Spain/pol/ #1: Bloody summer edition

¿Cuando creeis que habrá un atentado en España, spanons?
¿Quién se hará con la presidencia en este sistema electoral injusto que favorece a la izquierda?

Other urls found in this thread:

Where the fuck do Spanish and Moortuguese go for right-wing internet politics anyway?

I barely see any Iberians on the internet

They see Alerta Judiada, a very redpilled spanish blog and youtube channel. They also go to a spanish forum called the burbuja. We also love to shitpost in youtube patriotic videos and in the comment sections of the digital press. But we are more likely to form groups in real life to be honest.

Why does every irrelevant nigger nation get a general now? Aren't the 6 million Brit/pol/ threads bad enough?

Because Americucks and Germanics spam all the catalog with useless threads after they fill all their relevant threads, along with saging and demanding bumplocks in threads that are not from their interests

Se me olvidó poner el enlace al anterior hilo.
Last thread:

Maybe because we are in a nationalistic board?
There is nothing wrong about creating local threads to talk and organize things with based anons living near you.

España es uno de los pocos paises que no necesita inmigracion o terrorismo para ser una soberana mierda.

¿Con qué otro sistema electoral nos iría mejor? La mayoría vota puta mierda roja, puta mierda más roja aún, o pseudo-derecha.

Me refiero al rollo de las coaliciones y demás mierdas. Rajoy debería de haber ganado porque fue elegido por la mayoría del país, y consiguió la mayoría en prácticamente todas las provincias excepto las idependentistas. Y ya sabes que los rojos tienden a juntarse para superar en número al único partido de "derechas" que consigue algo de votos.

Spotted the self hating rojo

Ya, pero entonces los rojos se unificarían también. El coletas sería uno más dentro del PSOE.

Yo fuí el que creo el hilo #0, y yo esperaba que el hilo llegara a su limite, antes de crear el siguiente hilo /spain/.

¡De todos modos, esta bien que empezemos ya el hilo #1, bien hecho, OP!

Periodico online de noticias no falsas:

Varios blogs y paginas de interes en español:

Y aprovecho para indicar que desde hace poco hay una comunidad en Holla Forums de hispanohablantes sobre politica incorrecta.

/3p/ Tercera Posicion


Para poder ser legítimo un gobierno debe tener credibilidad, en un sistema feudal, la credibilidad te la podría dar el número de guerreros méritos sirvientes o tierras, en nuestro sistema actual la credibilidad la aporta tu capacidad de representación en función del número de votos obtenido, aunque su legitimidad sea discutible, el número mágico que se utiliza por convenio para ratificar esa credibilidad es el 50 %, Rajoy obtuvo un 33 % de los votos en las elecciones, aunque esa cifra es mayor que la de los demás, no le otorga inmediatamente la credibilidad para gobernar sobre el otro 66 %, imagina que el que hubiera obtenido esos resultados fuera Podemos, ¿tendría un 33 % de commies la legitimidad de gobernar sobre el 100 % de la población? Diría que no, habría caos y con razón. El objetivo del sistema de coaliciones es crear un mecanismo por el cual poder legitimar a un gobierno para evitar esa situación. Por supuesto tanto nuestro sistema de voto como de formación de gobierno es muy mejorable en muchos aspectos, pero simplificarlo a "voto por persona y más votos gana" no lo haría mejor.

Aquí tenéis unos cuantos vídeos que explican varios sistemas de representación y pros contras de cada uno, todos tienen subtítulos en español si le dais a CC.

Que, las infinitas hordas de marroquis y sudacas infestando el pais entero no te parecen suficiente atentado?


Spaniards can't into English for the most part. The Portuguese speak it better though.

burger here
how are things going on over there on the iberian peninsula? are you getting any rapefugees?

Since we are in eternal election cycle and cuckservative caretaker government party doesn't want to lose even more voters when they repeat elections for the third time they only allowed about 200 rapegees in so far. Coincidentally we haven't had any Islamic terror attack so far.

Poortuguese here, I have no fucking clue, mate. We have niggers in the capital and those don't get along with mudslimes.

All I know is that I'm surrounded by leftists and commies and I'm the only person I know who is right-wing without adding a "but" at the end. I even got called a "real" terrorist the other day.
I've tried to find right-wing groups to join but the closest thing is the PNR which is more of a civic nationalist party instead of ethno/cultural.

Heard that my uni, FLUL, had a right-wing group but all I know is that the student association is all commie.

Most go for northern Europe, but some stay here (local newspapers report on them for brownie points). We get mostly illegal savages that come from subsaharian africa just to organize a massive raid against our border fences and then get taken in to work for shit wages and do illegal activities. And then people wonder why we don't like them, aside that they smell like shit.

In short, we get barely any rapefugees, but we still get fucked by filthy ghouls and we can't kick them out because "muh deportation law".

I feel ya bro, Galician here. Good luck here conservatives are still stronk here, but they are being flushed out by leftist trash. Unis are a libtard stronghold and we can barely do anything except to avoid contaminaton and try to redpill normies. If we want to get our shit together we will have to start it by ourselves, because anyone else will be shamed into oblivion by filthy leftists.

que pasa mi espana amigos
inglaterra/pol/ hablar hola
espanol chicas es hermosa mucho

good luck with your thread chaps, I'll be monitoring with the help of my D in GCSE spanish and google translate

as a portugeezer, I hope the poverty of our southern countries continues to keep kebab away. although our kebab descendent PM made Portugal the country with more open slots (per capita) for rapefugees from syria, they still refuse to come because of the inferior gibmedats compared to germany. unless there's a full on race war in the northern countries (it won't), I don't see them fleeing to Portugal anytime soon.

while most niggers in lisbon are pretty worthless, give me ten of them anyday over a kebab.

I'm worried about the Catalonian secession movement. Here's to hoping España holds her own and stays united. The last thing we need is another weak nation that needs to be propped up by the (((EU))) to survive.

With love, your former colony, Filipinas
By the way, fuck you for exacerbating regional divisions and not wiping out the Moros properly

And half of them are in my city, Fuenlabrada, a marxist shithole in the South of Madrid.

No he visto peor ciudad en toda mi vida, el PSOE lleva gobernando como 20 años y se puso a dar montones de ayudas a moros, negros y tiraflechas, y ahora estamos infestados de gentuza. Hay un puto barrio que está lleno de moros (aquí lo llamamos el barrio de los moros directamente, incluso los rojos lo llaman así) y negros musulmanes, no hablan español y está todo lleno de restaurantes de Kebab y canicerías donde no venden cerdo. Hasta los putos carteles de las tiendas están escritos en runas de las arenas.
Además, en este barrio hay montones de crímenes menores, y cada dos por tres la policía detiene a una célula Jihadista.
Lo único bueno de vivir en este agujero marxista infernal es que en los atentados del 11m los musulmanes no atacaron el metro de Fuenlabrada porque está lleno de moros (no es coña, iban a atacar el metro de Fuenla porque tiene muchos viajeros diarios).
Otra cosa buena de esta ciudad es que la gente está bien informada sobre los no humanos, incluso antes de todo el rollo de los "refugiados". Aunque esto último se anula gracias a que tenemos una Universidad, la URJC, que no para de importar Marxistas a mi ciudad.
Simplemente bombardead esta madriguera de Jihadistas.
Please, America or Russia, if you are reading this nuke Fuenlabrada.

And that's why I've been looking for ways to start a politics club or something along those lines in my uni.
Things aren't looking too good, though: the AE doesn't like the idea and everyone is too afraid to speak up.

Definitely, the nigger can be controlled, the kebab just wants to destroy. Still don't like niggers though but shitskins and jews are worse.

And they aren't coming because of lack of gibs, there's no real need for them to come because Portugal is one of the gateways for illegal weaponry and drugs.
Starting shit here just hurts them in the long run.

Perdona mi castellano pero ya has intentado crear un pequeño partido o coligacion en tu ciudad para combater essa universidad? Si la populacion esta bien informada entonces no será muy dificil convencer a los demas que los rapefugees son una amenaça.

We cannot try to close the college llike it is nothing. There are serious grades and serious students there. The problem is that like 70% of students are not from Fuenlabrada and they are bluepilled as fuck. And they are not going to get redpilled because the university is in the white zone of the city.

Can you make posters with headlines and pictures of the daily muslim Happenings and stick them around campuses?
Could work, just a small redpill, nothing huge.

I tried to do that at my uni and they were removed faster than you can say fuck by some random libtard. Who knows. So now i dedicate some small time to vandalize some "Stop islamofobia" or "Accion feminista para la libertad" posters aside from posting some small redpills around. They are still taken down quickly, but this whole things has reached a point where i just do it for the lulz.

Good man. I always remove feminist, BLM, globalist and commie posters and propaganda.

Sometimes I don't remove them, I write/paint redpills on top of them so they'll have to remove them themselves.

What do Spaniards think about Barcelona?
When I was there last year I walked into a large communist protest.
Is Catalonia Commielonia?

You can also call it Qatarlonia, bc it's wealthy and full of kebab ;)

Yes. Madrid is pozzed, but Catalunia was almost the only place were CNT anarquists ruled/governed, during the Civil War. ANARQUISTS.

Catalunians are also greedy and money-loving. They are like jewish spanians.

¿Sabéis cuál es el redpill definitivo para cualquier español?


En cuanto se habla de moros, negros o panchitos, como no hay muchos, la gente va con toda esa mierda izquierdista de "todos somos iguales", pero en cuanto entran los gitanos a escena la cosa cambia. He conseguido redpillear a mucha gente mencionando a gitanos, expresando la clara diferencia que existe entre las razas, el cómo no se han conseguido integrar en las sociedades españolas a pesar de llevar aquí desde la edad media, el como darles paguita solo sirve para que roben más, como llenan los hospitales de urgencias con sus tiroteos y navajazos, como en las cárceles son multitud a pesar de representar un porcentaje bajo de la población, y TODO el mundo está de acuerdo conmigo.

Creo que todo español que haya tenido contacto real con gitanos se da cuenta que 9 de cada 10 son escoria. Especialmente en cuanto está "el clan" unido. Todo lo que tenéis que conseguir es equiparar los moros, los negros y los panchitos a los gitanos y la gente poco a poco se toma la redpill de esta forma.

¿Que preferís?

¿Churros o Porras?

Give back our clay you filthy leftists. Galiza is rightfully ours as well.



No, Galicia es español, jodete.

Are Spanish white? I mean, don't a vast majority have black hair and black eyes like Orientals, Arabs, etc.?

I really hope that some of those pictures are of Latin Americans, the faces are very Indian!

I have mixed feelings about the Spanish. On the one hand, they did remove Berg and Kebab, but on the other, they gave us Mexicans.

It's for that reason that I dislike the Spanish language so much, user. Their religion, too.

At least, an entire ocean separates their country from the United States, because otherwise they'd absolutely be going into the shit-bucket along with the rest of benighted Latin America.

The Spanish aren't like Mexicans at all, in fact I hear they have a huge issue with 'sudacas' coming to their nation.

And what would be in mexico, if the spaniards did not insert their penises?


Probably more whites. Why wouldn't there be? English colonies, outside of Africa and perhaps China, have been very successful.

I'm pretty sure that you are confusing me for him… And, yes, all whites in North America have no reason to complain about Hispanic peoples, IN YOUR OPINION.

More native americans.

lol what? If Cortez and his men could keep their dicks in their knickers for an hour, we wouldn't have Mexicans today.

Amerikids showing off their lack of historical knowledge for the third time in just two generals what a thrill.

We have fucking Africa in our south border and we are doing pretty well.


wtf I didn't add that picture or greentext all of my shit

Didn't the South Americans try to do this a few weeks back and fail? How many people on this board even speak your Roma-Semitic Rape baby of a Language?

Your cuckchannery is showing up, go read some books and come back.

First thread lasted two months but I'd rather have that than brit/pol/ tier circlejerking.

No, you have me wrong. I don't even vote anymore, user. What I'm doing here is trying to find out to where the traitors in my country are cucking. Maybe that will give me insight into what to expect from them.

You have Africa in your south border, user. But you've also had your country established and settled for longer, which means it's more stable.

Your butthurt is really showing. You're acting like a damn leftist. Literally refute one thing I said.

We dislike your kind as well, having hardly any hesitation when poking around in other nations' business with no regard for the lives you ruin. A good example would be the CIA's intervention in our democratic transition. You are the source of the dilution of Western culture, forcefeeding the elements of your inane culture down Europa's collective throat, displacing our history, culture and lessons learned from the mind of our people, only to be replaced with mindless consumerism that your brand of cancerous capitalism brings forth.

Your country was once built on a noble philosophy, but your sins ended up consuming you, and the west as well.

I hope you wear yourself out with all that punching into the air, user. I am thousands of miles away from you…

Alerta a todos los Esp/pol/acos no comais kebap y mantened la cabeza sobre los hombros.

Que clase de tarado come kebabs de todas formas? Incluso si ISIS no existiera, los locales de kebab siguen siendo autenticos antros de porqueria donde los "chefs" se limpian el culo con la misma mano que usan para manipular las carnes


You know what I did, mano? I moved to Eastern Europe.

People are openly anti-commie here. Things you can see spray painted here are swastikas and A.C.A.B (all communists are bastards).

Its majestic.

That's not proper Spanish tho.

maraanen aan het gas schijthuid spanjaarden ga weg van mijn aziatische berichtboord ik steek alfonso in de brand


Alerta Digital funciona bien para mi.

Are you from Bellarussia?

Lukashenko is based.

Funciona a ratos, suena a DDOS.

¿Quien habra hecho el DDOS?

Podemitas son demasiado subnormales para siquiera usar el Word.

No, I'm Portuguese. I just moved to Eastern Europe. Not to Belarus, though.

I just felt like sharing one of my rare luka memes.

Implying conquistadores didn't interbreed with North American natives as well. From Florida to the West Coast, there is a remnant of Spanish genes everywhere. Pic related.

To be honest, the Spanish Empire's strict «pureza de sangre» (blood purity) caste system was keeping shitskins where they belong, as slaves and servants. You must thank the British and the Logia Lautaro turncoats for the Napoleonic Wars at home and the independence of the American colonies, that's the real cause of the mess we are dealing with now. Just saying.

¿Qué mierda le pasó a /3p?

Nah, we'll blame you. It's guilt by association since there is so much Spain in the Hispanic aliens of Latin America, user.

Parece que intentaron cambiar la interfaz de la comunidad. Lo estan arreglando, dicen.

Bolivar did nothing wrong



¿Pero que coño, acaso eres un gitano que nunca fue a la escuela?

MFW en español sería mcc (MI Cara Cuando)

Tal vez es un Romano antiguo.


Porque es la opción que menos parece perjudicar. Yo votaría al PP aunque sean cuckservatives, pero son demasiado corruptos. Y partidos nacionalistas como Democracia Nacional no obtienen a penas votos, votarles es tirar el voto a la basura. Lo que tendrían que hacer los partidos nacionalistas es juntarse y crear un único partido como pasó con las FE de las JONS. Estamos demasiado divididos, y nos peleamos más por quitar votos a otros partidos nacinalistas en vez de intentar ganar popularidad.



La ley electoral española jode un hevo a los nuevo y pequeños partidos, ya que si no obtienen suficiente votos para re`resentacion en el municipio/region, es que ni salen en las papeletas de elecciones generales en la region.

Es hora de que DN y Falange Autentica, mas algun otro partido menor, se unan, para empezar. Y Falange de la JONS tambien deberia de hacerlo, y asi, aunque a lo mejor se pierda cierta integridad, que se mantenga como unica buena alternativa a este sistema de ladrones y metapoliticamente retrasados mentales.

¿Tanto cuesta hacer esto? El tiempo se agota para España, es tiempo de dejar ser egoista.

Tengamos un poco de nostalgia.

>Hasta el concepto de familia no existe e los Lacets. ¡Todos son familia! Hermanos, padres, madres son construcciones sociales que no pueden existir en Utopia Catalana. Vamos, sexo y orgias incestuosas entre la tribu es común

>¿Y como un bebé rescata a prisioneros de barbaritas? Pues mira, muy simple. En minuto 20: 25 empieza EL HORROR


>Los toros enloquecen y huyen, con los barbaritas persiguiéndoles. Y asi es como nuestros protagonistas son salvados, gracias a la magia del sexo pedófilo-zoófilo

Afortunadamente, yo vi poco esta serie de pequeño, pero me da cancer de pensar como aprobaron esta bazofía a mostrarse en television.

Pero lo peor de todo es que esto, parece sacado de CURRENT YEAR, pero esto fue hecho en el 2005.


italian here, how are my iberian brothers doing?

Es la ubre del toro que chupa el bebe, no? Pero los toros no tienen ubres………..

actual catalonian,
for all the faults most spainistan will find with catalonia, at least one of our biggest parties is christian-nationalistic

Bad. The nation is going to shit.

De cuál partido hablas en concreto?

¿Cuando y como creeis que habra gobierno en España?

Llevamos un tiempo desde las segundas elecciones, y todavia hay drama entre los partidos….

Gachupines de mierda, si iban a conquistar México debieron erradicar a todos los locales igual que los gringos.

El país es un asco porque dejaron viva a la casta baja de nativos y ahora son mayoría.

Postea un webm de la parte del toro pedofilo, no quiero fumarme este bodrio entero

Simplemente ve a 20:25 del video.

(cheked the same dubs again)
Básicamente esto, el problema es conseguir que estos partidos dejen sus egoísmos a un lado y se junten, No es tan fácil. Tambiénd eberíamos de tener cuidado con la oposición controlada y los agentes del CNI infiltrados.

¿Es Alberto Riberas retrasado mental o qué?

Cada día canbia de opinion, y PP y Ciudadanos podrian haber hecho coalicion perfectamente, pero él dice que no.

¿Como el pudo siquiera llegar a ser politico?

Ciao i miei fratelli Spagnoli!

No se italiano, pero…

Has dicho: ¿Hola a mis hermanos españoles?

You're all going back

You sure about that, kid? Are you mad that Deutsch/pol/ is proper redpill and not your civic shit?

these are spaniards lad, not the beaner South American kind

non-Britanicos son si autisticos que no comprenden la ironia. Es un meme, juevon

How're politics? Any Trump-esque nationalists in any part of the peninsula? New Franco when?
Why don't you annex Portugal? Why haven't you ever annexed Portugal? Why won't you annex Portugal?

Honestly, I'd like to take a giant cake knife, cut between portugal and spain, and push it so it can float towards brazil.

You might want to thank them for winning your independence, lad.

Disappointed, lads.

O que aconteceu?

Buen video

can we stop with these different Holla Forums threads for everything

I won't deny, brit/pol/ is shit, but deutsch/pol/ and the new romania/pol/ are pretty tame

Not so superior now are you frogs?



It begins.

is moortugal infested with muddies?

No, there are only 50k and they're all in Lisbon. That's where their mosque is, the only one in the country as far as I know.

That's a very stale meme, come up with something more original next time. Moortugal and Poortugal have been so overused in banter that it feels like routine instead of subtle humour.

For the past one thousand years or thereabouts.

Kraut here, agree. Portugal's a very nice country. Regarding poorness, today it's increasingly dificult to define that term at all. Many people make the mistake of thinking in lump sums, e.g. 1000 Euro per month = poor, 5000 Euro per month = middle class. but it all depends on the cost of living of your specific locale. Try living with 60K brutto a year in Hamburg or Munich - you'll not even come close to the city center, while in many parts of Eastern Germany 1000 Euro per month can give you a very nice living.

how about pretogal?

As a Poortugeese I feel beloved in 8 chan. If you aren't rustled by the friendly banter, everyone sees Portugal as that calm friend who always arrives late to parties, but who no one actually hates.

You have to go back, Pedro.

So what is a national symbol of spain because other than the making Spics I can't think of anything Spain did

We did lots of important things for humanity, like siesta, toros and flamenco. Also we make very good food and we have best literature in world. Also never forget Reconquista and based Spanish Inquisition.

First submarines, helicopters and calculators among others. Also the fathers of Neuroscience and DNA/RNA were from Spain too.

Don't forget about pic related, top Spanish invention.

That's because you're probably a burger, so ignorance on history and culture is to be expected. Don't even know why posters are responding to you, Spain's achievements speak for themselves and every educated person - which you obviously are not - is at least acquainted with some of the big names, from literature to painting to science. Now GTFO; it's embarassing to think that I share Holla Forums space with someone like you.

Disfruten su comunismo eterno, Españoles. ¿Cómo se siente ser el país más feminista del mundo? Kek.

Es broma, no? Obviamente nunca has estado en Alemania, Suecia o Holanda. Muy aparte de que Santiago mismo es lleno de SJWs.

t. Peruano

Santiago es la ciudad mas feo que ha visitado y chilenos hablan espanol ininteligible juevon