front of them, even if all jews vanished today we'd still have a fucking problem, the floodgates are open, sometimes its better to fix the problem then stop who caused it than let the problem continue

Yeah it's not like they once conquered Spain, took over Asia Minor, made incursions as far as Vienna, and would like nothing more than to do it again (hint: they are doing it again, this time through "refugees"). Islam is a threat to Europe (and all other people's of the world). This has nothing to do with Christianity. Faggot.

'Why did the crow and the gull attack the doves? Because the doves were white. '

I don't want to live on this planet any more.


This. Jews are a threat because they control finance, the media (talmudvision), and our politicians. But Muslims are ACTIVELY RAPING AND WAGING WAR AGAINST US.

Stop assuming Americans are stupid, assclown.

I'm a burger, and I'm frankly considering going over there myself and joining the Kurds. What stops me is the problem of getting my own equipment over there safely without being arrested.


I have a buddy who actually did that. Any idea how one goes about doing that? (I could ask him but I'm kinda embarrassed to, inb4 stop being a faggot and do it…n-no senpai)


How exactly did you fuck that up?

not assuming americans are stupid, read it in the context faggot
much more likely for people not directly affected by muslim terrorism (burgers) to want to ignore it and focus on jews than people who are directly effected by it (europeans)

is it really so hard to believe?

muslims are the sword in the jew's hand. We need to get rid of the sword and the hand, but if the hand is gone the sword can only hurt those foolish enough to run their hand down it's edge.

It's pretty hard to believe you are using an Iphone in these parts.

Not to say we shouldn't melt down the sword though.

when it first happened, it was, as i said.

jesus fuckin wept

All interesting points user.

Agreed. It's a multinational conglomerate that has operated on a timescale of well over a thousand years. Few other associations in human history have grown so large, nor been so influential over people's views and lives in various ways.

The old tension of centralized vs. distributed, eh? The few at the top want to maintain control, but the dynamics of the real world always seek to redistribute that control outwards.

Ahah. But who is it (having stayed on the outside in order to direct) planning the desired course?


meh, it was free

Interview with Fr. George Rutler.


just putting it out there…possible solution: replace the catholic church with something else. It was nice and all while it lasted but Christianity is pretty much dead for Europeans.

I know kikes and race traitors alike are ushering them in, but you're forgetting that these fucking muds have been acting like muds for ONE THOUSAND YEARS if they aren't pushing into Europe or wagging their dicks at America, they're pissing about in Africa or the Middle East making everyone else miserable.

Jews just provided the catalyst for these shits to try conquering us again, muslims had the desire long before.

Supreme court is right now 5 Catholics, 3 Jews, it would be 6 Catholics if Scalia was alive.

This is the only pragmatic solution.

Yep, Christianity is no longer popular in Europe, Only Germany is still holding on but with Merkel soon it will be germanic muslim state.

This thread need more Lefebvre

Truly prescient leader

Keep outing yourselves as D&C shills.

I may be wrong but I believe Germany is still holding on because it is faced with islam. When cultures clash they tend to draw clear lines in the sand forcing the population to pick sides instead of fence sitting and pretending to be morally superior.

Muslims and Jews are both threats, just in different ways. They both must be removed.

Combined they are cancers attacking us spiritually, culturally, politically, and physically.

A country needs ANY type of religion if it wants to remain unified. Preferably a non cuck one that allows them to defend themselves.

It would be nice to have a European specific religion though. Even Medieval period Catholicism would be better then this hybrid religion of liberalism/marxism today. They just need something

It must be those kikes corrupting their fragile minds, once we gas the jews they will surly go back to being a religion of peace. they dindu nuffin

the church is fundamentally broken. the guy can only get more heretical by becoming a faggot yet he rose to become the leader

I'll fucking join the catholics if they want crusaders.

kek what fucking universe did you slip out from


might be slightly off topic, but a good enough place
samsons' option, what do we do regarding it

it is something that must be considered when discussing full removal of the kikes or even just conquering the middle east (i.e. potential crusades)
I know some retards will just scream the millions of deaths are worth it and while i somewhat share that sentiment we mustn't forget what so many deaths could potential do is it where primarily military men targeted, as with thew world wars we would lose the strong men and genes leading to weaker, more lefty generations
if this is more fitting for a new thread i'll make one but this seems the place to discuss such a thing

You know the Crusaders massacred Jews when they entered Jerusalem and established European control.
Any crusade would entail killing and/or sending the kikes packing just like the real crusades did.
Reminder to everyone on Holla Forums that D&C Jews posing as Pagan fags are trying to destroy Holla Forums


well if you want to join a PMC serve for a while, the market has too few workers and too many spots so you're guaranteed to find a PMC

Absolution of Sin for cartwl enforcers joining crusade.

No jobs for mexicans kicked out of usa, they join crusade too.

Come on damn it! SEND THE MEXICANS TO MIDDLE EAST! They can have the fucking hot desert land,. What would you rather have there, arabs and jews?

No, they had no interest, they just charged rental fees on the money they loaned, plunging Europe into debt. A nice little loophole.



Deus Vult

They do make great mortar and fertilizer

Aren't most of them affiliated with the (((Jesuits))) anyway? Might as well say eight Jews.

The samson option is fundamentally unavoidable. It will eventually happen, the best we can do is keep our boys out of the ME when it does, unfortunately just about all foreseeable scenarios where it will be activated involve us kicking sand in sandniggers eyes. Unless Turkey happened to get their hands on some nukes from that airbase and were to set them off now, we would almost certainly be in the think of a full scale ground war when Israeli nukes start flying.


The Western Tradition has obvious and very strong associations with the men and influence of Christianity. While even more ancient roots are present, they simply have a share in shaping our modern Western civilization. Christianity has had a more pronounced impact.

I imagine they'd welcome you user. Why not just gear up once you're there? I'm sure some operatives are in the region to assist such as yourself.

Kurds no longer take foreign volunteers.
Neither do the Assyrians or the SAA.
t.ex-militaryfag who searched for something to die for

If that were true we would be even more fucked today.

Those Catholics on the supreme court have blocked Obama from shitting on the constitution many times.

Only 1 of the Catholics in the court fucked up though and voted with the Jews

That gets you killed in a hot desert in the Levant or the cold tundras of Russia

I'd rather get my own stuff(Spartan IV) over there than risk being unarmored or getting shitty armor.

Regardless, the way things are going we're going to be fighting ISIS over here too soon enough.

aw shucks

What? Why not?

Reported for intl.

Reported for intl.

Reported for intl.

Reported for intl.

Reported for intl.

Reported for intl.

Reported for intl.

Reported for intl.

Not worth the logistical effort anymore I'd imagine

Not even volunteers who pay their own way?

Not ones that don’t even speak their language, no. Sort of hard to claim you support ethnonationalism when you hire foreigners to do your work.

makes sense tbh

Then choose an alternative Asian form of transport user. You sound like you are a man of means.

God speed.

Now we know, The reason the christians in this board are so mad is becausue christian girls would rather go to africa then stay in a white country with them.

You don’t even hide it anymore, do you, cocksucker?

Why's that user? It's a time-worn tradition predating history.

I'd imagine it's more the language barrier than anything else, tbh. Can't be easy to fight a battle with people you don't understand.

Jews love to insult Christians on the premise that it's "based on" Judaism. They would be so duplicitous to leverage the natural hatred of their species to undermine a strength of the societies they aim to subvert. It's their way.

The recorded words of Jesus prove the opposite, though. He came to give a new Law, a new Covenant. It is why the Pharisees had Him crucified, is it not? His teachings undermined their power.

We should seek to emulate Him and drive the kikes from our lands as He did in the cleansing of the temple. Stand fast in your faith, should you believe.

Take, for example, the problems that arise with it today. Post-Napoleonic wars are fought not by hiring mercenaries, but by conscripting your own people. “It’s MY nation, so my cause for fighting is stronger,” you see.

Paradox plant detected! Antipopes for all!

Then you use terrible.

Nothing about that heretical filth should be described as great. Language is power.

This is a fool's errand friend. All the nations of the world will eventually join together to do just that–and they will still fail. God Himself protects Israel, and will not allow even the Antichrist and ever nation banded together against them to wipe them out.

Yea, they probably don't have a lot of funds to support them. I'm surprised the CIA doesn't have a decent cadre associated w/ the Kurds however.

I understand the notion yes, but when push comes to shove, common enemies can make temporary allies, and money still talks very loudly heh.

No offense, friend, but think about that statement again:p

Banks protect Israel, user. Not God.

Banks protect Roman Catholics too

Yes, the thought had occurred user. However, a few of these old hard-asses just might consider operating a bit outside the SOP and go off the map for a bit.

All will be revealed soon enough friend.

Did banks protect Israel in the three day war, or was it the way their military rolled over all opposition?

Go back to the Middle East goy! Get em goy! Sick-em!

You mean 6 day war, and it was French, UK, and Soviet jets that won that war for Israel.

Without air support they would have been overwhelmed by the Muslims

well if so he's done a pretty shit job in the past
fuck off fundamentalist your wait for god crap is as bad as the wait for Hitler types
i'd like to see god stop a nuke, or the muslims that seem to be able to bomb at shoot this supposed god protected holy land, hmm seems your all powerful protector is beaten daily by filthy shitskins, yeah i'll stick with nukes rather that someone who can't stop a single muslim

nice try

pic related from a popular, liberal historian Will Durant whose series was co-authored by his wife (((Ariel)))

I love that I can tell how much autistic rage is coursing through you right now by the way you type.

i can tell how much you rage at the thought of the assyrians and babylonians conquering your holy land kike
you are literally defending jews, and i'm supposedly the autistic one

There's really not much more to say here, friend. Just, when you finally bring open violence against us, we will be ready. Far more so than you seem to think.

hello Holla Forums, hows the D&C coming?

Paradox plant detected! Antipopes for all!

Shill has shown himself.

When you're a winner and at the top, it's nearly impossible to not have to deal with Jews in some way or another, considering how many areas of finance they are involved in, and how expensive it is to run a large organization.

During the invasion of Iberia, Jews were almost universally hated in the divided Christian nations, while they were welcomed in the massive, more unified, and aggressive Muslim nations

Jews are drawn towards whoever has power, money, and is conquering, they try to keep as close as possible to the money source. So they end up switching from side to side as one side dries up and the other renews

This has been going on for many years. There is a large and strong conservative, traditionalist faction in the RCC. Traditional conservative Catholicism is especially popular with the young. It's the future of the Church.

Hopefully soon we can remove the usurper cuck anti-pope Francis (who's cuck faction probably forced based Benedict to stand down) and get a genuine faithful Pope to lead us to Deus Vult.

Not the catholics, friendo.

czesc polak! ja tez z polski!

Israel is small, relatively speaking near fucking negligible in comparison to the rest of the world.
so good luck with that issue in a nucleur holocaust, we have land that won't be a wasteland, you don't
as much as the jews might like to think they're all powerful their nuclear arsenal is nowhere near powerful enough to take down everyone
again, if you're so powerful why does everybody else have to defend you (its not a power thing israel would have had to resort to nukes if there wasn't western help)
also filtered for supporting and being a kike

for hating kikes, try harder shill

Anyone have the macro with the Teutonic Knight saying something like "hello, do you have a moment to talk about jesus christ" while chopping off a saracen's head?

The one thing that the Jews, Muslims and leftists fear most is European Christendom. It's the only thing that can heal the spiritual poison and rot that they have spread. That's what separates us most from them. We have souls, they don't.

Really, it's ultimately a battle of good vs evil. Make no mistake about it, our enemies are truly evil. This is a spiritual war more than anything else. We can't win without being spiritually strong and spiritually cleansed of the modernist degenerate poison they have pushed on us. If we can win the spiritual war, they will be defeated, and they know it. That's why they're spreading atheism and materialism. They are (((their))) main weapons against us. If they kill our souls, the rest is easy.

Since genocide of an entire people is so logistically near impossible, morally fucked, with little general support, that's likely never going to happen.

If we were to cut off all support for Israel, watch them put a valiant fight against Muslims, then eventually be overwhelmed and fall, we would then see Jew refugees flee all across the world, (with most going to the West) creating another diaspora.

Even if your nation denies these Jews, another nation will accept, and a new ZOG will be born, maybe even in India or China.

It's clear that the status quo of America putting Israel first is creating more problems then it solves, but it also allows the Jews to have their own nation to manage, instead of completely latching onto other nations. (Even though Israel in a way is very much latched onto the United States for now) Especially since we're somewhere in between, with a Jewish state existing, yet we still have a heavily Jew influenced government of our own.

That leaves us with a dilemma, that many nations in the past faced with a people who refuse to assimilate and who insist on replacing elite power positions of natives, and acting as a parasitic, separate and cooperative tribe wherever they go.

I would rather Jews have their own nation then for Jews to exist as one and exerting influence within my nation.

There are many methods of force user. Israel may be small, but they still have large force multipliers in technology, deception, finance, persuasion, and even morale, considering Israel is the only Jewish state.

I don't have those, but I do have these

i was specifically referring to an all out war, nukes and all. now preferably we wouldn't reach this stage but hypothetically.
If israel is overrun or feels to threatened and they go full samson's option morals and support no longer matter, the nukes started flying, israel becomes glass and most jews are dead, public consensus would likely condemn jews for such selfishness or at the very least Jewish power would be greatly decreased, the rich would still survive but the amount of children would still be limited, at that point just a couple of assassins almost entirely removes the jews

Why is this guy not the Chief Pederast Pope?

kikes have nuclear submarines, with nuclear weapons (not the same thing)

even if a strike takes the whole israkikehell, they will be under the ocean pointing to mayor cities from white countries, mostly jewyork , kek



really makes you think



please stop this



Your tricks won't work here



Obvious bait shilling.

Filter and ignore.


I think you mean Trump will dethrone the antipope Francis.

Whoa! You can quote my ID. Impressive, kike worshiper.

The Kurds are literal Communists. Ocalan was a Marxist-Leninist and the PKK practices radical feminism. Don't switch one evil for another.


The guy sperging out is absolutely right. ISIS is bad but it is just Israel and the US dragging the world back into a desert shithole. I have no doubt that a crusade would just be a slaughter for the whites who are blinded by zealous fury by the CIA and Mossad trained ISIS.


A crusade would be utterly retarded and playing right into the kike's hands. We need to focus on our own nations, not some non-white desert shithole. Let them slaughter each other.

There is a power struggle going on.

He's right and he should have been made pope




Too late, they are already shilling this guy for the next pope

Trump Heresy when.

(((Protestants))) often think that is Mary worship, but it's actually honoring motherhood.

I've been jammin to these guys non stop for the last few months.

wtf, I hate him now

I'd rather a based Nigger like him as Pope over a white cuck like Francis.

Israel is less a nation but more a criminal base of operations since so many of them refuse to move there and they are parasitical welfare whores leeching off of western nations.

Feed my many children, goy. What, you think I'm actually going to WORK?

laughs in yiddish

Whats up with that MASSIVE butthurt D&C ??? and he keeps going

please don't wake up spiritually white man, you'd just help the kikes one way or another, so… keep watching your people being genocided, brainwashed and replaced, thank you

Must be this indeed.


As long as they stay not banned, it’s a great way to out them.

premeditated assault with a deadly weapon sounds good to me


Witness how far jewish subversion has taken our culture and the Holy Roman Catholic Church.

Bishop Fulton Sheen was on in primetime, nationwide, and was the top rated program in the time slot for most of his run.

wow that's some spine tingling shit right there

mild kek

He stepped down because of the pedo shit. It was a full-on attack on the church.

christianity is a jewish sect and pisstians need to be killed same as muslims.

christians are a cancer for the western world.


we need to kill whitey

I don't claim any authoritative knowledge on the topic, only my view as a) an outsider to Catholicism, and b) a believing Christian who reads the Bible myself. If someone claimed it was to honor her faith by believing God's promise to her then I could possibly see something Biblical to that.

But putting her aside for the moment, the treatment of the Pope by the Catholic church continues to strike me as straightforward idolatry. Although as I mentioned, I have a high regard for the memory of Pope John Paul II, and I also have a fair amount of respect for the priest of topic ITT.



Not this. Christ never sinned. Killing anybody, even Jews, is a sin. Even considering it is a sin. Repent.


Roman civilization collapsed. Rome also had nothing to do with germanics, except at the end when they destroyed everything. Germanic civilization proper starts with Charlemagne, who was heavily Catholic. Christianity is the only reason Europe is even known as a cohesive unit today. Catholic theology is directly based in Greco-Roman philosophy.

Fuck Holla Forums if you aren't Christian at least learn fucking history

Burning people at the stake who question priestly authority over the written word is okay though.

Because humans sin. Self-righteous priests who thought killing people for "heresy" was OK were Catholic pharisees. Hypocrites.

I smell autism.

Oh my, would you just look at the time…


Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

Niestety nie jestem z Polski. Ale myślę, że twój kraj jest przepiękny. Największe Boże błogosławieństwo na ciebie przyjaciel!

nigga building one of those deadly weapons he used to drive the moneylenders out of the temple takes long enough for the subsequent assault to count as premeditated. get that pacifist bullshit the fuck outta here.

why are you replying to yourself?


I understand the position, but it's more like a spanking. He will never cast them off forever, unlike the majority of nations.

Not just waiting user heh. "Work while it's still day. The night is coming when no man can work."
the very One who invented both physics and Supergiant Suns K.
Heh, I expect He's already stopped many from flying till this very day. As I mentioned all will be revealed soon enough.

"The foolishness of God is wiser than the wisdom of men." and "Wisdom is justified by her children."

Ofc. You're free to worship any created thing you care to user. The Uncreated One gives you that freedom to. for now.

Once the US economy finally tanks, Israel won't have the funding and strings to keep itself propped up. The "Holy Land" isn't exactly self sufficient or historically stable.

I fucking hope so. I'm tired of seeing shitty degenerate Catholics everywhere.


kill all da white man!

dis afropol now

Coming from a prior military background, I'm fairly certain the reason PMCs are "understaffed" is they mainly recruit from those with military special operations divisions and usually those with direct combat experience, i.e. SEALs, MARSOC, Recon, USSOC, Paratroopers, etc.

You can of course get in with basic infantry experience, or even with independent training experience, like the Israeli Counterterrorism Course in I think Nevada. Just low employment pool.

Because the enemies of God are doomed no matter what they do, and there's nothing they can do about it but cry. It's either:

1. The teachings of God and Jesus are successfully accepted by the world and there are no more safe places for Satan and his congregation.
2. Satan wins the world but activates all of Revelations which destroys Satan and his congregation. God and Jesus win in the end anyway.

Is there any uncuck European priests who say similar things? It seems these days Europeans religious leaders know less of their own European history than the American religious leaders do. How is that even possible?

Europe is united under the banner of "Christendom":

Europe as a secular "Adult" civilization free of fairy tales (Pagan Europe):

Agree, they all have a tier system going on, with former specops guys being the primadonnas, and former cops/civilians at the lower end of the totem pole.

What if the shills are merely pretending to be cristians/pagans in pagan/christian threads? If that's the case they're smarter than we give them credit for

My body is ready…

Hey man, he calls for crusades. If you want good words, find a languager.

I'm a Proddie my chinese cartoon posting friend.
Doesn't mean I sperg out and blame all Catholics for a cucked leader (just look at all Western countries and their Jewish appointed leaders) like the D&C shills on here.



Having the major cities of Europe nuked is a little price to pay for getting rid of the jews.

Not even a Xtian but CRUSADES NOW

Easy. We conveniently forget what the borders in the NE look like and just steamroll everything, from Saudi Arabia to Lebanon to Iran and all the way over to Pakistan. Maybe we can adjoin with a curry legion. Our greatest ally dies valliantly in friendly fire. Oops!

Attacking the (((source))) of the infection is the only way to cure the (((disease))).

Muslims are the symptom of the (((infection))), not the cause.





Underated post

Not news.


So why do the crusade larpers want to conquer the holy land exactly?

Why is it holy? It's Judaea, right, the jewish homeland? Why is the jewish homeland holy to christians? Why isn't Europe the holy land?

I don't know how a supposed white nationalist can rationalize the inherent jewish origin of christianity and claim to be anti-semitic at the same time.
It just never makes any sense to me. It's either thoughtlessness or doublethink, but either way does not stand up to even superficial analysis.
I've read people on here unironically claiming that rabbi yeshua wasn't jewish, that the real lost tribes of israel were aryans and other such nonsense.

It's like spiritually or religiously or however you like, the average person of european descent is a mixed race mongrel consisting of a superficial jewish cult overlaying the original european religions. This, however you want to rationalize it, is the expression of a conquest. Spiritually, the jews conquered Rome. Memetically, religiously. The product references europe, in the form of "pagan" festivals, practices, traditions, renaming european gods as saints, and so forth… but the child of a rape victim bears the genes of it's mother as much as the rapist, and is still no less the product of violence for that. Christians are memetic rape babies, simply put.

So having lost our own racial/ethnic spirituality 1500-2000 years ago, are we now today to lose our genes as well, through uncontrolled immigration and miscegenation, also of course sponsored and influenced by jews. How can an identity be preserved if it is not defended, made distinct and emphasized?
It's sad. And tragic.

Will our descendants defend Islam the way christians defend their cult? Will they point and laugh at the few racially pure europeans left in future countries and suggest that trying to preserve their identity is pointless, like christians on here do with pagans? Will Liberalism/Secular Humanism/Marxism or Islam take the credit for "european" greatness, rather than europeans themselves?

Why is Judaea the holy land?!

I can understand the rejection of degenerate modern society for a traditionalist ideological system with a strong moral framework and a potential punishment in an afterlife for misdeeds… we've all seen the copypasta where Holla Forums is just autists being edgy on the internet and that the modern world is so fucked up that the only way to be edgy is to be an actual decent person. That's understandable, but is falling back to christianity really the answer here? Is one of the myriad of cults that grew out of the decline of the Roman Empire and which used that Empire's failing institutions to impose itself upon Europe really the source of white greatness? Isn't christianity just a parasite to european greatness and a tragic accident? Is it really the solution to the modern worlds problems, the modern world which grew out of the outcome of WW2 and the collective sin of racism that we all inherited from the defeated Germany?

It seems to me that Marxism is just the secular progression of christian morality. You have pity and charity for the weak and undeserving, you have a universalist outlook that does not see race or nation but wants to spread itself everywhere, you have the same ressentiment towards power, towards greatness in general; a desire to equalize, before god or the state, all humans. Rather than to transcend, to overcome, to surmount the other, the competitiveness, ruthlessness, rapacity and hierarchy that made europe great, despite christianity.
It secularized because as science advanced in the 19th century superstition lost it's power as an enforcement for church power and morality. People respect now what they can see, and what can immediately effect them and their lives. So, the state replaced god as the representative of the absolute or moral enforcer.
The Right never made this adaptation of itself, never secularized to accommodate science and scepticism of superstition. A marxist has a whole moral framework: moral, social, sexual, metaphysical, economic around which to orient himself. We don't. We're disjointed. Science points out that we are in the right, in terms of race, in terms of sexual dysfunctions, in terms of economics, but when it comes to morality and metaphysics there is too much looking back to old, tired systems like christianity which cannot compete with marxist deconstruction and have already fallen from within and from without.

We need something that sets our racial preservation and the defence of our homelands as morally and metaphysically paramount. Not class struggle, but racial struggle. Not deus vulting, but I Will it, You Will it, We Will it: the European People Wills it.
The 14 words are the will to power of our race, they're a seed that an entire conception of the universe and our destiny as a race can grow from. More needs to be done with them. A lot more.
We're not here on the earth to be enslaved to other peoples with pathological altruism. It's not our job to fix the inferior, to subsidize their replacement of us. We were evil in the past, we are still evil, and we're not sorry. We have to grow greater and more evil… and stop being ashamed of the fact that we are better and we deserve to exist as a race far more than those mindless beasts and parasites. This world belongs to us, not everyone, not the human race: us.

This is tl;dr, but I needed to get it off my chest, and I need to think about this more.

How is the period you describe "pagan"? It's Christian, Marxist, capitalist. Pagan period would be in ancient times before the roman empire declined (under christianity).



Gee I fucking wonder

Take a look at every anti christ poster and check how many posts they've made. It's insane.

So what? What kind of women would procreate with Abos? Seems like the problem would be solved with Christian marriage unit and having women on their place.

For it to be on the right hands; the true Israel and heirs of Abraham, Sons of God and followers of Christ.

He even writes this leftist tripe

The lengths to which Christcucks will go on Holla Forums to find something in support of their shitty religion is mind-blowing.

You could literally go on some Bernie Sanders subreddit and find stuff with more backbone than this.

Israel will survive with or without the US' existence. Hard to discern clearly any mention of the US in prophetic scripture, but Israel is literally the focus of the end times coming up.

Philadelphia gets a mention

=Every fucking thread about anything christian is a magnet for LARPagans and D&C shills=
=There is NOTHING that kikes hate more than Christianity, and they laugh their ass off at the dumb goyim who are ready to do their work for them=
=Filter and Hide all "kike on a stick" retards and kike shills=


England split from Rome because they would not recognize King Henry's divorce from Catherine of Aragon, and subsequent marriage to Anne Boleyn. Debt was also a motivating factor for he profited from the looting of the monasteries.


added first pic for better visual context in case someone wanted to spread to normies

The notion that races exist is not racist, neither is admitting their differences. The notion that sexes exist is not sexist, neither is admitting their differences. Admitting personal preference to your in-group is not racist - it is a basic feature in humans. Bias is racist, separate laws are racist…


They don't appear to give a fuck when white non-priests are killed. Their motive for bringing in these refugees was self-interest, part of a long history of Christian conversion, especially when whites are rapidly losing interest in their shit religion. There are more non-white Christians than white ones.

You don't know much about your religion, do you?

The completed form of the Jewish religion is known as Christianity, and its adherents are Christians or "followers of the Christ."

Catholicism has been jewed for at least 200 years.

Actually, from my experience as a Catholic in the midwest, it most American clergy are much more conservative and anti-Islam than our anti-pope would have you believe.

Likely just appearing good was the motive, or they desire to be the good Samaritans. However, the problem with refugees and Samaritans is that they are helping the robbers. We have millions jobless and in debt; the actually robbed people, and the churches care little.

Really? As far as I know, the church is the place people enter whenever a relative dies… Even a die-hard atheist will have his relatives mourn in church.

There is nothing pure to the impure, though.

You kikes are so easy to see through.

I wonder who could be behind this post.

I'm an Agnostic and I would be willing to fight along side both Pagans and Christians that want a White Europe again.
To any Christians on Holla Forums, not every criticism of Christianity is D&C, but this however, is.

It was mainly Protestants that voted in Hitler. The Deutsche Christen is an example.

You're really shit at being a White Nationalist, Chaim.

I've been waiting for this moment. This flag needs to rise up again

You can bet hell will be raised when white European finally get woke as fuck and form huge mobs and militia chasing down every last muslim

It will be this song in physical form

So you don't have an answer. Yeah I figured as much. You don't even analyze the reasons for what you believe, you just regurgitate the shit your brains have been filled with.
You're thew victims of a hostile tribe's meme magic, to put it in Holla Forums terms.
Why is the jewish homeland considered holy? Why do you want to take it from sandniggers? Why is it of any value to you at all?
Wouldn't it be better to just nuke it into glass?
Why isn't Antarctica the Holy Land, or some island in the Pacific or something? It's all the same right? No jews in the Antarctic or Pacific Ocean to tell you those places are holy, shit for brains. That's why.
No parasitic kike to mind rape you and make you forget the value of your real homelands and people and encourage you to go die in the sand for Israel.


The Nazis had a political and philosophical conception of Lebensraum that justified expansionism. It didn't call the lands that were to be conquered "holy". Germany was a symbol of reverence above all. This was a healthy view.
Crusader LARPers are fucked in the head.

Whites need a similar philosophy justifying their racial supremacy in the future. Our enemies have it, and we don't. That is the point I am making.