Trump Resigns

Why is this happening, It is all over the news


(Trumpenfuhrer dubs checked) Your still a joo shill though
It's not you fucking CUCK.

Daddy Trump is going to gas you! YOU FUCKING DEGENERATE JOO! Daddy Trump WILL save America AND the h'white race and there isn't anything that you sjw CUCKS can do about it! 8 MORE YEARS!!! YOU LITTLE BITCH!


Because we were better under a pot smoking C-student from Africa who had an absentee father and basically did exactly what the Jews wanted.

>Pssssssst! Hey kid…Wanna hear a secret? ITS DA JOOOOOOOOOOZ!
Every. Single. Time.

Holla Forums memes are funny because they speak truth to power. Everyone knows Clinton was corrupt. Everyone knows the powers that be are anti-white. So memes about those subjects were funny.

Trump is 6' 2" and has one of the largest frames I've seen outside of bodybuilding. A "meme" about him being tiny doesn't have even the slightest truth backing it up, so it doesn't catch the same way the "Clinton is a corrupt liar" memes did.

No Holla Forums, that is not a convincing depiction of a Holla Forumsack.


Stop being so PC. Trump is fat. You have to call it what it is!

Prove to me it isn't the Jews. Dig deep enough and a filthy kike pops up. Its just the way it is, as long as Christian Jesus Freaks still think he will be coming back, the Jews will extort shekels from them, knowing its all a big jew fairy tale moneymaking scam.

You fags who suck Trump's dick 24/7 are almost as bad as the ones who suck of Clinton.

Nice try Holla Forumstroll, but that isn't how it works. The burden of proof is on YOU. You fucking bigot.

Don't add the bigot next time. It makes your bait too obvious.

Pol much?

I do not like Trump, but people's attacks on him usually seem childish. He's taller then Putin.

I'm not the person you were originally responding to. I just noticed your shitty bait and wanted to help you improve. Anyways have fun trolling.

I shouldn't be surprised. Leftists always accuse others of doing what they are doing, regardless of whether or not doing so actually makes sense.

Yeah, he's fat, but he's got a large frame. Frame size is the size of your bones. For example, an Antifa member with a 34 inch diameter chest would be considered "small framed." A man with a 46 inch chest would be considered "large framed."

Based on his height and the breadth of his shoulders, I would say Trump is large framed. Regardless of his body fat percentage, he has a large bone structure and correspondingly large shoulders, chest, etc. As a result, depicting him as "small" is not speaking truth to power, as it is inaccurate.

I wonder when Holla Forums is going to learn that shrieking "you're a bigot!" at everyone that disagrees with them isn't working.


Is that supposed to impress anybody?

Also why do you feel such a need to defend Drumpf online, are you some sort of "virtue signalling cuck"? Amazing how the tables turn isn't it…Pol are literally the new sjws now. Can't say I'm surprised tbh.

Holla Forums, you're going to have to learn that "no, u!" isn't an effective argument.

Nice projection Holla Forumstroll.

Oh, the sweet, sweet irony. It's delicious.

As for the rest of your post I have one word GAAAAAAAAAY! I hate to break it to you but Drumpf isn't going to let you suck his dick because you white knight for him on the internet. It's time to move on, admit that you were lied to and fix YOUR OWN life instead of trying to Ford your authoritarian BULLSHIT onto other people. The denial isn't helping anybody.

no, u


You donated your entire student loan to Bernie, didn't you? No refunds, goy.

It's like pottery.

That part of the post was not the important part, but no, it was not supposed to impress anyone. I just found it strange they pick on his height and weight when he is probably better off than most people.

You wish, kike.



Just get it over with and suck his dick already, you KNOW you want too. I'm not even joking, I saw a thread a while back where they all admitted that they have sexual fantasies about him. It's fucking disgusting tbh, the most powerful nation in the world brought to its knees by a bunch of repressed homosexuals with pent up rage. Who could have guessed it? I don't know whether to laugh or weep so im just going to do both.