Need a job

How do you get a job? I've sent out around two dozen applications over the past two months and no one has contacted me back.

you have to suck someone off to get a job.

Unfortunately it seems to me that most jobs are found based on networking and no necessarily merit. I couldn't get a call-back for like accounting jobs with a college degree then I asked my parents for contacts and now I get like 70k/year with no experience.

that is some BULLSHIT they're keeping neets as neets by making us socialize if we want to get work fuck that shit i don't want to be your friend i just want to be able to pay my bills and buy little anime grill figurines god damnit

Yeah the only thing I can say is ask your parents otherwise stay on unemployment.

im 30
i got my job at 16
my high school teacher recommended me to her friend at a hospital and I got the job

been working here ever since
i make minimum wage but the job is pretty secure plus i dont have any skills so its not like i can go anywhere else

im actually afraid if i ever get fired i wont ever get another job as i dont know how to socialize

Make your resume' ONE PAGE. Stick to the point and only put jobs relevant to your wanted employment. Nobody gives a shit that you worked as a sacker at Kroger for 2 years in highschool.

Don't go overboard with awards and crap, we don't read them, we don't care.

Put your education history, if your grades sucked, well just leave off your GPA and don't submit a transcript. You graduated right? Gud enuf.

There's no status where you went to college or how great your fucking highschool was, we're just checking off boxes when we read it.

Don't bore me, and don't be lazy with punctuation, sentence structure or spelling. Its 2017 you should not have one error at all, grammatical or otherwise on it. More than 1 error means you're just lazy and I don't want to hire you.

Research a bit the companies you want to work for. Nothing is more irritating than a person who shotgun blasted a ton of applications without even looking into where they want to work.

If you get an interview, wear a goddamn suit. Don't show up dressed like you're on your way to a beach party or strip club. You can get a suit at a thrift store for $12, a tie for $1.

Its fine to toot your own horn, but don't do stupid shit like say you know Steve Jobs or that you speak 3 languages when you obviously don't. Think of it as a date, and you are on your best behavior.

Don't be nervous, you make us nervous, and that is death to your chances of being hired.

I've never been on a date though.

Pretend you are on one, you've done that 1000 times in your mind.

3DPD women disgust me

It's not so ridiculous to consider. I sucked off a spic janitor back in my freshman highschool years, ninety dollardoos a pop. Despite the fact I'm male, and straight, I didn't find it any less miserable or degrading than the shit I'm doing these days, in a suit and tie.


nice picture
but whats it mean'

I don't understand

what are you some kind of fag?

lol look at that fag

not him but being straight doesn't mean you dont suck dick

I sucked a dick when I was 22 or 23. Was a virgin and no women wanted me for so long that I thought I was probably gay

So I met some dude online (which was amazingly super easy. never met a woman yet met a guy in like 2 days of posting stuff) and sucked him off in his car. He picked me up after he got off work and he parked in the parking lot and I went to town on him

Like 30 seconds in I realized being gay wasn't for me but finished since I didn't want to make him angry and kick my ass. Luckily, he didn't wanna fuck me up the ass

I'm 30 now and have no gay inclinations and still trying to find a gf

I just needed to suck a dick to find out I wasn't actually gay

Lol faggot in denial.

Show us your resume. Replace all personal references with placeholders that still describe how prestigious your schools/previous positions were.

How can your own senxuality become so vague to you? I feel my attraction for women and always have. Do you really need to actually suck a dick to know if you'd hate it? I don't know, but i guess it's one way to know for sure.

OP here, delete this thread mods, or I'll post pictures of my dick

lol jesus christ
i read this shit and think, 'user must be trolling!' but then i realize there's actually people who believe they're a werewolf


I don't know how my parents tolerate me. I would've kicked my bum ass out years ago.I don't think the working part is that bad but holy shit do I hate looking for a job with a passion/

you have to walk into the business/store you want a job at and talk to them directly so they remember to actually look at your resume

Otherwise you'll go into the bin

I'm too lazy to send a resumeā€¦

Post picture of your ass and I might be able make an offer