Men in Iran are wearing hijabs in a display of solidarity with women across the country who are forced to cover their...


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The length of bullshit and humiliation men will go through for their women never ceases to amaze. When have women ever done shit like this for men?

EU is a mistake.

Have there been any honor killings, yet?

the women who did do it were killed by the tribes that won the battles, so it was bred out of them

Bullshit. This isn't real life.

This is a few cucks signaling on social media in the West. I bet the men doing this are .001% of the male population.

And of course Western media is eating it up because muh womynz rights.

Again, doubt it.

No one is fucking safe.

well, if the middle east wasn't gay enough before it sure as shit is now.

Some degenerates and western puppets try to start revolutions as always.

How long until the other kebabs show up to stomp these cucks?

Never. Never will, either. How many women stay chaste for their men in the military? 0.3%? How many women care about their depressed boyfriends or husbands? It's always: "if you don't stop acting like this, or if you don't that, I'll fuck someone else." Get in a fight with your girl and you'll be told that your dick is worse than the last guy or that you're not a real man (it literally doesn't matter how fat your cock is or how rich you are).

I completely understand why the Muslims treat them like they do. They deserve it. Otherwise they are evil, dishonest, disrespectful, entitled, spoiled, overgrown children and worthless mothers.

b - b - but wearing a hijab is a feminist statement. It's a choice. Right?

I wonder who could be behind this.


My wife has been the most loving and supportive woman I could ever have hoped to meet. She has helped me through one very dark time in an otherwise unusually happy 20 year marriage.

They're not all horrid.

Are you seriously defending islamic revolution? Why don`t you just say that you love ISIS too?

There are women who can overcome a vile nature, similar to how blacks can overcome theirs. That said, it is important to remember that outliers should not be used to determine policy.

In your personal dealings, give people a chance, even women. In terms of social policy, assume the majority.


Maybe in Paris.

only ahmadinejad can save them

Kek I bet these dozen or so (((Iranian men))) will be rewarded with 50 lashes

M,muslim nu males?

Science has gone too far!

It`s good that you have such sympathy for the muslim males.
So why would you not want them to immigrate into Europe?

I don't have a problem with this, personally.

Hijabs are disgusting, Islam is disgusting, I hope Islam burns.

Iran's a neat country though. Hope they just get rid of that cancerous religion and become civilised again.

Fuck off, the only good thing about them is Ahmadinedjad calling out the Holocaust on Burger TV

From another perspective, their trying to be more secular and lose the Muslim shit.

I don't think this is a bad thing until they start wearing heals.

What on Earth are they spraying? to turn men all over the world into such wusses.

The water is unfit to drink, the air is unfit to breathe.

look its not the most glamours protest i'll admit. However these men are putting themselves in real danger by doing this. You can't both condemn Muslims treating women like property and condemn people putting themselves in danger to protest their treatment.

I give it a fortnight until we get news of at least one honour killing

Gee, I wonder who could be behind (((it)))

Humiliation is relative, men are just to programmed to want to fuck them regardless, the average Johnny has no concept of pride or morality.

they spin the eugenics wheel its either you're good for that pussy or not, and that pussy is inflated/overpriced to death.
SEXUAL fidelity doesnt matter to women, EMOTIONAL fidelity does, because the moment you stop caring about them their primitive instinct kicks in, they are back to the stone age era no males caring about me? im gonna die, they start to fret lose their shit and will quickly fuck the nearby cunt regardless of who he is, thats why "emotional" fidelity matters and not sexual fidelity, they need to know someone cares about them, someone is here for them, they are nothing but animals.

You would think that Obama would have proved that…

This is the most moronic thing I've read all day

shitskins are cooler when they don't adopt shitty jewish memes to appear modern

I don't believe you do much reading.

Depends on the Iranian.

Yeah, this article totally exaggerates the situation in Iran. If a woman kills her Rapist, she is still put to death under the Islamic law. Iranians are however, from my experience, more liberal towards Islam compared to Arabs.

I like the idea of conservative gender equality in terms of men hiding their skin as much as women, but this shit is gay (like your typical gender equality nonsense). They could have worn masculine middle-eastern attire. Why hijabs?

Makes sense as men are often the financial providers and a woman is likely to stick by her meal ticket (his life insurance, house, bank account).

This, Iranians are friendly but they are damn too aggressive. They should stay in their fatherland.


I suppose that makes sense im just letting pol get to me I have know many great women in my life

Imagine if they made a secular state, but kept the nationalism (apparently there's posters of people who died in the war everywhere, telling people to remember their sacrifice for the nation) and removal of bagel.

(Married) European women have been wearing headscarves for thousands of years, although they're unfortunately very rare today. It defends against lice, is a sign that a woman is already married (to avoid unwanted advances), and is a show of modesty (hiding hair, as hair is one of the main things a man looks at to determine the quality of a woman's genes.)



fucking whores, what's wrong with covering your head?

they'll do stuff for their kids

but thats the most you can hope for

Muslims didnt invent head scarves you fucking idiot.
In the ancient middle east hair was seen as erotic.
Jews and christian women wear them too.

Nuns wear headscarves, amish women cover their hair.
When a women enters a catholic church she must cover her head.
The western world has destroyed this tradition

What the fuck is going on Holla Forums?

Are we regressing into muslims now?

Those brave Muslim men supporting their wives…I wish them the absolute best in their endeavors to route out the chauvinistic and misogynistic ideologies plaguing their land.

Traditional Christianity has head covering included, its just america is a majority prot bastards

Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think it was ever mandatory in christianity, they wouldn't be put in jail if they were seen in public without it.

Its for prayer in Christianity, and not anything else.

In the New Testament women are told to pray with their heads covered, men are told to pray without their heads being covered.

1 Corinthians 11:2-16:

"Now I praise you, brethren, that you remember me in all things and keep the traditions just as I delivered them to you. But I want you to know that the head of every man is Christ, the head of woman is man, and the head of Christ is God. Every man praying or prophesying, having his head covered, dishonors his head. But every woman who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered dishonors her head, for that is one and the same as if her head were shaved. For if a woman is not covered, let her also be shorn. But if it is shameful for a woman to be shorn or shaved, let her be covered. For a man indeed ought not to cover his head, since he is the image and glory of God; but woman is the glory of man. For man is not from woman, but woman from man. Nor was man created for the woman, but woman for the man. For this reason the woman ought to have a symbol of authority on her head, because of the angels. Nevertheless, neither is man independent of woman, nor woman independent of man, in the Lord. For as woman came from man, even so man also comes through woman; but all things are from God.

Judge among yourselves. Is it proper for a woman to pray to God with her head uncovered? Does not even nature itself teach you that if a man has long hair, it is a dishonor to him? But if a woman has long hair, it is a glory to her; for her hair is given to her[a] for a covering. But if anyone seems to be contentious, we have no such custom, nor do the churches of God."

guess we know how this is gonna end

I see. Thanks for quoting the relevant passage user.

If you actually wanted to post some Protestant works there are a ton, but its obvious you just want to insult Protestants.

If you want some good stuff there is of course Luther, C.S Lewis, Spurgeon, Tozer, and obviously Calvin and Arminius, as well as a host of others. Enjoy.

Obviously it's a joke. If they wanted to post a true Protestant equivalent, thry would post Milton or something.

That passage has to do with worship, but the same reasoning applies to secular affairs as well. Christian societies traditionally had women cover their heads in secular places too out of modesty.

I feel sorry for the Iranians. Their country got hijacked by the Muslims with the CIA help in 1979 and become a Islamic country. I hope one day they raise up and transform their country into militaristic autocracy or monarchistic country so they can be free from Islamic hands.

moar slutty hijab plz

It was cultural and one cannot really make an argument that modern women living in Britain, Germany or the US should continue to do it for that reason today. You can make a very strong argument for them having it around for when they pray (and perhaps in the case of a few when they prophesy).

You're thinking of Saudi Arabia. Young people in Iran don't agree with the headscarfs in public
it's just a matter of time until women are free to wear their hair openly and in many places they already do. They're only required to wear them in public, which is not where they spend a lot of time anyway.

Why is someone not nuking Iran again?

judith pls

Fuck you guys. I've spoken to people who were forced to flee Iran. The islamic revolution was not a good thing, it ruined the fucking country. The government suppresses freedom of speech, they oppress the people, and resultingly the quality of life and economy have plummeted and tourism all but ceased. No one there is happy.

It isn't "feminism" for women to want to walk around without getting raped, who want to work, or drive a car. First world "feminism" has nothing to do with women's rights in third world shitholes like Iran and India. Stop being edgy ignoramuses.

I hope Iran does change. I hope this culturally rich area gets opened up for tourism and exchange. It's the cradle of civilization and I would love if our archaeologists could get in there to research without being jihaded or "morality police'd." You're fucking Holla Forums. You should be the first people AGAINST fucking MORALITY POLICE. Keep in mind that normies think everything about your lifestyle is immoral.

This. Islam is a cancer.

Iran was way better back then. Islam "keeps women in check" but its degenerate. Fundamental Christianity does a better job of keeping women in check and actually builds up society rather than tearing it down


Drag everyone down instead of lifting people up.

This is the progressive mentality.

How gullible do you have to be to buy into the false men vs women narrative?
There is no war between men and women. Women do not need to be "kept in check"

you mean, france had been doing a lot of shit wrong in the last 100+ years.


its like those yazidi women that chose death over rape

can you see a western slut doing the same thing?

Genesis 3:16 Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.

1 Timothy 2

11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.

12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.

13 For Adam was first formed, then Eve.

14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.

15 Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety.

1 Corinthians 11

7 For a man indeed ought not to cover his head, forasmuch as he is the image and glory of God: but the woman is the glory of the man.

8 For the man is not of the woman: but the woman of the man.

9 Neither was the man created for the woman; but the woman for the man.

Ephesians 5

22 Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.

23 For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body.

24 Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.

I agree. If the men of a nation are strong and valliant, women naturally follow them. If women are going astray now, it is because there is nothing in western civilization worth saving. We have abandoned our ancestors, forsaken our homeland, destroyed all culture, abolished a comfortable home life, and legislated away all justice and freedom. The men are weak, pussified numales too scared to even court women. Somewhere basking in the afterglow of materialism and decadence in the '50s did we start on this path. No longer was it about enriching and protecting the homeland, no, it was every man as a dragon hoarding his own pile of golden goodies. The marketers introduced degeneracy.

Our nations should blaze a path forward with clear eyes, towards a better nation, prosperity, science, and cosmic exploration and conquest. Having a path to follow is the only way to unite our people, men and women, european and new worlder. As it is now, there is no reason to care for our civilization and people because there is nothing to march towards. Marketers have disbanded us to every man for himself and his own greed and hedonism. In that light, indeed a foreigner is no different than the strangers of your own homeland.

Give them a reason to unite under one banner. Blaze a path into the stars, and build an empire on earth rivaling them in beauty and amazement. We were meant to conquer and strive. If we are no longer allowed these quests, we disband like wandering sheep each towards our doom. When every sheep is a stranger, why should a fox look any yet stranger than they?


All good points, but i think it is much more funfamental.
Women need children in order to fulfill their role in society.
Men benefit from being fathers, but they don't need to become fathers to play their role.
Women absolutely need motherhood. What we see today is the result of prolonged adolescence, which is bad for both sexes, but is particularly hard for women.
Women naturally look up to men, if they are men that is.

Reminder that 1978 was a fucking mistake for Iran.

Women are selfish and materialistic and always have been. There are exceptions, there are not many.

Its like expecting a dog to be able to lead you through a mine field. Turns out some dogs can actually do that, but the vast majority cannot. Expecting all dogs to be mine-field dogs is just going to end up with you getting lots of good men killed. So it is with women.

Only let those who show intelligence and aptitude have any responsibility and you'll do far better. Honestly do the same thing with men, except you'll that there are far more men who are competent. You still do not let the downies have access to nuclear codes though.

The islamic revolution was a terrible thing. Islam is filth and all muslims should be purged. I hope Persia fixes itself.

You are applying male standards to women, which is absolutely inappropriate.
Women need to be "materialistic" for their children, for your sons and daughters.
A pregnant woman can't give away her food, because it would mean that her baby dies.
Her self-preservation in order to protect the species is not selfish at all.

I'll add this:
Spend half of your life changing diapers and feeding infants and other menial work for a few hundred generations and then we'll see who is more competent, you or the average woman.
There's a good reason for women to be the way they are.

inb4 cuck

orthodoxy once again showing why they're the superior branch


I see you like to refer to Paul. Hitler had a lot to say about him. This is some quotes from a conversation between Hitler and Dietrich Eckart. Hitler isn't perfect, but you can still learn a lot from him.

Remember that during the struggling of young Christianity, the Jews, quick as a flash, began hanging onto its coattails. Consider Paul, properly called Schaul, who was a rabbinical student. That Schaul first chose the Roman-sounding name, Saulus, and then had himself renamed Paulus gives cause for thought. Still more, the fact that in the beginning he persecuted the fledgling Christian community with first-rate ferocity. I don't know: mass murderers who later become saints—is that not too much of a marvel? Indeed, the Jew Weininger supposed that Christ had also originally been a criminal. But, my God, a Jew could say that a hundred times, and it still need not be true on that account.
_As a Jew, Paul certainly knew that of all the peoples of the world the Jews, first and foremost, needed their souls saved. 'Go not…to the Gentiles,…But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel,' demanded Christ. Paul ignored it. He went to the Greeks and the Romans and brought them his 'Christianity.' A 'Christianity' with which the Roman Empire became unhinged. 'All men are equal! Brotherhood! Pacifism! No more privileges!' And the Jew triumphed."

"I always think," I spun the thread further, "of the admirable Herr Levine in the Berliner Lokalanzeiger. He suddenly burst out one day, as if in rapture: only a Jew could have done that; could have, with Paul's impudence, put himself in the middle of the Capitol and there expounded a doctrine which must bring about the utter ruin of the Roman Empire! That's what the man said, word for word; I still remember it perfectly."

"It certainly hits the nail on the head," he rejoined. "It may be a long time yet before Christianity recovers from Paul. Oh, what gullible souls we are! A Jew murders hundreds of Christians; suddenly he notices that the rest only become even more zealous; the well-known light dawns on him; he pretends to be converted, throws himself into the great pose, and behold: even though he deviates in nearly all his doctrines from the other apostles, we listen devoutly to his sermons. The simple teachings of the Master, which the most childlike mind might comprehend, we must have 'explained' to us by a Hebrew."

Isn’t this the wrong way to protest? Surely if this was being protested it would mean LESS people wearing ninja suits not MORE people.

I don’t give a shit anyway, who cares what desert folk to in the desert I am more concerned with invaders waddling about in cloth triangles on my clay.

Did he really say that?

Carson kinda proved it.
Well, despite attempting to stab his closest friend in his teenage years…
Neil deGrasse Tyson proved it.
That's 2 guys (1 and a half) though, in a 320 mil country.

The only way to stop headscarves, is to sexually molest woman wearing headscarves, then muslims no longer have a reason to wear those things and they have to admit their just doing it because rabbi says so.

Those either catholics and orthodox who wear them when their nuns or performing a ceremony or members of small protestant cults.

Most catholics and protestants would never go around wearing headscarves.

I don't get it, Paul seems alright to me?

Fuck off faggot, Why do you think they're no.1 target for kike regime change, the 79 revolution is a russtle in the jimmies of all kikes.
It put Iran's BANKS, OIL, GAS, MINING & countless other industries back in their people's hands.

Where does it state he hated racemixing?

The Shah was a piece of shit he deserved to be overthrown. The revolution didn't start out as a mudslime takeover however, what happened was there was chaos for a few years and the people embraced the first strong leader who could unify the country.

Unfortunately that strong leader was Khomeini and he swiftly muz-cucked the nation and then invaded Iraq, killing a whole generation of Iranians.

And that's the big lesson of history with regard to revolutions, that they're a bad idea because it's usually the worst people who end up floating to the top.

I can see why you would think this but you're wrong. The Iranian people don't get anything from their government but oppression. The money from those industries goes to mullahs and everyone else eats shit.

Don't know if shill or just deluded, The gulf Arab states became very uneasy at the overthrow of a western puppet (shah) and flooded Saddam with cash and false promises to invade Iran, much to the delight of Soviets and US who both would arm both sides resulting in the worse stalemate conflict in recent history. The gulf's swindling of Saddam and Iraq into that war was the major reason for the invasion of Kuwait

Horseshit, they would not have survived the 35+ years of severe sanctions if they ran their affairs the way you think

This screams of liberal journalism.

Aisha said, “I have not seen any woman suffering as much as the believing women. Look! Her skin is greener than her clothes!”
Sahih al-Bukhari 5825

Obama's proof that the system only serves the Lowest Common Denominator, completely betraying Natural Selection.

It's the reason all races are technically being down.

You can bet your ass there are some Western (((NGOs))) pulling the strings from the shadows.