Shut it down France medias to censor terrorists names and pictures

As we speak these newspapers and tv stations will censor any reference to the jihadists names and pictures.

BFM TV, Le Monde, Europe 1, La Croix

While The attacks are increasing in France, the debate on a possible "glorification" of terrorism is revived in the French media. BFMTV and Le Monde have decided not to broadcast pictures of bombers.

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They're talking about this in the Irish media too. It's utter nonsense. They're talking about just refering to it as crime, saying they should take away the race and religion of the perps. I wonder will they warrant the same anonymity to whites. I'm close to the edge.

do you have a link?

ya two mins, im not archiving cause im eating

this guy is losing it in my opinion, slurring his words and what have you


The less the MSM report, the more people realise that they can't be relied upon.

Yes pretty much this ;)

This guy really look like he has escaped from a mental institution.

This is meant to reduce the glorification of terrorists, but I don't think glory is the main reason the terrorists undertake attacks. It's just Europeans assuming that Muslim mass killers think just like your average western spree killer, where being remembered is the main motivation for a troubled young attacker. They are apparently unwilling to believe that Muslims actually believe in something so strongly they are willing to die for it, because modern Europeans believe in nothing and worship only fame and comfort. The maintenance and inflation of their self-esteem is the purpose of life in most of the west.

never forget justin bourque the canadian rambo whose name was originally censored by media,
he was a non jihadi in new brunswick where police had tried to confiscate his weapons he killed 2 and evaded helicopters police dogs and canadian special forces until his surrender and trip down the memory hole

He used to be a " no stone left unturned" kind of guy until he had an imam on his show and didn't call him out on anything, didn't ask him about depictions of Mohamed or criticism of Islam, just agreed with everything he said. Lost all respect for him then. Fuck you Vincent, you coward.

Can't uncork the bourqe

"Vincent Browne: Terrorism works only with the complicity of the media and its sensational reporting"

he's a coward, good man for the archive!! and the double dubs

if a muslim kills an infidel and the media doesn't report it, is it still a crime? :)

Anyone not referring to each of these attacks as an Islamic Invasion of Europe is a traitor or a coward.


If a muslim explodes and the media doesn't show it or talk about it, do they still get their 72 virgins?

Is the act real enough without it being observed by the press?

These are some tough questions they brought up.

They're fucking retarded and wanting to keep people from growing angry because of terrorists

uh… actually, censoring the name and picture of the terrorist is actually a really good idea, as long as the public isn't lied to about his ethnicity or motivations. decreasing the "celebrity" from attacks tends to decrease the probability of repeated attacks

at least hypothetically (that is, using American whites as a control, not Islamists)

get out muhammad



No no, there are studies behind this about the glorification of crimes but it was related to whites (usually impressionable teens who want to be antiheros), not shitskins so we don't really know if it applies.

It probably doesn't because the shitskins want to invade, not to be celebrities.


this bahavior is not acceptable here

LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL are you for real? They try at every turn to deny the reality, every time they wish that it was a far right activist,every fucking time!


Amhed/Ephraim you have to go! They don't care about the celebrity they want the 72 whores!
Fuck you, reported!

knowledge is power
stop justifying taking our power

Ideological terrorists probably don't want to be celebs like impressionable teens do. They're terrorists trying to destroy the west and saying that will only hurt them

so the truth is glorification? calling them subhuman sand niggers murdering white people is glorifying them?

Houellebecq in his book Submission made the prophecy thatthe media will censor terrorist attack and after that it will be the fucking blackout!

Deport all fucking Muslims and Jews now!

that's not how it works, JoBob

I'm waiting for you to make an argument any time now

right, I alluded to that fact in that post, if you didn't notice. I'm still pretty sure they want others to sing their praises and be able to see their carnage when they're gone, though. That's a motivating factor for any human being at a deep emotional level.

Whether that will make any different or not, is, as I already said, up for debate. I don't think the science is in on that one.

Making them (in)famous is glorification. Yes.

g-g-g-g-goys im not filtered am i???
stop shilling for censorship you retarded invalid

censorship will not stop jihadis

No it is not,it is giving the information to the general public that all Muhammadans are likely to be terrorists. In France for crimes and murders they already give the perpetrators French names even if most of the time they are fucking Muslims/Nigger.

You are giving exactly the same arguments as the fucking media.
You are a traitor: you must be hanged!

filtered for retardation and not making arguments

Reported: Again!

I already made this argument, and said it would be wrong and I do not support it.

I specifically said as long as they honestly give the perpetrators race/ethnicity and motivations, then it would be okay not to plaster his face and name everywhere.

Nice strawman faggot

Stephen "ADL approved" Moylneux spotted and reported again!

filtered and reported for retardation

They fucking won't you fucking retard I don't have time for absurd reasoning.
Enjoy your ban!


No, but one things is to spell out the truth, the other is to do those 24 hour specials like the ones with those white spree killers where all they talk about is their weaponry and ideas and everything.
Dumb, single mother kids are attracted to that.

News should be to the point and factual. No avoidance of the subject, just dry and clean cut.
Take the priest murder, it should be: syrian(?) muslim refugees decapitate priest of X and injure X others. (the media doesn't even do this, the article's thumbnail doesn't even talk about who murdered who).
Then after this there should be all the factual information that can be found and should always be up to date.
At the very end there can be links to opinion pieces that aren't lies and don't go against the facts (like saying they are the religion of peace when it's clear they aren't). Said opinion pieces should be founded on good arguments and reason.

This is the ideal scenario I'm arguing for.

There's news and then there's propaganda, they should be separated even though, right now, the media is just leftist and globalist propaganda.

You can't filter me, you're a self-obsessed faggot!
You have to watch what I write about you, what a faggot!

You both sound like faggots who learned how to "debate" from facebook. Wouldn't be suprised if you were ID hopping to argue with yourself with how low quality both of you are.

remember the time that all those women who were raped in cologne due to media coverage?


Notice how nigger crime in US cities isn't talked about on the news? They're trying to get shitskin crime over there to the same level

So you admit yourself that you are not even taking into account the media biases. One cannot trust them, even with the name, the picture and the religion of the guy, the fact that he shouted allah wakbar they are trying the to paint the Iranian shooter as a far right sympathiser born the same day as fucking Hitler.

Sure censoring the information worked like a charm in Roterham, Colognes, Sweden.

Fuck you people!

ITT: new propaganda; "it isn't islam it's the media talking about islam!"

Charlie hebdo should have just been quiet and not talked about islam and this wouldn't have happened

What the fuck?
Are you okay, user? Is your head okay?

Never said otherwise, just arguing for a hypothetical in accordance to some 5yo (I think, been a while) studies related to teen crime.
I said in the beginning that it probably won't work because this is a motion to invade, not a celebrity stunt.
Most likely this censourship will have the opposite effect since it shows shitskins that we aren't willing to admit who's the culprit.
If the media weren't ridden with jews then it should be like I wrote.

And, for the quickshots who are frothing at the mouth and only read what they want to read, I repeat that I'm not proposing censourship. All information should be known by everyone, just not put in a glorifying light.

I'm appealing to discipline, seriousness and vigilance, being rabid and emotional just weakens us.
The jew exploits emotions, that's why it turns women and pseudo-men so well to their cause.



Someone as vacuous as yourself doesn't merit a bump of any kind. Your "argument" is the equivalent of fart noises.
And don't worry your pretty head, I don't filter anyone, I'd rather see where stupidity comes from. I'm just having a hard time figuring out if you're one legitimately slow or one of those people who want to break Holla Forums's unity from within.

I want to respect the OP and bump his thread but he'll have to forgive me if I don't since I'm not adding anything of value.


No. For the 95% of the people, problem doesnt exist, if it is not on the TV.
Most of the people are morons.
It doesnt help, Holla Forums knows everything, if people enjoing their peaciful blind life in the garden just 5 miles from some masacre.
Dont be fucking naive, pol. Kikes know, what they are doing. It is fucking invasion with precise planning, dont forget that.



It will embolden, because it shows that the West is unwilling to punish them and the state will further shield muslims from any blow back. It is a statement of weakness and submission.

When black crime was censored under Obama regime and black riots supported, you got more crime. The FBI call it the Ferguson effect. Cnesorship of muslim crimes is done in Sweden and the UK, this has helped increase muslim crime, terroisme and seizure of sections of Swedish cities. We could call it the Malmö effect.

Do you even lift fucker? I am full on steroids you fat fuck, get in shape, oh my God: reported again.

Okay, user.
I have to admit, I chuckled.


Censoring the info worked for a decade in Rotterdam before some brave journalist got the story out and was then put in jail. Knowledge is power you fucking pleb.


Yes pretty much this also as the race war is inevitable the best thing would be for it to start soon. Every day we are losing numbers and demographic dominance.

Thanks especially the reference to the right to steal non-Muslim. The fucking journalists often argue that as the terrorist was a thief he couldn't be a good Muslim but:
1) We are not to judge if a Muslim is well observent or not
2) it is perfectly admissible and condone for a Muslim to steal from the unbeliever


but aren't bounties/spoils of war different from stealing?

Yeah and alot don't realize that a muslim can do anything against islam and be redeemed if he wages jihad



You know I see a lot of stories like these about dads/husbands/whatever in mudshit countries throwing acid at some woman's face. Where do all those guys just so happen to get their hands on fucking acid?

most drain cleaners are acids, concentrated hydrogen peroxide above 3% is caustic, even water is an acid it needs to have a neutral ph to be able to be drank


Chemical store?

it isn't like they have regulations in these shit countries. plenty of manufacturing uses acids and bases, etc. they just get their brother, cousin, friend to steal some from work. or they "buy" the amount they need from a supervisor in charge of it.

probably get a discount if they say they're using it to fuck up some woman's face.

Several French news organisations have said they will no longer publish photographs of people responsible for terrorist killings, to avoid bestowing “posthumous glorification”.

Le Monde published an editorial after the latest attack, the murder of an elderly priest in a church near Rouen by two men claiming allegiance to Islamic State. Under the headline “Resisting the strategy of hate”, Le Monde argued on Wednesday that all elements of society had to be involved in the struggle against terrorism, and that media organisations had a special role to play.

“The sites and newspapers that produce this information cannot excuse themselves from self-examination on several fronts. Since Isis terrorism first appeared, Le Monde has changed its practices several times,” the newspaper said.

It first chose not to republish images from Isis propaganda documents. Then, after the attack in Nice on 14 July, when a truck drove through crowds enjoying the Bastille Day public holiday, Le Monde said it had decided to “no longer publish photographs of the perpetrators of killings, to avoid the potential effect of posthumous glorification”.