
My mom left me pic related to eat.
What is it?
I'm 28 years old and this looks like SHIT. Should I fire her?

Tell her to make tendies, leave it on the counter and pretend you didn't see it. Avoid answering questions directly if she asks if you're interested in it.

Forage for food yourself.
Go outside and catch a fox.

tendies evolved
xenomorph tendies
quit being a little bitch

Punish her with your dick.

tell her to make you some fucking tendies

looks like octopus


What an ungrateful little faggot.

just eat it faggot

get your own place faggot

Your mom is trying to tell you that is time to move out

It's one big pasta noodle, it's customary to eat it all in one slurp.

She's hitting on you

That's disgusting.
You're 28. I think she's trying to tell you to fuck off already.

Cant tell of its chicken or some kind of slug or grub worm

You should make pic related. I call it

Beef circle and chicken

it's either cow or pig inine
it taste good depends on how you cook them. and clean the shit outta that thing

It is a hint.
And not only are you not taking it, you are not even getting it.
So let me spell it out for you, retard.
Your mom wants her life back.
She wants you to grow up, get a job, and get your own life independent of hers.
You know, like adults do.
If you are incapable of living on your own, that is fine, get in to an assisted living place where you get your own apartment and people come check on you every couple days to make sure you haven't accidentally stuck your head in the gas oven to take a nap. Or if you are not that high functioning, get into a group home. Whatever. Just GTFO of your mom's house before she actually decides to poison you.


Those are pig inines. Are you a nigger? If not, your mother is probably trying to get you to move out.

its fried octopus tentacles i think, maybe not fried but boiled

nope i correct myself, its pigs stomach inns as user told us, i ate that shit, taste is kinda strange but its not too bad