Beta males have become the prominent male figure of America...

Beta males have become the prominent male figure of America, it has become so bad that women no longer find an interest in men, you are in charge of raising a baby to be the perfect alpha male and to save men from extinction. How would you raise this child.(only beta males uses self deprecating humor and or insult op)

Well good fucking luck raising a kid in a society that currently uses mental illness and social justice as a fashion trend. However, you may not even get to raise that child because, according to the law, a woman can rip your children and many of your assets away just because she isn't happy. And if she's a real bitch, she can say you raped her, and say goodbye to your future as a happy American citizen. Your child doesn't even belong to you at this point, it belongs to the state.
You don't treat the symptom like a kike doctor would, you treat the underlying problem.

lets assume that you are raising the kid in a lab with infinite tools at your disposal and you can choose what to let him see and what not to

can't I just have a sexbot, and a asexual way of having children

sure but you have to raise any children you have to become the ultimate alpha males and how would u do it

they wouldn't have to suck up to 3DPD to get sex and children because I have sexbots, and a asexual way of having children

to shay… but you still have to come up with a way to revitalize man kind

well we don't have to worry about 3DPD fucking everything up anymore, so I think men would could to live their efforts naturally, and benefit everyone with their efforts

so basically your saying replace women with toys and develop a new way to repopulate

Jews are trying to kill off the white christian race through subterfuge. Thats why there has been a longtime assault against alpha males in jew controlled hollywood.
The scenario is on the surface ludicrous, but as with all social engineering, it can be made into a reality with enough effort.

yeah, should solve many problems.
I mean, I hate beta males and cucks as much as the guy, but they are doing it for 3DPD, or at least the sex 3DPD give out.

but rapists are also alpha males

The jews have all the time in the world. They're trying to achieve a racial hegemony so making it reality in the lifetime of any one individual is irrelevent. As Rockefeller and Soros et al die off another generation will take their place. They figured out long ago that they can subvert us if only they do it little by little, a drip feed of poison in the well of our culture. At first only the weak will get sick from it but the posion continues to drip until eveyone who drinks from the well is doomed.

Like parasites they must be found and eradicated because to let even one survive is to allow the infestation to renew.

100% agree

To be honest, I think it is men that are losing interest with women, at least on a social level.
Not to mention, the favoritism society shows to women, is no discouragement to losing interest.

I would teach it to be like me you faggot

God that's such a stupid argument.
Fucking being a POC gives you cultural capital in America these days. Minorities may not be as powerful as whites but they still have power, and the shit they say makes whites feel powerless which is their fucking definition of racism. God I hate the American left

I still love women, I just know they will never return that affection.
I know i have to live my life for myself now and move on from the idea of a relationship.


This is the wise choice. The affection they have is conditional and shallow, as you seem to realize.
Men have so much more opportunity once they abandon the idea of "relationship" with women.

You can't really be so sensitive that words on a static page hurt you, right? You do know what site you're on, right?

You can't really be so sensitive that words on a static page hurt you, right? You do know what site you're on, right?

it is amazing the amount of money and free time i have since i stopped chasing pussy.

I'd toss it in a trash can for not being my baby

This is an obvious advantage that most men will never understand. They are too pressured by society to ever know how it feels to be a free man.

too many men are still driven by their ego. they want to be top dog or get female validation.
it still stings somedays, know women will never provide validation even though i know they aren capable of it.

t. virgin

Yes, and they will attain neither of these things. They seek the approval of women no matter how much they deny it, and these women don't even appreciate it. Also, they have no chance at being "alpha male" because they are surrounded by endless competition.


"Alphas" are bullshit, user. Have you ever met one?

Yeah, I have. They are actually males that live really simple lives. To be honest, they are not really bad, but since they're so simple minded, they usually are dicks.

life is shitty, men should make the best they can out of it.

What made them "alpha"? I agree with the simple part, being as most people who try to be such a thing are simple minded.

Although I agree with you, user, that includes finding a partner and having sex. MGTOW is the gayest bullshit that can exist.

They arebetter partners for procreation. No body wants your useless virgin loser genes, user. Being alpha isn't neccesarily good, it just means you can have a normal life to prepetuate the specie, that's really boring, actually.

This is not the definition of "alpha" just because you say it is, user. According to what you said, 95%+ of all men would qualify as alpha.
And MGTOW is men fighting back for their rights. Just because you're a coward doesn't mean you should project your self loathing on others.

no marriage no children, nothing the the state can use against you to enforce servitude to a women.
if you wanna have sex or have a partner its cool. just watch your ass.

original pic?


lol alpha/beta distinction is so juvenile. You faggots are just as immature as the women you show contempt for.

You act like you know us personally. I guarantee you if I had a say, this world would be much less silly.

lol whatever, bro
Do I need to? I see posters arguing about being "alpha" like they are lions or some shit. I wonder if many of the men you consider "alpha" even look at like in that infantile way? I bet they don't. It's just you fuckers have an abundance of idle time to concoct all kinds of half-baked theories and this echo chamber (Holla Forums) will reinforce it time and again.
I understand this is the random board and I am not trying to stifle discussion but I have been noticing an increase in bitter and petty posters here. No one like being around people like that. Cheer up anons.

I am not your brother in any way shape or form, probably the opposite.
You need to improve your reading comprehension skills. My posts were saying that "alphas" do not exist in the real world.

whatever faggot
spazz somewhere else

Go fuck yourself!

autist responding to a comment not directed at them just to argue
If you thought alphas dont exist, why did you respond to this
shows you the level of stupidity that inhabits here

Look back here

And here

Don't jump in the middle of conversations if you haven't read them thoroughly.

i'd raise my kid as a lying, conniving, greedy psychopath. a sort of uber jew and super-nog, ultra-violent & deeply stupid but dedicated to money and more money, jesus and whiteness. i'd train him to shitpost, shoot and eat pizzas competitively.

you epitomise the one track mind. you're obsessed with jews and see them everywhere.
you're an uber-idiot and a vile stain on humanity. the world would be that much better a place if you were dead, even for maggots.
sadly, you don't even have les couilles to anhero.
i wish on you an asteroîd of nigger turd @ 2000°c, right in our stupid fat mouth.

I'm starting to think this Jewish stuff is a gag on these imageboards, tbh.

Early nanotech programming experiment. The girl.

Don't respond if the comment isn't directe….you know what? Forget it. You win, moron. Spazz on.

Screencapping this as evidence that this place is filled with idiot kids or, God forbid, really stupid adults.

off by one

Back here I posted

This in a sense is a "distinction" whether I agreed with him or not.
This was a reference to me, since I'm the only one in this thread that may correspond to this comment. The "alpha" defender(s) in this thread, definitely wouldn't be described as showing contempt for women, at least based on their posts here.
Now I'm bored with you. Bye.

So you are MGTOW?
Then you are just as immature as the women you show contempt for. That still applies to you. The alpha part didn't. Be clear in your response and stop giving Holla Forums-tier replies i.e. "faggot, retard"
kid confirmed

Being that we're on Holla Forums what kind of replies do you expect?
Foolish comment, since children often have long attention spans for worthless, unsophisticated things. Hence they are children.

where did you pull that from? lol no tmost don't. you obviously don't have children or are not around them
Uh, something more intelligent but go ahead don't rise above the rabble

Because I once was one. I would never have the attention span to do the things I did back then, and neither would most of my contemporaries.
I think it is obvious I have, not to mention MGTOW is opposed to mediocrity, probably more than you are, user.

just being proactive

this person is the only one in the thread who isnt autistic