You guys still remember this one, right? Loki running for president in a series with decent writing and terrible art?
It's time for the conclusion to that little tale, if anyone cares to read it.
You guys still remember this one, right? Loki running for president in a series with decent writing and terrible art?
It's time for the conclusion to that little tale, if anyone cares to read it.
The End.
comic stinks
Thanks OP
pretty good story
more like
pretty good to me
Oooh, neat. I've been curious how this disgusting to look at book will end.
How would Loki deal with ISIS?
Ask Frank Miller, I'm sure he can think of something. I'd probably suggest posing as Muhammad and fucking a pig in front of all of them. And then tricking them into killing eachother or something.
That would be a pretty good slogan this year.
It took me a while to realize who the cancer patient was. And then I was like "….oh, yeah."
I'm actually surprised by the ending of this comic. The artwork is awful but the ending was surprisingly decent.
This was obviously traced.
Remember in the first dump of this someone came up with an ending where Loki wins, only to be physically bound by the oath of office (per Norse myth regarding a being like Loki and oaths) and wind up miserable and desperate to find a loophole so he can resign?
That was a much better idea.
I agree. The best part of this story was watching Loki make everyone dance like puppets, but then he suddenly got offended by the dindus and all their nuffin and quit. I could accept the ending if there were any hints along the way, but they made him 100% committed and eager to be president. It looks like the story got written, approved, and drawn, but then somebody said that he wasn't allowed to win so they changed the ending.
Personally, I think "dealing with President Loki" would be an entertaining thing to tie Marvel together for the next few years. Better than whatever status quo they have planned for the ending of Civil War 2.
Sounds like what a god would do..
I'd honestly pick up the book physically if it wasn't SO FUCKING UGLY. It was a good read but, holy shit, that art…
I liked that too
Neat story
This is the dumbest, most politically ignorant piece of crap that Marvel has published in a long time.
Well it looks almost as if it was made by summer random tumblr faggot, and not an actual professional artist. Waddya kno.
Really? This? Have you not been keeping up with Marvel at all?
Anyway, would you want to vote for someone with vague as fuck policies and no plan?
every president ever fam
This, to be honest. I know the Republican party is constantly sucking his ghost dick, but Reagan was really popular because he told people what he was about with no room for doubt.
I'm pretty sure he's just telling everyone who sort of gained something from it that he did it to help them. He does the same thing to another person right after he's done with her.
Hell, considering the last page in , he's probably got quite a few congressmen and business investors owing him favors, too. Stripping the executive branch of much of its power, driving stock prices down so low that there were probably a lot of buyouts and takeovers as people panicked and sold everything… He's got plenty of people he can claim to have helped, doesn't he?
Yeah, but honesty isn't a good policy for either major party since they're both "more money for us, fuck you."
For all the disappointing endings that could happen this is the less disappointing I guess?
The last time they dipped their toes in presidential politics was to suck Obama's cock 8 years ago. That's a fairly long time.
Although, I guess the Red Skull Nationalism speech overshadows this, but that struck me as ideological and not political.
That's kind of the crux of the story, isn't it? They're trying to make some vague anti-Trump statement, but they frame it as Loki just saying "I'm a liar, vote for me!" and everyone goes apeshit for him… and it's not until they're about to vote that any of them manage to ask "so what do you think about [blank]" and he flips his shit.
… Did Loki just save America?
Oh, so you think Trump has no idea what he's doing and has no plan?
No, he thinks that the writers thinks that Trump has no idea what he's doing and has no plan
I think that's what they think, going by this comic.
That's some tricky logic. Loki has no plan, therefore they think it's an anti-Trump statement, therefore they think Trump has no plan?
But he does have a plan, right? He's not just a retarded, limp wristed rich fag, right?
If you've been paying attention, that's a pretty common talking point on a lot of the mainstream news channels. Trump gives a speech and then the pundits respond by complaining that he didn't give any kind of concrete or specific plans and policies.
So, Loki running purely on catchphrases and populist rhetoric and having no plan sounds like the same sort of shit.
The plan, as it turns out, was the flip his shit at one rally, concede defeat, and help some random woman get her own TV show because she hated him.
So, Loki had a real plan, i.e. nothing like Trump at all, and user was talking out his ass because he's triggered?
As political commentary, the whole damned series is a trainwreck because Loki is presumably meant to be Loki and also a stand-in for Trump, which muddles the message pretty badly.
I think anyone reading that into is probably just being an outraged little bitch. No offense.
Look at the thread, it had been active for about 24 hours before anyone mentioned Trump at all. One user is an autistic who WANTS to see a Trump analogy. He needs to get some thicker skin, we can't baby everyone here.
It's not a big leap to make, given Marvel's SJW leanings, and their hamfisted way of tackling current events.
So, assuming he didn't drop out due to hack writers, how many of you would vote for Loki in the election presented in this miniseries?
I read in an interview that the scripts on this series were actually done before the primaries were over. I'm inclined to believe it, since we haven't seen either Trump or Hillary in this comic.
That doesn't mean shit. Anyone who wasn't delusional saw from months away from the end of the primaries that Hillary would be the Dem nominee and Trump would most likely be the Republican nominee (or the Party would have hell to pay).
Even before the primaries, though, people were freaking out over him. It's easy to see them concoct this story as a "cautionary tale."
Do you think they subversively imply that this is the true character of those people, or is their message: "If Trump Loki hadn't caused this division, everything would have been fine?"
if you mean getting the Congress to strip a lot of the executive power then yes he helped.
I think Loki is meant to be a parody of politicians in general rather than just solely Trump.
… wasnt he the one who told that nutcase about the man with a typewriter?
Just wondering now where else Loki has showed some screen awareness.
God damn that first panel looks straight outta moon over june.
>It's not a parody because the original source didn't make an appearance and none of the characters yelled "I'm a parody of_" in giant red text