"The 1%"

Memes aside, does this shit scare anyone else?

How would this kind of corporate control be stopped in an ideal society? Would wealth be more equal in an ideal society? Pics related

In an ideal society there would still be wealth inequality, but people wouldn't starve while others have 10 yatches and 20 private jets.

An ideal society will never exist. The best we can hope for is that in our countries our people will not starve on the streets.


Free food, shelter for drug-free whites


The middle and lower classes would have more money if it was not for NAFTA.

TPP would increase profits for %1

There were multiple economic collapses before NAFTA

What you're looking at is proof that Capitalism and Communism are just different sides of the same shekel. In Communism, the state controls everything and makes people completely dependant on it, in Capitalism corporations do it.
Both of these systems hate independant and self sufficient ubermensch.


If the state actually represents people, it's actually a nationalised state owned by the people of that nation, then it is fine. Not the same thing as a society of self-sufficient individuals I guess, but not the kind of control that comes from Corporate or Stalinist control of the system.

first off its spelled "independent" and secondly how is capitalism not the most appealing system to a truly independent person?

Just look at this faggy OP. No effort at all. It's a slide or something. Either that or OP thinks he's on 4cuck.


Kill yourself

He takes Holla Forums VERY seriously.

If the state serves in the interests of the people it will make sure that they are as strong, healthy and productive as possible. It's what National Socialism did. Obviously not every individual of the nation is capable of being his own ruler, that's Libertarian wet dream and not what I meant.

English is not my native language. You're looking at the fact that corporations control the most wealth. Building up your capital by work or making a product is not the same as Capitalism. Capitalism's ideal is maximizing the profit no matter the impact it has on the nation and its country.

But if you were truly independent like that user said why would you even care?

Not that bad. The government is getting too big anyway.

How does this make that less scary?

It's inevitable. Either big government full of leftists that hate white people and will abuse their power, either corporate control (private healthcare, private security, private education). I prefer the 2nd option. It would not be that bad as long as there would be competition between corporations.


One billion ants can overcome a human.

These people running big ass business corporations are no threat to us.

What do you mean by 'truly' independent? Producing your own food and energy or having a massive corporation? Because that's a big difference.
You see, if I am a greedy kike and have a big corporation I will want dumb masses of people who can't think for themselves and are not able to produce anything, so they will buy any crap I produce, I would want the cheapest work force and bribe the state
to bring shitskins in. I would want as many people as possible being dependant on my corporation(s). And this is all an ideal in Capitalism and what is happening now with our countries.

If I'm producing my own food and energy, I will care that I will be able to continue to do so. I will care that my nation stays united, pure, strong and healthy in order not to fall into the hands of the global capitalists that will turn my people in mindless consumerist zombies.
Now if your ideal is to have corporations control the state and not the people, then we have nothing further do discuss.