Did animated movies peak with this one?
Did animated movies peak with this one?
Nah, they peaked with Treasure Planet, but due to that movie getting the worst advertising ever they also died with it.
I'm so sad that they are deciding to do an Incredibles sequel now of all times.
Why so sad about a sequel?
expect Dash exploring his sexuality, Helen cheating on Robert, and Violet becoming a Muslim.
nice pics.
I was hoping for more slapping.
unacceptable. There may be patriarchy punching though.
I hope the sequel stays in the 70s.
Also Bob does everything wrong and mary sue Helen fixes it to show that women are actually better than men in everything
thats really clever.
I think it's like 10 years later.
The 80s? What a perfect time for a Trump joke!
you fuckers are getting annoying
Since when was it in the 70's or 80's? I thought it was meant to be modern but the design had an old school look to it so it was ambiguous what time it came from.
isnt Incredibles completely ripped from watchmen though?
Well, yes.
Elastigirl's file says she was last active in 55. The late 50s is probably when all the shit went down that put an end to super heroes.
Watchmen rips from everything else so it cancels out :^)
i think he posted that ironically
That kind of makes sense. Actually with all the wood panelling in the first film I can see it taking place in the 70's.
What's in the jar?
I think they're smashed bullets.
trigger warning: shadman
There's something about the way he does faces that bugs me. Its like an imitation of the original style rather than his own style adapting the original work.
It's because the faggot doesnt know a thing about drawing alongside a 3d plane
I'm surprise shadebase doesn't do fart fetish art
Well the fact that the army is using M47 Pattons as seen in means that it had to have taken place some time before 59 when it was replaced by the M48 although I believe the national guard used it into the very early 60s
Friendly reminder that Mr. Incredible canonically fucked Mirage, which is why his wife found hair on his suit.
citation needed
Actually that's pretty sexy
No way, he'd have fucking wrecked that pussy, she wouldn't be able to sit or walk straight for the rest of the movie.
Likely bullets that pierced his costume but stayed caught within the fabric instead of deflecting out. Imagine him getting into his car after stopping a robbery and shaking loose rounds out of his boots like you would with annoying pebbles and plant burs.
Get out, sperg.
People like you are why Monsters University and Finding Dory happened.
He seems to be stuck on drawing one fetish for a few months, give him time.
I don't see the point of a comic adaptation that adapts a cartoon movie word for word and scene for scene.
The later comics have their own original storyline that's pretty good, but I see what you mean.
At least its a little above the manga that use screenshots of the anime for the panels.
I'm pretty sure that was because children would turn out to see it, thus making it profitable.
I never got the point of making comics/graphic novel adaptions of movies.
Also, reaction image potential here.
Crap, didn't even see
well it can add stuff that the movie doesn't have. I have a graphic novel version of the Spidermna 2 movie.
Perhaps, but reading this one it seems they cut stuff instead, like the opening, the parents finding the kids were watching them fighting, the government agent guy talking to Bob at the hospital while his boss is in a full-body cast.
Apparently the Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen graphic novel removes most of the stupid crap from the film.
Good point. I guess it depends on how you adapt it.
Quints for special meme magic to make this film bomb harder than hiro fucking shima.
Are they just gonna retell the movie with less detail?
This is gonna be the best sequel ever.
Requesting a drawfriend remake this animation with Violet and Helen.
This is a travesty.
I want to see Edna's story. How did she go for eccentric fashion designer to superhero outfitter? What did she study in school that gave her the unique combination of clothing design and high-powered military science that she has now? How long has she had her "No Capes" rule and is there a story behind it?
if there is good fanfic on this I would be willing to read it
I also want to see this, but for different reasons
I'm gunna need sauce on that webm
No, it wasn't even that good.
I explicitly remember her bringing up several heroes who got turned to mush because of the capes
I know, but when did SHE learn the lesson specifically? Did she design one of the costumes on that list?
not gonna lie
took me a few seconds to realize this wasn't SFM
i think her tumblr with all the best shit got deleted though such a shame
who is the adult woman in that pic?
e-hentai has some images of her, but they are pretty boring and honestly, you don't want to see her fully naked. She's cute with her clothes on and from behind, but holy fucking shit, are those tits terrible.
cyka blyat
Do you reckon that Bruce Timm cares that Brad Bird basically just ripped off his Tim Drake design?
That cover looks awful. I think its because they have no outlines.
No but Pixar arguably did
Yeah. I considered not posting it.
My personal fave
He looks like a middle-aged man there.
what's the significance of the name Syndrome? It seems like a really random villain name to choose.
Probably just to sound cool. Like when they think names like Grifter or DeathKlaw or CockSucker were cool.
I think its an allusion to him being a syndrome to what happens when the world no longer has superheroes, the regular people become superheroes themselves, if only through advanced technology.
To add to this, Buddy himself may have just thought that the name was cool, but its actually there to tell the audience something
He had autism.
I'd say it takes place around 1968-1969
they get married in '54 or '55, have kids, oldest is 14
A lot of that retro futuristic crap was still in style up until that point.
It wasnt unrealistic to have computers around that time. either, except they were terminals that connected to a reel to reel based mainframe.
Sorry, when the kids at school called you cocksucker it wasnt cool.
you're just a semen robber.
That would make sense
If you look at the computer he's using, the absolute clusterfuck of massive cables coming out the back of it might indicate it being an early termial. Not to mention that he works at a huge office, the kind that would have that kind of technology back in the day.
On another note, it might not necessarily be all reel to reel, because hard drives did exist back then. Typically, you would carry the disk itself in a special container (which was typically integrated with the platter assembly) to and from the hard drive assembly, which would be a massive device. I actually have an old hard disk platter from the 70s, they're really quite neat.
Gonna say no, I like it but I feel like it dosen't even hold up that well on rewatches.
Yeah, there were some semi-deep themes that were all presented on the surface so that even kids can understand it.
Mr. Incredible gets a double dose of you don't know what you've got 'til it's gone, first with his super hero days and second with his family. He only knows how to use his strength to resolve issues, so he struggles when he cannot use his strength or when he is not strong enough to do things. He is not able to use his strength in the life of a normal person so he doesn't cope. He can't use his strength to save his family so he doesn't cope.
His wife, who always intended to continue being a superhero, adjusted very well because she is flexible. She manages the family well and keeps them all together because she has good reach. When something is beyond her reach, she breaks down (crying about Mr. Incredible being on the island). When it comes to a crisis she is the first to shout an idea.
Dash wants recognition for his talent so he acts out, which is pretty common for a kid of his age. And who doesn't know of a hyper active young boy? Violet is in an awkward teenage part of her life where she doesn't want to interact with other people, so she can go invisible and put up barriers.
The characters have simple motivations and are easy to relate to with their struggles. The movie also has two of the best supporting characters in film history between Frozone and Edna.
that's fucking cool
I'm willing to bet she was the go-to for superhero costume design and learned when all the caped costumes she made killed the wearer.
or vice versa
Yeah, as much as I liked the Batman Year One animated movie it made me wonder why make it 100% word for word?
Yes, very. You could even say incredible.