Jill Stein

Hey, Holla Forums, can you red pill me on Jill Stein? I know very little about her except the (((obvious))). Her wiki entry isn't very thorough, so please give me her general stance on policy issues, domestic and foreign, or direct me elsewhere. Also, bonus points for what you personally think of her.

No. We're going to use her to D/C Hillary so fuck off. Go green faggot. She' our AIDs hooker now

I'm only asking for information, you autistic sperg. This is a political discussion board and not just a meme factory, you know?


go back to plebbit and ask, bernfag.

Yeah, I read that. She seems like a mixed bag desu. For one she understands that Ukraine should be a neutral as per the Soviet Union dissolution agreement and that meddling in the South China Sea is a bad idea, but then she goes on about how you can cancel student loan debt by applying quantitative easing (she even calls it a "magic trick"). So she seems better than Clinton (and Sanders…) on the foreign policy front but as equally retarded on fiscal policy.

How good is she for Israel, user?

Yeah, because anyone seeking information about a presidential candidate can only be a bernfag? I swear, there is a faction of retarded trumpets that needs to be euthanized… but only after you useful idiots are done voting.

All far-left candidates are irrelevant to modern politics and should be ignored. Focus on hillbill.

I wish it was so, but unfortunately that is not true. Better learn about the enemy now before it's too late. Stein has a couple of good ideas, but as a whole she's just as retarded as Sanders.

She's dead, user. The only people voting for her are the ones with vested interest in a Clinton 2.0 Administration everyone else reacts negatively to her, even low-information normies. The only question is if Trump will win comfortably or soundly.

Also, sage if you're not on topic, user.

STFU already this is my first and last warning.

NO it is our meme factory and not a polticial discussion board. Go back to 4chan if you're too lazy to work for your beast Hillary


Looks like her parents fled Soviet Russia so that she could spread the word about the wonders of central planning in America. Atheist Jews are the worst.

No. Research it yourself. And then come here to debate if anything is unclear.

To help you:
She's a socialist jew. And should finish your search.

Fuck you OP. Go back to cuckchan.

Lurk more

Just think of her as Bernie. She'll give everyone everything for free, but don't ask how she'll pay for it

She's a communist. There you go.


Jew socialist that actually believes in the Kool Aid the more affluent Jews peddle.

Ranko is a qt

It's not like systemic constraints or math applies or anything.

She's basically Bernie, but seems to genuinely believe all of it and isn't willing to sell out to the two-party system.

Pretty typical socialist Jew.

(((Jill Stein)))

Sage and report.

It’s a kike. Kill it. That’s all you need to know.

Environmentalists don't even know what that word means, or else they have friends in the solar and wind industries that stand to benefit from preferential treatment. They are always heavily anti-hydroelectricity and Stein is no exception.

Apparently safe, cheap and renewable just isn't good enough. Let's cover half the landmass with wind turbines and then use the other half to grow corn for our 100% ethanol engines.

And it's a weeb DnC faggot.

Report, sage, filter and hide.

But she believes in stopping financial and military support to Human Rights Abusers. Last time I check, Israel isn't the biggest on respecting the kebabs' human rights. They blow the living shit out of them.

It's like pottery.

pick one

I have to say, you took an incredible leap from that image to that caricature. Almost impressive.

The only redpill you need is to shill her to berntards and prevent them from voting hillary

Yeah, I get this exact feeling. She out Bern the Bern, just goes to show just how gullible his voter base is.

Anime imageboard etc.
No need to be upset, user, we're only having a discussion here.

Not only that, she has stated in no uncertain terms that Israel is an apartheid state (which objectively is…). The real question becomes if her opposition to Israel is genuine or Soros-like, because we all know that Soros isn't exactly the greatest friend of Zion (publicly, that is) but never actively goes against it. These ex-Soviet Union Jews are the worst, to be quite honest, not only are they the full globalist package, their stealth Judaism is quite possible the most pernicious one.

Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to be happening. Stein is massively gaining voters compared to her 2012 run, but the bulk of the bernouts seems to be floking to Gary Johnson. All in all, the vote splitters of this electoral cycle seem to be damaging Clinton more than Trump. Even if Gary Johnson makes the stage come the presidential debates, it will only serve to siphon votes from Clinton.

Stein is more or less a perfect fit for the Bernie crowd, I do agree.

DNC projecting his DNC tendencies on others, how typical of you fagot.

Sage because not contributed ;_;

I bet she destroys him if they debate.

fuck off hillary

Considering that they're both leftist fucks, I would say so. Johnson is cognitive dissonance incarnate who doesn't even seem to understand that the political doctrine he supposedly espouses is supposed to be very right leaning, at least Stein seems to be ideologically consistent in her retardation.