You were betrayed by the golden goy goyim. Tell me how do you feel now that the golden goy is just another neocon now?

You were betrayed by the golden goy goyim. Tell me how do you feel now that the golden goy is just another neocon now?

Who will Holla Forums support in 2020/2024? Ted Cruz? Rand Paul? Jim Webb? Dude wait for Hitler?


This only prove that America is controlled by jews and even the most honest candidate with powerful backround stand no chance against men behind the courtain.

Or Trump and Hillary were just plants. Both of them had very different opinions and promises. This made goys think they have freedom of vote if i vote for Trump shitskins will dissapear. If i vote for Hillary sunshines and rainbows will gain better colors.

Also remember most powerful people have most powerful minds. Most powerful countries have most powerful people. Most powerful minds make decisions which goys cant even comprehend. Powerful people see goys like cattle. Jews were simply too smart we never had a chance.


This only reinforce my claim that trump indeed has no free will nor will any candidate after trump. Be it left or right.

If Trump grants amnesty, he has my neighborhood's vote

Picture is stupid as fuck. Immigrants work for less than native population becasue job owners explit them this make them to steal your work. Then there are immigrants who come to country only for benefits and refuse to work.

Get it fag?


Was I?
Pray, tell me how, oh wise one.

>>>Holla Forums

less money you give to workers = the less they can afford

the less they can afford = the less they can buy

the less can they buy = the less business owners can afford

the less business owners can afford = less money to workers


Im not even saying most of them are sending their hard earned money back to home. Which make it even worse

You thought he was on your side but he is just another (((Neocon)))

You some like someone with shit work ethics.

Illegal spic know they are hated because they are different, yet continue to work. You on the other hand have no idea why your people are hated.

PROTIP: if you had better work ethic, this wouldn't be an issue.

Who the fuck is saying anything about hate you retarded fuck face? I was explaining to picture poster why is his picture stupid. Read it again you faggot bitch face.

I love the salt, praise KEK

you sound butthurt, I'm sure $0.10 has still been deposited into your account

you can love this salt too *cums on your face*

thanks for the dosh mang

I think it's fine if we go to war in the middle east, because that's the only way we can protect Israel. Remember that they are the only democracy in the middle east.


If we don't support trump right now, then all the illegal spics that left 8/pol/ this election would be proven right and they'll be back with "I told you so"

do you want that?

I saw it coming. The Holla Forums tears are enough to water my zen garden for the next 100 years.

Holla Forumstards BTFO

Anyone who believed Trump is fucking dumb. Now their day of reckoning is happening.

I dont think there is anything wrong with being jewish. Jews are just normal people looking after themselves like everybody else.

Jews are the master race tho so I see nothing wrong

The missles MISSED… they were aiming for ISRAEL!
