Wtf happened

This country is fucked up. I want to leave it.

shit that never happened

A. What part of the country do you live in.
B. The guy in pic related's nose is way too obtuse to be pure nordic, just saying.

What's stopping you?

You never know user, shit like this happens, not to everyone bu in this day and age maybe to a good chunk of unfortunate people.

Mid-western USA

That's literally me back in 1942, when I helped the jews reach concentration camps and help them fight the Typhus outbreak

The white majority

Yeah, the sad thing is that even mid west usa isn't safe.
A quick Google search proves you wrong but no sweat, I'm not judging, although now I have doubt in your story.
Anyways "you" look like you have some celtic in you judging by the nose bridge.

All joking aside, I am past celtic, the rest Nordic. My picture would reveal that I am actual more handsome than this individual but I would never post a pic of myself because I am an user

part celtic*

Nice, I'm a Mediterranean mixed with Nordic.

Kikes pushing degeneracy on our christian nation, what a shock.

This is what went wrong in America.
People heard a story, it lined up with their narrative and beliefs, so they just started saying it could happen, therefore isn't exactly false.
There is a reason we say 'Pics or didn't happen', it's not just some autistic meme.

Nordic=grey aliens
you know it's true, don't deny it

why is OP's story so hard to believe? I literally see youtube videos of similar shit happening all of the time.

sure, we are greys and you are browns. Does that make you feel better?

OP your story is bullshit also you said she was a preteen girl what you are describing is hebephilia which is normal not pedophilia being attracted to preteens and teenagers is normal its not degeneracy like pedophilia and wanting to fuck a 5 year old so fuck off OP your fake story is shit and you are shit.




prove it

Tell us more about your "hasn't left mom's basement in 10 years" sexual fantasies OP.

Next time, take a video and maybe people will believe you.

There's that line again


OP's story is not bullshit and I will prove you all who say no as being wrong and as being FAGGOTS

These videos I am about to post I do not uphold or agree as being right in any way at all, but, this phenomenon the OP has mentioned is common among young girls who are raised by their friends, social media, entertaining media, and other adults who want to exploit them, etc

FBI please step up your game

user plz your fag receptors are off


i live in the uk
pls no bully

You're the nigger you fucking double nigger faggot eater

I'm sorry for your loss in the lottery, user.