Why do women get so pissed off when you tell them that the gender wage gap is a myth?

Why do women get so pissed off when you tell them that the gender wage gap is a myth?

Reality > ideology. When ideology is challenged, the true idealogue rejects the conflicting information to maintain their superiority over reality. That's my theory,

It's definitely a case of women trying to preserve a perceived sense of victimhood.

I will never understand why they refuse to look at the numbers, though.

Looking at the salaries of research scientists or military servicemembers is enough to dispel this myth.

If politicians were willing to fight to give you more money, would you go around telling people that it's a myth that you want more money?

I always respond with, "Why do you want it to be true?" Stumps them every single time.

Don t forget to argue it on the correct terms.
Yes woman make less, but not when compaired to the field that they work in.

Remember woman suck at statistics so explain it slowly.

This is next-level shit.

May Trump bless you.



They need to get fucked right in the wage gap

this is the best shit I have ever seen in weeks. good 4u user.


Fucking hell the top three are all about muh vagina


Abortion: 39%

Jobs: 19%

Healthcare: 18%

The economy: 16%

Equal rights/pay/opportunity: 15%

Government regulation: 3%

Women don't use logic. In order to convince them, you have to beat them or display force. This will trigger their natural feminine side of submission.



I've met some women who knew how to use reason and logic, but most of them (including women I love) just ignore inconvenient truths.
I've spoken with them about things in which they were totally wrong and they just stay quiet and nod silently, then they forget anything I said.

Unfortunately before you can stump them with logic and fact, most of them call you sexist, racist, etc and run away.

Feminism and the media have taught them that they don't need to listen to anything they disagree with.

It's one of the perks of perpetual victimhood.

Anyone have anything similar for this time round?

Hmmm, I'll try that with my TL next time I speak with her


For sure, i'm a natinalistic Woman! Ok, i hate muslims, Islam and all that. But what's wrong with equal pay for equal jobs? And then they force me stay home with the kids. Oh, i love the kids but i want the money aswell user!

So why should i get paid less??

Take a wild guess. No one likes to hear that their comforting nursery rhymes are lies.

like omg im totally redpilled like seriously right. BUT WHAT ABOUT ABORTION?

Yeah, totz! We need to have rights, we are not like the scummy blacks, we're better than that! Remember, we was in war with Shieldmaidens and stuff. Why shouldn't we be treated as equals, WHY?!

Everyone just knows, not treating women as equals is something lonely virgins only does. Lonely virgins and islam.

And seriously, i don't get what's wrong with having lots of sex? Like seriously, you sound like a group of Muslims.

yea. i cant believe these disgusting misogynistic virgins have hijacked our movement. girl i swallow redpills like a daily dose of birth control!

Maybe because they constantly hear this lie from the president, one of the presidential candidates, in the media etc.

This is bait, but this is a good example of why women should not enter politics. They are naturally left-leaning due to them valuing emotion and not fact. Also they are crybabies who compromise.

This user has reached a level of based that was thought previously impossible.

This is true. One thing you can do is to ask probing questions which lead them down two separate lines of ultimately contradictory paths of reasoning. It is important that all of the arguments come from their own mind, since most people close their mind to the opinions of someone they perceive as attacking them. Watch them argue your points, with the dissonance of their own thoughts.

Cheers. But please, defer your adulation to the God Emperor.

Kek, nice

Soo true

because they know it's a myth. same reason why they get mad when you say women are whores - they know it's true. it's deflection.

whenever a woman gets upset about something you said, it's an indicator of truth.

Its the exact same reason Jews get so pissed when you tell them the holocaust is a myth.

take this rare meme as payment

i hope this is bait

"You're not as good as you think you are, no one is holding you back you're just lazy" = Completely destroys someone's self image so they attack you rather than address it.

Thank you for this insightful post.


Most women don't care/know the gap doesn't exist, but don't want to rock the boat. I have seen women get shouted down and called worthless whores by feminists (including male one, lol) when the disagree with the existence of the wage gap.

That's a good one. Anyone not just looking to be a victim will probably accept the idea of looking at real studies. Anyone looking to be a victim will have to shut down the conversation. Good way to weed em out.

Them: The wage gap exists.
Me: Here is research gathered and reviewed by a wide array of groups with no serious opposition grounded in reality.
Them: 1 in 3
Me: Here are crime statistics proving that men are much more liable than women to be attacked. Here are the crime statistics regarding female rape victims and conviction rates. The data shows that women constantly lie about rape and that prosecutors can't get charges to stick even in this rape-hysteria climate when no evidence exists.
Them: Shitlord! We need to ban guns!
Me: Here's data showing that gun bans lead to immediate increase in violent crime and homicide which is only corrected by putting 2x, 3x or more numbers of police on patrol.
Them: OMG I CANT EVEN!! YOU SHOULD KNOW BETTER THAN TO COME INTO OUR SOCIAL GROUP AND TRY TO BE A SHITLORD!!! PLEASE TRY TO FIT IN AND STOP SAYING STUPID THINGS!!!!!!! (It was me in a skype group for my study group who has to do research on cime statistics for a course)

Women create their own truth. In their truth, everyone owes them resources, favors and protection.

You know, women just want to fit in, in the perceived tribe.

And the ones that don't, go overboard on the talking points of media because they think they will be accepted because of this.