Leftypol is a complete crock of shit

Leftypol is a complete crock of shit.
I posted an argument about how most liberals are such because of issues related to general inferiority, and i got banned citing "spam"
Are you kidding me? The mod there must literally be a 19 year old college womens studies major. Fucking cucks.


leftypol is not liberals; read the FAQ

You went to Holla Forums expecting liberals. They're socialists and communists who hate liberals for what Hillary Clinton did to Bernie Sanders. I don't know why you expected your posts to be regarded as anything other than spam.

You invaded a commie liberals echo chamber and posted true facts which triggered them. Why weren't you suprise?

sounds like you need a safespace

They're pretty far left (it's an edge contest sometimes) and trash liberals more than Holla Forums

shut the fuck up faggot. leftypol is the biggest liberal hugbox on the site

And yet they will be disregarded by the majority of the American and European leftist community for not being progressive enough.

I take pride in knowing that even Holla Forums's leftists aren't progressive enough for the normies.

Bullshit Leftypol are SJW faggots

How? Holla Forums always says they aren't liberal while at the same time talking about white privlege and hating all the same people liberals hate.

This makes me wish Holla Forums and Holla Forums would find a way to get along. There are smart, talented people on both boards if you sift through the garbage. If Holla Forums presented a united front, normalfags could never stop us.

good argument

t. someone who's never been to Holla Forums

I did a basic look at Holla Forums and it's really not, granted it was my first time venturing on the board so I couldn't say otherwise on past experiences.

Ideological differences will mean eventually someone is gonna have to be Trotsky and take an ice pick to the head. Knowing Holla Forums, they aren't gonna be the ones.

Yay lets all hold hands?
Shutup little girl.
Based on what i got banned from leftypol for id have to say its a bunch of 90 iq inferiors angry at their inferior parents for giving them an iq lower than their black friends have. Literally an echo chamber for people so inferior hitler would show mercy upon them because of how obvious it is that God hates them.

Obviously the ideological differences would have to be resolved.

You could just as easily say that Holla Forums latches onto race because they have no individual achievements. Same for black nationalists or whoever else.

While there are a few liberals here, the majority of posters on Holla Forums are radical left. They may still be socially liberal, but their economic stances are decidedly not liberal, and likely heavily opposed to the liberal order. As an extension of this, posters here are opposed to "SJWs," because they see them as economically liberal, and socially oppressive. Stances on Obama here range from indifferent, to angry– and the only poster here who shills for Democrats still does so under the premise that they're a lesser evil.

As for Israel, leftism is anti-Zionist. It is not anti-Jew. Unlike Holla Forums, Holla Forums fully supports Palestinians, and doesn't think they're "mudslimes."

Pretending to be an SJW or Zionist will very likely get you banned.

I don't think Holla Forums and Holla Forums can get over those differences.

You guys hate Nationalism, but we live by it. I do believe we can ignore shit long enough to win, but what happens after?

I think nationalism is neutral. It can be used for good or evil. Some people would implement socialist policies out of a sense of nationalism because they want to help their countrymen and keep them out of useless wars. Meanwhile, others want to let their countrymen starve in the streets and die of easily treatable medical problems, and sending anyone left over to get shot in some Middle Eastern shithole.

Bullshit SJWs are Marxist retards just like leftypol


They are just faggots who ruined Holla Forums.
They need to "get along" somewhere else.

All cancer.

half of it is gommunist and the other half is people fucking with the gommunists

much like their parasitic ideology, they depend on pol's need to banter in order to survive. when desperate times called for desperate measures, they invited fucking reddit here. literally shilling us to reddit and reaping the consequences, good fucking job

