Kabbalah -or- Torah

I've read the Bible, and the qumrag koran, even skimmed the babylonian talmud. I'm a little confused about what books kikes follow.

Torah, I understand to be the 5 books by Moses at the start of the OT. Kabbalah is very much newer, I've read a few things from sacred-texts.com/jud/ and that is some fucked up shit they follow. Makes Meme Magic seem rational and logical.

I guess my question is do Israeli (((Jews))) practice Old Testament Judiasm, or New Age Mysticism Kabbalah?

Other urls found in this thread:


(((the book of creation)))


They worship Moloch and use human sacrifice.

The old testament is a goy friendly story book to explain away the bizarre ways of the kikes. Otherwise the goyim might start noticing the kikes acting very peculiarly, dangerously so.

There are several sources to cite for their bullshit, the talmud being one of them.

But if you want to see the full picture, and read the big story, of the jews… Look to every book that concerns Moloch as well as the many psuedonyms that he was given by various cultures/religions

No biblical hebrews (judeans) exist anymore. No one follows the Torah.

Modern jews (khazars, rabbis, etc.) follow the Talmud. The Torah is nothing to them.

Watch Marching to Zion.

The majority of missing persons in the USA are used for human sacrifice by jews.

Yes it is true.

talmud is rabbinical commentary on scripture and other jewish shit, it's ridiculously long (40ish volumes). very few people have actually read all of it. torah = first 5 books of old testament

the talmud is far more important to them than the old testament

They do, you fucking faggot.
No shit. And?


Have a video of some rabbi talking about hanging Germans at Nuremberg and muh kike prophecy.

they're both distractions to let people think they know what the cult is all about. if you ask a rabbi anything about judaism they sure as shit ain't gonna show you anything from the talmud.

Thanks will read about moloch.

found this

any recommendations??

I forgot about that, I started it once, pastor anderson I remember :)

Here, watch this.


Why jews can't stay out of everyone's business:

Tikkun olam (Hebrew: תיקון עולם or תקון עולם‎‎) (literally, "repair of the world", alternatively,"construction for eternity") as a concept in Judaism, is a subject of much debate, being interpreted by strict constructionalists of Orthodox Judaism as the prospect of wiping out all forms of idolatry (non-monotheistic religious belief),[1] and being interpreted by modern movements in Judaism as a commandment for people to behave and act constructively and beneficially.

Jew categories: Khazars, and LARPers?

This. The whole rabbi-led institution (which is Judaism) is part of the Pharasical cult which Jesus calls 'of the synagogue of satan', ' a den of vipers' and that the Pharisees themselves are 'of their father the devil'. They are characterised by outwardly performing lots of rituals to make out that they are good people, yet inside they are rotten and behind closed doors they screw everyone over.

They follow the talmud over the torah, and where the torah has some 'good ideas' they use their talmud to re-interpret it in perverse ways. For instance the scene with Jacob/Israel wrestling with God is not understood by them as it is with Christians; that he was forced to confront the fact that he was living a sinful life of deceit, manipulation and cowardice and realises that he needs God and so re-starts his life with a new name (Israel), but that he literally beats God up and makes him bless him.

They have some other thing about a rabbi outsmarting God in a debate. The talmud is all the self-worship crap that the Israelites were repeatedly condemned for throughout the Old (and New) Testamennt. This is what jews are today; their faith is a perverse manipulation of the old faith of the hebrews.


Until the Germans pissed them off, they were going to pin it on the Russians. Someone post all the newspaper articles before WW2 about "6 million jews"+Russia.

the talmudic stories are pretty great because it's literally just OYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY VEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEY over and over again. reads like some old timey tumblr page.


The Tankh (Torah plus some other books) is the basis for their culture. Think of it as folktales like the Chinese Monkey King or the Little Red Ridding-hood.

The Talmud is their holy books like the Bible or the Quran.

Kabbalah is their liturgy, these rituals are to gain favor with their god, Ba'al, and are similar to the rituals that the Greeks and the Romans did onto their idols.

Also this is required watching. Any Holla Forumsack not savvy on the information in this film is a newfag, a retard, or a D&C poster.

Holy shit, good leaning jews?
Jews who don't go autismal with the lettering of the law, and change their interpretation with archeological evidence?
Now wonder there are so few. They must be eaten alive by the rabbis.

What a bunch of crap in this post, OP, see what Luther says about this topic.

I remember what really helped me start to understand the Jewish soul was when I first studied Kabbalah and found out that the whole thing is based on the idea that the meaning of life is to 'receive [infinite] pleasure' (I can't remember the Hebrew term they use, but that's literally what it translates to).
Fun sidenote - the leading voice in Kabbalah/Jewish mysticism today, Michael Laitman, literally openly teaches that Jews come from another dimension, and that their mission is to conquer Earth, vid related.

Sounds just like hedonists that think that life is about "having as much fun before you die".

Proof Talmudic "Judaism" is a false religion.

They always tell on themselves. They can't help it.

Israeli Jews read the Tanakh (OT) and Talmud.

Christians read the Tanakh(OT) and New Testament.

Wasn't there a group of Jews that followed the Torah that hitler spared during WW2? I remember an user posting something about that on here ages ago

it's not really telling the truth so much as it's buttering it up with psychotic madness that allows people to ignore it via association.

rather deceptive.



Who cares, all you need to know is that they are our mortal enemy and need to be purged from our countries.

Don't listen to (((Christian))) theories or they'll Alex Jones you with molach and other bullshit.

Jew = Talmud (this is their collective identity as a mafia/legal cult)

Kabbala = esoteric hippie Jews (it's just a rip-off of what was being written after Christians destroyed philosophy and Platonists were Christianized)

Torah = the Jew's version of the Edda's. It's fairytales and most of them know this. But it's also an account of their history. It's a history book to the real zealots

New Testement = mocking character in the Jewish wars and selling Hellenistic thought through Stoicism and god-man worship. The Pharasees were the Roman Jews, and the Zealots were the Jesus types. It's literally a parody that got way out of hand.


OP this book will clear up a lot of your confusion.

The fact of the matter is…it doesn't really matter. For almost 2000 years now Judaism has basically been a cult who's philosophy was influenced by pagans and "whatever they wanted to argue for". They didn't have a creed or a set thing they held to (not even the Torah).

Mysticism gets picked up so some of them decide to integrate it into Judaism because Judaism is really just a blanket statement for do the fuck whatever you want while the goyim think you're God's chosen.

You thought the other lies were big…Judaism is literally the biggest lie there is and viewing it in context really confirms Christ and Christianity for being the true way.

again, hippie jews

Christianity is the biggest lie. Jews are just the result of promoting it.

No Christians = no Jews or Muslims

That's why they were able to take over and why we can't get rid of the rats

Lets get this straight here faggot.

Pharisee's, Sadducee's, Scribes, Zealots, and other groups compromised the Judaism of Christ's time. These were the exact people he repeatedly BTFO in the Bible.

The original Israelites were not worshiping through Judaism because Judaism is literally undefinable. It's a bunch of people arguing over what they think should be in the religion/law.

The original Israelites worshiped in an entirely different manner, so much so I'm unsure how you can connect Judaism to Israelite's besides saying that Judaism claimed to kinda be cool with the books of Moses. But really they shat on them because they instituted a "oral law of moses" which was completely imaginary and lead to them just making fairy tales up.

The majority of people in Christ's time weren't even religious, Pharisee's were a relatively small group in the manner of a few thousand.

Christ brought one solid consistent truth that completely fulfilled the original scriptures that these descendants of Israel had completely shit on for 200+ years vs a bunch of arguing Jews trying to vie for power and wealth while completely ignoring their fore-fathers own books.

The truth is right in front of your eyes, these false Jews are the enemies of Christianity too.

I been watching videos of orthodox rabbis lately.

This rabbi admit that the Jews were behind Communism but blame it on the secular Jews.


The Torah (Pentateuch) is the first five books of the OT. This is the Word of God to both true Jews (semites from the descendants of Shem, son of Noah) as well as Christians. Moses, laws, etc. This is the old testament which was fulfilled by Jesus of Nazareth.

Today, (((they))) don't follow this at all and instead follow the teachings of man, the talmud. Beware any religion that claims to have the Father without also having the Son (Islam, Mormons, ((("God's chosen people"))) ).



The jewish culture of critique arises from their approach to religion. It's just a giant shitposting fest of debate over minutia and numerology. They're united by the meme of in-group preference and racial superiority plus a collective victim complex. In short they have no dogma, just a collection of holy texts (Torah) and shitposting (Mishnah/Talmud)

The esoteric truths are passed in the oral tradition: the Kaballah.

Secular jews are simply not willing to wait for their racial hegemony to be granted by Heaven. They try to force it so they can stop being outcasts.

The jewish elite follow only their self interests and megalomania.

The Torah and the Talmud is used to brainwash their own kind into not straying on the "wrong" path.

Jesus saw through this trickery when he was alive and preached against it. So they eliminated him

Paul comes later and invents the religion called Christianity.

It depends on the jew. All of them serve the same purpose thou. To have regular jews not try to reform the jews from within, but focus their attention on the goyim.

Godforsaken heathen, learn your history.


considering you yourself never had an argument you should already be there

Not Jewish, just warped and co-opted.

I'm usually one to be extremely respectful and protective of ancient historical stuff, but I'd love to have all of those awful old Jewish texts erased forever. Islam, Christianity, Judaism, and anything else Jews are involved with. We'd all be so much better off without their evil lies.

For a moment i was sure that every person in this place knowed who was Luther and what is (or was) "protestantism".

Sorry, i will post a link with more info:


We'd be better off without secularism. Scurry off to Sweden to be with your kind.

Well yeah. And even in the kikes' own encyclopedia judaica, they openly admit that modern judaism has nothing to do with the religion of Moses.
If you read through Old Testament , over and over they are being told that the Messiah is coming, and specific prophecies about Him are given throughout.
By the time of the New Testament, you have a bunch of arguing sects vying for power and believing things that are completely out of place (the Talmud wasn't a codified thing yet, but the ridiculous teachings in it were beginning to coalesce.) The Saduccees for instance didn't believe in angels, resurrection, spirits, etc. Which if they were practicing the religion of Moses or reading the Talmud they would know is retarded. The Pharisees were consolidating political power, and doing political intrigue stuff, and turning everything into a business.
So, the Messiah came, but the jews murdered Him. The Bible is very clear on this. After Jesus' Resurrection and Ascension, He gives John the Revelation.
A side note on the Moloch thing.
God told the Israelites numerous times not to worship Moloch or sacrifice their children to the thing. One of the MANY evil things the Talmud contains is kike lawyering bullshit trying to convince themselves that sometimes it's permissible. They actually try to rationalize their way OUT OF a command not to sacrifice babies to a demon.
Also anybody who is intimately familiar with the Bible and understands it knows that Christianity and Judaism are irreconcilable with each other. Christianity clearly says that Jesus is THE Messiah. And that if you have not the Son, you have not the Father.
Judaism fluctuates between jews worshipping themselves, seeing themselves as a kind of "collective messiah", and waiting for "the messiah" whom they claim is not Jesus.
Christianity warns that anyone claiming to be the Messiah other than Jesus is an antichrist.
The jews are literally waiting for not just one of the many little antichrists that have plagued the world, but for THE antichrist, the Beast, the son of perdition, the abomination of desolation.
Tldr; Jesus is the Messiah, jews are evil and worship themselves, a devil, the Devil, nothing, or all four.


The more modern Jewish lies are the cause of any issues in Sweden and you know it. One bullshit story has been replaced by another bullshit story (equality, progressive/anti-white 'cultural Marxism'). There is nothing wrong with knowing and telling the truth. There is no God and it benefits no one to believe such childish fantasies.

As many will point out here, it leaves people open to exploitation. Christians can be pushed around because being a doormat is "the Christian thing to do." Muslims can be made to go apeshit over anything that doesn't conform to their dogma. Religion teaches you to submit, to never question. It may help keep lesser people in line, but it's still lies. If we were all pursuers of truth, we'd be better for it. Instead of listen and believe, we should be teaching everyone to seek and discover.

The modern lie is atheism. The West only started to cuck itself when it turned away from God. This "weak" bullshit Christianity didn't start until secular liberals like yourself started to prance around inside the churches.

Christianity is masculine. Jesus beat the shit out of some kikes with a whip. God doesn't fuck around when he punishes people, just you wait until the big finale.

The problems with Christianity is that is does not work with an ethnostate and that it can be interpreted in many ways, both the masculine and the current state of the church included. It's a meme that doesn't place any faith in the people that follow it but rather relies on itself to transform to survive.


A meme is LARPing as a pagan faggot without any faith. Just an atheist wearing some dead animal helmet instead of a fedora. Same nihilism and utilitarian hedonism.

They are insane.


A meme is synonymous with an idea. Christianity is the definition of a meme that has the ability to survive in any environment due to it being able to be interpreted in the reader's choosing. This is why Christianity failed, it was too easy to subvert.

People are too easy to subvert. Christianity hasn't changed, you faux intellectual faggot.

Fuck off back to /fringe/ or /asatru/. I don't care what special snowflake place it is, if it's not them, everybody's had enough of your shit.

CI nutter detected

I'm not sure what you mean by this. The bible is half a sandpeople saga and half disciples giving their spin on who exactly Yeshua was and what he represented. It was doomed from the start to represent anything European, which is the entire purpose of the religion. It doesn't care what kind people are worshiping, as long as it has a mass of people doing the worshiping. Incompatible with those who put more value into blood in the long run.

Holla Forums still doesnt understand they are doing what the KGB wants, look carefully at step 1
Holla Forums has been subverted by commies


i love how you dont even know how to do embed videos


I know that video by heart, so what exactly are you referring to?

"that file has already been posted"

step 1: attempt to remove christianity

pol is doing what the commies want

No. When Jesus died, the curtain ripped. The old Covenant ended.

If you don't believe in Christianity, that's fine. Shortly thereafter, the Great Temple of Jersusalem fell. The Western Wall is left to all as a reminder that the old Jews no longer exist. (((They))) don't offer sacrifices like the Torah commands. The modern Jews practice Talmudic Judaism. The Talmud is basically a Holy Jewish encyclopedia which teaches a new religion. Not the religion of Abraham, Moses, or the Old Testament Jews.

You can find this out easy for yourself. Ask any Jew what tribe they come from. they can't answer. Jews of today have no idea what tribe they come from, something critically important to the OT jews. Your tribe determined whether you could be a rabbi, how you dressed, who you could marry, etc.

The Israeli Jews are NOT Mosaic or Abrahamic Jews.

Very true.

The main problem with Christianity today is not the Bible or anything it says but rather what happened when Darby invented Dispensationalism.

A theory that literally makes no sense and has caused loads of Christians to support Israel as the Chosen People.

Read this one, O.P. →

they follow the talmud

the whole torah thing is a ruse, since they don't really follow any of the practices described in that book - it's mostly used to propagate the 'judeo-christianity' meme

meanwhile they say all the goyim should be killed and jesus burns in hell in feces in the talmud, and it's viewed as the highest form of scripture - hence why judaism is often referred to as rabbinic (the talmud is mostly the written works of rabbis) or talmudic judaism, and the followers of this tradition are represented in the new testament as the pharisees and other critics of jesus

Once you're a fedora you really can't go back. It doesn't really prove anything one way or another, it just draws you under the illusion that you've attained some knowledge outside what religious people can attain.

Theres not really any particular reason that religion is bullshit, it's just like you've made the realization that it is and you can't fucking go back.


Jews are inbred parasitic Abrahamists who worship YHWH/El Elyon/El Shaddai/Moloch/Yaldabaoth

The God of the Talmud, The God of the Q'uran, The God of the Bible - They are the same Semitic demon.

Kabbalah is a mishmash of various schools of magic they stole from others. They have no power over it due to their lack of blood ties to the original magics.

This, the jews stole whatever esoteric traditions they could and subverted the rest. This doesn't mean that we should disregard everything related to the esoteric.
Your meme magic follows laws outlined centuries ago, Holla Forums has simply rediscovered something the jew has hidden.


The Ogdoad was hidden and their relevance was usurped by the Jew god YHWH.

That Christians still believe the Exodus propaganda will spell their death by the hand of Kek - all for a usurpous Semite demon.

I don't want the good European blood in white Christians to go to waste, but they themselves will make it so - for the, the Jewish book comes before their own blood.

for them*

Christianity is not a european religion, is a semitic cancer from Ancient Near East. Currently the biggest Christians Countries are not even white. Unless you consider Brasil, Mexico and Phillipines white

That's pretty much an exact description of the Catholics also (Vatican library).

(((Vatican Library)))*

Caner is the utilitarian hedonist and nihilist LARPagan that doesn't believe in anything, not even what he shills, doesn't care about what the truth is, thinks race matters after you're dead, and thinks there's a pan-european white race rather than several distinct european tribes with separate backgrounds.

Kek. The Jews will call Farrakhan a nutjob for believing black people are aliens but not mention they have crazy kikes in their ranks that believe the same thing.

Is David Icke right? Are Jews reptilians?!

Philippines? Ethiopia?

How the fuck are there 67mil in China?

YHWH is not Moloch. If He was, He wouldn't have explicitly forbidden Moloch-worship, and then gotten pissed off when they went and descended into Moloch-worship over and over again.

God isn't a demon, user. God is God; the Kikes worship a demon (Moloch), but Christians do not. And no, He isn't Semitic in nature; He's the God of all mankind, the White Race included - and the White Race only started cucking itself when the worship of Him started to fade.

Christianity is the true religion of the White Race, user. It was the official religion of Europe; ever since Constantine, it reigned supreme over the White Race, and led us to greatness until we compromised ourselves by turning from it. It was Christianity that built our greatest monuments; it was Christianity that built our greatest cities. It was Christianity that led us to victory against the sandnigger hordes and allowed "Europe" to continue to exist.

Its sure did lead Constantine and his son to Economic greatness, I mean losing the cities revenue from local taxes, and under Constantius II their endowments of property
Fucking up the economy like no Roman Emperor did before is clearly a sign of Christianity great contribution to the white race.

Back in biblical times weren't the actual Hebrew peoples Aryan?

From the book of Judges we read about ancient race mixing, historic accounts of Jesus have him as Blonde with Blue Eyes. Same with Noah if we refer to the book of Enoch.

The commandment against adultery is about adulterating bloodlines.

tl;dr - biblical Hebrews were white, today's ashkenazi kikes are mixed with canaanites.

It was actually Europeans who did all that, not Christianity

Because an egalitarian and universal religion is exactly that

Secularism. Try again.

Yes. Adam was white.

The truth is, We (Europeans and our diaspora) are the lost 10 tribes who have the new covenant with Christ and yet have forgotten our heritage.

Christianity is not egalitarian at all. You reap what you sow and some are blessed with more than others.

One of the only things that is egalitarian is the fact that all souls are capable of salvation.


The Hebrew Bible, the Old Testament, is saturated with racial supremacism and expresses the genocidal Jewish plan to exterminate all non-Jews.

In the Old Testament, the genocidal Jews call themselves the "holy seed" (Ezra 9:2; Isaiah 6:13; 44:2-3; 59:20-21) and the "elect" of their god (Isaiah 42:1; 45:4) who will survive the apocalypse, after which the Jews will have exterminated all non-Jews. (In the Old Testament, see: Deuteronomy 32:43; 33:29; Psalms 2:1-2, 8-9; 18:40-50; 72:1-20; 75:3, 10; 79:6-7; 82:6-8; 83:9-10; 110:6; 137:8-9; Isaiah 11:4; 17:12-13; 33:12; 34:2; 41:11-12; 42:1; 49:26; 60:16; 65; 66; Jeremiah 2:3; 10:10-11, 25; 30:11; 33:15-16; 46:28; Ezekiel 25:14; Amos 9:8-10; Obadiah 1:18; Micah 4:12-13; 5:8; Zephaniah 3:8; Zechariah 2:8-9; 12:2) In the Babylonian Talmud it states that non-Jews and proselytes will have no place in the future world. (See: Tractate Abodah Zarah, folio 3b. Tractate Yebamoth, folio 24b. Tractate Sanhedrin, folio 105a). The hateful Jews plan on sending all non-Jews to Hell forever (Psalms 9:17; Ezekiel 32:17-32).

Pick up a Christian Bible and read the Jewish "Old Testament", or "Hebrew Bible". You will quickly discover that the Jews are a perverse, murderous, and supremacist group and have been from the beginning. Is it just a coincidence that the Jews of today believe that they are a master race chosen by their genocidal Jewish god to be above all others (Exodus 19:5-6; Deuteronomy 7:6; 28:1-13; Zechariah 8:23); have taken over the governments of the world in the name of their genocidal Jewish god (Numbers 24:17-20; Psalms 2:1-12; 18:40-50; 72:8-11; 110:1-7; Isaiah 40:23; 49:7, 23; 60:12; 65; 66; Jeremiah 10:10; Ezekiel 36-39; Micah 7:16-17); are waging war on all non-Jewish religions in the name of their genocidal Jewish god (Exodus 34:11-17; Zechariah 14:9); seek a one world language and one world slave race in the name of their genocidal Jewish god (Zephaniah 3:9; Zechariah 8:23); steal the wealth of Gentiles through usury but grow enraged when Jews practice usury against other Jews (Exodus 22:23-24; Leviticus 25:36-37; Deuteronomy 15:6; 23:20; 28:12-13; Ezekiel 18:13, 17); take non-Jewish women as sex slaves (Numbers 31:15-18); have stolen the land of Palestine and are actively genociding the Palestinians in the name of their genocidal Jewish god (Genesis 15:18-21; 17:8; Exodus 34:11-17; Numbers 33:50-56; Deuteronomy 11:24-28; Joshua 1:3-4; Isaiah 52:1; Ezra 1:5); and view non-Jews as animals (Ezekiel 23:20; 34:31; Ezra 9; Nehemiah 9:2; 13:3, 23-30; Isaiah 61:9); when it is a proven fact that all of these actions are commanded by the Jewish Old Testament and are accomplished in the name of their genocidal Jewish god by Jews today?

The genocidal Jewish "Old Testament" is an incitement to exterminate the human race. Christians and Muslims share in the guilt of the Jews for believing and proselytizing these Jewish myths.

For the goyim.
For the civilian Jew.
For the rabbis, who are unto the voice of God, who are greater even than God, by Gods own decree.


The Symbolism of Murder in Jewish Religious Holidays

Child Sacrifice, A Traditional Religious Practice in Ancient Israel?


Human Sacrifice in the Torah (Part I)

Human Sacrifice in the Torah (Part II)

Human Sacrifice in the Tanakh

Cannibalism in the Torah

Cannibalism in the Tanakh

Slavery in the Tanakh

Rape in the Torah

Rape in the Tanakh

Incest in the Tanakh

Polygamy in the Torah

Polygamy in the Tanakh

Sacred Prostitution in Ancient Israel

Adultery and Prostitution in the Torah

Adultery and Prostitution in the Tanakh

The Concept of Modesty in the Tanakh

Transvestites in the Torah

Male Homosexuality in the Torah

Male Homosexuality in the Tanakh

What was Sodom’s Sin?

Was King David a Homosexual?

Ruth the Moabitess: Lesbian Jewess

Bestiality in the Tanakh

Coprophagia in the Tanakh

The Obsession with Feces in the Tanakh

Incest, Bestiality, and the Prophet Nathan

Witchcraft, Sorcery, and the Practice of Magic in the Torah

Witchcraft, Sorcery, and the Practice of Magic in the Tanakh


#1 Bestseller Proves that Usury Is an Ancient Jewish Plan for World Conquest

The Jewish Problem, Part 3: The Jews in Banking

The Universal Enslavement of the Non-Jew, Part 1: The Ancient Jewish Plan for World Domination Found in the Old Testament

The Universal Enslavement of the Non-Jew, Part 2: Jewish Supremacism in the Torah Proper

The Universal Enslavement of the Non-Jew, Part 3: The Genocidal Jewish God Commands the Jews to Exterminate the Goyim

The Universal Enslavement of the Non-Jew, Part 4: The Genocidal Jewish Prophets

How the Jews Have Employed Torah Doctrines to Destroy the Goyim

Psalms as American Foreign Policy

Genocidal Jewish Segregationist Racism in the Cabalah, Talmud, and Torah

According to the Jewish Cabalah, Talmud and Torah, Gentiles Are the Slaves of the Jews

The Jewish Desire to Exterminate Non-Jews

The Jewish Genocide of the Palestinians, Part 1

The Jewish Genocide of the Palestinians, Part 2

Ypou are forgetting the kitos war like you always do.


The judeans were just as bad as modern kikes.

Pity Hadrian didn't finish them off.


And both of those definitions mean the control over or destruction of the goyim.

Don't let the kikes lie to you. That's what it means.


For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; for the same Lord is Lord of all, abounding in riches for all who call on him;
- Romans 10:12

For by one spirit we were all baptized into one body, whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free, and we were all made to drink of one spirit.
- 1 Corinthians 12:13

There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
- Galatians 3:28

For neither is circumcision anything, nor uncircumcision, but a new creation. And those who will walk by this rule, peace and mercy be upon them, and upon the Israel of God.
- Galatians 6:15-16

a renewal in which there is no distinction between Greek and Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave and freeman, but Christ is all, and in all.
- Colossians 3:11

And they sang a new song, saying, “Worthy are you to take the book and to break its seals; for you were slain, and purchased for God with your blood men from every tribe and tongue and people and nation.
- Revelation 5:9

After these things I looked, and behold, a great multitude which no one could count, from every nation and all tribes and peoples and tongues, standing before the throne and before the lamb, clothed in white robes, and palm branches were in their hands;
- Revelation 7:9

And they said to me, “You must prophesy again concerning many peoples and nations and tongues and kings.”
- Revelation 10:11

And I saw another angel flying in midheaven, having an eternal gospel to preach to those who live on the earth, and to every nation and tribe and tongue and people;
- Revelation 14:6

“Who will not fear, O Lord, and glorify your name? For you alone are holy; for all the nations will come and worship before you, for your righteous acts have been revealed.”
- Revelation 15:4

Therefore remember that formerly you, the Gentiles in the flesh, who are called “uncircumcision” by the so-called “circumcision,” which is performed in the flesh by human hands—remember that you were at that time separate from Christ, excluded from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers to the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world. But now in Christ Jesus you who formerly were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ. For he himself is our peace, who made both groups into one and broke down the barrier of the dividing wall, by abolishing in his flesh the enmity, which is the Torah of commandments contained in ordinances, so that in himself he might make the two into one new man, thus establishing peace, and might reconcile them both in one body to God through the cross, by it having put to death the enmity. And he came and preached peace to you who were far away, and peace to those who were near; for through him we both have our access in one spirit to the father. So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints, and are of God’s household, having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the corner stone, in whom the whole building, being fitted together, is growing into a holy temple in the Lord, in whom you also are being built together into a dwelling of God in the spirit.
- Ephesians 2:11-22

Bump for Christcucks.

I'm legitimately scared now.

Kike here;

The Torah is the top book, and it generally takes precedent over the Kabbalah. However they are both technically "equally" important. If you want to know what flies, you consult your box set of the talmud.

Law gets really confusing in kikeistan because of religion. Israel is a religious state first and foremost. Most law is based from the Talmud, and it is also considered the "truth" of the religion.

So yea, read the Talmud.

I found that rabbi's website, if anyone is interested.


The tree of life is a psychological model for human behavior.

The Tarot Major arcana represent the paths in between the Sephirots (circles) and how to move someone from one sphere to another.

It is a primitive form of propaganda/mind control/social engineering.

pic related

Destabilization tactics revolve around undermining someones psychological makeup, lowering someones mental state from Keter (higher actualization and thinking) to malkuth (instinctual, emotional, easily manipulated)


You think I like other jews? You think I like being stuck here in Israel? Ironically there are a lot of Natsoc groups here, mostly Russian/Polish immigrants who were displaced by their parents as kids.

Kabbalah is not primitive at all, you sophomore… a knowledgeable kabbalist runs circles around every shrink, psychologist, sociologist etc.


Not ironic at all, Israel is an excellent example of how a contemporary National Socialist state can look like.

Those fucking evil kikes use the blood of gentile children to make their matzos. As expected of the spawn of Satan.

Yes, read the talmud.

I have an honest question. To you, Holla Forums what constitutes a Jew? Is it someone born from a Jewish family, someone who follows the Jewish faith, or both? Or is it something entirely different? Additionally, where does a Jew learn to be a kike? I'm a graduate in history and have done a lot of theological studies, so I know that they don't learn it from their religion. Is it more of an association thing? As in, "Oh, most other Jews believe this way and behave that way, so I should too."

Now that said, are all Jews bad? Because surely not everyone who follows Judaism or is born from a Jewish family is bad.

Try reading past the first sentence for a change
Every single one of those verses is in reference to salvation, not multicucktualism. Also telling kikes to stop being kikes.

Pic fixed for accuracy

This is why cucktianity needs to be wiped out.

What about the hadiths? Did you read those?

No I didn't. I don't recognize Mohamed as a real prophet, because he did not speak with God.

Can you post a citation that shows Mohamed conversing directly with God like a prophet, like Enoch, Abraham, Moshe or Isa.

I'll speak for myself, Holla Forums is confused as a whole.

Ashkenazi blood is %100 (21st century Jew) anyone marrying in is not even considered a Jew by Jews, but I still wouldn't trust Ivanka-types.

talmud is pretty kikey
just good old family first tribalism (that goys are not allowed to do)

Fuck off.
The Jesuit pope doesn't represent Christ.

>This is why Catholicism needs to be wiped out.


I'm reading up on Moloch stuff, can anyone explain what was meant by this?:

you all have to learn more about the kike religion or you will forever be slaves

yeah, but they say if you study it they'll kill you


He was a little bitch, that carried his own cross of execution, instead of snapping a piece off and shoving it in a Centurion oppressors throat. Slave morality is what has made us so weak. Their is no glory in suffering, only in fighting those that oppress us. I'm glad he died. Fuck him!

nice. this is good

David you madman. Your meme magic is too powerful.

Kyle Odom was a martyr