Surely Holla Forums will be great again if just we wait


Other urls found in this thread: mo sheen age

What happened to the last weekend sticky OP?


but it's saturday evening…

But which Saturday? And is it even Saturday and not rather Friday, or Sunday, or Monday? OR THURSDAY??

Fix the board you cumskin bastard

To be great 'again' we would have to revert Holla Forums back to its previous state, back when it was great in the first place.

But we now and .co is forever dead.

Oh well.

I've been waiting since 2003

why is he eating that poor doggy?

Aren't you that guy who posts pictures of underage girls?

Still waiting for Holla Forums to be great.
Holla Forums was never great

Doggo is Food

No no all the girls i post are of age mo sheen age

Attaboy, you keep fucking that chicken.

don't blame the mods for your own failures. they have tried to make this board attractive to anons who have something to contribute. step up, faggot. merit a cool ib. you will only ever receive, in life as on ibs, rather less than you give of yourself.




here's an OC

Good job making him right.

No user.
The only way to make Holla Forums great again is to make a wall.

so you can't post?

so you can't sage stickies?

No to keep out the bronies, furries and all other cancer and they will pay for the wall!
But seriously, we need more OC, but it feels like people are out of inspiration.

or just fucking lazy

so in otherwords you came to Holla Forums but you're against freedom of speech?

About the only thing i've ever made is captions for exploitables. I'd suggest you try making others and maybe oekaki threads with retarded drawings.

what did she mean by this?

Ill admit im too lazy, i could boot my distro an make some killer OC/memes… But im too lazy. You can have my lazy OC which i already posted in another thread

That my good user, was shit posting.
I like free speech.
I do however wonder why they are here since they have their own boards.
if the mods don't like something they just ban.

This is how you sage faggot


You're aware that there aren't any pony threads to be posted in right now, don't you? Perhaps you're didn't lurk.

I forgot to remove it from name field.


Definitely no goons here

where did I post that it was the mods fault?

No you didnt you just sage wrong. What i mean by wrong is it has no use here in this sticky…you must be new here


Goon here. I've been away for months. How can I help?

sage works.

Sage always worked and it was always a "downvote." Ettiquette on an imageboard is as retarded a concept as spam being free speech.

How so? Its like injecting cum in a prego bitch. It just has use, unless you count it just for laughs, but i think your the only one who laughs

Yeah well sage doesn't make a thread go down. It certainly does not stop a thread from going up, since it does nothing but bring attention to your post. If I see a super shitty thread I do not post in it. If I see someone sage in one, I bump it to spite everyone.

tl;dr shit thread? don't reply. period.

its good for spamming threads to the 250 limit.

Well you got me there user.
Thou it is the mix of the two.
It's the mods and the lazy/uninspired anons to make and keep the fun.

What exactly are the mods doing other than removing illegal shit again?

That's the smart thing to do. Not always the fun thing though.

le redditor is trying to tell others how to post.

True. Sometimes it's more fun to mix it up. You can always sage to make anti-sagers mad, or you can just bump it. I have fun making people angry though.

You need help. You tried it the channer way, now try it the way that works and bring in users.

making shitty weekend sticky threads that add no value in the board.

i'll samefag myself reddit gold for this post.
makes you think

Why are you here?

It has value. What it says is "we are watching you now pedos, post again see what happens"

These threads are a chance for us to come together and form a consensus on where we want the board to go moving forward. Strategy sessions like these can be valuable but we need to get on the same page and work together.

I always admired channers for their memes, wit and irreverence. We can teach each other a lot.

Well you got few good points there.

mods don't create value on imageboards that's our job

a sticky is a good get together for all of us that would otherwise be in separate threads.

Well what are we going to do?



Dont turn this into a dubs thread please

Never been my intention to get dubs.

prove it

users make an ib. mods do the cleaning. that's why moot called them janitors. simples.

exactly. utilize the sticky instead of crying about it

So what can i do to help Holla Forums?


we need to eradicate namefags and faggots, also the niggers

What the fuck? Now trips? I hope your not the same user.


Sadly I am.
I think i have a curse or something.

I haven't seen many namefags around. Maybe we need some back?

your curse is lifted


maybe you need to go fuck yourself

maybe you need to go fuck yourself, seriously

thou shalt not rulefag, period. it's always been like that and it always will be. it's the soul of these places and turds like you are cancer. have some chemo

Just pedo free speech

Well that's good.

It begins….

good idea. let's leave the place to 500 Holla Forumsfag trumpsuckers who haven't a functioning brain between them and as much originality as a photocopier. it sure would make chans great again.

i didn't see a lot of bitching when we btfo the ponies, pedos, but now you want to bitch about keeping a nigger, 2 namefags (who i won't name), and porn threads. noose yourself.

name the namefags pussy

z1 and rin. now eat it up, because you're probably one of them. fuck you

>>>Holla Forums

The problem is saturation and stagnation. This is also a big problem at times.


One of those people doesn't even namefag and the other one barely posts. Jesus christ you goons are trash at your job.

Holla Forums has somehow become less cancerous than Holla Forums. That doesn't really work anymore.

meh. either way, it's all fun

>>>Holla Forums

So what should i do? Hmm?

welp there goes the neighbourhood.

We legit need some fun name and tripfags, for proper pariahs if nothing else.

get tyrone's dick out of your skull, and let me give you the directions to 2014 cuckchan's Holla Forums. newfag. lurk the fuck more.

fuck off maka poster

you need to pay attention. there was a shitstorm and in case you hadn't noticed, the horsefucker ban was reversed. pedos are gone because they are illegal and attract he feds who would close the site and cost jim money. otherwise, Holla Forums would tolerate them by principle, albeit for many of the users through gritted teeth. this is how it should be.
free-speech or facebook. the choice is yours.

You are completely wrong. Homogenity is the problem. OPs can make their threads forced anonymous now, and users can filter. We're getting into spring and summer, when last year there were like five or six tripfags shitting up the board. There was a lot of annoying shit but also a lot of fun and drama. We have better tools to deal with it now, so mixing a bit in could spice things up a bit.

electrocute yourself. it might jolt your cock-sodden brain into life.

i saw bitching threads, but not a lot, mostly the spam, which was fucking hilarious. if we b& pedoes, there is no free speech. we already passed whether it's free speech or not. now we see if we're going further with it or no. i like Holla Forums nonetheless. the appeal is the shittiness and the mundane dead thread.

if i wanted namefags, discord, kikebook, twitter are available. namefags ruin anonymous boards, because they're not anonymous. again, i'd direct you to 4chan's Holla Forums, but since you're such a fucking newfag, i can only tell you to shut the fuck up.

Cock? I dislike cock.
But if its a futa fucking a girl then its ok.

What you want is not what everyone wants, and does not dictate what is allowed, and does not guarantee a better or worse experience.

One or two namefags can be fun, even if it's just hating them.

then gimp us some futa on a travis or something. preferably something, but a futa travis would be better than no pic at all.

I have a shitty computer that I don't want to overtax with animations and shit. That's my excuse. Maybe when I make some money. But if I make some money I probably won't come back to this dump.

mate, no one likes namefags. if anything will make this place more facebook, it's namefags.

I liek namefags.

I like girl namefags who post tits. But not if they linger too much.

why even namefag if you're on on ANONYMOUS board. it's attention whoring.

That's the point. One or two attention whores can be fun, in the very short term. Even (maybe especially) if they are hated.

If your so mad about namefags why are you using a name?

okay, i agree. i see the appeal to fling shit at people, but i really wanted us fags to do more raids. whatever the trend is, i'm okay with it.

not fair



I've always come to Holla Forums for the fantastic sense of community, and open diversity of freedom of speech


Why did you cover up my post with this garbage.


I am getting sick of losers like you people getting in the way of superior posts that deserve to be on the front page.



what's up niggers im fucking lonely and ready to die

hello fellow negro, i've checked your dubs and wish you luck in the afterlife. your friend. mr human bean.

fucking goons gtfo

This thread is everything wrong with image boards.

kill (you)rself

Every morning i wake up my dick is in my ass. Im not gay so i try to resolve this issue. Ive tried to ducktape my dick to the side of my leg and even on my tummy, still doesnt work. Next i tried a buttplug but that doesnt work cause i gotta poop out the buttplug and it hurts then i think i saw some worms too. So after the buttplug i tried to super glue my dick to the side of my leg but now ive gone and super glued my dick in my ass. What do i do? Please help me

did you try gluing ducktape to your asshole shut?

not an argument

Why argue when I can insult people on the internet?

No but i still have my dick stuck in my ass. Why does this always happen to me

remove your ass and then your dickk won't get stuck?

simple solution just remove the ass

just remove benis obviously

But what if my dick finds another ass? Oh god i dont wanna wake up in someone elses bed with my dick in their ass

What i wake up with someone elses dick in my ass? I dont want that to happen

I swear im voodoo'd

you can't wake up with your dick in someone elses ass if you remove it.

user seems to care for his penis. remove the ass. ass is causing all problems.


Thanks that worked

thanks. let me know if it shows up again. my ass-removal was botched and it would show up every 3rd Thursday.

Get in here. Not many users or posts in the target thread, but dumb reddit bitches with profiles mineable for PI, posted pics and specific psychological weak points.

Don't jump the gun, help us mine out as much as we can maybe even dox and hit these ten or so feminist cunts hard.

Fuck my life

open your freezer.

That wont cool my house, thats not how freezers work

That's exactly how they work.

Sure it will work but man will that bill be high

No, its not. An AC works via a coolant compression/decompression cycle that cools elements where air is blown past them

Freezers work in a similar fashion but there's no blowers, instead they rely on thermal energy being absorbed through the walls of the freezer itself. When you open the freezer all that will happen is its temperature will rise until it matches room temps and the compressor could overheat

Freezers use less electricity than a heater/AC. Just open it up and put a box fan in front of it. Make sure to take any food that will spoil out of it.

the only reason we ever really banned pedos was for being annoying asshats

Tripfag pls go


Just a test of 'reply' here.


Sticky-micky >>6892032

Sticky-micky (>>6892032)

Sticky-micky >>6892032>>

Sticky-micky >>6892032



