Ask a moderate anything

i am a moderate, i believe in having guns, but i also believe in immigration,

i believe in free markets, but i also believe in workers unions,

i believe that people will love who they will love, (regardless of skin color) but i do not enjoy (nor partake) in watching my female partner have sex with another dude

ask me anything.

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Why haven't you killed yourself yet, you fence sitting fucking faggot?


sounds to me like you're a libertarian

Since you have no problem with your wife fucking another man then you will have no problem posting her tits here with a timestamp. Go on.

Politics is a shit obsession anyways. Its just an excuse to jump on one side of idpol, which was, and always will be one of the most vile and insipid things. Sjws, neo nazis, hippies, the black panthers, etc, these people all sit on some variation of idpol and swipe at everyone who disagrees. You won't find that much intelligence in what any of them have to say. Think for yourself. Question authority.

The sort of person who obsesses about politics is just looking for something to belong to. That need for identity. And its not as though your ideas are saving or changing the world anyways. So yeah, fuck that. Ask me anything threads are cancer anyways.

You aren't a "moderate" you faggot. One can be a democrat and abhore abortion as well as be a republican against guns. Parties arent law binding contracts of what you believe in. I think the word youre looking for is "independent" which, shocker, almost all of america falls into the category of.

fence sitting? there is such a thing as being moderate,

just because i subscribe to my own particulate blend of falsehoods doesn't mean i i'm "on the fence"

there is more then one political ideology, and everything isn't black and white, as much as you want it to be.

is this what they call a straw man argument?

wow. that we pretty well said, damn.

no, my mom said i could be anything i want, so i became a dinosaur,

also i became a moderate.


If he's a libertarian then he should understand why any business owner with common sense would fire an employee for joining a union.

what do you think of sexbots and giving humans an asexual means of reproduction?

"serious" beliefs or convictions?

like wot 8? thinking that i should let a nigger fuck my wife?

or wait, is it that jews control the world, my mind, and the very fabric of reality and need to be exterminated?

which "serious" belief do i need to subcribe to get your approval?

god forbid i believe strongly in owning firearms AND that the weak, the sick, the tired, the hungry and the poor should come to america to seek a better life for themselves.

no. just no. those two beliefs cannot co exist in the same persons head, they just can't

if i owned a carpenter company, i might be a union company, i might be a non-union company.

an HONEST union is one of the 20th centuries greatest creations, it's a horrible shame that they have weakened since the 70's.

dont you know that the holocaust never happened, but we do hate the jews and like hiter cuz he killed the jews.

also i think the problem people are having with you is your usage of moderate. I agree with all of those positions but im still right wing.

that's called libertarianism

ask me when we git there,

honestly i don't know,

i look around and all i see are fanatics, left wing fanatics, right wing fanatics, people so sure, so ABSOLUTELY sure that they are right, and that everyone else is wrong.

the point being, i see this with futurrists too, they say "once the robo women are made, all my problems will simply vanish and everything will be great and wonderful"

personally, everything cost's something, everything, i think that once we solve one problem, another that we never imagined will take it's place.

who lactose tolerant here?


any response to my query that isn't "I fully support these technologies, and would like to see them made within my lifetime" means you're retarded.
now get out

only you, whiteboi


i love brendenburg v ohio just as much as the next freedom loving american,

i love questioning the government, and the holocaust and all the other established "facts" of history.

who knows? i wasn't there for the holocaust for all i know the germans were giving all the jews free ice cream and belly rubs,

but ya know what? a lot of people, much smarter then me, academics, scientists, historians, people who dedicate every moment of their waking lives to incredibly difficult, complicated, time consuming, fields of study, say that the holocaust did happen, and boy did it really happen,

and YA KNOW WOT? here's the shocker boys and girls

I BELIEVE THEM, why? because i'm a sheeple, not because i respect the effort them, their fields of study, and the massive amount of effort they have put into their pursuits, but no, because i'm a sheeple.

and then kids on the internet, calling themselves "intellectuals" swallow a breathtaking amount of silly propaganda, made by people in a constant state of fear and hatred. go out and say that all those academics, historians, and scientist ARE WRONG


that it is all a jew conspiracy,

if the jews had that much control over, politics, science, and everything else, where do i sign up because i need to be a jew right now.

and this is the thing, this is always the thing, the jew conspiracy is as thus,

"the jews control the world"

IF one group of people, had such incredible singular hive mind like will, that that all work together in unison,


Calm down people just say that stuff to be edgy
No one actually builds their world view on some badly sourced infographics they read on an imgeboard.

>>>Holla Forums

the irony.

speaking as a white man who's mothers mother was a full bloded kike, and speaking as a white man who can walk to any synagogue and be a card carrying jew TOMORROW

that what was great about the US OF A. all the garbage came over here, killed all the redskins and made a better place for everyone.

one man's trash is another man's treasure as they say,

or maybe just don't underestimate trash.

nah, you can be a moderate about sandniggers or whatever gay shit you're going about, but not cut and dry shit

has anybody here ever heard of "the nine blind men and the elephant" i want to introduce that concept to Holla Forums

this means that your mother was also a kike, and therefore you are a kike

you know what to do

here's why i think being a moderate is for shithead degenerate faggots. politics is about pandering. the politician panders to the people's needs, whether they're right or left wing. moderates are shaped by the extremes. they are reactive, and not proactive. factors that shape their ideology and actions are composed by those on the extremes. when you sit on a fence, a fence that is in the middle of a battleground, your message gets diluted and your trajectory is ambiguous. why? because moderation is built up on shallow philosophy if any at all. why? because moderation was adopted after times of hardship in times of ease.

Please explain.

Answer this question:
With 94 million Americans presently unemployed or not in the workforce, how many new immigrants should the US accept this year?

again the irony,

sound familiar?

>>>Holla Forums

you ARE SO SURE that all the problems will be solved once robo women, AI, or what ever will happen, could happen, might happen, happens.

everything cost's something, everything has a price, and everything has a catch.

there is a humor in fate, god, destiny, the world or whatever you want to call it,

what ever you want, and whatever you get. it will cost you, no matter what.

when your beliefs are retarded, then yes
it will make men stop allowing 3DPD to destroy civilization, and can you think of any costs besides the resources it would take to make the robots?

for some twisted reason i would like to see more of that.

ok, i will say that i feel caught between two extremes, and much of my beliefs are reactions between to extremes.

but i think that the extreme philosophies themselves are to reactive, reactive to fear and hatred (the right) and to guilt and shame (the left)

there are times when moderacy is not called for, when it might even be more damaging then helpful,

but i will not be ruled by the fear and hatred of the right, nor the guilt and shame of the left.

not necessarily, i know exactly what i want and how i want it, and i want people to come to this country, and be free with the freedoms we have created,

i don't want them dead, nor do i want to watch them fuck my wife.

funny way of saying "we learned from our mistakes"

the american civil war was not a war of moderation, it was not evolutionary, it was REVOLUTIONARY,

a moderate response would have been to simply send the niggers back to africa, but we didn't we chose the EXTREMELY left option, we chose to free the slaves,

there was no moderacy in the result of that war, sometimes, (not often) there is a side truely and clearly in the right, and even sometimes they win.

i agree generally that good progress is an evolution, but sometimes great revolutions can happen.

This virgin loser again KEK


either your so filled up with confirmation bias it's coming out your ears, or your a troll what ev's

again, you are so sure that you are right, and that when X happens all will be lovely,

and again i say this,



No one cares about your political views on this board.

This is now a lactation fetish thread. Post the milk.


look, i'm not saying it's not possible, i'm not saying the resources, or anything.

if/when the AI thing takes off, what would you want?

would you want to live in the matrix of your own design? a perfect world fufilling all of your desires by a computer reading your brain? and knowing you better then you could ever know yourself?

could you imagine that? a fantasy world changing to meet your every whim faster then you could think up whims?

this is what i see, i see not real life robot girls, i see humans choosing alternate realities,

i don't see jet packs, robot girls, or flying cars in the real world future, all i see in the real world future is a perfect real world fantasy.

oh, well that works too.

this is a place of nonintellectual discussion you heathen! away with your pornography!

here's the difference. you are a reaction to them. they are a reaction to the world. extreme philosophies are formed by human nature. moderation is not.
that's a funny way of saying "when SHTF we are fucked"
here's where your ideology is diluted. how many moderates agree with you? you moderates pander to whatever the demographic wants. you stand for nothing. you only stand for what your people want. and because a moderate stands for nothing, and only wants to satisfy his people, he always bends the knee and apologizes whenever any opinion of his is voiced. this is cuckoldry of the highest caliber. cuckoldry like this produces degenerates like you. no concept of honor lives where moderation settles. anyway, take care and stay in your shitty thread, nigger-lover.

Moderation stands for freedom of the people to believe what they want and to have a voice in their government.
It's better for it to be cucked by us (including you) the people, than the people being cucked by some one party state.

the extreme philosophies are formed from human emotion, an emotion from the world, the fear, the hatred, the guilt, the shame, all basic emotions, that do no belong in political discourse.

do you think that is how the white former slave owners felt? that fear and hatred? i look around in america, i look around in the 21's century and all i see is greatness, we human's are more organized, more effective, healthier, and free'er then we have ever been in the history of humanity, and yet here your are saying we are fucked.

that's what it is, that what it always is, this is what you always do

now or then? because what was moderate then is extremely racist now, and that was extremely left wing radical is basic human rights now,

do you see how things and times change?

i stand for what i believe to be freedom equality and liberty,

people who believe differently then you, may also have spines, you don't have a monopoly on them,

and perhaps the thoughts and beliefs of today might be the best they have ever been?

i only hope in 200 years we look back on these days with the same shame and regret we see the previous 200 with, and not with nostalgia.

a free world, a free to live, and die, to exist and compete, is here, and it's a hard one.

come join us in it.

LMAO. thanks for clearing out just how diluted moderation is.
right, human nature.
let's just agree to disagree on that
greatness? are you fucking retarded? just how stupid are you? EYES WIDE SHUT.
what's wrong in the world is too much to list, and you fucking know it.
you see, i'm not talking about you. for all i know, and read, you sound like a goodhearted, honest guy. regardless, i'm talking about the ideology, not the person. moderation is malleable, you are probably not.

but that's the thing, a clear idea of liberty and freedom doesn't need to adhere to the moderates and tastes of today.

i my beliefs are what they are, but i just suppose that they happen to be the moderacies of the current political climate we live in.

let's just agree to disagree on that

political discourse can't be ruled by fear, we can't do something because we fear it, because of what someone or something "might" do,

that's how we end up with "10 round magazine laws" we end up fearing IF we live our lives rather then HOW we live our lives.

of course there is so much wrong with the world, but as it stands now, i would rather take the world we have today and the problems we have today,

then the world, and problems of yesterday.

the world i see is not ruled by blacks, but with blacks, or spics, jews, and whatever else,

i see a free world, where we value HOW we shall live our life more then IF we shall live our life.

a world of equal men, black and white, of freedom of speech, of democracy, where everyone has equal say as to how they live their lives.

we in america very much live the dream right now, and there are alot of threats to our way of life.

we have to fight for our way of life, but not out of fear of LOSING it, but as a motivation to strive to something better.

exterminating the niggers and jews is not better.

totalitarian dictatorship under the great furhur trump is not better.

but neither is affirmation, or white people paying black people because we enslaved them)

i don't believe in white guilt, but i don't believe genocide or enslavement either.

we live in an age and a country where everyone can be free to PURSUE happiness.

i want to keep it.

Except that's a complete fiction. America has had incredibly tight racially based immigration laws for the majority of it's history. This multi-racial melting pot didn't even really start in full swing until the 1970s, and the country has been rapidly going downhill from that point.

the "muh melting pot" is a Jewish myth, not surprising a Jew would support it.

so first it was "muh 1861"

then "muh 1939"

now it's "muh 1970"

so wait the country was good AFTER the civil rights act of 1964? good for a whole 6 years?