Biology and Gender War

The Biological Basis for Gender War

The modern and post-modern gender war has its roots in the human psychological reaction to the denial of basic biological needs and the frustration of the instincts which serve those needs.

The three basic human needs which form the basis for our understanding of gender relations are (1) Reproduction (2) Survival (3) Nurture of Offspring. From these 3 fundamental needs arise the instinctual drives which serve them (1) Impregnation (2) Security (3) Parenthood. When these instincts are frustrated the human animal responds with a desperate dissatisfaction which strives to resolve its failure to achieve its biological mandate.

The ways in which men and women respond to the failure to comply with their instincts drives them into different coping strategies which place them at odds with one another.

Consider the modern western female. At 13-14 her body becomes sexually mature and capable of breeding. Her instincts engage and she begins to seek impregnation and a secure social/economic situation to raise her young. Remember these instincts operate at an animal level and are rarely consciously contemplated. As a young woman still coddled within her parents household her need for security is already mostly satisfied. This leaves her with the desire to get knocked up and secure a mate bonding relationship (boyfriend who is "in love" which is the societal term for mate-bonding). Since she has been peer socialized and programmed by media she believes the best way to achieve these needs is to engage in flirtation and sex. Often this works to achieve impregnation but more often due to conscious interference of birth control techniques she fails to get pregnant. Since her relationships are not respected by society and her prospective sexual partners are not capable of long term relationships or supporting her children these early relationships terminate. Since humans are largely a monogamous species the mate-bonding phenomenon is intended to last for the maturation period of a human infant, about 7-10 years. Consequently after several failed bonding attempts a human female will begin to instinctually believe she is fundamentally defective. However, even more critical to understanding the human female's teenage crisis is the fact that her body will begin to believe that she is sterile.

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A sterile and utterly undesirable human female has failed at her most basic animal instincts. She will develop a deep desperation and self loathing. However, the human is complex social animal and has several secondary instincts. These instincts are designed to protect and nurture the offspring of their tribal unit. So while the human female will continue to desperately and more recklessly try to achieve impregnation (even while consciously thwarting her attempts), she will also begin to manifest adoption desires. She will adopt animals, people, or social causes in an effort to make herself relevant to the tribal unit and avoid expulsion. This means she will need to find a way to be more economically viable and compete with males (lesbianism and corporate feminism). At the same time she will be tempted to begin coercing or manipulating males into mating with her. She may do this through shame or deceit. The shame tactic involves placing guilt and blame on the male for not fathering her children or on society for failing to provide a suitably safe space for her body to become fertile. This spiraling and increasingly desperate effort to manipulate her environment results in what we see as feminism, social activism, mothering of special groups (adoption), reckless sexual activity, and gender antagonism.

When talking to an ex-lesbian friend, she confessed “The reason I resented my grandfather telling me I would make a great mother is that I didn’t believe it was possible. So I wanted to be valued for the other things I could do.” She didn’t believe it was possible because of several failed serious hetero relationships and her instinctual belief that she was sterile.

The human male undergoes similar process, however, males have two breeding strategies they can employ, one involving fatherhood and the other involving running from fatherhood. Since young men are neither expected nor capable (due to intentional economic restrictions) of being fathers they generally employ the second strategy. However more than a few will get their hearts broken in failed mate-bonding attempts. Their inability to understand why they were rejected as mates combined with their growing certainty of their own sterility will lead them to either seek out more aggressive mating strategies (rape), or become even more subservient providers (betas), or offer their lives for the survival of the tribe (war, revolution).

The reason why these responses are so divorced from their biological cause is that these instinctual drives are not conscious. The human mind routinely affixes whatever easily available explanation to the cause of their own behavior, however, their behavior is largely dictated by their subconscious drives not their "principles" or thoughts.

In conclusion if we are to end the gender war we must engineer a society which promotes the healthy relationships and parenthood potential of young people. This will permit young humans to fulfill their instinctual needs and work together toward larger societal goals rather than constantly seek to radically and randomly reform society in an effort to achieve reproduction security.

All overcomplicating things.

Modern technology has made womens' lives too easy. At the same time, it has devalued man power.

Bored women decided they wanted to step outside of the household since they were no longer needed to run it, or rather since it became too easy for them to run it.

Men had to compete more for stagnating wages that were driven even lower by women entering the work force.

Now, women think they can have every single thing they want and it's opposite just because they demand it and see no value in men outside of what luxuries those men can purchase for them, since they no longer see the value of survival.

Since women want both jobs and men with enough wealth to purchase them luxuries yet are unwilling and uninterested in cultivated skill and competativeness within themselves and simultaneously responsible for those men's inability to afford their demands any longer, they have decided to resent men for it.

With a small number of women being provided with large budgets for luxury and a media mouthpiece to insist that every women should have rich daddies too, they've lead an academically fueled charge and trend insisting that men give them what they cannot any longer precisely because of their own demands.

And they're too stupid and entitled to figure it out.

Women don't want jobs. Jobs suck and the modern woman is more miserable than they've ever been. They believe they need jobs either because they cannot reproduce or have been programmed by media to believe they cannot achieve security necessary for reproduction (nesting) without an unattainable standard of living.


This is a major contributing factor OP good work, their are certainly more contributing factors but you sum it up well and combine several of the main factors biological and subconscious, over all well done

You're right about that. They think they want jobs. What they want is control of a disposable income and a prestigious social position combined with a full time hobby.

biologically women want to manage the food the man kills -or the women gather, and through managing it nurture others.

anti slide

I agree user, but we cannot implement these ideas until we take control of our tribes.
This gender war is a distraction from that goal, for if we take back our leadership role in the nation, we can end all of the problems modern individuals face.

we need to do what the hippies did and infiltrate the system from the inside out

You forgot to mention the psychological effects of birth control that no one considered.

Rember, Birth control is a drug that fools the body into assuming it's pregnant, just what the fuck is that doing to the subject's head? Seriously, if you ever meet a woman on birth control, take her off, the changes are astounding.

Op plese never stop posting

That is an interesting point I have heard that the hormone levels also drastically increase the risk of cancer due to the hormonal imbalances

I'm afraid that may not be that easy, the hippies of the 1960's were CIA led. (mostly of course)
Almost any modern movement will be disabled, censored, publicly shamed to an unusable level before it can do anything, or gets infiltrated and turn into a worthless version of its former self.

you are 100% correct (trips confirm) however I am speaking of a disorganization without leadership, that Holla Forumslacks need to climb the social, political, and business ladders without revealing their hand and when the time is right a handful of strategic leaders would cultivate masses of supporters.

Good post, Op.

Holla Forums has been a major influence in many lives for over a decade - the results we can see today: we may have impacted a presidential election.

Holla Forums, and it's influence across the internet, is the answer to Yuri Bezmanov's revelation. Nationalism and a disregard for jewish propaganda has been pumped into many soft heads, and it will take another 15-20 years to disrupt our influence.

The question is, how do we go about snapping women out of this (((spell)))? Is fucking them the only way? I don't think it is. We're already seeing females signalling 1488 on youtube in efforts to attract a strong mate. I think if we continue on at our current course, more will follow suit. Holla Forums is trendy now. They'll demand men's rights, not because it's just, but because they want to fit in (and be impregnated).

Show me a woman that has used birth control since she was 16 and I'll show you a woman who is not only crazed from failed bonding but also has breast cancer. That'd be quite a class-action lawsuit for a lawyer that gathers the evidence, though I'd suspect they'd be killed before it could come to full fruition.

this is a good discussion OP but I think it fails to recognize a key factor in gender war, which is the female perception of male restraint as a sign of weakness, and how this leads to abusive "shit-testing" behavior

this sounds about right all we need to do is get a massive survey of women with breast/ovarian cancer and see how many of them took the pill, or reversely a massive survey of women on the pill or who took the pill and the rates of breast/ovarian cancer diagnosis, it would show a clear correlation, this data might already exist?

Shit testing behavior is a result of poor parenting. When fathers are emotionally absent (because modern work drains them of their will to live) their children desperately try to invoke affection and if not than then attention. If you pay keen attention to children's interaction with bad parents you'll notice that shit-testing is how they garner attention and affection even if that affection comes after an over-reaction.

Essentially bad parenting trains women to shit-test in order to get attention/affection and many women use this same strategy when they feel insecure in their male relationships (which is almost always).

That may be a good idea, but let me play devils advocate here.
Firstly, our numbers are severely lacking and even if you got to organize something like this (By organization I mean a thread on the Holla Forums's and other websites) the people who would be qualified enough to attempt this would be even fewer.
Secondary, we know one of (((their))) primary mode of gaining power is by hiring their own. Allot of shabbos goy have J blood in them and the ones that don't are either psychopaths, or indoctrinated beyond repair.
But lets say we got in positions of power and suddenly acted redpilled. There would be so few of us that it wouldn't really effect that much, and since we are a minority, they could do a JFK (admittedly this could create martyrs, but modern people are easely scared and don't have the mental strength to devote their lives to an ideal). Also, we would never get on top positions (chairman of the FED, president of an influential country…) since those are the ones that are prized the most by (((them))).

I would say that the best course of action is to redpill as many people as possible.
The only political action we may chose is to buy time.

The state is not our nation and never will be. Tribalism starts with family and grows outward at local level. Unless you have a strong social/economic support system established among your own family and friends complete with safety nets and dispute resolution techniques then you don't have a tribe. No tribe means no nation. We have to build form ground up.

This is how the Jews won, by organizing their tribe around the synagogue regardless of individual beliefs. They start business, hire their own, and hook eachother up. Because they were oppressed they learned to practice tribalism within the state structure.

It's time we learned to do the same.

Women have rejected femininity and have then had the void filled with a facsimile of masculinity (Feminism and the equality cult). How people are reacting on a base, biological level is simply the symptom of humanity rejecting itself, and so you have females that nurture nonwhites and men that simply seek sex without the intent to bear offspring.

Trump is one man user….only one…imagine hundreds across the country on various scales -city council -mayoral -senators -teachers -psychologists -lawyers etc…some people have vision others just tell them they are seeing something wrong

maybe user… I think I can't disagree.
Tho I still believe redpilling is our 1. priority.

out jew the jew

These effects can have simple solutions like an open hand slap across the face -like was done for thousands of years, but in todays "society" it would garner a party van an anal cavity search and mandatory imprisonment


bumping good thread

You cannot break the over all conditioning of the system unless you break the system support structure itself.

Men will not rise up unless they are forced too. Individual luxury is too easy to acquire and apt at delivering false positives in pleasurable returns without a corresponding deeper connection which engenders pride. Basic survival in the face of hardship by nature fixes that lack of engagement and satisfaction.

Females will never voluntarily give up what they have now. And the system will gladly protect them and their whitenights since this provides the system with a captive slave force. Decades of propaganda have indoctrinated minds into equating success in work as transferring into success in sexual attractiveness. Almost all advertising is based upon that premise and one of the reasons Trump is so supported is the direct representation of this. In reality this only creates beta slaves to work for the system, always chasing an idea that is not born out in reality.

If you want any type of 'return' to natural ways, you have to bring war, fire, death and destruction to the entirety of this civilization. Nature would take its course then. Anything else, and you only delay what is already in effect.

Even without direct opposition, of which there would be armies worth in waiting. Things as simple as apathy, laziness, a desire for known stability, and base creature comforts would all be massive headwinds to fight against in the normie mind. Causing them to also push back against you for fear of losing any of that, for your strange alien ideas.

It is better to sow chaos and let death teach them the truth or swallow them whole in failure. That fucking monster don't give a fuck about their feelings, desires or anything else they squeal about. And they would happily deliver it unto your head for the crime of 'rocking the boat' in the first place.

So good fucking luck.


I like your dubs and your image but user do you realize a giant x class solar flare would resolve most of these structures erected by the system?

'Nuther bump. Threads like these are what makes Holla Forums great.

Not sure I agree with OP though

Man has rudimentary instincts, true, but these don't drive him to do anything. We don't shy away from fire for instance, we seek it out because we know what fire can do for us. It is our knowledge and the moral principles we derive from it that are our driving force.

But people rarely go about actually defining what their moral code is. They pick stuff up, imitate others. There is a Chinese saying that reads: When times are good, people are usually good. When times are bad, they are usually bad. That's because unless you consciously choose to define morality and live by it, people tend to go whichever way the wind blows. That's all the subconsciounce is really. A mechanism that integrates all the input of the outside world into some semblance of a whole. It goes something like: 'Everybody does X, X is therefore probably alright.' X is now a part of your behavorial pattern and will remain so until you closely examine X and choose to keep it or reject it.

The way I see the teenage girl in the example is that her hormones may give her certain urges and a desire to seek a mate, but if she's been taught that extended adolesence is fine and focussing on getting a diploma and/or career is what's really important, then she will act on those principles first, and probably regret it later.

capped for prosperity


Our recent foray into the esoteric realm and our glaring success in such things delivering what we desire. I see no reason to hope for some long shot disconnected change vector.

The Gods seem to like blood. And lulz. I see no reason not to provide both while furthering our general goals, and encouraging the Gods to further support us thru sacrificing the unworthy of survival on the alter of life, so that we make our legacy better overall. Waiting for some third party to provide wishes clearly doesn't work, but encouraging prospective third parties thru our collective will and supportive actions, does seem to. And if they do not deliver, it would not matter much anyway since our desires will be furthered by our own direct actions in and of themselves.

But that is an discussion for another thread. So lets keep focused on OP's damned good posts. Not like we have to agree with each other on the solutions right now, our ways will figure the best path eventually anyway, and OP gives us a trail to start on.

I think Holla Forums is too traditional when it comes to women. We don't need them anymore, we have artificial utherus and man made oocytes. If you find a good one, take her, but don't settle for a bitch just to boost birthrates. Soon you'll can do that without a woman.

mgtow, please leave.

We can agree on one thing, shits fucked up.

We always are going to have our strenght in the numbers. Remember, all of this, every single idea of power these ((people)) has, relies on other people (our people) doing their bidding and upholding their power.

And the fact that this very society goes against our own nature so much that you're seeing big amounts of men dropping out from participating, you're seeing women suffering from depression and whatnot aswell. People aren't in general happy nowadays. So eventually that has to lead to them turning against the ones truly in power and without relying on others to do their work, they are just old weak (("men")).

You don't outjew the jew. The jew is maybe the worst parasite the world has ever seen. Especially in it's passive aggressive hate of it's hosts, to the point they are going through genocide to make sure we aren't around to hurt them anymore.

However, we are never going to win this by starting to act and behave like kikes.

Wait why not? I mean the user above mentioned that they used synagogues to essentially conduct business and establish connections to further themselves. One of the beautiful things about this nation is freedom of religion. So why don't we start a temple of kek? We could shitpost in it and when we're bored with sacrificing me message to his holiness we can be establishing ourselves and expanding.

not only would it be very spiritually bad for you, but the feds would catch on and take you out or at least prevent you from ever getting anything meaningful done

As a bonus this would provide us further anonymity.

If you're a Christian sure but the Fed wouldn't be involved much I don't think. One, it's considered religious so lawfully dangerous for them to go after. Two, not all of the Fed hates us and while it wouldn't be a true religion, so long as we don't violate tax laws there's nothing illegal for them to go after.

No faggot heil Eris the temple is all around you. Chaos and balance, as concepts, are directly interchangeable. Such as entropy and luck. These things manifest themselves most readily when things are represented by numbers, mathematical coincidences are not uncommon. Plato probably died a virgin researching this phenomenon. These digits can also attest.

I read you, but that doesn't mean we can't put those concepts into a book and call it religion. Fuck look at scientology. We all know it's a ruse but fuck all is being done about it.

Cancer is caused by damaged dna. Anything from a sunburn, to GMO corn can and does cause cancer. Corporations have been using this fact to hide from persecution for over 50 years. All we need to do is limit those things which are potentially dangerous, but since many things can contribute it becomes a conspiracy of industry. If 30 products all cause cancer and you use all of them you can never prove which one was THE ONE that gave you the cancer. It's a disgusting crime. And yes, altering hormone levels for an extended period of time could either cause damage to the dna of cells in the body or suppress the immune system allowing dna mutation to go unchecked.

Genetherapy is going to be the "cure" for cancer, but prevention would have been possible from the very beginning if our world was not ruled by corrupt sociopaths.

Reality is so cruel.

Dietary deficiencies can also cause or help to cause cancer.

That ain't gonna be easy. Those marxists expect that, and spend significant effort on ideological purity tests and purges in any positions of influence.

I personally think this is the biggest one of all. Since the bulk of our food either is corn or derives from corn we are buying calories with no nutritional value. Hopefully the Non-GMO/Organic movement will help fight against this. I have definitely noticed that the industry is responding to demand.

What is typically considered a healthy diet to combat this?

prove that GMO causes cancer.

Go ahead. Try it

Holy shit, checked!


Idiot. Literally everything causes cancer if you get it in high enough quantities. If you eat a lot of non-GMO corn you will have a greater risk of cancer because corn in general is not that good for you. GMOs just raise the stakes because now you can copyright life and use cheap shit GMO in literally everything which leads to malnutrition which leads to cancer. Satisfied? Of course not because you are a GMO shill baiting for responses. GMOs are a garbage product and yes, they cause cancer just like the sun, Round-UP, air-conditioning, and your mom's fat ass. They all cause cancer. But unlike your mom's delicious fat ass, no one wants GMOs.

Do you get it yet?

merkel, immigrant babies and germany in a nutshell

needs graphs


OP is mostly right, and here's a video stating experiments in model species PROVING him.

Yes you are, and nice rebuttal by the way.

This, the worst to worry about would be paid shills and COINTELPRO fucks in our midst, but nearly any movement or group with any traction whatsoever has those and they are not difficult to spot and resist. As a bonus we can set up a legal tax haven as a church. My concern would not be fed fuckery, but the fact that Holla Forumsanons are spread far and wide across the world and the density of them in any given town is not enough to effectively organize, it would likely end up as 5-6 autists LARPing IRL , and recruiting would only invite faggot normals and co-opters to ruin the whole thing.

I think memetic warfare while waiting for der fuhrer is exactly what we should be doing.

Public organization online and offline is impossible with the police state and planetwide observation. But even the reptilian overlords are at a loss when combating dank frog memes.


We'll there are bound to be people coming into it attempting to find meaning. Give them one.

Interesting thread, I've had this concept of failed female mating, and therefore pair-bonding, bouncing around in my head for a while since I first discovered it.

Of course this mainly affects K-selected (i.e. non-shitskin) populations. Some anons have said that the conscious mind overrides the subconscious behavioral programming, and while that may be true sometimes for certain intelligent, informed and willful people, I don't think it applies to the vast majority of them. So in a sense, maybe the Catholics are right about this one issue of condemning birth control. You might say that birth control is important for keeping shitskin populations down, but Sha'niqua still has 5-10 kids whereas Sally has 0-1 child. So birth control seems to be basically destructive of K-selected people and ONLY K-selected people.


So I did a modicum of research:
A Jew? No, born an Irish Catholic. So I dig deeper…
Ahh, there we go. So who actually designed the pill?

I don't want to sit here and research the entire timeline of birth control at this moment, but I wanted you to know that Holla Forums was right again.


The entire purpose of GMO crops is to have a cheap, nutritionless substitute for real food. This is what causes a lot of cancer.

How about you prove to me that GMO crops have equivalent nutritional content to their non-GMO counterparts? Oh also keep in mind that the purpose of the industry is to grow this shit as fast as possible with chemicals in depleted soil.

checkmate lawl!

No, the purpose of GMO crops is to have plants that can survive with shit tonnes of roundup poured on top of them. Your argument is complete shit, because it's basically saying that anything causes cancer if you have too much, so you can't possibly single GMO out over everything else.
Do you have any evidence that they're not?
Agreed, this is a problem, but not one inherent to "GMO", as in the fact that they are genetically modified. The problem doesn't lie with the plant itself, just the fact that it's designed to soak up shit tonnes of carcinogenic pest-killed and not die.

tl:dw, When resources are abundant females do the choosing and males to the fighting. When resources are scarce, males have an even higher choice that the females had during abundance, and females fight each other at approximately the same levels as the abundant males.

If we can extrapolate to our own situation, the best thing most non-reproductive males could do would be to disrupt the abundance of their environment to the extent of starvation to increase reproductive odds. That's why in a Civil War II type of scenario, pretty much everybody loses except for marginalized fighting-aged men. Those men actually are provided with a chance at reproduction or social growth. You know, childless men who masturbate to anime.

At which point you eat it. So whatever, it's dangerous to eat for WHATEVER reason. Go start a GMO thread you autistes

Is this shit satirical?

Learn to write English Jamal

So we can agree that there is nothing inherently wrong with the GMO nature of the crops, just the multitudes of pest-killer they pour over it?


Thanks for digging that up.


m8 if you have opinions this dumb you are not allowed to call others shills

Why don't you just eat a lot of grape jelly with your corn? It's basically the opposite of corn in color, texture and flavor. It should cancel the corn aura and balance the quantities.

Astute analysis, and the type of post that makes Holla Forums great. Congratulations you have changed my world view on the gender war.

OP why do you think birth control was invented in the first place and second of all why was it made legal into mainstream society?

It seems so self destructive and contradictory to self castrate. Is it, that women adopted this technology because men wanted more sex without the heavy cost of child raising?

Do you think this problem (birth control) stemmed from limiting newly fertile women from reproducing? It seems odd that in all of history as soon as a girl ovulated she was ready to be married and start a family, and in modern history we have revoked that right to reproduce. Why would we do that?

I am trying to understand the elements that created this environment any ideas Holla Forums ?

I know some will accuse the Jews if you please provide the supporting documentation. Also when did this trend start that limited female reproduction when she starts to ovulate.

Infertile women and beta men supporting the mass importation of fertile cultures make perfect sense on a biological level. If you have a culture that fails at it's primordial task reproduction, adopt a new culture that is fertile. I understand we have a lot of hate for Islam, but many of the points I see argued on the internet is their lack of women rights. The odd thing is that is what makes them ideal adoption candidates, by refuting women rights and giving women the security they want and need to raise children. Marriage and loyalty they are the most attractive candidate for adoption by an infertile culture. And since when did Holla Forums believe in women rights?

Women should not have the same rights as man. The man should be responsible for her and provide for her as her biological needs demand. I hate this lunacy of muh women rights on all criticism of Islam.

She planned to attend medical school, but instead married Stanley Robert McCormick, the youngest son of Cyrus McCormick and heir to the International Harvester fortune, on September 15, 1904.[1] In September 1905, they moved into a house in Brookline, Massachusetts. The couple did not have any children.

Why would a women who has no children, then finance a project that castrates other women?

Ignore my question I have found the answer, the pill was actually created in an attempt to help pregnancy.

As in all things evil. It always starts with giving a small bit of ground. Give them an inch and they will take a mile.

1957 The FDA approves the pill, but only for severe menstrual disorders, not as a contraceptive. An unusually large number of women report severe menstrual disorders.

People misquoted me! It was actually the Cardinal of Austria who said that I said it was actually the pill that was responsible for this. The pill has nothing to do with this! People do not have fewer children because the pill is available. The best example is Japan, which has even more horrible problems than Europe in terms of an aging population and decreasing population. And the pill was not legalized in Japan until 1999 and is not very popular. Therefore women have fewer children for different reasons.

This Japan bit concurs with OP theory. Birth control is not the sole factor in limiting child birth.

I strongly disagree. What we find out more and more through modern science is that humans are far more controlled by their subconsciousness than we ever thought. Free will is mostly an elaborate hoax constructed to make our higher brain functions cope with the fact that they are constantly superseded by our more "animal" instincts. There are rare cases of brain damage where this illusion shatters and people feel as if a stranger was remote-controlling them.

Your fire example is also very much not applicable. Fire and the use of fire was a tremendous survival factor for humanity. Not only did it offer protection from night predators and could even be used for hunting by panicking animals with it, but its most important use was cooking. Cooking makes food you consume between 20% to 25% more nutritious. That is an insane competitive edge over every other animal and even the humans who don't utilize it. This means that fire is literally bred into our genes in form of a fascination with it. This is why we have to teach our children to keep the fuck away from fire. No other animal has to do that because they are all deathly afraid of fire on an instinctual level, a trait that has been - by evolutionary selection - bred out of us and has in fact changed into an allure so strong our species now produces passion arsonists who set stuff on fire for the (misguided) gratification it gives them.

So I think OP is exactly on the right track with his posts. We are made to breed way younger and modern society, Cultural Marxism and the Jews are fucking that up for us. Since this is happening on such a grand scale it produces not only messed up individuals but also even further degenerates society as a whole, creating a self-reinforcing downward-spiral. Now, we can break out of that but it is going to take tremendous effort.

There's plenty of scarcity in the middle east, yet no man seems to want to live there, instead they all travel north to live in abundance, even though there are no women for them here.

The CIA can infiltrate any organization because they have the funding and manpower to do it. They can purchase any equipment, expertise, or manpower they need.

The solution?:

You know how memes gather more power the more people believe it? Same thing in the physical world, the more people doing something, the more effective, longer-lasting, it is, and the faster it gets done. Funding is a big part of that, you millionaires out there who believe in your cause need to put your money where your mouth is.

If we have funding to back up our manpower, we can put our expertise to use for our own agenda; instead of acting exclusively as an open source think tank that only the enemy can put into practice.

Never stop posting, this is what makes Holla Forums great; the ability of high intellect individuals to come together and brainstorm, instead of it just being limited to alphabet soup think tanks.

Took a while for the mask to slip but:

Rape is practically nonexistent in Western society despite the tens of millions of sexually frustrated men.The vast majority of "rape" is a statistical illusion caused by females telling lies. Presenting rape as a real problem reveals a feminist agenda, or internalization of feminist beliefs.

The claims about bodies "thinking" they are sterile is similarly outlandish. Bodies are not capable of thought, nor is there any inherent "natural" understanding that sex leads to pregnancy.
Prior to the advent of standardized sex education, many women reached adulthood without knowing that sex leads to pregnancy and certainly for most of human history this was the case. In other words, the body of a woman on birth control doesn't "think" it is sterile because it does not "know" that sex is what causes pregnancy.

OP's thesis fails even harder in the case of men, who were, it seems, only grudgingly paid lip service. It fails harder primarily because this appeal to instinct completely falls apart when we realise that for most of human history, the mating strategy was not monogamy but orgy. Even if these people had known that sex is what causes pregnancy, or if the body had some way of tapping into the thoughts and acting instinctually upon signs of infertility, the father in any given case would remain unknown due to the open nature of the breeding.

But in both cases, this non-existent instinct to cause depression etc upon sensing of infertility would serve no purpose.

Women are not a part of the solution, neither is trying to figure out ways to persuade them to breed, especially based on fringe biological theories. To repair society requires only that the Jew be dethroned. Everything else follows from that point.

This makes so much sense. Also something I've never explained accurately in the MRA/PUA community, even though it's essential to the core of their worldview. I wonder (((who)))?….

Not out-jewing the jew. This is white mans' method, the jew merely copied it, and disguised it within a religious institution. This coupled with the fact that they do not live in their own homeland. I say lets move the Palestinians elsewhere and give them a bigger, more fruitful chunk of land chunk of land; and fence Israel off in its' own great apartheid. This solves the (()) problem.

It's eight minutes?

We can nitpick every tiny expression or we can accept that this whole discussion becomes a hell of a lot easier if we allow for abstraction that while not wholly correct conveys the idea quick and dirty. Case in point: When OP says "the body thinks" what is meant is that you have a discord between what your instincts tell you how your life should be at this stage of your life and reality clashing fiercely with that.

So a woman who is at an age at which she really should have children but doesn't will have instincts and hormone levels (even worse if she's on the pill) that create urges which run into a total void. She now has all those maternal urges running wild within her but no outlet for them resulting in her adopting a dozen cat's or flooding her country with over a million shitskins.

I'm not sure if I buy the "make yourself useful to the tribe"-narrative but caring for next of kin is a viable strategy to make at least some of your genes survive if you can't breed and those instincts can bend so they fuel nonsensical or even harmful behavior like the examples I just gave.

The emphasis on female purity in all functioning societies and their strict punishment of sexually promiscuous women via loss of status begs to differ. People even know that sex makes babies on an instinctual level. It's called jealousy.
Now because of sexual taboos young people might not have exactly understood where babies come from, but those same taboos ensured that (female) promiscuity was retarded. But even that was pretty rare since everybody who grows up alongside domesticated animals knows damn well where babies come from.

Utterly ridiculous. Apart from some very degenerated tribes this was never the case. Orgies are a hallmark of formerly great states on a course towards self-annihilation, indulged in by the despicable leeches masquerading as their elite. Tribal humans pair bonded and then occasionally cheated behind their partners back. Some very successful males managed to be fit -in the Darwinian sense- enough to attract multiple females but that was it. I presume that modern practices of polygamy in the Arab world are pretty indicative of how that worked, meaning the male most likely only ever slept with one woman at a time. Both polygamy and cheating undermine the nuclear family and are thus destructive to society, so I don't condone them, but orgies are a whole other level of degeneracy and a clear symptom that the society within which this is happening is sick to the core and will likely die.

I defend my claim that bodies think. The sub-nueral networks within the lower brain and body carry out cognitive processes in same way as your conscious brain. This may be non-verbal and non-visual but they are very much thoughts. Meditators will attest to this when they are able to breach he subconscious divide and directly commune with their body and larger mind. There is also medical evidence for substantial processing being conducted by major organs and spinal column. This is biological basis for the Chakras and why learning to commune with them renders insights into your subconscious.

You're wrong and the idea you'd think this was normal shows your slant. Orgy is a strategy of desperation as there is no way for a male to ensure that his semen wins or that he's not wasting effort raising another man's child.

The pill is only part of the problem. Condoms, withholding semen, or abortion can have a similar affect. Condoms however would lead to a 'my mate is sterile' assumption. Abortion would lead to "my womb is defective' assumption.

There is evidence of females in primitive tribes being able to instinctively control their fertility. This appears to be in response to resource scarcity such that they can avoid overpopulation. However, this ability appears to be lost in more advanced cultures. This would indicate that environmental stressors also play a large part in the female's reproductive instincts i.e. 'I cannot reproduce until global warming is not a problem anymore.'

As it has been said my thesis is not the entire picture nor is it completely formulated. A large part of the gender war is how these basic biological motives generate social movements and memes which in turn have their own weight and momentum. However, biological crisis is the base and psychological fuel for the fire.

Oh, I am aware that "thinking" doesn't only happen in the brain. Conscious thought is generated there but that is influenced and often even overridden by processes that happen in the rest of our body. I don't think we actually disagree here.

Where I do have a problem is
Now, you do mention environmental stress as a factor and I am completely on board there, as I am with the psychological factors and their impact on health and fertility.

But you seem to postulate some kind of mental training that ancient women (universally?) had to prevent, or at least diminish the chance of, unwanted pregnancy. I say mental since humanity has had the knowledge of how to abort a baby by various, often herbal, means for longer than we have recorded history.
I can see no indication for a mental ability of that kind in written history, modern meditative practitioners nor current science. If you have any good evidence for such I'd love to see it.

Finally I'd like to say that I completely agree with you that the imbalance between the technical means as well as society on the one side and our biology on the other is fueling the fire of the current gender wars. Contraception and abortion are like crack - they are/allow easy fun in the short term but utterly wreck you and your life long term.

The diet that your genes evolved to cope with. So find out what has been succesful for your genes in the past and go with that, seems like the safest bet.

I would think that perhaps women in remote tribes could express the pregnancy-preventing stress (due to resource shortage or whatever) verbally, but that does not connote willfull control.


yet she never mentions how abandoning the gold standard would influence the pound to make exports more competitive.

If you are to win, you must understand the tools that are used against you. This is the most important battlefield of all. First you need to have children before you can secure a future for them.

Yes, this is the core sickness of modernity.

There is human biodiversity, first of all. What you are saying is true in most of Eurasia, where male muscle or protection was the most valuable resource, but not true in most of Africa or Polynesia.

Also, humans react differently to different circumstances. Among our chimpanzee ancestors, high-status female chimps are punished for losing their purity; but low-status females are punished for trying to stay pure. — The same is true among humans, at least traditionally. Among their own people, girls are rewarded for being pure and punished for giving up their purity. When conquered by outsiders, the same girls may be killed if the keep their legs together, and cherished if they spread them. Where the invasion becomes more-or-less permanent, the same women may have two very different attitudes towards sex… one with the rulers, one with her own kind.

You seem to me to appreciate the core of the problem. Partly it is that as health and nutrition improve, late menarche disappears (customs that made sense with late menarche don't, otherwise). I think there is some sort of vicious cycle connected to the fact that parents tend to insulate a young girl from men who are much older than her, assuming she can hold her own against boys but not someone very experienced. So as girls get sexualized at younger and younger ages they are more and more cloistered off from adult men who could actually marry them and start families.

In other words, in the 1930s girls who menstruated on average at 14 would routinely marry men 5-10 years older; in other words, they were already adults by the time their future wives were fertile. In the 2010s girls marry men whose balls hadn't dropped yet when the former had started to menstruate at 11 or 12. But on biological grounds alone, age gap between wives and husbands should have grown by three years… and more, if you think it's no longer common for 18 year-old men to be able support babies.

but merkel is a fucking jew, so even if she had yids she'd still be fucking horrible

I really like the esoteric direction that Holla Forums is going, it's about time we learn about other grand conspiracies that are going on beyond the jews, and that we bring these things to light in the public eye.

Holla Forums bantz would be really awkward and cringey in real life


The idea that birth control is the root of a lot of degeneracy and problems in our dysfunctional society has been bouncing around in my head for a while now.

It contributes to what was discussed in the OP, causing young men and women to think they're defective as well as make women and men more irresponsible. This is why both men and women think there are no good of the other gender in existence, because most on both sides just want to fuck and can't handle the responsibility of raising a baby and caring for a family. If birth control were outlawed, women would stop being sluts because they'd know the risks more, if they can just fuck anyone with a condom, then they're not going to show any restraint. This will also keep rapes down because they will be even more discouraged and hated by society since the woman would have to care for the baby which would make women keep their legs closed even more.

Outlawing birth control could actually guarantee that women stay pure virgins until marriage and ensure that couples are much more sure of their decision since it would be hard for them to find another partner once they're used goods in such a society. It would also help encourage people to start families earlier, and get teens and young adults working earlier since they'd have to provide for a baby in their early 20s like back before birth control was mainstream. These early families would have more time to bond and grow together instead of the same two partners slutting around until they're 30 and then desperately grabbing anyone who is still willing to marry them and shitting only 1-2 babies so they can be done with it already. The women would be making extremely healthy babies since they would be breeding with men during their peak-breeding years as well as having many since they're extremely horny during that period as well.

Of course, child work protection laws would have to be changed so that kids can actually work considerable hours to help their family, and in a traditional NatSoc society, the family unit would be strong and would live together with multiple generations longer and closer together, instead of relying on the state when they hit hard times for welfare, they could rely on any branch of their hospitable family to take them in until they graciously get back on their feet, unlike today, where the marxist system seeks to break everyone apart and apply theories of relativism that everyone can work the same without any sort of special environment and family conditions and instead just have the state.

Also, continuing on with children working, part of the reason why white parents can't have many kids anymore is because themselves and the system wishes to coddle them to the point where they end up like practical infants at 18 resulting in SJW and irresponsible liberal types when biologically and historically they should already have a lving wife and kids whom they're providing for at that age. But instead, they go to college which coddles them more so they can go party and further increase their broken reproduction signals and possibly ruin their lives in an accident or getting kicked out of college (which their entire future career relies on) or getting hooked on drugs and alcohol.

(Hitler dubs confirm)

How could we be sure that a good society would actually be built after all the destruction. A race war under the current system is exactly what (((they))) want because they wish to build a New World Order from the ashes of desperate, scared, gullible people.

Most of the people leading such a war would not actually be aligned in our way of thinking, they'd likely be normalfags who couldn't understand our ways which is why we must redpill more people before anyone takes action anywhere near as drastic as that.

Found the degenerate jew of debauchery

great synopsis op

I'm ex fiance went on the pill and this really went into full on pyschopathic behavior. I had a feeling as Frued said, that most women's neurosies were the result of not being pregnant but I also thought she was just growing up into here mother, a newly professed lesbian (after taking million$ in the father's money) and now working as a professor of feminism studies. My girlfriend began seeking out SJW who she hated because of her bad relationship with mom, but needed the support of hipster groups in such an obsessive way I couldn't understand why. Why anyone would be that upset over not having a large social scene when she didn't really value it on a conscious level. Eventually they blue pilled her hard and got her hooked on weed and bar hoping… until she started fucking one of them behind my back. She eventually married the guy which I thought was also strange because he was a beta hipster male, but had wealthy parents and lots of hipster scene friends. It was a heavy dose for me in the reality of upper-middle class pair bonding and so called "love". But romantic love isn't real… And so many young men have no idea, they just blame themselves.

It's funny how I've been aware of the last two the older I get. I knew it was the result of non-investment in society through lack of good employment and family but I'm glad you posted it OP.

There is a theory that China's constant revolutions occured because they would kill/abandon the females. This lead to scarcity and a lack of marriage material for the lower classes. The lower classes all being men with no wives and no hope would begin to invest in revolutionary behaviors.

Enjoy your high homocystiene levels idiot. Oh and don't try lowering them with folate and B12 because that only makes the problem worse.

Nobody knows what causes it, certainly not glyphosate caused reduction in certain protective bacteria, no sir no that.

Beginning in the late 1990s, medical researchers began to suspect that high levels of homocysteine (a substance produced when the body breaks down the amino acid methionine) may accelerate atherosclerosis, the primary cause of heart attacks, strokes, and intermittent claudication. During a brief period, it was widely proclaimed that homocysteine was an even more important risk factor for heart disease than cholesterol. However, it currently appears that reducing homocysteine provides minimal benefits, if any.
Most of the supporting evidence for a homocysteine–atherosclerosis connection comes from observational studies that found an association between high levels of homocysteine and increased atherosclerosis. Observational studies, however, do not show cause and effect. It is quite possible that unknown underlying factors increase homocysteine levels and also accelerate atherosclerosis, rather than that high homocysteine causes accelerated atherosclerosis. Only intervention trials (studies where people are actually given a treatment) can show whether a treatment is effective.
Several massive studies of this type were initiated in response to the observational data. The results of 5 such trials have now been reported, involving a total of more than 18,000 men and women.20,23-25,49,50 In these studies, high doses of supplementary vitamin B6, vitamin B12, and folate were used to lower homocysteine levels. None of these studies found significant benefit for preventing stroke, heart attack, or heart-related death.
A smaller study failed to find that these same homocysteine-lowering vitamins preserved mental function in people with loss of mental function caused by atherosclerosis in the brain.26 Another study failed to find that lowering homocysteine with B-vitamins can improve mental function in seniors.36 On one of the few positive notes, one substantial trial found that use of these homocysteine-lowering nutrients helped prevent restenosis (recurrent vessel clogging) after angioplasty.27
Besides atherosclerosis, correlations have also been found between high homocysteine levels and numerous other diseases, including Alzheimer’s disease, osteoporosis, complications of pregnancy, deep venous thrombosis, and pulmonary embolism.3-9,28-30 Again, however, most of the supporting evidence for a connection comes from observational studies; the results of double-blind studies are less encouraging. For example, one very substantial double-blind, placebo-controlled study failed to find that reducing homocysteine levels can help prevent recurrent deep venous thrombosis or pulmonary embolism.37 Data gathered in another study also failed to show benefit for preventing these two problems.42 Four double studies failed to find benefit for Alzheimer’s disease or other forms of dementia.26,47,48,51 In addition, double-blind studies of B vitamins for reducing osteoporosis risk have not yet produced convincing evidence of benefit.44-46
On a positive note, a double-blind, placebo-controlled study of 728 Danish seniors with high homocysteine and relatively low folate intake found that use of folate supplements slowed the progression of age-related hearing loss.39 Folate may also improve mental function in seniors with high homocysteine.40
Another study found that in people who had already had a stroke and were partially paralyzed, supplementation with vitamin B 12 and folate reduced the risk of falls leading to hip fractures.21 Participants were elderly Japanese with high levels of homocysteine and low levels of folate and B 12. It is not clear how the treatment produced this benefit: it might have reduced the tendency for recurrent strokes, strengthened bones, improved balance, or produced benefit by some other means. Another study used blood tests to look at effects on bone, and failed to find that reducing homocysteine levels had any effect.41
People with diabetes or inflammatory bowel disease ( Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis) and those undergoing kidney dialysis may be at higher than normal risk for elevated homocysteine levels. A simple blood test can determine homocysteine levels.

Every fucking time!

The only problem with Catholic's stance on it is that most Catholics are not white these days. They're breeding shitskins hard. And then you have the white girls like Katie Holmes who is raised a good Catholic girl, but being white she seeks out great expansions of the mind. Becomes a Scientologist, leaves, goes back to being Catholic, and is now pushing 40 with only one kid. I wonder how many other white catholics end up this way?

Fuck off /fringe/ the men are talking. There is no such thing chaos, just ignorance of order.

Well, it's not just Catholics, all practicing Christians generally raise responsible kids who try to wait until marriage and are more inclined to raise a traditional white family white more than 2 kids. White christians are the whites who have the most kids on average.

*with more than 2 kids

That's exactly the opposite of what I just said. I'm guessing you're one of those weirdo Christian groups that monitor this place and control opinion? Also it's the opposite of reality. Every Christian family I ever met, the kids were the worst degenerates. It was only until the modern insane Leftist craze that they begin to level out in comparison.
Also white Christians don't have more children unless you're talking about the South in america.


Not in my experience, kids with atheist or faux Christian parents are always the worst degenerates, the ones who go to church every week are the ones who stay out of trouble, get good grades, and generally don't go around looking for sex.

You sound like some fedora from reddit who's only here because it's popular to shit on SJWs now, unwilling to change your views on anything besides admitting that progressives are autistic.

This is why christcuck should stay in their own board >>>/christian/ they cant make 1 argument without going about muh kike on stick

Did I strike a nerve, kike?
Trying to get rid of the one religion that preaches the exact opposite of what your false kind embodies?

Pick one,

Christians have killed more jews than Hitler ever did, even more than (((they))) like to claim he did

And yet all christian would rather live with christian niggers than white pagans , deny racialism and preach universalism. You can kill every single jew , your semitic cult must die . If the muslim kills all christian and jewish they will not be accepted in any White-Ethnostate , All abrahamic religions undermine nationalism.
Get that in your head.

Those are not real christians, I could say the same for whites in general, most of them don't want a fascist state with only white people because they've been (((led astray))). Our core tenets have been subverted in recent ages.

The bible never implied that the races were equal, it merely said that they were equal under god in that they can all come to know Christ and follow god equally. It vehemently discourages race-mixing and all the other jewish degeneracy we see in society today.

God split the races apart for a reason, it's better to have them separate and nationalistic instead of the degenerate one world race of the tower of babel. Christianity is inherently anti-globalism.

Thats the worse argument ever, Literally the bible old and new testament is made of semitic traditions , Even if you deny the old testament and only accept the pagans traditions that christianity stole from paganism
Its still not a European religion and promotes internationalism by evangelization.

You clearly haven't read the bible, Christians don't practice semetic traditions and Jesus spoke against and freed us from their old jewish laws that promoted shillery. We don't celebrate Jew holidays, only ones that revolve around Jesus and the founding of the first church.

Evangelization in foreign countries, the solution was never to take them in, Jews took advantage of our love for people and used that to destroy our countries from within through immigration. We can all have our separate churches in separate countries consisting of separate races. You really don't know what you're talking about here.

Thats bullshit unless you have a Bible that excludes John 2:1-11 and Matthew 14:13-21 That are clearly from the Herds of Nanna (Sin in the semitic pantheon)

Oxford University

And thus…

How so? That doesn't change anything I've said. You're copying and pasting arguments you've heard from other fedoras with barely any context, while successfully derailing the thread.

Which is a Christian… Athiesm is he result of Christianity being a lie. Also, you're just here to shill and ruin another good thread.

How much do they pay you Papist?

Yeah but there wouldn't be any Jews if you didn't make them bible characters. It would be an ancient forgotten group that mated out with other Semitics not Europeans. Also no Islam.

So you dont have a bible without them? Nice i take that as a win , keep your semitic fairytales for yourself in >>>/christian/

No, the real race war is fought in the womb.

Why is it that Holla Forums can't remember this? We are already in WW3: the war for the womb

Reported for kike shill.

I've actually contributed to the thread before all of you fedoras decided to get triggered to reddit and back and start such a pointless shitstorm, I was merely responding to a post about Catholicism and Christianity increasing white birth rates and you guys sperged out because you're still in your edgy rebelling against your parents stage.

They were hated by everyone back then yet they survived. They would have survived regardless.

You didn't prove your point at all, you just threw a bunch of incoherent verses at me and then claimed victory, typical leddit "intellectual"

Gets pointed out his own bible has semitic traditions
Christianity is a semitic religion i just prove that, stealing some european paganism does not make it european .

Just like Jews are not whites , Christianity is not a european religion, does not belong in europe and must be purged with all other religions that came from Abraham and Ancient Near East.


It is neither semetic nor European, it is the religion of man. The semites have tried to hijack it and pervert it for centuries as satan would influence them to as they are and have been part of the Synagogue of Satan as the bible puts it.

You haven't won anything, you just keep struggling against someone who has already proven you wrong and knows more than you about the situation of man, but you keep trying to "debate" me, fedora in hand, not realizing you look like a turbo autist and you're derailing the thread.

What you're doing is exactly what the jews want you to do in every facet of your beliefs and the effects of your posting.

lol, you’ll be roasted right alongside the kikes you serve.

Its semitic , It was invented abraham descendants, they all come from the seat of sin , the bull horned god , god of knowledge , creator of all and father of all semitic gods .

That is some dedication to a branch of religion that is a derivative of Judaism. I understand it must be hard to counter a lifetime of being indoctrinated but Christianity is just a branch of Judaism.

You imply that because you have an old book and a priesthood around that book and hence that it is a evident truth as the righteous religion?

They are many religions that meet that criteria, just because you grew under it's influence doesn't make it holier than others or any truer than any other religion.

You defend christianity, when clearly it shares and supports Judea christian values.

See the order there, Judea first because it is older and what Christianity is based on.

You seem like a fanatic unable to open his eyes and see that.

Now you're going all pagan on me to try and prove your point, the jewish branch was the one that was perverted, the christian branch only provides greatness and purity in a traditional society. The people who built America and post medieval Europe were christians and they knew how to build a quality society without degeneracy which they outlawed in most places.

If something is born out of something perverted it can not be perfect and hence is flawed, the fact that you refuse to admit any flaw shows the disruption in your logical capabilities.

You should ask yourself, why do I think this way and why do I have trouble admitting that my religion is not perfect?

OPEN YOUR MIND TO ALL POSSIBILITIES and don't parrot and regurgitate what you have been told countless times, based on "Faith"

You sound like an NPC.

This is communist-tier relativism, shitskin religions are naturally violent and didn't create a prosperous society for them, Christianity created a peaceful safe western society more devoid of degeneracy than any before it. Western civilization alone shows that Christianity was certainly onto something, even for an armchair atheist casually observing.

I already explained why it is everything judaism is not, how can you be so tricked by (((them))) that you would believe the same people that forged Europe believe in the same degenerate shit that jews believe in which jesus denounced freeing us from old judaic law and practices. The jews, like the subversive parasites they are, weaseled their way back into our religion which was supposed to mark them as wrong and outcasts.

Not an argument you don't address my core point, you are changing the subject.

If something is born out of something perverted it can not be perfect and hence is flawed, the fact that you refuse to admit any flaw shows the disruption in your logical capabilities.

They ruinned Rome in less than fucking 60 years , Christianity is also responsible for the dark ages and you claim we were great because of a kike on a stick and not because our racial blood

-Constantine I introduces the solidus ( an aditional gold coin based currency), the cities lost their revenue from local taxes, and under Constantius II their endowments of property. They were the first 2 Christian Emperors and they fucked up the economy like no emperors did before, all of that in only 60 years.

It denounced its perversion quite clearly. It was initially perverted with the original jews of the garden of Eden but they quickly became out of hand and degenerate, (see the world before the flood, tower of babel, straying from god in the desert back from Egypy), he could only take so much of what the devil had intrinsically done to them so he reformed the religion into something entirely different that doesn't promote their selfish disgusting parasitic behaviors and supports nationalism more than any religion in existence.

Pagan gods were lose stories and cave paintings, not live accounts of a man working miracles and saving man from all sin.

You sound like a LARPer

Rome was ruined because it became degenerate in its success, it was doing extremely anti-christian things and falling back into paganism and hedonism when it fell. That's like claiming Christianity screwed up the U.S. from the future not knowing that it built the country and the countries that founded it and that the country became atheistic and degenerate at the end of its age if this is the end of our age.

The Byzantines kept the empire alive through Christianity and fucked up the mudslimes through the crusades, how can you be using this site and not see that as based?

The fact that the term Judeo Christian values is a mainstream term, goes to show you the similiarity between Judaism and Christianity and the fact you can't admit it shows your ignorance.

Christianity, is little responsible for the current developments in modern society, actually the church has always tried to stifle science and anything that wasn't in their book.

My point is Christianity is a derivative of Judaism and hence it is not perfect, and has many flaws. That does not mean they are no positives.

Those positives you claim are subjective as well, but that is an other argument.

Your arrogance is typical, of the ignorant.

Yeah the miracles from John 2:1-11 and Matthew 14:13-21 are clearly about jesus and not Sin the moon good. Clearly your local church knows more about history than the Oxford University.

Attacking via emotional and derogatory attack and not an attack based on rationality and logic.

And I am the larper?

OPEN YOUR MIND, not keep it shut by the confines of your old education.

Just like Abrahamic one ones…

That's the jews trying to weasel back into what was intended to be entirely separate from them to stop them and their bullshit. That's like claiming whites are hopeless because all of our politicians are Israel-firsters more so than any other race.

Our christian societies created an environment where freedom could thrive and people were innovative, look at atheistic and pagan societies, they did nothing but cause mass death of their own people, ex: Soviet Russia and China, the Vikings eventually getting fucked up and now atheistically committing cultural genocide in their largely atheistic socialist "utopias".

I feel like a broken record.

Not an argument to my point. Please address my point, before changing the subject.


As already told you in this post
No amount of crusades will make a semitic religion based or European , your cult dont belong in Europe.

And again you didnt refute my point , You cant explain how the first two roman emperor that converted to christianity fucked up the economy like no emperor did before. i will tell you why , because that proves how christianity is holding back white greatness…

You worship Moses and Abraham just like the Jews do and the mudslimes too that's where the term comes from

You aren't going to convince him. When you somehow talked yourself into thinking its anti Semitic to consider the Torah a holy book you aren't going to listen to reason.

Fuck you.
lol reported.
Even kikepedia can’t hide it.
Guess what’s confirmed by science? THE BOOK.

I never argue to convince the other but to convince the audience.

Once you take a position your ego is invested and quite hard to release. I even find myself in such positions. I appreciate the opportunity to highlight my argument and let people judge for themselves.

Those verses prove nothing, they are about jesus. Why would you believe (((oxford university))), the same people who we uncovered a couple weeks ago as trying to replace their history and artwork of white people with niggers and other minorities for diversity, their Marxist perversion mean nothing.

Without it, Europe never would have prospered, don't you get it? We would have no Europe and our people would be nothing like they are now. Christianity allowed us to recover from the Dark Ages caused by the degenerate collapse of the sinful late Roman empire.

One could cite a million examples of when pagans ruined the economy and much else in Rome and other societies, for example, Nero burning down a third of Rome for a degenerate pleasure palace to be built in his name, and he blamed the fire on Christians. He was certainly not helping Rome.

So… you know absolutely fucking nothing whatsoever about Christianity. Got it.

You ignore arguments that you can not address? How noble of you, and your perfect religion.

Not an argument to my point. Please address my point, before changing the subject.



I know what the term means and where it comes from, but jews became perverted by the devil and their own foolishness and are now the Synagogue of Satan, Jesus saved us from that and made a truly righteous religion and then the devil again tried to pervert it through Islam and Mohammed's degenerate conquests and pedophilia and violence.

You are the one ignoring my point, Christianity never wanted anything to do with Judaism, it denounced it and freed us from their degenerate greed.

Wew lad so all the religions are Satanic except for your own.


I know enough that you would kill your own child if a disembodied voice in your head told you to do it. Just like Abraham the Jew who's cock you can't stop sucking.

This meme needs to die.

Precisely, but modern Christians are being perverted again into race mixing and other sins by the jews, the original message is the purest thing that has ever happened in human history, no human was capable of such forgiving and loving thought back in that time besides the divine.

The original jews were the chosen but they became perverted too many times and they were given up on in favor Christianity, which was unrelated to them and meant for the world to have.

You have a source for any of that? Like a actual source not "word of god"'
This is why we all call you Christcucks

Reminder: like /christian/ we have an enemy group on Holla Forums trying to shill the "esoteric" meme. It's anti NatSoc (clearing stated in the Myth) and will destroy your ability to understand meme magic

Jews want you to Hermes…. It's a trick to steal your knowledge of NATURAL reality

You have been warned.

This is all based on god's will, so I don't know exactly what you're looking for, other than the verse in Revelations designating all jews as worshipping the devil in the synagogue of satan.

Keyword: were
This is why we call you edgy fedora kids, because you're clearing still trying to rebel against your parents like an SJW

Reported for admitting to be intl.

That is strange because Christians follow their bible and not the word of the Jew. By your point you are inferring that Christianity is so weak that it's followers can be subverted by others.

Therefore it is not perfect or even great because they cannot follow the first tenant and principle of their religion be true to the word of their God and can not follow their own dogma.

You ignore arguments that you can't address that shows how ignorant you are. LITERALLY ignore things.

I just feel bad, that your mind is so closed. Keep repeating the same old lines like an NPC.

You're ruining the thread. You're a shill

Reported for intl, then. Thanks for confirming.

Actually, Hitler was very into ocultic/esoteric stuff, you can tell from his choice of symbolism alone.

Haha, disagree with Christianity and ask questions to be supported by logic.

Be accused with irrational titles not supported in logic hence strengthening my claim that Christianity is irrational.

Allright lad allright.

Hitler believed in Christ, but believed that Jews had subverted Christianity from the start which they have.

Keep on solving those captachas!

So a work of fiction written by a human.
Neither of my parents were really much of church goers, it would be more of a rebellion if I became a Mormon or something.

No. You're a shill like /christian/. He shut them down. Exposed them. Watch the myth. It clearly state esoterics is sand nigger magic

Just stop ruining the thread

Do you not realize your rhetoric can be flipped on its head against whites?
You are wrong, it is perfect in its initial non-perverted form, do you really think jews wouldn't try to subvert people's thoughts about a book that spells out their terrible nature and their hand they play in the end times as the synagogue of satan?

All this spam of the word ignorance and "close-minded" gives off the impression you're an ex-SJW, or maybe just a shill.

Stop ruining the thread

Have you never heard the fable of abraham and isaac?

Then why are you even arguing with me on the point that they have subverted Christianity?

I am OP and I'm saging my own thread because more important shit is happening. Please go argue about your essentially equivalent solar myths elsewhere.

Not addressing my argument. Changing the subject.

Once again accusation based on emotionalism and not recreationalism.
I adressed that point many times

It doesn't get tiring spinning all those mental gymnastics to avoid questioning your own ego?

You guys are making my day this is quite entertaining to see someone struggle so hard to not question anything they were taught.

OP we are saging it for you.

Allright I am done, OP is right get back on Topic. This is going nowhere.

Goodluck Christians, hope you open your mind one day.

Like I stated earlier, I was originally responding to a post advocating that catholics were right on birth control and how it could help the white population grow without even implying that I was a christian yet the reddit crowd here sperged out on me and pretty much spammed half of the thread trying to "debate" me.

Stop ruining the thread

I directly proved why your rhetoric is incorrect and why Christianity is right, you're the one dodging the evidence.

You fedoras are honestly making me wonder whether Holla Forums has been compromised by the /r/thedonald crowd

I'll stop here out of respect for OP's great post and thread, which I was originally trying to contribute to without triggering the r/atheism kiddies

The way you go around spouting 4 year old reddit memes it looks like sadly yes.

Must be nice to not be able to know when im being ridiculous

Autism is what jews call the intelligent people affected by heavy metal toxicity, so that you'll let them die.

It's how the jews trick you into thinking that your intelligence is a genetic weakness that must be "Purged" from the gene pool.

Brain heavy metal absorption rate is directly corrolated with neural growth rate at the time of exposure.

Which means that heavy metal toxicity (such as mercury, or atmospheric metals) is a direct attack on intelligence.

Pic related, Andi-Intelligence Soma.



Autism is what i call when someone that supposedly has a million different examples , decides to use one where Tacitus mentions that Christians confessed the crime.

Educate yourself.

Thanks you capitan obvious, I will rephrase it, that what i call autistic behaviour. Better?

Get bent, Shill.

You are the one who is wrong, stop trying to trick people into thinking you are right by insulting me.

Listen summerfag i dont welcome autistic posters or autistic behaviour this is not halfchan.

If you cant see how the poster was being autistic then you probably also suffer from autism . If you dont feel okay with my post then leave the fucking board.

Stop ruining the thread, please

Stop ruining the thread please

Fuck you OP, this is the most important thread on the top right now.

You see, a Type 1 Kardashian civilization is capable of harnessing the total energy of their planet.

A type 2 Kardashian civilization is capable of harnessing the output of an entire star.

And a type three kardashian civilization is capable of harnessing the power of an entire galaxy.

You see, the total mass of the universe is mostly Dark matter, and Dark energy.

Dark Matter and Dark energy completely dwarf white energy in size, mass, and scale in the universe.

Of course, Dark matter and energy are unobservable, of course… but you would be a fool to question it, because Relativity.

Especially with the imminent return of n… Nubian… er… Nibiru?… whatever… The Super advanced Dark planet *X* that is about to return and conquer us with "lizards"

"Sir Arthur C. Clarke made a famous observation about space explorers discovering aliens: "If one considers the millions of years of pre-history, and the rapid technological advancement occurring now, if you apply that to a hypothetical alien race, one can figure the probabilities of how advanced the explorers will find them. The conclusion is we will find apes or angels, but not men."

Why? Consider the history of Planet Earth. Let the height of the Empire State building represent the 5 billion year life of Terra without Man. The height of a one-foot ruler perched on top would represent the million years of Man's existence. The thickness of a dime will represent the ten thousand years of Man's civilization. And the thickness of a postage stamp will represent the 300 years of Man's technological civilization. An unknown portion above represents "pre-Singularity Man", the period up to the point where mankind hits the Singularity/evolves into a higher form/turns into angels. Say another dime. Then they leave Terra to go to better things. Above that would be another Empire State building, representing the latter 5 billion years of Terra's lifespan without Man.

If you picked a millimeter of this tower at random, what would you most likely hit? One of the Empire State buildings, of course. So, assuming only one civilization develops on a planet, chances are the first-in-scout starship Daniel Boone will discover mostly planets that are currently empty of alien civilizations (but they might have an almost 50% chance to discover valuable Forerunner artifacts or other paleotechnology)."

D… did Kanye say that he wanted to bathe his AIDS, in your milky way?

Remember guys….

Intelligence isn't real.

Except for sports.

And Ghetto Rappers.

And jews.

Interesting read, though a lot of it relies on baseless assumptions. I'm on a phone so I don't want to make this long, but to name a few:

Just naming a few weak points. Some would argue (Orwell would be one) that it is not the suppression of reproduction which causes these issues, but the suppression of sex, which isn't wrong. After all, in whom do you see the greatest frustration and resentment towards the opposite sex? People who have sex but use contraceptives? Or people who are completely shut out of sexual relationships?

From experience working with the mentally ill, the second appears true to me. Retarded men or socially challenged men who don't get to fuck women grow extremely resentful and even misogynistic. Women in the same situation are different however: Their hostility manifests as fear and disgust rather than actual hate. Meanwhile, this kind of pathological hostility for the opposite sex isn't something I observe in people who do have sex but don't have children.

So OP, you're certainly on to something. But I think you're overcomplicating things. The suppression of reproduction is only a side effect of the true cause of the "gended war": The suppression of sex. And by sex I don't mean masturbation and pornography. Those are widely available and encouraged. Rather, I mean sexual relationships. And not mere intercourse, relationships.

That's not even in the thread. Get off your phone and go back to making me a Whopper with cheese! With CHEESE!

Two consecutive shill posts

Right there in the OP. Feel free to actually read what people write before replying.

The attack on gamers is actually an attack on intelligent males.

Because statistically speaking intelligent males are shunned from social interaction, and retreat into vidio games.

Thus, to attack intelligent males without making it LOOK like they are trying to attack intelligent males.

They just find everything that intelligent males like doing, and imply that everyone who does that is a [Insert SJW buzzword here]

They don't want smart people breeding.

So they do everything to prevent that.

They want dumb people breeding, so they try everything to make that happen.

They are altering our environment, to shape "Natural Selection"

They deliberately design society so that being intelligent is LITERALLY a detriment to survival, because they go out and Wreck their shit.

Humans if studied as an animal would be classified as serial monogamous, or predominately monogamous. Your feels against this concept probably stem from having failed to achieve alpha-fatherhood and thus reverted to the omega strategy of opportunistic sex.

Extremely complex compared to what? Compared to mothering instincts of an ape? Compared to that what I'm proposing is trivial.

Those are great counter points.

Trying to debunk them, I can't.

Right, go right for the ad hominem. Monogamy is certainly widespread nowadays in the west, but it isn't like that everywhere, nor was it always like that.

As for "complexity", the human psyche certainly is complex, but OP is implying the existence of mental structures so strong and complex that they can generate specific responses and behaviors in people. The most reliable description of mental structures ever accomplished was in Jung's archetypes, which are the building blocks of the collective unconscious, and even the most pervasive examples he managed to pin down such as the mother or the shadow do not produce such specific responses.

Also, why the sage? Do you even know what that does?

Thing is, they're not even counter points. I think the OP is on to something, just that he needs to solidify his thesis.

If we can look at cultures (Islam, West pre 1800) that do have early marriage, we can say that they don't engage in the behavior of adoption, beta servitude and so on, however it can be correlated with cultures that do, but correlation is not causation.

Then again your point's are just as baseless as OPs. Obviously burden of proof lies with the person laying the claim, but still valid to point out.

Most cultures do value and practice monogamy especially when measured as % of global population. Still they are strong examples of polygamy

Humans probably have the most complex reproductive system than any other mammal, definitely the longest gestation period

You can argue that even people with sexual relationships still engage in the side effects OP mentioned. However you can't make a strong case that people who have children as soon as they ovulate have the characteristics OP mentions. Find me a case of a 13 year old mother adopting someone's children. I could do the opposite though and find someone sexual active who does adopt children. Angelina Jolie for example.

It would make sense, while we obviously don't have empirical data, that the human body has secondary strategies in order to aid the tribe, when they fail to conceive it would be just as foolish to dismiss the idea they do.

True but they are question marks.

Can you repeat in layman terms? It sounds like you are saying the mind is complex but not it's biology?



I Can't stand it, I know you planned it.
I'm a set it straight this watergate.
I can't stand rocking when I'm in here

Yeah I global reported you from the other thread.

Dis supposed to be Aurora, right, jews?

because your
crystal ball
ain't so
crystal clear.
So while you sit back and wonder why
I got this fucking thorn in my side


Oh my God, it's a mirage
I'm tellin' y'all it's sabotage

So listen up 'cause you can't say nothin'
You'll shut me down with a push of your button?

In layman's terms:

Mental structures, as far as we know, do not have a physical existence and are rather an attempt at classifying repeating patterns in human thought. They are thought to be the result of the brain's anatomy: After all, all humans share the same basic brain structure, and thus will on some levels have the same potential for ideas, which is the idea behind the collective unconscious and archetypes. This in turn explains why different individuals with different backgrounds will come up with similar ideas, or have similar dreams, or similar visions, etc. It's basically the built-in software of the human mind. In animals, it manifests as instincts.

Now, you have to understand that those mental structures are influenced by a variety of factors. As an example, a certain archetype might not manifest in an individual until they experience a certain thing. You also have to take into account free will, reason, etc.

Give me a few minutes, I'll type out an example Jung gave which should help clarify it. The gist of it is: Archetypes only provide the basic skeleton for ideas.

But yo I'm out and I'm gone
I'll tell you now I keep it on and on

Female cat gets hungry -> abandons young

Female cat has food -> teaches kittens to hunt

Animal migrations

Untrained dogs respond to whistle commands


So many examples of complex instincts in nature. You're overthinking this but really it's very simple.


All right, Jung's example:

At the beginning of his career, Jung worked in an asylum. One of the patients was a simple minded man who had been committed there for decades. One day, he found him looking out the window, bobbing his head up and down. He goes to him and asks him what he's doing, and the patient tells him to try it. So he does, and he says he doesn't see anything, to which the patient replies something along the lines of "What, you can't see the sun's penis?"

That intrigued Jung, so he had the patient draw what he saw. Many years later, while visiting a museum, he saw something which struck him. It was a painting depicting a ritual of sun worship in a foreign land which looked almost identical to the patient's drawing. Here, the "sun's penis" was supposedly the sun's power communing with the priest. Jung noted that a simple minded and ignorant madman of the late 19th/early 20th century had the same vision as a high priest in a completely foreign land, hundreds of years ago. And that the priests of that cult had learned how to recreate this mystical experience and teach others how to achieve it. And the patient had somehow accidentally stumbled upon it. To Jung, this was evidence of shared mental structures between people.

But here is where I make my point: Both the priests and the madman saw the same thing. But where the priests saw it as the sun's power entering them, the madman saw it as the sun's penis. We share the same mental structures, but how they manifest can and will vary, depending on many things, including our life experiences and our ability to reason.

Hope that clarified it somewhat.

is this supposed to be upsetting?

That you payed a whore to have sex on camera?

Thank you for the clarification, I should of just googled it, I did some reading and watch some videos.

Then again Jung didn't conduct his research at a time where this type of scenario was prevalent so it would be impossible for him to having the chance to define it.

Why could it not be argued as a possible new archetype?

There is a case for correlation between the two (no children from ovulation leads to mentioned behaviors and not vice versa)

My concern with your what I understand to be your argument being the primary basis for the gender war is unfilled healthy sexual relationships, is that we can find examples of people with healthy sexual relationships that indulge in OP mentioned behavior however, it becomes difficult to do so, when we look at examples of young parents.

See my Angelina Jolie / Brad Pitt example of adoption. One of many couples who we can assume have healthy sex lives and are not from the retarded socially ill demographic you mentioned.

To be honest, I am wondering if Newtons flaming laser sword applies here.

A philosophical razor which states that what cannot be settled by experiment is not worth debating.

The only instance in which I perceive that it doesn't is with viewing correlation patterns and scenario based examples. Causation would be impossible to precisely determine with the numerous factors of humans. Impossible when you navigate the subconscious.

Except those aren't complex. What would be complex is cat has no food, abandons children, starts walking with its front left paw in the air and hisses at snakes.

Which is what I'm getting at. It's not much of a stretch to say that people denied sexual relationships will experience frustration which might be directed at the opposite sex. Claiming that it is reproduction itself which triggers it, and that its absence leads specifically to pathological feminism and homosexuality? That's kind of a stretch. If you were to say it promotes it and is a contributing factor, I would agree. But those results are too specific to be caused by the reproductive drive, which tends to be much weaker than the sex drive.

Female has unsatisfied reproductive urge -> adopts cats

Female feels man is withholding sex -> resents men

Female suffers several failed relationships -> heightened social paranoia in attempt to correct undesirable traits…. more virtue signaling

It's really pretty damn simple.

It's dangerous to go alone!

Take this botnet disguised as hacking software, pawn.

Nice psyop.

It would be a shame if something…..

Happened to it.

For the first one, don't say "adopts cat", but rather "redirects maternal instinct to a surrogate". Suddenly, it becomes much more plausible.

The resentment they feel towards men can also manifest in a variety of ways, not just pathological feminism and homosexuality. Let's take the opposite gender as an example. How do men manifest their resentment when denied sex and get punished for trying to build a family? Well, we got pick-up artists, we got MGTOW, we have those who just bury themselves in work, we have those who pick up a gun and start shooting, etc. The cause is the same, but the response is varied.

First of all, understand that Jung himself said that it's pointless to try and make a list of archetypes and name them all. Those he described and named, he did so to give an empirical basis to his theory. What's really important is understanding the existence of the collective unconscious and its components, the archetypes, which explains shared behaviors, ideas and visions between people despite isolation.

So yes, there could definitely be an archetype based around reproduction and its suppression, and I'm sure that if we look in mythology, we'll find motifs surrounding the topic.

As for the flaming laser sword, it doesn't really apply. It's meant for experimental science, while psychology is far more descriptive (though experimental psychology does exist).


there is no gender war you dumb kike
that this thread got to 232 is a shame in itself

fucking sage this jew shit

Did you bother to read what he posted?

I've been thinking a lot about this since yesterday.
Why wouldn't a father, after seeing his daughter go through puberty and reach that age where it's obvious she's craving an adult relationship with a man, try to introduce her to men he approves of? Men that are matured and can take care of her emotional and physical needs?
Has anyone been to a website or chat room consisting of 13-16 year old girls? They are all miserable. They're unbelievably horny and lonely, the majority fantasize about being in a relationship only older men can provide, since boys their age are just… boys. This sort of desperation does cause girls to make stupid decisions. girls this age are ready for families, they crave it, but are only allowed to be with boys their own age who are not ready for that sort of responsibility. Their needs and interests are different, they clash, which leads into the trend of several failed hetero relationships throughout middle school and highschool. We're all just being set up for failure…
Should I set my future daughters up with stable men when theyre of age, or would it be too risky to attempt without fear and danger of social rejection, or being labled as a neglective and abusive parent and having my children taken away?

It makes sense, and is historically normal, but due to premarital sex men try to protect their daughters from any dating, instead.

Try to do as much as you can. You can experiment by introducing your sister, cousin, or whatever to older men of good character.

Different human populations would be classed differently.

Wrong, but in an interesting way. There is no evidence that gamma males are smarter than alphas. But even if alphas are typically smarter, the argument still holds; alphas have lots of sex, but they don't breed. To breed, they have to give up their soft harems and settle down.

Nobody listened to you in my Hermes thread, either :^)

Im a little pissed right now, I kind of feel like I was cheated out of happiness when I was younger. Instead of being a sexually frustrated raging bitch during highschool, my dad could have set me up with one of his friends and I could have been happy and started on my family much earlier. instead I was sheltered, and punished and shamed everytime I was caught showing romantic interest in a boy to the point I became rebellious as all hell, making my family just as miserable as I was. I just know I'm going to have to do something different with my future daughters.

Oh, please. Shit is funny as hell. Also helps to continue shifting the Overton window.

I found the shill

How many

this is a really good thread op

anti slide

On that note, here’s my list.

Women’s mate selection changes when their body is flooded with synthetic progesterone. A well-adjusted fertile woman will seek men who have a tribal–but not familial–similarity to herself. This reduces the chance of inbreeding, even among more distantly related individuals. This attraction is based on three major factors: appearance, pheromones, and antibody signaling.
For anyone who isn’t familiar, one of the main evolutionary benefits of kissing is that it allows the exchange of antibodies through saliva, which in turn allows an individual to determine the relative intersection of antibody distribution between themselves and a potential mate. A more robust cross-section of antibodies will generally improve the immune system of offspring by giving them a greater statistical resistance to pathogenic threats.
Physical appearance signals both health and fertility. In addition to intelligence (more attractive people are more intelligent, on the whole) This is another reason the “dumb blonde” and similar stereotypes are so effective at skewing the mate selection process and encouraging miscegenation: if individuals can be put into a false dilemma when choosing potential mates, they are more likely to make poor decisions based on a fallacious “least bad” calculus instead of simply choosing the person that, in purely instinctual terms, is the most attractive), but it also signals genetic relation. If someone looks just like one of your parents, they probably are more closely related to you than someone who simply bears a racial resemblance. Note that oxytocin, the bonding hormone, causes women to favor people who have a closer racial resemblance to themselves. In other words, another risk from hormonal BC is that because it undermines deeper emotional bonding between women and potential mates, it erodes their natural tendency to seek mates from their own ethnic group.
Pheromones signal both social dominance and hormonal disposition, both of which are pivotal when evaluating the social status, social disposition, and overall health of mates. It also signals nearness of relation–just like appearance, if someone smells just like your family, they’re probably more nearly related to you than someone who does not.
When a woman is pregnant, she becomes more drawn toward family members–this is a way to encourage her to seek support and resources from a reliable source and to maximize the chances of carrying the child to term. Anyone who has had a pregnant wife will probably remember that she wanted to spend more time around her parents or siblings than she otherwise would.
When a woman is on hormonal BC, this perverts her mate selection process (it also fucks up mate selection for single pregnant women, but that’s not as important to this discussion) by causing her to be drawn to men for whom she would otherwise have no attraction at all, as they remind her of her immediate family, particularly in terms of scent.
There is a well-known phenomenon that when women who have been on BC since they started dating go off it to have kids, there are often cases where she suddenly finds her husband repulsive, or stops being capable of seeing him as a sexual object, even if they had a semi-healthy sex life beforehand. They often describe the smell of their husbands as intolerable, even if they previously found it comforting. This causes BC to have a “double protection” effect, since women on BC are physically incapable of reproducing, but women off BC will not be attracted to their current mate. This can result in either cuckoldry, since her reproductive impulses will be stronger with no acceptable outlet, or simple divorce.

So you’re basically a fucking retard, then.

Reported for intl.

Remember to report all intl shills.

I am disappoint

you're a major retard, watch The Myth to find out why

Perfectly good thread destroyed by (((Christians))) again. I'm so sick of their mental disorder and childish temper tantrums on here with no thought process outside of womanly emotions


Contraceptives in general have destroyed the entire family structure and dating process.

What about opening the Pandora Box of Artificial Wombs?

Just the mere suggestion might make feminists squeal. They already go nuts at waifus and waifubots in a ridiculous way.

artificial wombs are the beginning of the state editing your childs dna and creating an artificial environment of total control before birth from the beginning, fucking luciferians worshipping technology while reviling the divine shit makes me sick these perma virgins afraid of clits and too effeminate and scared to even approach a woman, banking on technology to give them back everything it has taken from them.

Why stop there? Once artificial wombs develop, we can just convert all the cucks into females (what they want to be anyway) and then remove feminists from the gene pool. Hell, we could exterminate all women if we wanted to.


Shameless upvote.

We're changing the political tide simply by shitposting the kikes. Godspeed you glorious bastards.