Thoughts, Holla Forums?

Thoughts, Holla Forums?

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Germans didn't build enough fucking crematoriums. Hitler really dropped the ball on that one.


No one wants you here, Holla Forums.

Because modern crematoriums create only one to a few bodies at a time, and are dormant most of the time; this means they need to be heated up, and it takes a very long time to get to the high enough temperatures. During the holocaust they had them running almost constantly. Checkmate, Nazi.

wow um can i get that picture without the antisemitism please

How can facts about crematoriums be anti-Semitic?

Cremating time doesn't include the heating time.
The body wouldn't be put in until it reaches the optimal temperature.
Checkmate, kike.

It's pretty antisemetic to assume only jews get cremated.

Oh really? Cite your source (if it's from or, etc. you lose the argument by default) on the speed that a body is burnt in a crematorium today, and see how they measure the speed and when they begin measuring it, as well as at what stage they consider a body fully cremated. Checkmate, Nazi.

You don't make the rules here, jew.

If you can prove the holocaust of World War 2 actually happened then I will personally go to Israel and bite the foreskin off every new born baby.

OK, you lose. A youtube video is not a source, nor do I have the time to waste hour an half watching it. I could barrage you with documentaries as well, but all it would prove is that I am incapable of defending my point of view. Considering you resorted to this tactic, it is obvious that you are incabable of defending your debunked nonsense about the illegitimacy of the holocaust.


You have to be a rabbi to do that, goy.

This guy won't even bantz! Who let Reddit in here again?

I would have sauced this shlomo's pasta three times over, if he would have engaged in some bantz.

It's Kato Steamgirl, you flaming faggot!

…I hope you're happy…

Hitler was completely right about you.

And I was completely right about you; incapable of engaging in debate. Sad, but hey, I should be thankful, it's braindead morons like you that ensure your views will never become mainstream.

There is literally nothing you'd accept as valid evidence. You could be given a tour of Auschwitz during it's highest rate of internment and you'd say it wasn't real evidence.

Distinct lack of evidence detected. Why are Nazis so shit at arguing?

the ovens were very hot all the time
the attendants were efficient
many corpses were wasted to

Why are you here?


The Nazi crematories used Aryan magic to shrink the jews first before burning them. Also jew soap.

how stupid are you?

What's your favorite holohoax story?

I don't see any denial, Shlomowitz.


This is so painfully ironic, going about how stupid someone else was and fucking up myself


jews can't into swastikas. it's a natural european symbol afterall.


Right because those 1940's brick and mortar ovens weren't breaking down constantly. They were much more efficient than modern stainless steel gas fired ovens.

cite your souces


I thought the excuse was that they weren't fully cremating the bodies and disposing of the bones separately?

Anyway it doesn't matter, whichever theory you subscribe to opening the ovens over and over can lose quite a bit of heat. Even if they had miracle ovens that were somehow 10 times as efficient as modern ovens the fuel required to maintain the processes is cost prohibitive.

I'm sure for sanitary reasons they burned disease ridden corpses but to imply they were haplessly shoving jew after jew into ovens cus "BURN ALL THE JUDEN" is fucking fanciful at best.

Auschwitz had 6 crematoria
number 4 broke down soon after commissioning
number 5 was a constant problem
number 3 was levelled by the ss during a revolt
the others worked well, very well.

The math doesn't add up.
Even if they were running constantly day and noght without having to be shut down so they could be repaired or emptied once they were full there is no possible way millions could have been burned.
Sticking with this already debunked bullshit is like believing in the holocoaster and lampshades.
Also they wouldn't need to constantly push this myth if there were ashpiles big enough to back up their claims, but whenever anyone attempts to get physical evidence of millions of bodies being cremated they're told to shut down and believe.

*faster than modern crematoriums

Pretty hot, OP.

Never forget the thousands of mass graves that were never found.


maybe he assumed perfect conditions

it's pretty obvious from nazi era documents that body disposal was a major problem in the camps and elsewhere even before the spring/summer of 1944 when the jews vanished in such large numbers.
firstly there was the sheer volume of bodies. then the fact that the mass killing had to be kept secret from the population, potential future victims, enemies abroad and the german armed forces, who were raised on a propaganda of noble intent not compatible with shooting and shovelling women and children.
then there was fuel -coke was used in the more advanced ovens- which was at a premium in war ruined germany. and then the need to hide the evidence after the katyn graves were exhumed and exploited by goebbles in the propaganda war of the time…it's so much more complex than your simplistic view of corpses per oven compared to a modern civilian cremation.
you have no reason to deny the fact that many, many people were systematically killed by the nazis with operating procedures and equipment developped and built to further an official policy to exterminate those considered degenerate elements in european society, notably but not only jews.
you can reasonably dispute how many and how they were disappeared, but there is no reasonable doubt that they vanished as part of an organized and fairly successful attempt at exterminating those who liked what nazis didn't like.

kek, you could probably post that on fb and retards would buy it immediately

Nothing is real, they are all spooks, checkmate leftypol


my wife says fb doesn't work like that.

I don't think your reasoning for their 'extermination' is as simple as that. To understand what would drive an incredibly intelligent, open and trustworthy race of peoples to take such heavy handed measures, you have to have a bit of understanding as to what was going on before it all began. Can you honestly say that you wouldn't be driven to such extremes if you saw everything you held dear driven into ruin and decadence?

If Germans didn't want their country to get ruined by WW1, they shouldn't have started it. Simple as that.

They didn't.. lol

You're reasoning on that is very flawed, put more efforts into your shitposts.

the most charitable i can be is say that it was the germanic mentality that started ww1

Kind of a barbaric people with a bad temper to be honest. I think they are responsible for a lot of racial strife in the western world. Their track record isn't really all that great when it comes to being peaceful and reasonable.

You know Italy had a fascist far-right government too but no one really talks badly about them. And they seemed to be doing alright for a while, at least until getting involved with Germany…

Seems to me like the Germans make their own problems tbh

name one good thing about germans
protip: you cant

The nazis demanded both of Franco and Mussolini that they round up the jews in italy and spain and send them to germany. both noped out.

the cuisine


Americans make better:

What else is left?

I say intelligent because they are, they'd have to be to accomplish the technological inventions that they have. An unintelligent peoples would not have created the society that they have. I say open and trustworthy based more on their christian, being that most european christian nations are very polite, hospitable and charitable.

their christian roots*

What I mean by the logic is flawed is that to say that 'germans' as a whole, were responsible for ww1 is ridiculous and I shouldn't have to point out why.

By germanic mentality, you mean human mentality, right? All races have warlike tendancies in one way or the other. All of them.

it's just most prevalent in germanics. it was in them as pagans, christians, and now as a secular nation. at least arabs can claim that they weren't into the whole world domination thing before islam came, with germans, it's part of their destructive nature

Do us all a favour and stay in school.

I don't think it's accurate to describe the germanic race as the most warlike. To say the arabs wern't into world domination before islam is to say that none of them had ever thought of it before islam. It doesn't mean there less warlike at all.



do me a favour and dont breed with non-germanic whites; you lot are the reason europe and the west is such a mess. you laid the groundwork with it in ww1 and 2, and then, because too many of your kind immigrated to america in the past, the germanic gene has imposed itself on US foreign policy (see; korea, vietnam, iraq, afghanistan, iraq again, lybia, syria, just to name a few). the refugee crisis is your fault, isis is your fault (with some help from the US's good friend israel). germans are destroying europe with the EU now. germans ruin everything

I'm not a Kraut, mate, though I do have some German ancestors way, way back.

norwegians are germanic, you are part of the problem

Nah, we’re part of the solution, mate!

the british, finns, slavs, balts, mediterraneans, they're the solution. they're pure blooded enough to not see destruction as the answer to everything

Germany did not start ww2.

All wars are bankers wars -

Either Holla Forums is leaking, or you are trying to troll too hard. Don't make it so obvious in the future.


those quotes in first pic are almost all fake. i'd be interested to see where you sourced them all from

i'd take any of them over germanics

Good luck with that - you're gonna need it.

what does this mean?

The proof lies with you on that one.

And since you don't say that 'all' are fake, that means you thin some are true. Even if were just one that was true, that'd be pretty damning, don't you think?


actually no, some are just opinions of historians. i'm mostly interested in seeing your sources on the churchill quotes (which you must prove for them to be seen as legitimate; burden of proof lies on the claimant, fyi)

because you seem thick, i'll specify the exact quotes i'd like to see you source:

Hostilities are not necessary they are telling though… I'm gathering what you asked for now.
I should have them by the time you've finished watching that youtube clip that was linked.

nah i believe you, money plays a big part in wars, bankers have no morals, etc. etc. all with you on that, no need to get me to watch an almost hour long doco; it's the quotes that i had an issue with, so i wanted to point that out to you so you don't go spreading misinformation again

here, updated your graph as well; i've no reason to believe the other quotes are fake

I'm yet to prove that it isn't misinformation, so you're getting ahead of yourself with that.
Why do you believe those three in particular though?

pretty fucking sad if that's your greatest achievement as a nation

no bully

also, they did manage to keep the soviets at bay during the winter war.

i dont believe them necessarily, it's just that with the churchill ones, they seemed out of character, so i tried to find a reputalbe source on them, and couldnt. it doesnt really concern me if or if not the other 3 quotes are real or not - they're opinions, and not of anyone who played a big role in ww2, if any role at all (apart from the last guy i guess, but i've no problem with what he said, he may have just not had an issue with nazism as an ideology, and so not seen himself as at war with them, and the german reich and nazism were quite intertwined anyway).


Gonna have to concede for the moment. To find the particular broadcasts is not easy, I've managed to get a few on hand but it will take quite some time to go through them all and find the quotes in question (as well as everything else in question on top of that).

Goddamn I want some bratwurst