Anyone a fan of the Elseworlds comics?
I have been reading quite a few of them, but my favorites have been the The Kingdom Come storyline, as well as pic related.
Anyone a fan of the Elseworlds comics?
I have been reading quite a few of them, but my favorites have been the The Kingdom Come storyline, as well as pic related.
The great thing about Elseworlds was the window of creativity it offered to people. It could be seen as hit or miss, but it's a breath of fresh air to have comics not dealing with their stupid continuity and that kind of crap.
Same reason why I like Legends of the Dark Knight.
Yeah..Speeding Bullets is good but In Darkest Knight feels a bit off to me. Granted, in that continuity, Batman manages to save the guy who would become the Joker…and then Sinestro fucks everything.
I love Elseworld comics. I too like Kingdom Come but I also like Dark Knight Dynasty as well.
I prefer Superman/Batman: Generations.
Just read about, sounds interesting.
May have to start reading it.
Some of them were very hit and miss, for obvious reasons. It's not hard to see why DC scaled back the imprint and later got rid of it altogether.
At least DC is collecting them now.
So..what about that one Elseworld story where Superman landed in England? Which is also co-written by John Cleese of all things.
It's not bad, but I noticed that it and another Superman EW story I read had similar cop-out endings.
Which one? Red Son? Or the one where Superman is a Frankenstein monster?
Possibly the one where Superman's whole family comes to Earth.
Actually I'm referring to Superman Inc, the one where he becomes a goddamn basketball player Ending had him assuming another identity altogether, attending a class on journalism… I wouldn't be surprised if it was a common issue with most Superman EW stories.
Last Family of Krypton? Funny enough I actually have all three issues of that.
Though we did see Superman in a boxing match…he lost.
Oh shit, I read that a few weeks ago.
I want to fly like Ka-el.
Anyone read the secret society of Superheroes?
Arguably the funniest thing that happened to Darkseid. The others being Darkseid with a pompadour..and Darkseid sitting on a couch reading Mein Kampft…or just Darkseid crashing on a couch in general.
Man, Darkseid seems kinda…/r9k/ like.
I liked those crazy crossovers they used to do like when Superman fought the Martians from War of the Worlds or when Batman fought Dracula.
There were extremely fun, I don't remember the Martian one, but I fucking loved Batman & Dracula.
Check that one out when you get the chance! It's really good!
I liked the one with retarded Batman.
Just read JLA: Created Equal.
Holy fuck I'm dying. Superman gains a harem after a radioactive storm kills all male humans other than Lex Luthor. Superman, by himself, repopulates Earths male population.
I'm fairly certain this is every man's dream.
The best thing about that comic was Wonder Woman holding a big jar full of Superman's spunk in reverence. The spunk that will impregnate all the women in the world, including her.
Shit was published by DC, yo.
Fucking had me rolling until they started with a proto-SJW speech.
Also jesus fuck Wonder Woman wants his dick.
Like, more than in Kingdom Come wants his dick.
Oh don't believe how much that image made me laugh. I was expecting Supes to shed manly tears..not comically bad tears.
Is anyone a fan of their predecessor, the Imaginary Stories?
Are there any where superman dies? Preferably in a painful and humiliating manner?
LODK was the shit. It's nice to see Batman go on weird adventures outside of the broken and cluttered canon of the main comics.
Just to remind you, Elseworlds are now multiple Earths. This means that JLA: Created Equal is a CANON EARTH that exists in the DCU, along with one where The Joker is a member of the KKK and another where Superman fights twin Hitlers.
I don't even know what the difference between canon and non-canon is in this context. I guess it's DC's way of saying that they reserve he right to make interdimensional travel comics where they revisit the worlds of Elseworlds comics and ruin them with dumb shit.
Well thanks to Convergence, the old Multiverse is back so there's that.
I liked The Nail.
And that Alan Davis Legion thing.
And World's Funnest, that was a riot. Fucking Evan Dorkin nails it again.
Was that Dan Brereton thing, Thrill Killers, any good?
World's Funnest is something. I mean, Darkseid died of laughter, Myx killing off the DCAU Superman and Batman was rendered in storyboard format…and it all ends with the notion that Myx and Mite has been doing this every week is just a cherry on the cake.
Best line: "I'm Caesar's ghost, and you can shut the hell up!"
From the lack of replies I guess the answer is no.
Go to bed, Luthor.