Where is the most depressing place on the planet to live?

Where is the most depressing place on the planet to live?

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My room.


Probably some small city in Eastern Europe. It's because it's so close to civilization that it is depressing

Any first world country that is under a constant propaganda campaign.
Irrelevant. Higher average life quality is unimportant when you are constantly belittled in the media and taught how awful your people are from a young age. Death and war are natural occurrences, people have adjusted to them over thousands of years the psychic effect they have pales in comparison to a sustained propaganda campaign in media and education.

If I had to pick a single country it would be either Germany, Sweden, South Africa or the United Kingdom. They are all depressing in their own way. I've heard Japan is pretty bad too but I've never looked into it.

Gary, Indiana or some other Rust Belt city like Detroit.

I'd say Houston. Desserts, the arctic, post-industrial soviet cities and rustbelt cities have their own charm. Houston has none, anywhere with subruban sprawl is a candidate though. There's nothing worse.

I have lived a while in such a place. It was about 50 km from Russia. And there was absolutely nothing else to do except drinking yourself away from the misery.

I would love to live in a dessert

; ^ )

Rural Finland. Which is exactly why I have my winter home there.



pretty much this

Nah those cities are beautiful in their own way. Houston is shit. Miles upon miles of stripmalls.

Its like a microcosm of a failed state due to degeneracy

My basement

in my head

so this is the famous Capitalism?

No it's just a bunch of fat retards (Texas).


rjukan good candidate?

this. seriously fuck every single thing about Finland.

it's like someone took a country and then systematically removed everything good about it

America, all of it
everyone is sarcastic and stupid

nigga that place is in the very south of Norway. there's plenty of sunlight most of the time.

GTFO Achmed, Israel is a paradise.

Cities in general. Yeah, they are convenient, but doesn't it bother anyone else where everywhere you go everything is just a huge lot to get you to buy more and more of their product. Constant noise, lights everywhere, and just so many goddamn people everywhere.
Internet is nice though


Well, what do you expect? After an entire century of being the greatest superpower in history only for it to slowly begin its erosion forcing the government to initialize programs to keep people spending money while sensationalism is being thrown in your face all you're left with is a society of bitter, cynical, sarcastic assholes

try closing your windows and curtains

it's shame sunlight can't penetrate all that rock

Small failing cities. Not big enough to ever have anything interesting or have too many people or buildings, and already half the place has been practically abandoned and is falling apart while what small town government they have there is struggling to make shit happen.
There are too many places like that where I live. Tons of these cities that never quite became cities, and the only way you even realize they exist is if you drive through them by accident, because most of them are out of the way.
And they don't even have the charm of a failed city that was actually a proper city. It's just a few square miles of dissapointment.

this might have something to do with why they're failing

don't envy cities, the only increase in things to do is packaged consumer bullshit. movies, shopping, restaurants.
in the country there's hunting, fishing, hiking, biking. ATV or dirtbike for endless fun. watch the dogs play in the tall grass.

or maybe you're a basic bitch and just want the shopping and convenience.

hope you built those ATVs, dirtbikes and fishing rods yourself

Cities also have concerts, museums, clubs (as in book club, knitting club) taxis, public transportation, hospitals, government services, and access to the sharing economy and makerspaces.

fuck taxis. bunch of unviable little bitches, trying to keep out competition by crying to the government.

Probably, not with all of them though. There are a few that are close to an important road or two that are failing anyway, plus some smaller cities that aren't that close to anything interesting while still working anyway.
But yeah, that is one of the main problems with most of them.

I get your point. But that whole place had a feeling, that noone really wants to do anything else besides getting drunk. There was no will of living. Everyone there had already become aware that they are most likely just going to drink themselves away, working in forest or sawmill.
Fuck cities with their shopping centres and fags everywhere.

Detroit, no contest.
It is actually worse than living in a 3rd world shithole because in a 3rd world shithole you have nothing and nobody gives a shit about you. In Detroit they are pouring billions of dollars siphoned off from other cities and states into saving the city and it is accomplishing exactly dick. As always, 90% of the money gets pocketed by the corrupt leaders and their pet companies, and the other 10% gets put into things that further rape the culture for profit, leaving it worse off than it was before. You know a place is bad when even the niggers are leaving as fast as they can.

Not the user you were talking to, but I have actually done all three. FWIW.

Ohio if your world is america,

in the world, I would say the slums in India, or North Korea.

North Korea, where everyone is equal

New Mexico.

China, can't smoke weed and the government steals your money

Probably some midwest state, like Kansas or Missouri.

Missouri sounds like misery.


and no internets


Capitalism nothing, that's what Satan looks like. The US is a gateway.

it's what you get when you put jews in charge