If you had to cuck any one character in comics but were immune to reprisals from whoever you cucked, who would you cuck?
Personally I'd cuck Reed Richards
If you had to cuck any one character in comics but were immune to reprisals from whoever you cucked, who would you cuck?
Personally I'd cuck Reed Richards
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Oh that's easy.
Peter Parker.
Where's the fun in that? Live dangerously, OP.
Isn't Mary Jane a huge slut anyone?
Who's that one fan artist who always draws Peter with a micropenis being cucked and femdommed by MJ and Black Cat?
I think that's a bunch of people who got commissioned by one really obnoxious autist.
>>>Holla Forums
That's just one dude that commissioned THE FUCK out of that scenario a couple of years ago.
Artists actually had their reputation shot due people not getting they only did it for the money and thinking it was their fetish and went the BALEET EVERYTHING route and "restarted".
So if you see Artists with "only x amount of coms per person" that's them trying to avoid that.
mr miracle obviously.
mah nigga
Mister Mxyzptlk
Go to bed, Victor.
Luke Cage, just to piss off Bendis.
Go to bed Byrne
I would like to steal Ruger from Cox The Fox
I would like to steal Booga from Tank Girl
I would like to cuck Freefall from Grunge, and I would like to use Grunge as a toilet
I thought he was going to fuck Luke Cage to cuck Bendis
Miles Morales, because Bendis' pet character has it coming.
Miles, once he found his "Gwen" I'd cuck him and thus cuck Bendis as well.
He already got cucked remember? :^)
I think that guy is in charge at Marvel these days.
No reason I'm bringing this up, I'm just reminded of it when I read that. I wish Suni would pull the fucking trigger instead of pussing out every damn time
Mary Jane/Black Cat sandwich for the fucking win.
First time I scrolled past that picture I thought her tail was a boxing glove or some shit and someone had just rabbit punched her
Wasn't he called K-box? Something like that. That shit was hilarious. Watching him defend his fetish was funny too.
Found him. Kirk Boxleitner, AKA K-Box.
Lol, thanks, Anons, so much of the history of net perversion gets lost because of rampant depublishing, and people frantically formatting their hard drives and erasing their yiff sites or whatever when they get a straight art job. And I can't blame them, Uncle Ghastly lost a really sweet gig as art director for a newspaper because one of the soccer moms in the office Googled him and found he was a tranny who likes tentacles and he got the NOTD (Not Our Type Dear) speech…
I mean, I can't find Zodiac/Joe Cool, that guy with the herm She-Hulk site, anywhere now.
This is the best answer
That's disgusting.
An entire website devoted to She-Hulk with a dick. Photo alterations, fanfic, comics, guest art…
What's that? you want a link?
So is having sex on Earth technically cucking him? Is humanity as a whole cucking Ego?
I'd cuck ms.marvels bf or that skinny hippie that likes her.
I can't view any of the images! This link is useless.
Some of the images work.
Most of Zodiac's work is lost to the ages, unless some oldfag saved it all.
You can find a handful of his pictures at the buruus, but zandjc predates #34, back then it was just the ironmouse cgi shrines and Aerisdies.
I'd cuck Cyclops because Jean Grey and Emma Frost
He certainly has a type.
There's no character I dislike enough to value the humiliation, so I would make the tactical choice, if possible. For instance: if you choose Nightwing, do you get the whole harem?
For balance I would say you also get molested by Bats
Whomever Raven is fucking at the moment.
NTR is cancer.
Franklin Richards when he was dating loli Katie Power
Nobody. Comic characters have enough allies who would beat you up for them this isn't at all safe.