Netflix: The Monster That’s Eating Hollywood

Netflix’s spending on original and acquired programming this year is expected to be more than $6 billion, up from $5 billion last year, more than double what Time Warner Inc.’s HBO spends and five times as much as 21st Century Fox’s FX or CBS Corp.’s Showtime. It spent close to $10 million an episode on “The Crown,” a lavish period drama about a young Queen Elizabeth II.

Its shock-and-awe spending—combined with that of Amazon and other new players—is driving up costs industrywide and creating a scarcity of people and equipment.

“You just can’t compete with someone coming in with fresh money, low overhead and a lot less baggage than you,” said Darrell Miller, an entertainment lawyer at Fox Rothschild LLP. One veteran television executive likened Netflix’s onslaught to Genghis Khan’s.

TV stars are demanding “movie star” salaries of some $250,000 per episode when they previously were content with half that, according to studio executives. Competition for “A” team camera crews, sound engineers and postproduction specialists is fierce.

“It’s a feeding frenzy to get the best people,” said Jeff Greenberg, a prominent casting director.

Soros money is even danker than the regular jew money

that's the market for you, bitches. if you can't compete, you deserve to die.

I'm ashamed I use it. I don't pay for it, but I have an account. I don't ever watch anything on there though. They have almost nothing on there now that isn't original series bullshit. No new release movies. You have to go casual movie streaming sites to even watch decent shit, and that's free.

well, he works for the extraterrestrials, but little did they know, as long as black men exist, no hole would be safe in the galaxy.

From a simple view, all I can say is "Ok.". It's just who delivers the better experienced service and content. Hollywood isn't entitled to consumers by virtue, but by merit. And if someone offers better deals, then that is what people will go for.

When it comes to "who owns Hollywood" and "who owns Netflix", they are the same people anyway. So it's just creating false competition at this point.

reported to the ADL

Conventional TV can't compete.

now if you could watch some good shows too, you'd be set

One step at a time my friend.

Jews are evil, jews are jewish, jews are jews. […]

>>>Holla Forums

So it's Jew v Jew?

Well de don't call it da black hol fo nuffin.. :'^)

I never been on pol much, do they talk about Jews a lot?

How'd you manage that?

I will never pay.
t. smart kid

Not him but I just mooch off of a friend. I haven't paid for goyflix in over a year. Or you could just abuse the month free trial and keep making new accounts.

Except the market is shackled by copyright, giving everyone monopolies.

how does copyright help Netflix against Hollywood?

tv shows and netflicx sucks

Netflix can't exactly outcompete Hollywood to its death because they can't truly compete with them. That might sound stupid at first, but consider this. Every major studio of Hollywood still has state grant legal monopolies on popular ideas that are high in demand and profit extremely well nearly every time. People buy from them because they're the only ones selling works of their favourite IPs regardless of the quality. If you take away their monopolies and let passionate people create greater works of their IPs than they can, Hollywood is finished and the social justice crowd will have no power and retreat like the cockroaches they are.

And don't give me that "If you get rid of IP, movies, television and games will be shit!" They're already shit because their is no competition to ensure a constant and universal standard of quality. The studios just keep to themselves and engage in anti-consumerism because copyright let's them get away with it with no financial consequences. And on a final note, copyright law was lobbied for by a consortium of publishers to give writers monopolies on their works that they would inevitably have to sign away to them to get the equipment required to copy their works, thus securing their profits.