Mfw nigger

I was born half black but I'm what you'd call a self-loathing negro. I hate the fact that I believe to a group of people that behave like rabid monkeys. I hope blacks go extinct and Whites save Africa.

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belong not believe auto complete is too much for an old nigger like me to handle

I hate my own race too, but not as much as I hate yours.

Are you a chink?

Am spic. Im really pale though.

Would you be my slave

You can live on the day of the rope on the grounds your DNA will eventually be bred out within three-four generations.

You have to go though, Carlos. Apologies but you're already a mongrel people.

You seem like you're on the right track.

Please only breed with other Mulattoes/Negroes, that would be doing your part for preserving human biodiversity.

Is it okay if I race mix with any other ant race?

Ant race?

Yeah i honestly have questions about this like like if a halfer bred with whites for like two generations that makes them octoroons and they're pretty white but i mean are they really lesser for stealing black athleticism genes?

If you want to help your race, kill all of the retards and start a large family

That image illustrate a sad reality. At my wallmart, there is only one black guy and he stink, he is impolite to the client and he text all the time, yet we can't fire him until we find another black guy to replace him in order to fill our racial quota. Thing would be better if we would only hire black people when they are competent, rather than being forced to hire the first to pass.

get woke you pussy

But what if he's ​not a light skinned black, but a dark skinned white, therefore it's ok for him to hate blacks.

Be honest with yourself. A black man that shoplifts probably has no photography skills beyond taking selfies with stolen cellphones, and doesn't care to pay for a professional.

The white male with a family was probably forced to have professional photos taken of his family, by his wife, who he began to grow tired of because of her stupid bullshit.

tl;dr think before you post nigger

fuck off you braindead cumskin.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)


Dissolving your family in acid is the thinking mans hobby.

Try to be more positive, you're half-white.

Purge the shitskins

The best way to change black people for the better is to give them an ideal to strive for beyond thug culture. I know that's already been said a million times, but the only people who are actually trying this seem to be in it for the money, they never go far enough with it, or they just sound too insane and stupid for anyone to bother listening to them.

I had fairly competent friends who could have been more in life if they didn't fall for the gangster meme.

OP, raise mixed race awareness. Network with other mulattos such as yourself and form above-average IQ acquaintances. In time this will help divide yourselves from the feral trash and those will be dealt with easier.

Nice fanfic, Tyrone.

Blame academia and the SJW for dragging the world kicking and screaming back to the 1960s.

The best solution for all this shit is "stop talking about it." We were doing very well from 1997-2008.

Will there still be problems? Yes, but like scrapes it's best to not keep scratching and agitating them. Without all the bullshit theory, things will behave organically, and that is the best outcome.

tbh if op is truly a mixed race already then my condolences
but heres a pic to remind you to not breed with whites because you will remove the beautiful diversity that is enriched inside of you


Gets some self esteem.
Lift box learn game an goto eastern europe youll be exotic as fuck.roosh krauser cobfirmed

So true summed up 4chan n8chan


all your problems can be literally be blamed on white males and white racist systems

here's how whites are using media to subvert public and social opinion against Asian men and women.

the white race is still part of the human race, and this is a problem

I think you mean Jews. Hollywood is run by Jews, not whites.

rip >>>/rg/

prepare for fuzzy feels

This racial paradigm is really bad shit. I think we forgot how destructive it can be. The left was fucking evil for resurrecting it.

Bad times ahead.

am i crazy to think blacks just need some auschwitz level eugenics over several generations to reach a respectable state of self-governance?

Something that is litteraly free in London.


OP I hope you understand what position you are in. Pol made me see the truth about niggers but I also cannot help but see the white soul trapped in your monkey body. So this means that you are in a position to debate with SJWs without beeing called rayciss. You can tell them your problems, how you feel like you belong into no group, how you are neither black nor white and how you do not belong anywhere.

Racemixing is shit and you might become a strong advocate against it without beeing called a racist
t. slavshit

Racemixing isn't that bad when you have superior numbers and are careful about it.
Pic related: One of Australia's entirely "Aboriginal" police classes.

That's why Hitler was a retard and should have just outlawed Judaism and mandated that every Jew marry a gentile.

Its different with a abos because their genes are very reccesive due to being isolated for 50,000 years. It only takes 4-6 generations and you can't tell apart from any other European. That's if you want to take the non-lethal method of genocide, I'd rather the Tasmanian way

Fuck off, he should do what he was going to do and that is deport every last one of those roaches.

The Final Solution

Open your robinet.


You forgot muh dik.

white women literally belong to black men though

white """"""""""males"""""""""" are only good for the cuck shed or transitioning to white girls to serve dark dick

developed nations need to simply stop intervening in Africa. it doesn't even help them. give a man an aid package, feed him for a day. teach a man to fish, feed him for a lifetime. leave a man alone to fend for himself and you'll never have to even worry about whether he's fed because he'll either figure out how to feed and clothe and shelter himself or he will die trying. if he dies trying then he was never fit to survive in the first place.

it's a win-win; if they figure their shit out and start prospering then we won't have to keep worrying about the starving little africans dying of aids and heedlessly spreading ebola all over the world, and if they all die of massive incompetence then we can just move in, cremate all the diseased corpses and build a casino or some shit.

The difference isn't because of racism.
And black people aren't stealing to feed their families.


It's the other way around, Black women belong to the white man, we own them after all.

you're right, 90% of black people are bastards

Have a nice day

why are white males so pathetic

lmao give up.

"Racist systems" of media don't exist outside Hollyjew since the Internet. Either make something amazing so people admire you or go complain to the Hollyjews.

Also think about this: as a minority you have the privilege of being to emigrate to any of a half dozen countries and be reasonably certain to never see anyone who doesn't look like you ever again. Ironic since whites are the only people who can't do that.

Lynch yourself ffs



I know you are having a laugh, but here is what an ex-slave had to say:

"My granny tol' me 'bout a slave uprisin' what took place when I was a little boy. None o' de marster's Niggers' ud have nothin' to do wid it. A Nigger tried to git 'em to kill dey white folks an' take dey lan'. But what us want to kill old Marster an' take de lan' when dey was de bes' frien's us had? Dey caught de Nigger an' hung 'im to a limb.

"Plenty folks b'lieved in charms, but I didn' take no stock in such truck. But I don't lak for de moon to shine on me when I's a-sleepin'.

"De young Niggers is headed straight for hell. All dey think' bout is drinkin' hard likker, goin' to dance halls, an' a-ridin' in a old rattle trap car. It beats all how dey brags an' wastes things. Dey aint one whit happier dan folks was in my day. I was as proud to git a apple as dey is to git a pint o' likker. Course, schools he'p some, but looks lak all mos' o' de young'n's is studyin' 'bout is how to git out o' hones' labor.

"I'se seen a heap o' fools what thinks 'cause they is wise in books, they is wise in all things.

"Mos' all my white folks is gone, now. Marse Randolph Shields is a doctor 'way off in China. I wish I could git word to' im, 'cause I know he'd look after me if he knowed I was on charity. I prays de Lawd to see 'em all when I die."

That was hard to understand, amigo.
Some will mostly inherit the bodies of there white ancestry, while other inherit the bodies of the bantu ancestry. They are not lesser either way, and the "blacks are athletic" is a meme not based on reality. They have an advantage at some sports (some popular ones like basketball or sprinting during the Olympics), while having a disadvantage in other ones.


They seem okay from what I have read of them.

I did not laugh at all, that was fascinating. Thanks for sharing.

Freedom is all right, but de niggers was better off befo’ surrender, kaze den dey was looked after an’ dey didn’ get in no trouble fightin’ an’ killin’ like dey do dese days. If a nigger cut up an’ got sassy in slavery times, his Ole Marse give him a good whippin’ an’ he went way back an’ set down an’ ‘haved hese’f. If he was sick, Marse an’ Mistis looked after him, an’ if he needed store medicine, it was bought an’ give to him; he didn’ have to pay nothin’. Dey didn’ even have to think ’bout clothes nor nothin’ like dat, dey was wove an’ made an’ give to dem. Maybe everybody’s Marse and Mistis wuzn’ good as Marse George and Mis’ Betsy, but dey was de same as a mammy an’ pappy to us niggers.

There is a whole collection of these, look up WPA Slavery Narratives.

Instead of taking the easy path and wallowing in the hatred of your race you could begin improving yourself and those around you. All you have to do is be better than your father, and raise your sons to become better than you. Obviously change won't happen overnight, but it may never happen at all if you don't start now.

This bit is also gold:
"Lak all de fool Niggers o' dat time I was right smart bit by de freedom bug for awhile. It sounded pow'ful nice to be tol':

'You don't have to chop cotton no more. You can th'ow dat hoe down an' go fishin' whensoever de notion strikes you. An' you can roam' roun' at night an' court gals jus' as late as you please. Aint no marster gwine a-say to you, "Charlie, you's got to be back when de clock strikes nine."'

"I was fool 'nough to b'lieve all dat kin' o' stuff. But to tell de hones' truf, mos' o' us didn' know ourse'fs no better off. Freedom meant us could leave where us'd been born an' bred, but it meant, too, dat us had to scratch for us ownse'fs. Dem what lef' de old plantation seemed so all fired glad to git back dat I made up my min' to stay put. I stayed right wid my white folks as long as I could.

"My white folks talked plain to me. Dey say real sad-lak, 'Charlie, you's been a dependence, but now you can go if you is so desirous. But if you wants to stay wid us you can share-crop. Dey's a house for you an' wood to keep you warm an' a mule to work. We aint got much cash, but dey's de lan' an' you can count on havin' plenty o' vit'als. Do jus' as you please.' When I looked at my marster an' knowed he needed me, I pleased to stay. My marster never forced me to do nary thing' bout it. Didn' nobody make me work after de war, but dem Yankees sho' made my daddy work. Dey put a pick in his han' stid[FN: instead] o' a gun. Dey made' im dig a big ditch in front o' Vicksburg. He worked a heap harder for his Uncle Sam dan he'd ever done for de marster.

Thanks. I wish things were still like this. People seemed honest and pure more often than they do today.

it never fucking ends

i don't get this whole
horse shit