It's literal Dances with Smurfs
It's literal Dances with Smurfs
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Yes, I am ready for another dissapointing smurf movie.
Soft reboot?
Based on the french comic and no live action.
What's with all the spoken dialog appearing as text on screen?
but she had the worse voice acting in the trailer.
Smurfette got spooged.
The creator was Belgian and as far as I'm concerned the comic is Belgian too.
Same thing
Thank god
I think that actually could work if they weren't being absolute retards about it and trying to shoehorn in 'teh real world!!!' with NPH. But I fully understand and agree with this decision.
Dun fucked it up AGAIN Sony. Eat a bucket of dicks.
i came here from Holla Forums just to say i'd fuck smurfette
They wanted their answer to Alvin and the Chipmunks, a hit movie franchise also about tiny nostalgic children's characters
Really come to think of it, I'm surprised this was announced before DreamWorks' Trolls was released. Assuming that movie's a hit, of course.
Hank Azaria better still be Gargamel.
Can we have a movie for once where they have the practical-grumpy/eccentric-go-happy comedy duo, and instead of the grump character having to "lighten up" it turns out that the practical-grumpy character was right all along and the go-happy character learns a lesson? Like for example:
they have to go on a quest to stop whatever evil and they fail because of the go-happy character, and halfway through the film the world turns into an apocalyptic wasteland, and the rest of the movie just carries on from there. That's a subversive story I'd like to see.
So, this is the actual animation industry, people not even trying to play a character and just doing their usual voice even if it doesn't fit the character.
Remember when voice actors tried?
that's how Wander Over Yonder ended, kinda. He let the whole universe get demolished trying to befriend Dominator and in the end, Hater had to step in and save the day like a boss
This isn't necessarily indicative of the movie. Studios assume the general public is literally plebeian-tier mouthbreathers & they usually make the trailers super dumb to reflect that. Look at the trailers for the Kung Fu Panda films
But the straight man in that situation was Sylvia.
And I kinda meant it would have a bad ending