What does Holla Forums think of the current stock of cartoons we're subjugating our kids with today?
What does Holla Forums think of the current stock of cartoons we're subjugating our kids with today?
The purpose of TV is to make kids/people dumb enough to buy stuff in the commercials.
Gumball is the only good thing in Cartoon Network right now.
That part was actually clever.
Pull the stick out of your ass.
Related to OP
That was very entertaining actually and had a good message.
Why is this show considered bad again?
i like gumball, probably the only decent CN show right now
i liked chowder and flapjack too
steven jewniverse is tranny/homo propaganda though
World of Gumball is actually…okayish. But it is flawed. Shoddy character designs, very annoying characters (Richard, Anais), and at times too much SCREAM TALKING.
But if you ignore all that? It's actually watchable. Can't say the same for Adventure Time and Regular Show that overstayed their welcome while turning to crap.
It isn't.
Can I just say this is why I hate Gumball. It's the primary reason I cannot enjoy the show. The actors either sound too quiet and reserved or they START SHOUTING RANDOMLY FOR EMPHASIS BUT IT ALSO COMES IN PRETTY AWKWARDLY LIKE THEY CUT THEM FROM TWO DIFFERENT TAKES
And then there's Darwin's voice. Without a doubt the absolute worst part of the show. So loud, screechy, and obnoxious, it makes me want to kill myself. Gumball is in second place if only because he doesn't randomly change in pitch with every word.
Really, Gumball is a mediocre show that takes great advantage of the fact it's a cartoon visually, but the jokes and humor and even the characters are all just kind of flat. I'll concede it can do clever humor sometimes, but it's not enough for me, personally. It's noise mixed with the odd actual silent, clever part.
Do you guys remember the episode where Gumball and Darwin are talking about how the education system is awful because they protect the children from reality creating "safe places" ?
If that's the best CN has then I don't even want to imagine the worst. RIP Cartoon Network.
I like Gumball.
Shut up you old fuck.
Make me.
Scream Talking is not the only flaw Gumball has…
- Seriously stupid characters to the point it's obnoxious
- Lazy character designs.
- Spamming cross dressing jokes.
- Spamming homosexual moment jokes.
- Spamming male nudity jokes.
Even Phineas and Ferb did not get that repetitive. Also given how often they have Gumbal naked I wonder if the makers of the show are pedophiles, furry pedos. Plus Gumball himself is a shitty protagonist. He's selfish, moronic, a sissy, lazy, etc.
Why would we like this little shit? On 3 occasions he manages to nearly get his girlfriend killed (2 instances of choking hazards and 1 instance of his romantic obsession leading to putting her life in danger). And that's another flaw for Gumball his creepy ass obsession with Penny isn't cute it's a mixture of creepy and annoying so much so that other characters acknowledge Gumball's lust for Penny is just a nuisance to put up with because he comes off as this desperate beta pussy worshiping loser.
The other characters aren't much better. Darwin at least calls out Gumball's bullshit at times.
Anais? She's the generic bratty genius sister, who ever liked that archetype?
Richard….let's just call him Retard. Terrible character and that's it. He's so awful that he ruins Nicole via association because what the hell does Nicole see in that good for nothing pile of trash?
It's funny how characters who despise Gumball and his family are probably the best characters in the show. Mr. Robinson hates Gumball because he's a chaotic annoyance in his life, Miss Simian knows Gumball is a retard and fails him in school taking delight in his misery, and Penny's father hates Gumball because he doesn't want his daughter dating a retarded wimpy loser who is good for nothing. These characters should have been the main leads. Not Gumball or the other members of the family.
Also the shallow references the show has like Dragon Ball Z, Last of Us, etc just makes the show dated on arrival. Not even the literal anime sequence from Japan with Nicole impressed me. In fact, anyone else tired of Western Shows referring to anything anime? Fuck this junk.
Overall, World of Gumball is a heavily flawed show and is mostly finding a fanbase because Regular Show and Adventure Time have gone to shit.
People just look at the artstyle and instantly sperg "calarts potatoface garbage" even though the show is made in Europe.
Kill yourself right now, faggot.
go back to that obsolete commie peninsula if you love it so much
Fuck off back to Cuckistan
- Seriously stupid characters to the point it's obnoxious
- Lazy character designs.
- Spamming cross dressing jokes.
- Spamming homosexual moment jokes.
- Spamming male nudity jokes.
-Gumball is selfish, moronic, lazy…
- creepy ass obsession with Penny
- Anais generic bratty genius sister
- Richard is a Retard
- everyone hates Gumball
- shallow references
Overall, you're just a shitty, boring person. Watch some political shit instead. How about House of Cards?! Or something for old farts. Like Golden Girls. You clearly had no childhood.
Also, with Gumball I have the feeling they don't try hard and don't attempt to be better, or attempt to change to get a new audience or some crap. They don't try to offend. They just do fun stuff and go with it.
Its kinda like Bob's Burgers except you don't fall asleep while laughing because of the dry ass joke delivery.
I'll remind you once a nigger robs you.
you need to go back to wherever you came from buddy
Found the try-hard twelve year old.
Subjugate Sub"ju*gate, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Subjugated; p. pr. & vb. n. Subjugating.] [L. subjugatus, p. p. of subjugare to subjugate; sub under + jugum a yoke. See Yoke.] To subdue, and bring under the yoke of power or dominion; to conquer by force, and compel to submit to the government or absolute control of another; to vanquish. [1913 Webster]
It's subjecting, you miscarraged, malpropisting moron.