Literally any time is better than the (((current_year)))

50 years ago
50 years in the future

Yeah but if it was 50 years ago there would be a 100% chance of nuclear annihilation between now and 50 years in the future

Yeah right like you can fucking predict the future fifty years from now, you retard.

You don't even know what you're going to eat tomorrow for dinner din, let alone if Holla Forums is going to get hacked again. You didn't see that one coming didja? Typical know-it-all failure.

Maybe if you spend more time doing shit right here right now at arm's reach you wouldn't be obsessed with a past. But instead you drown your responsibility in noselgia that doesn't even belong to you.

Fuck you OP you lazy nigger.

And you call OP a lazy nigger!

Where's the fucking burning spirit in your soul young man!?!

Dear lord everything about your post evokes the same life as a Twinkie.

Zero passion.


You're painting a terrible example of a typical pretend nazi.

Perk up you degenerate!

nice reddit spacing faggot


homosexuality has always been a thing, same with crossdressing

shhh, don't ruin the drumpfags' fantasy

haha holy shit, didn't you just commit a microagression marxkid? I guess I'm going to have to email your fathers about this.

It has, but 50 years ago it was "tolerated"




sarcasm is a lot fucking different than pretending. You either have pretty weak bait or are literally autismus

Okay so your advantages of 50 years ago compared to today amount to

Do you really think no internet and no video games is a good thing? What would you do all day? All you could do is go for walks, read books, write books, play instruments and listen to the radio.

You might think you'd be more likely to do all those things without the distractions of T. V., video games and the internet, but would you want to give up your principle sources of enjoyment when the radio can possibly just as much of a distraction once your standards have been lowered?

For the future you're just looking at the positives without considering any possible negatives. What if the cancer on websites continues to get worse? What if educational T. V. documentaries stop being made so there's no documentaries for video hosting websites? What if the cancer spreads to virtual reality when that's your only option?

Don't always look at the negative sides of things…especially things out of your control like what time period you live in. You can't always control what happens to you but you can control how you interpret it. And the more you consciously force yourself look at things optimistically the easier it becomes, and you'll be happier and more likely to make friends.


You can do all that right now and more. Doing shit like that is boring. Writing books and playing instruments are good because it challenges you mentally, but just like there are things today that prevent you from doing those things there's bound to be other things that prevent you from doing that in the past. Due to less mechanization everyone had to work more hours, so you can forget about Neet Bux. And you might decide that when you listen to the radio you're too distracted to work on writing, so you decide to stop listing to music when you're writing, and then finally not to long after that you might decide writing is too boring in comparison to listening to the radio. And what if there were only a few radio stations to choose from in your area, or only talk? And let's not forget you could be drafted to fight in World War II.

And since The O. P. said anytime without respect to place what if you lived in Africa or South America 50 years ago? Africa is bad enough as it is today let alone 50 years ago.




op is just a faggot that is never satisfied to anything
