Bunker Bantz Episode 7: Jimmy Dore Interview, French Riots, Anarchism's relation to Hierarchy


We did an episode of Bunker Bantz featuring the OP of the Jimmy Dore threads. It was pretty cool.

Other urls found in this thread:


kys fam

every fucking thread I swear

Where'd he go?

He dosnt wanna be in it or some shit anymore. Idk.

r/ing summary for a wagefag.


im actually really loving the arguing, id love to see more of it, maybe even some written critics of each others views.

I know anarchism is hostile to hierarchy as it is the antithesis of it, I'm wanting a summary of the video.


This thing got heated.

Yea we actually had people with conflicting views.

Think we should go for that kinda stuff more often?

You guys got the whole libertarian power/authority thing wrong
This is what Bakunin said "Does it follow that I reject all authority? Far from me such a thought. In the matter of boots, I refer to the authority of the bootmaker; concerning houses, canals, or railroads, I consult that of the architect or the engineer. For such or such special knowledge I apply to such or such a savant. But I allow neither the bootmaker nor the architect nor the savant to impose his authority upon me. I listen to them freely and with all the respect merited by their intelligence, their character, their knowledge, reserving always my incontestable right of criticism and censure. I do not content myself with consulting a single authority in any special branch; I consult several; I compare their opinions, and choose that which seems to me the soundest. But I recognise no infallible authority, even in special questions; consequently, whatever respect I may have for the honesty and the sincerity of such or such an individual, I have no absolute faith in any person. Such a faith would be fatal to my reason, to my liberty, and even to the success of my undertakings; it would immediately transform me into a stupid slave, an instrument of the will and interests of others."

Bakunin didn't know what the fuck he was talking about.

He always scapegoated people and wanted small villages over large worker owned movements of any sort. That's one of the reasons he got BTFO'd in the Paris Commune.

Here he did and he was write about authoritarian marxism


So no Jimmy Dore interview yet?

you need to invite grill comrades too, tbh

And comrades of color. And trans-comrades as well.

upvote this artist's rendition if you think Xexizy would look cool bald

I feel these would go better and be more listenable if people tried harder not to talk over each other, waiting a bit longer before speaking to compensate for VoIP latency. Also kaoru's mic is fucking god-awful.

we actually have grills on the site so I don't see why he shouldn't explicitly invite them

pic from his comment section

if you try to make the show international you'll eventually have comrades of color among your guest list

He looks like Lex Luthor!

I'm pretty sure the only girl here is Satanposter

even more reason to make a targeted invite, she's a goldmine of infinite keks

admit it gaYui, it would give him a bad ass 'doesn't give a fuck' look tht u couldnt resist

Admittedly, an interview with her would be the funniest thing to ever occur on leftypol. Though I somehow doubt she'd be up for it

yeah, she's paranoid



Wait, wasn't OP Indian?

He sounded pretty Indian tbh.


I made that comment. I also do political commentary on my channel, but in spanish (I´m from México) If I leave you some question on the comment section would you answer them with everyone else on the next show?

Or if possible, directly on the stream.
Anyway, love the show.

are you trans by any chance? we are trying to diversify this sausage fest of brocialists, heehee

Nope, sorry.

straight white males are not welcome here you know

I would love to have satan poaster on bunker bantz but we all know that would be more of a shit posting episode than ep 1.

I would still do it though.

just put shitposting episode in the title tbh

See if you can get Kyle Kulinski from Secular talk on, its aiming high but theres no harm in asking

Also, try Sargon again. Now that we are actually established he would just look plain silly if he rejects us again

Idk who that is but I will look into it.

Fuck no that guy is AIDS. It would be like 'Strawmans: The Podcast'

Hes a fairly big talk show host thats loosely affiliated with TYT, the difference being is that he isn't as retarded as them since he actually knows a fair deal about political science (with the exception to Marxism). Other than that hes just a standard Bernie supporter.

Hes been posted around here a couple of times and if you can withstand the lack of understanding regarding Marxist theory he is pretty good at analyzing the current political climate

Yeah, but if you tag team with Rebel it shouldnt be that bad, right?



Sargon is a fucking moron. He's only popular because he gives people an excuse not to think.

Of course, but he also has a very large market

I'm actually working on Sargon, he seems to be stalking me

Thanks Rebel

What makes you think hes stalking you?

You really got under his skin, I think.
He's been shit talking more about marxism in his videos recently.
He's trying very hard to draw a connection to SJW ideology.
His friend Vee recently did a vid on cultural Marxism, and I feel like it wont be long before he starts talking about it again.

I agree.
The guy is intellectually dishonest.
He'd throw up a smokescreen and Gish Gallop you to death.

He said something about marxism being the same as SJWs and he got immediately called out and that started a huge fucking fire storm.
Then played it off as "o-oh I mean…that SJWs THINK marxism is that"

Fucking pathetic man.

We should have him on bunkerbantz.
When's the next broadcast and can I join again?

is this you?


Why, what happened? Someone lop me in pls

Wtf is this meant to say

Also, what is that dank song in the background?